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<br /> ' � ,t.PAYYENT OF PRiNCIP�!AND INTEREST. Trustor shai� pror.�ptiy pay v�nen due the pnnc�pat�t and�ntETes4 on the�ndenteaness
<br /> . evidencedbytheNate,ahdalFOtherchargesartdfeesasprovidedentheNote.andthepr�ncipalofandlnteiestonanyFutu:eAdvancessecured
<br /> � by this TruSt t}aed. ' , - . � - . - ,
<br /> , �.WAHp�H�OFTITLE.Trustoristawfultyse�zedBPdpassessectotgooAandirtdefeas�btet�tleandestatetothePropertyherebyconveyed � ,
<br /> � • and has the right to grant and convey the Property:the Property is tree anei clear ot ait tiens and encumbrances except t�ens nov�af record:and
<br /> ,Trustor witi warrani anb detend the title to the Property against al!ctaims and demands.,
<br /> 3 MAINTENANGEANOCOYPLIANCEWiTHLAWS.trustorshallkeepiheProperty�ngaodrepairandcond�tionandshal�nolcomm�tvraste
<br /> . �. Or permit�mpdirment Qt deterioration of the�roperty and sh81i compty with the provis+ons of any lease if lh�s Trust Deed is an a teasehold.No
<br /> improvement no+iv ar hereatter erected uponthe Property shal!he attered.ramo�ed or demolished witho�'Y the pnorwntten consentot Benefr;;eary.
<br /> .. Trustorshaltcomptyw�tha111aws.ordinances,regulations,covenants,candit�onsandrestrictionsatfectingthePropertyandnotcdmm�t.sutferor
<br /> . permit any act to tre done,n oc upnn the Prope�ty in viatatio�of any 1aw,o:dinance,regulatioa.cavenant,condition or resu�cUOn.Trustor shaft . ,
<br /> . comptete or restore prnmptly and in good workmanlike manner�any impravement on the Property which may be damaged or desirayed and pay.
<br /> wh�n due,all ctaims tor labor pe�f�rmed and matenals(urnished therefor and for any a►tera�tions thereof. � • - -
<br /> � 4.INSUR�NCE_Trustor,at itsexpense,witf mainsain with insurors appcoveQby Benef�c�ary,insurancewith respectto the�mpr�veraents and . - .
<br /> , psrsOnal property,constituting the Property,against toss by fire,ligRtning,tornado,and other periis artd hazards covered by standarA extended
<br /> - coverage irtdorsement.in a;n amount equal to at teast one hundred percent(iU0°�o}ot the futl replacement value thereof and�nsc.rance aga+nst .
<br /> � - suchatherhazardsand�nsuchamountsas�scustomaritycarriedbyownersandoperatorsofsimQarpropertiesoras8eneficiar�rmayrequ�refor
<br /> .- .
<br /> its protsction.Trustor wilt compty w�th such other reqmremen(s as 8enehciary may from time to time requesifor the protection hy�nSOranceaf;he •
<br /> �nterestsoftherespectiveparnes.AilmsurancepoliciesmaintainedpursuanitotbisTrustOaedshallnameTrustorandBertefict�ryasmsured.as _ -
<br /> Iheir�espectiv��nterests may appear,and prav�de ihat there be no canceilation or modification without at teast 15 days priorwni?�nnotiticat�on to� .
<br /> ' Trusteea�d8enefcciarymayprocuresuchinsurancemaccordancewiththeprou�sionsofparagraph6hereof.Trustorshalfde!r[��:?a9eirei�s�ary
<br /> � � theorigimalpol�c�esofinsuranceandrenewalsthereoformemocop�esatsucbpoliciesandrenewalsthereot FailuretofurnishsL'Gii,rtsuranc�by '
<br /> Trustar,or r�rte�tals as reqwred hereunder shalt.at the opflon qf Ben�ficiary,constitute a detault. ,
<br /> 5 TAXES.ASsESSMENT3 AND CHARGES..Trustor shali pay aIi taxes,assessments and other charges.�ncluding,without t�m�tat�on,f�nes
<br /> artd�mposiiioris aitr�butab�a to the property and Ieasehold paymgnts or g�bund rents,it any,before the same trecome delmquent.Trust�r shall •
<br /> - . pier�ptfytumishtobeneficiary'altnoticesotamountsaueuntlertb�sparagraplr.and�nmeevenrin::�~shattmakepaymentdirecEly.Ttuslvrsfia8 - - ---
<br />, � prumptly�tumish to Beneficiary rece�pts evidertemg suCh�ayments.Trustor sha11 pay afl taxes and�ssessrrents wh�Gh may be levied uann . ,
<br /> Beneficiary's interest herein or upon this Tiust Deed wrthout regard to any law Ihat may be enacied imposing patTent of the whole or any gart , . `
<br /> • thereol upon the Benehciary. � , ' • �
<br /> fi.ADDITIONAt UENS AND PROTECTION OF BENEFICtAi�Y'S SECURITY.Trustor shall make all payments of�nterese and pnnCipal and - � �_
<br /> payments of any other charges,tees and expenses coMracted to be pa�d to any ex�sting or subsequent lienholder or bene:�Ciary,u�der any � �
