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<br /> � ' ... NOTIFtCA710N OF 11SE OF TRUS7 DEEQ "' � � �
<br /> \ _ � ��_ .. . . _ . ,
<br /> `� The unders�gned hereby acknowledges and utttk:estands tfiat the docUment to be exe�uted b}rthe undersigned is a trust deed and not a _ • .
<br /> � ; r►�ortgage.and lhat the power af sate prov�ded for in the�rust deed prav�des substantiaSty d�iferen:rig�ts antl obt�yat�ons to ihe tr�stnc Ehan a � � -
<br /> , � atortgage m ihe eve�t of a defauit or breach of obhgatian. , � , .
<br /> �•:.
<br /> < • bated and executed on the�____�--.---day ot=� __ �r,�__.�_.-.�--�—-,---- -. 19�_. .. ,pr�or • ' ,;
<br /> to execution of the folinwing Trust Deed_ � . �� . � � ,� � . .
<br /> . , � i . .
<br /> � . .1 � --- � ' '.�+",'+�+,�� iWL1C�� 'F _ � � �` �
<br /> . , • ��f iW:lc ' . . ` _ . .
<br /> ' � � ' . TRUST DEED . � ��� ,
<br /> � � THtS TRUS'f_�4EED.made th�s_..�-----.^`day nt-e_'�_,._ _�]? � _ _, __ . t 9_A._-... _ � � .
<br /> S . . ' ,
<br /> . by end among, I�1 D. IZocic aod SLs�na.. D. Ra'k. hus�sd a�d_w�.fe , _ .
<br /> � �
<br /> � whose mailing adQress is 144�+1�'octtt�+ (�'�d Ls1�[�d I� 688�3 -------------------- •
<br /> �' (berein'•7'rostor"�:and—����T�-��3� ` ,-- � '_ . . , �
<br /> ' ' wh�;naifing address is���tth WEU13 RUBd, �P.(3. Bp�c 5166, C�d.Isl�d I� G8802 � __. ' _ ,.
<br /> i , .
<br /> • I . . (herein"Trustee'►:and _� �� 'm��y _�-�-_-_--
<br /> t :�
<br /> i whose ma�img address is �� Nortt►Webt► Raad• P•0. Box 5166� Gc�nd Island NE 688D2 . tr.erain'•eenetrciary") `
<br /> # FORVALUABLECONSlOERATION,Trustocirrevocah! rams,lransfers.conve sanda�si nstoTrustee,�NTRUST,ti"�[THPOWEROFSALE. � �-�
<br /> � Y9 Y 9 ,
<br /> � ' forthebenefitandsecunt ofBerteficiary,underandsub{ecttothetermsandconditionsofthisTrustDeed,lnefollowingdescnbedrealpraperty,
<br /> � Iocated in _ . � _ - --.- -- _--- County.Nebraska: � `
<br /> � .. . , /' • . ; ;
<br /> ! t+c:. t � �
<br /> j Ict Sev�n (7) in a]�ock Nine (9), Sheridan F.face, it b�ing a pert of the Soutt�e.st Qsr�s (�) � ;..,,i��
<br /> 1 _ of the Su�east Qtarter (SFw) of SecCiau F3ght. (8).in Tawnship Elev� (11) North of Rar�ge Nine ?,=
<br /> � (9) West of the 6th P.M., Ha7]. County, Neb�a.dca. � . 4'_:
<br /> 1
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<br /> 70GETHER WITH al�ottne!a:.cv.�mg,whether aow owned or heieaftec acqu�rod:rents,prof�IS,rpyait-es.�ncome and other bonehls donvotl Irom
<br /> the real property;all teases or SuC'ease9 cover,^g the real p►operty or any portion Ihereot:all interescs.estate or other claims.both�n law and�n
<br /> ' eqwty in the real p►operty; att tlamestead exetnpl�C.^s wn�ch 8re hEfreby rAtvased and wa�veC: alt edsernents, nghts•ot-way. tvnom.8nts.
<br /> , hered�4aments;alloilandgasrrghtSandpro}its,wate•�,ghts.a�Iright.lilleandinterestotTrustor,mandloanylandlyinqw�lhmlher�gnt•o1-wayot
<br /> ! any street ot highway ad�oining the real property;any and all bwld�ngs,t�xturos,improvements,and appurtonances now or horealter e�octed
<br /> ` � thereortor betonging thereto,(herein referred to�as"tmprovemont"or"Improvomonts''►:and any anaall awards made for tne tak�ng by om�nent •
<br /> t dom�,n,or by any proceeding m purchase in tieu thereot,Ot Ihe who�0 Or any pgrt Ot the teal properly All O�tho}Lroc�O��(�est<lte,prop��rty and �
<br /> mtorost conveyod to TrustoO�hprom cal�ect�vely telesred to as the"Property" ' � ,-=__--.=
<br /> �
<br /> 5 FOR THE PURPQSE OF SECUii1NG� . � , �
<br /> � (a)Yhe paymgnt of�ndebtedness vv�cleRCad by Trustor s not�or guaranteo� No�Q'1 dated BpCil .2 t 9 9U �
<br />- --' _.. _.t � _._ �K9M!H!iHF�lt1F#Nr!F7 i'e}!?e3F��? tE#�iE #SF #iF�'rii in't f'eL'�y-b} �#k : -. .: T _ .
<br /> ; m�ho Pr�nc�pai sum ot _. F'iftees�7fiot�l m�d (1Oj100- - - - tfou.0 s
<br /> `� (5_a.r*�_._. _ .- .._ .... .. ►.IOgetherv�ithmtereslatlherat�orratespruv�dedth�:reuo.arTdtheNnnc�u.�I.in�intE•rr�titnn.�ny
<br /> �. I tufurR advances cu�donced by pram�ssoty notas ar guaranteE�s stabru�thvy acE+secured horcrby,anU.�ny<sr��f ail re�rew;,lc �oo�f�1��.,tuu�ti;�n;s
<br /> LextUnS�onStha�dotGothpnnc�patandintoioslbemgpayablQinaccnrdancFrw�ththetermssntfrntlrihrrc�,n r,ha:�ihyth�sr��fr�r��r�•�s;��.�dr.,n.�r�
<br /> nareot , h
<br /> it,�Tiit�pbrfo+mtmce ut cach agreemunt and covonant of Trustar herein confained.anA •.
<br /> , , • ;
<br /> �r}TFr pJYmt�M�i�iil�y Suiti O!9ufl�S bf tll[rfiBy Y�luCii fu�iy�E hBre.i(!Cr p:iid c��:itlt.�n�ei1 t,y ti�d flr���r•f�i_�.uq�ui�ir�ti:��+���u�•.r,1 i��i'. 7,:r.t 1�¢:'-_ �
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