; � �. . . . .. ,� ��t��;� '' �,'pa� `'�
<br /> ... . _ _ _
<br /> .�_.� �•�.,.iafic h�s3z� ... _. ., .. . � .. `' . '� la€�Rlf���v.._�i .�_c�. �:F: �'�cs.�s��..
<br />.__ ---—--- k`,�3h.�:�c ------ ----3.,�..-�.`kai,d�J&Fi4�.�c;_4e ....�;;��e.i�:ii^�_�� �ifYKtilsc'�t�l� frC1Pd`i�:...:-nnirrxzK.,;3-a��:.
<br /> �---- -- T - ..... '. . , . � — . . . .- --_. .� - . ,. � .c � �- - .-
<br /> . � . .. . . . . - ` � - ' - �
<br /> �. . :�.� .r-. � � - � . 9a--�o� ■ �� � . �
<br /> _r
<br /> neverthel�ss_.,:tf�at ir� aase �f de€aulti in the payment of said ,
<br /> rNote, or ar�y•�a�rt therebf,- or in the payment of interest thereon,
<br /> according ta,:the tenor and effect of said Note, principal or
<br /> � interest,. if�--`a�y., ar in case defaul.t st�all be made in or in case �
<br /> of vio2ation�i ar breach� �of any of t�e terms, c�ondieions, covenants , � ,
<br /> or agreemenGs herein eontained, then a�l sums secured hereby •-
<br /> shall immed�.ateLy� become due and payable at the ontion of the
<br /> holder a€ �Pie•Nbter. and the Trustee inay proceed to sell the prop- ` �
<br /> erty in�: a�aQrdari�e with the Nebraska T�ust Deeds Act (Sectian 76- .
<br /> 1D�.I�.et.. ��-; j:. Trustee shall' receiv.e a .�ee of �ne Pe�ecent (1$�
<br /> of the entEfre..irtd�btedness then owing tc� Beneficiary as a fee in � '
<br /> � exercisiitgj �:Yie power of sale. � � .
<br />. . � , . �A�d.i,;t�ltie. Trustor covenants and agr�es to and with the Ti�s�ae . � ` ":.
<br /> � �,;;��'.�:
<br /> •.��I��t�.'a��;.=:�Yie time of the enseal ing of and del.ivesy of these gr�.';,�:::.�..:��:.:•:.�� : �.,::::,;< •
<br /> ;� ,��a�Cs.�, it is well seized �f the said premi�es in fee sirap�c ��_: ,:' . . . '� �
<br /> : .���,:r..,. . .•".���!>g�d� riqht, fuL�L power, and lawfe�l authoritp to grant, bas,.� , - � ;� � ,
<br /> `'����:,�:�. �� -� '��:��::'`tjai�; � sell and- cr�rcv��y th� same in� manner and form as aforesaid;• � �
<br />� ' �.,����;,"j,`���`` and� that the same are f�=��: and clear of all liens and sneum- . " �
<br /> .; � . '" � brana�s whatever and the i�erein bargainec3 premises in the quiet ,
<br /> _ - and���teaeeable possession of the Trustee against all and every
<br /> `��.�i��� person or persons lawfuliy claiming or to -claim the whole or any ,
<br /> � ' part thereof, Trustor sh��L and will warrant and forever defend.
<br /> And the� Trustor will pay a13 _fi�axes and assessments 'on said � �� �
<br /> premises immediat���r when they ��.ome due and pa�rable; .and, at � � . +�
<br /> the request of the �egal h�lder �f said Note, will keep all '
<br /> buils�ings that may at any t�:�e. :�c, on said premises, du�ing the
<br /> continuance r�f said indeht��;nessr insured against lass by fire in '�.��
<br /> such c�am any or co anies ar�c� �o� �uch amounts as the holder of `����'�
<br /> P � i ' � '.
<br /> sai� 'lote may from time to time direct, not to exceed the amount
<br /> �
<br /> of said indebtedness, exce�t at the option of Trustor, with loss, .` '
<br /> if any, payable to the Beneficiary hereunder as its interest may -
<br /> � appear, and will deliver the policy or policies of insurance, , � -
<br /> accor.►panied by premium receipts to the Benefir_ia�-y her.PUnder, �s , -=_
<br /> further security for ,the indebtedness aforesaid. And in case of �=
<br /> the refusal or neglect of Trustor to Chus insure and deliver such �;.T
<br /> pol icies of insuxanCe or t-� pay such taxes or assess�e�:,ts, then. .
<br /> ' the holder af said Note r�ay procure' such insu.ra��e, or pay such
<br /> , , , tax�s or assessments, and all moneys thus paid, with interest �
<br /> ; ther�cn at the rat� of Fourteen Peroent (lA�) per annum, shall 3
<br /> become so �uch add��ianal �.�idebtedness, secured by this Deed of �?,' "�
<br /> ' � Trust, and shall �e �ai� c.:� of the proceeds of Che sale of the , �
<br /> lands and premises a�rsresaid, if r_�t otherwise paid by said • `� -�
<br /> ; Trustor. � � ;�
<br /> � ��'
<br /> ;� :
<br /> Beneficiary shall hav�� the right, power and authority during .
<br /> the continuanc� oF this De�a of T��st to col.lect the rents, � •,
<br /> issues and ptof its af the prcpert.f and of any personal property
<br /> located thereon wi�.i1 or without �d�cing uassession of the property '
<br /> affected hereby, and Trus�or hereby abso��tiely and uncondition-
<br /> . .. ... . ._. .--- . .. _.
<br /> a y assigns a such rents, issues and nro .its to BeneF c ary.
<br />. � Be»eficiary, hc�wev�r, hereby consents to Trustor's collection and �
<br /> � retention of such rents, issues �nd profits as they accrue and
<br /> � become payable, so �long as Trustar is� not, at such time, in
<br /> default with respect ta payment af any indebtedness secured
<br /> her�by, ar in the perfo�mance aE any agseement hereund�r. If any
<br /> e`vent af default described her�aftar in respact ta this Deed of �- -
<br /> Trust shall have occurred and be cpntinuing, 8eneficiary, as a .---_----
<br /> matrer of right and• withaut notice to Trusrc�r or anyon� claiming �
<br /> un�3er Trustvr, and without regard to the value of the trust
<br /> estate �r the interest of the Trustor therefn, shall have the �
<br /> right to app2y to any court having ju r. isdictf�n Lo a�point a � �
<br /> - reec:iv�r vf the pc�percy. Ic is f�rther �gre�ci �ha� in cas� of -
<br /> default in the �ayment �f the said 'principal Nate or int�rest, ar 1' �
<br /> � any p�rt ther�:o� , as it shall mature, or. in thc case c�f failurE�
<br /> tU kae�p or. per£�rr.► any of thc cuvcnants c�r �yr�ements cont�ineri
<br /> in thi�: ne:_ed of_ TrUSt, then th� �3en�f iciarty, it,� succ���:sor5 �r R
<br /> a.;:,i�ns., yhall b� anc4 i;y h�.•ret3y authoriz��� r�n� em�s�v�er�:.i tv t��k�� ��
<br /> irnmveiie7LE: �U�i!iC!:i:ilqR ��" �flE� ��e�IC� �7CE,'rt17.S4s h�re:�,y C"VI1VC!3!t'.tj �111t� :t� � �
<br /> ' ,�> ..
<br /> .... . .
<br /> � ' �
<br /> , � ,
<br />