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<br />- =Ffutsr.7..t��. -"°''�ald.cs� '�li6FA�s�d,a2ff'.•�"•� ' A���`IYrX� S'&�SiF._�..• .---.
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<br /> [.
<br /> ' ' 90--ia��5� '
<br /> craps thareon, vr to collect the rents therefrom, and to app�y
<br /> [� the proceeds thereof to the payments of the debt hereby secured.
<br /> 1
<br /> As addittonal. and collateral� security for payment of Che .
<br /> Note and indebtedness hereinbefore descrfbed, tY�e said Trustor . _
<br /> hereby assigns to the Beneficiary, i�ts successors or assigns, aIl � ,
<br /> the prof its, revenues, royalties, rights, and benefits accruing
<br /> . � to it under� all� ox1, gas, or- mineral leases an said premises.
<br /> This assignment to terminate and become null and void upo:�.the
<br /> release of this Deed of Trust. . � _
<br /> • � � 2� �ii� ev�nt th�.��eneficxary shall elect to :f�reclose this
<br /> Deed _6�=':`�st _as a *�fa.�gaqe; Trustor agre�.,-tha�.-_�.�ie Cour:t.in
<br /> � �vhich �suc� ��t�i�n shafi be �r8ught ff; .or an�.�:�;udge...�€�..suctt� :ourt,
<br /> . ' ' eit�ter' ��.��.;��e�'. timc:��.:in vaca�idriQ: .%s here�y au�;^i�i�ized, upon . - -
<br /> - � :apglic*��:�.�e�:�t�pref��;`�-;L.'o ap�oint a :��ceiver to tw��:possession of ' .. ., '
<br /> e.�e �s���� ����i"s•as:�a'�d.�•.a.��:���ps thereon. ar to coi��ct rents �
<br /> � ' r�ierefromr ar'LW.-. �o dc�` a��_ �L��arm such othEr.��acts as, may. �e � -
<br /> required by tf�e orde�,�f �t�i� Court making `t�#;e appointmea�; and � ,�.'...:;��
<br /> . � the Trustor hereby ca:xsents to the appoint��nt of, a Receiuer upon : ..
<br /> ; - _ the production of tiiIIS inflenture, without: ��frer evi.dence. �. . •- • �
<br /> Fach par:ty to ,���is Deed of Trust r�ques:�,g t�t�t a copy of any ` �
<br /> notice of d��ault ar� a copy oE any notice €��. sal.� hereurider be � �
<br /> mailed ta eaeh sucFx paccy at the address set� f�rth herein, as . '
<br /> provided by t�e Nebraska Trvst� D�eds Act. �
<br /> �:,':
<br /> :;..:,_�
<br /> " And in thc��� ever.t of the. foreclosure a€. this Deed of Tr��st, . ,
<br /> � Trustor covenants and aqrees to pay the cost of extending ths -,_::"�:
<br /> abstract of title or obtaining, a certif icate of title from the �� ,
<br /> date of recording this Deed..of Trust to the date of filing suit
<br /> or exercising the nower of sale herein gra¢►�ed, and upon failure �; -:
<br /> of said �arty Zo t�o so, a11 money so advance�d by Trustee shall
<br /> bear int�rest ar tbe rate of Fourteen Per�ant (148} per annum an3 � -
<br /> snall be seeureci by this incien�ure. in adc�itivn, leust6r agrees . =,-_-
<br /> to pay a reasonable attorney's fee for the �srosecution of a fore- ' ';�
<br /> , ciosure action, which shall �e added to the �rincipal balance at �
<br /> the tir�e a €oreclosure decree shall he enteNe@ or shall be paid �4�
<br /> by the Trustor iE Trust�e agrees that the default �ay be cured ��
<br /> after the institution of a foreclosure suit.
<br /> � �
<br /> � The Trustee shall have �he xight to re��ase� with or without f
<br /> consideration or credit on the indebtedness hereby secured, any ,
<br /> part of the property herein desCribe� by adequate legal instru- - �
<br /> ; ment without regard to the existence of any junior encumb rance
<br /> and without . thg co�sent of �uch junior enc�a�brancer, and such � ��.
<br /> release shall �tave no furth��. effect upon z�e rank, lien or � � �
<br /> estate eonveyed herekry ar against the Trustee than is therein . ;
<br /> expressed.
<br /> . ....... .-----�--
<br /> : .._.._._Beneficia�y.may..at -.an� �ime--and---fxam�--t�me�---to- time-��PPoint.--a---- --- ._. . _ ..._ . .
<br /> successor Trustee by �il ing �or recard in each ca�snty where the �
<br /> . trust pxoperty or pa�� �hereof is l:�oated a notic� of Substitu-
<br /> t f on of Trus t�e.
<br /> Trustor �urther cavenants and agrees that in the evo nt the�
<br /> real estate hereinabove described, ar any �ortion thereof, or any
<br /> � interest thetein, is sold ar cvnvey�_9 ot becomes subjecti to an ,�
<br /> � ageeement to se21 or convey prior t� the time the indebtedness
<br /> hereby s�cured shall have been pa id in- ��i��., then the ent i re ; .
<br /> indebtedness shall become immediately d�e �nd p�ayable at the
<br /> apti.on of the Benef iciary. :
<br /> : . That if the ro� ert , or an � ! T .-
<br /> p � y y part theceo£ , be c;ondemned �
<br /> . �nder any power of eminPnt domain, or acquired fc�r pubtic use, +�
<br /> L th� d�m�ges, pr�ceeds, and the consider�e ion fc�r such acr�u if;i-
<br /> tion, to the �xtent o€ th� full amc�unt ��E inc�et�tedness u�E�n this �
<br /> flced vf Tru�t at�ci the td�te s�:cured herehy remaining un�ai�i are F.
<br /> i�c:r�sby as�;i�3n�e: by Trust��r ta th�,� 'naldec of r��a2d 'Jote: �r�d ti�t�c� ��f
<br /> � '�'r�,.�t an=3 �;hal � he ���e� f�rthwir_*� tv s�i�j r�r�lcjer t°• i�� ap�li�d .f�y ; � ��.
<br /> - n <
<br /> ; ,
<br /> . �
<br />