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<br /> � WBEREAS, Lher� will continue to be an irri ation well 'r��;:-`:='��-''�,°
<br /> � located upon Gra�LOrs' Tract which Grantees shagl be entitled to � � �' � r{ '�
<br /> � . utilize for the:;ti�e�efit of Grantees' Tracc in accordarace wfth the �,�,��,,,,::;�=
<br /> • terms of this;`Agree�te��; -.
<br /> - �: . .. . ..,,: ::-�::
<br /> :�. Sn7H�RE�S, said �we�����:�:�i.s located �at a point "approxi�natel� • �`��_L�'� ����
<br /> ;- ,.. .�,;.;,:� ;;�_
<br /> - ��"Tt���v�� (.�:�� F'eet Sout�i�:;;�.iid. Sixty-Six (66) Feet East af the North- , ::�: -°i:;�
<br /> � .`,���� eas�t .�.�rri�'� of the Grant�es.'. Traet as surveyed; I' �`
<br /> . . . . . _ . .{.,.f.-i.. ,.[7'
<br /> , WHEREAS, Grant�ars�� a�z�.e::°to create an easement and grant of �-.
<br /> :;;;;;
<br /> right te coneinued use �f�;wa�er produced by the aforedescribed � :.
<br /> . ,:,,,
<br /> ' we�����.,acated upon Gra:�t��s;' Tract for the benef it �f Grant�es' _
<br /> .. .. -:;;.::
<br /> . . .
<br /> ::;;::TraGZ:'fv.r irrigatiaR_�s�'�goses; __ :::. :
<br /> � . . . -- -, . . -- - ---—_--- ;:,;�:s_
<br /> WHEI2��sS,_ Grantors :ai�r.ee to grant an easement for access to -
<br /> ,:su:�h wel�..� , � � ,. , ,:1:,
<br /> ; . .
<br /> , , �:`:.+� �� t�ef�,'' THER�F'bRE, in consideration of the mutual covenants '
<br /> .:::;,:. .. -
<br /> � he�ein contained, iG is �agreed: � �
<br /> , 1: Term of Usage Rzght. So long as �the aforedescribsd .
<br /> i��igacion well located �ugo�s ,the Grantors' Tract �hall c�ntinue �
<br /> to produc� water withoi�`t �t'ie��:�eect that it be re-driY�ed ,
<br /> � Grantees;. their hei�s,�:successors at�d assigns', shal� be entitled �
<br /> co utili�� such irrigatian wel1. loca.�ed upon the Grantors' Tract ;,�� ,�
<br /> for the purpose of providing ��rigatgan water to the Grantees' . :
<br /> Tract. , . � � ' -- .
<br /> ` , • � : � . . i �\�
<br /> �. Easement for �Access. In addition to the usage grant in . .�
<br /> , respe�t to� the zrrigation well which is the subject of this _
<br /> Agreement, so long as the afo�edes�;ribed irrigation well located� _
<br /> upon tl�e Grantors' Tract shall continue to produce water w�thout
<br /> the nc�ci �.iiac it be te-drilled, Grantvr5 {1CCCUZ! ��:ant and cat�vey � - . _ -
<br /> unto Grantors, Gheir heirs, successors an� ass3gns, an easement :�:`
<br /> � far access to, together with rights of ir.�r�ss. and egress, over, ��
<br /> unde�, on and acr�ss, that real estate described as:
<br /> A tract locate� .in the �3arthwest QuarteX (NWl/4) of }
<br /> Section being Ts,��nty-Tr�ree (23) , Township Twelve ( 12) }
<br /> North, Range Ten E10) �a�st of the 6th P. M., Hall � ;
<br /> County, Nebraska, Tw�nty (201 Feet in 4Jidth and Eighty . �
<br /> � (80) Feet in L�ngCt�, havin� as its center line that � •,r�
<br /> 1 ine described as commencing at�:.a point located One �.�
<br /> � Thausand �ive �I�ndred Sever� and 14/144 (1 ,507.14) feet .
<br /> �ast and �welv2 (12) fe�t South o� Lhe Northwest (NW) •
<br /> � Carner of said Northwest ��arter (NWI/4), thence con-
<br /> ' , tinuiny East (E) and para11�1 : t� the i�arth (N) Section
<br /> � Line a distance �f Eighty (80) .�eet ;
<br /> tt�r �h� �urpases of utilizing the irr#gati.a� we�l, including the
<br /> �l��emc�nt of such �ipe a�td pawer units as m3y be necessacy t�
<br /> cvr�v�y wat�r fram su�h irriyatian wc12 to t,�e Grantees' Tract and
<br /> � t�, E�erm�t Grant�e �a inspect, maintain, onerate, xepafr and matce .
<br /> � ,:, .-...r�_
<br /> . 2 ' � �
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