<br /> existing or subsequelnt mortgage or trust deed before the date they are del�nqent or�n default,and promptly pay and discharge any and all other �: ;
<br /> � � Iiens,claimsorChargeswhichmay�eopardizethesecuntygranteAherein.IfTrustortailstomakeanysachpaymentortailstopertormanyofthe ,
<br /> ' Covenants�nd agreements coMained m this Trust Deed.or the Note reterred to herem.or m any prior or subsequenUrust deed.or dany ac4:on or _
<br /> proCeed�ng is eommenced which maten��y aHects Benelrc�arq's mterest m Ihe Properly,includmg,but not hmded to,emment domain proceed-
<br /> ings,proceedings invow�ng a decedent,notice ot sale by Trustee.notice of defauU by Trustee,rnortgage forectosure actioq,or if Trustor fa�ts to :. —
<br /> ' pay Trustor's debts generatty as they become due,tAen Beneficiary.at BertefiCiary�s option and without nohce to or demand upon Trustar and : _
<br /> � witho4creleasing,Trustorfromanyabtigati,onhereundar.maymakesuchappeararsces,d�sbursesuchsumsandtakesuchactionasisnecessary `�
<br /> ' to protect Benefiaary's �nterest, includmg,but not timited to. dis6ursement ot reasonable attumey's fees, payment, purchase, contest or '; =
<br /> � com�romise o}any encumbrance,charge or Iien,entry upon the Property to make repa�rs.or declarauon of default under this Trust Deed.ln the . •?
<br /> . eve f that T�ustor shall fatl to procure insurance or to pay taxes,a5sessr�ents,or any other charges or to make any payments io any existing,or ,
<br /> • subsequent lienhotders or exist�ng or subsequsnt beneficianes.Benet:•ary may procure sGch insurance and make such pat�r.ent,but shalt not
<br /> be obl�gated to do so.Any amounts dtsbursed by 8ener�ciary purs�ant to this Paragraph 6 shall beCOme add�tronal►ndebtedness of Trustar '
<br /> secured by this TruslOeed.Such amounts shall be payabt�upon noflce trom 8enef�ciary to Trustor requesar.g Caymam lhereof,and shall bear '
<br /> mierestfromthedateoltlisbursemenlaitheratepayab'�t�.mUmetotimeonoutstandmgpnncipalunderlheNcte.unlesspaymento}mterestat � '+
<br /> such rate woutd be contrary to appl�cable law.�n wh�ch event such amp��tS 5h811 b8at iM8t0st aE the htghASt lace�e�m�ss�bie under appi�cable '. � -
<br /> law.Nothmg Contamed in this Paragraph 6 sha11 requ�re Benef�c�ary to rcur any expense or take 2ny aet�on hu�e�lnder :
<br /> 7.ASStQNMENT OF RE[�ITS.Beneficiary shalt have the ngM,pov+er and authcnty dur�ng Ih�r conhnuan�c cP this Trust Deed ta Coltect the :`� ":
<br /> rer.ts,issues and profRS o1 ttse Pro(Jerty and of any personal property located therecn with or without taking pcs58ss�on ol the properly attE;:ed '� �
<br /> � , hereby.and Trustor hereby absolutely and uncond�Uonally ass�gns au such ronts.�ss_es and prohtsto Benet�crary.8enefic�ary,however.h=��by '�
<br /> Consenis to tfie Trastoi's collect�on and rete�tion ol such rents,issues o�d prot�ts as t�ey acc rue and beGOmo payabte so long 2s Trustor is nol,at '
<br /> suchtime,in de°.a�ttwith raspec�to paymes�t ot any mdebtedness secu�el hereby,cr�n Iho perlormance olany agreementnE�4�nder.Upon any '
<br /> such detautt.Ber.ef�c�ary may at arty t�me,e!her in person,hy agent.or�y a rece��er to be appo�r,ts;by a cowt,wdhout noUC�and w�Ihout regard �
<br /> ' totheadequacyofanysecur�tytorthemde5tetlrtassherebysecured.�a�enf�rupOra.*rdtakepoSSESS�noftheProportyoranyparttheroos.a^d�n
<br /> �tsown name sue tor or other�v�se coltect such rants,issues and prof�ts,�ncir�dmg trese past due a^��^�a�C.ar�appty the same.less cos�sand
<br /> �-expenses of operation and coll8ction. �rC�udmg reasora�`e attorney's tees.-upon any indeb'c-�ness securad horeby.-arC ^such-or��r as-- - � � � -- �-
<br /> 8enel�c�ary may datarmin�:(b)portCrm suc�:actsof repa�r or protect�on as may be necessar y or Nroper to conserve thu v��;;e c4 t�:e Property.�c)
<br /> leasethe sameor any partthereoltor sacr.ro��al,term,and upo�s�.':h eondrtionsas ds�udgment^:ay dictate.or tormmate cr a.^.I�sf thalerms antl
<br />• ' cond�UOns of existing leases.Unless Trusror an0 8enef�ciary Ifiereo`a;�ee�`re�w�se m wrrtmg,any apphcatian ot rents.�ss::es or prot�ts to any
<br /> , mdebtednoss secured here�y Shati not e�tend or postpone ihe due date c'-re r.stallme�t paymonts as pr�v�dod�n sa�d prom�ssory ^cre ar .
<br /> � changotfieamountotswch�n�stallmontsThpenteringuponandtakingpassesso^o=4heProperty,lheCO�►beiiono�5uchrpniS.�ssuoslr2;;•�:"rts. �•
<br /> and the apphcat�on thereol as atoresa�d,Shal)nOt waive or Cure any de'ault or noUCe of de�auH heFeundes or invahdat�any�C t!lonv pursudnt to
<br /> such noUCO.7rustor also assrgn5to Benefic�ary.aslurther securdy tor the pertormanCe o�tha�obhgatwns sc�CUr�d haroby.all�repa�d rerits and all
<br /> momes wh�ch may fiave been ar may hereatter be dopvsded w�th said Trustor by�my t�tssoe of thc Properly,W sCC urU thC payrr�ent af any rent ur
<br /> ' , damages,or upon delauH�n ihe pertormance of any ot the provisions hervo}.Trustor agroes to dohver such ronts and dopos�ts to Bcnet�c�ary
<br /> Dohvery o1 wrdten nOhCO ol8dnetiC��ry S e�8rCi58 01 tho righlS grant8d herei�,tua�y tenaat Uccupy�ng said premises shall bo sulfic�ent to�equ��e f-""�--
<br /> Sa�d tenant to pay rent ta Iha Bene}�c�ary uM0lurlher not�Ce
<br /> i
<br /> 8.CONOEMNATtON.If h1le to any pari ol th�P►operly shall be taNnn in eontlemnaUon pruceedmys.by r�ghl ot emment doma�n or s�m�l;�r +
<br /> ucUOn,ot shall be So10 undar threat ot condomnaUon,al1 awarcfs.damages and procoeds are horeby assigneA and ShalE bv paid to dc�nf�l�c�<uy '
<br /> � �.t�vsirati appiy 3cri,t�awards.damae�s�rfd�,r�,ceeeSs tv t►rv sur�T secnrecf t,y th�s'irust Ua�rcf.w�tr�itia-exeass.�!any.pat�!t�'t��ssor !!1 cc�s:<:: � � -
<br /> recowes any noUCO or othor mformahUn regard�ng such��et�ons or procc�edmgs.Trustor shall y�ve prcimpt wi�tten n�tice Ihnrec�t to Eienef�c��+Y
<br /> �3en�fici�ry sh�ll be pnlrtled,at ds optron,to cammonCe,appear m ancl prosocute�n its own namc�any such acUOn or praceed�ngs<�nd sh,iu hc • �
<br /> � �nhtlod to mako any comprom�se or sotllemont�n connocUUn wnh:�ny such ar.Uon nr proc��dmys
<br /> 9 FUTUREADYAHCES.U�nn roquostol7rustor,E3en�hciary at Benehe�ary s optron,pnnrtn rrcm,vc.yanceoftno�����p<��ryiu t r���tor ��:nf �
<br /> makntutu�aadvaneesloTrusfur Sc►chlutuin��dvances.rnthusiere�stthoreon.sf�altbesecu�Pt�by���STt�ig�Ilt�r��Wht;nE`J,dP���'t•dtrr{�ruinr,.:•t•'y �
<br /> nLitC�S S18Uny Ihat Sd�d�018S slr�SE!CU�Cd hff►Ohy p�UVldflA lh.ef:�!r�cr lima Sh�Uih�sE�t U�t•<t pnnr��.�l,�ntl IU1UrP 7r1•v:U�E:Pti tiut u'c��tl���q S.u�'�:• ��
<br /> OriJffni,Fe(�14 ptblt�rR Iha S@r.Unl�,rr�.�,��r1 lY�u iiundta!d p��rr:NiFt�2�J0�'�k L�t thH qm�irt.11 pruir��r.�l ne•�nunt�.S�rt r,r��d h���ehr s
<br /> . � �
<br /> '
<br /> , �
<br /> ` .
<br />