___�C:�. :'.'" . � . ' ` - ' . .. ` \ ' :i.." . . - . _ _.
<br /> .i . . . " '�(: ._ _ � '. _ . - - . -. ,. � -.. _. . .- . . - - '
<br /> ' .. . . . � . . .. . ' � -
<br /> � � - � .. ._.- ., . -, '- _-„ � ' `_ _ _'_""' . .... �.
<br /> � . �
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<br /> - � . � �o..-:�.ol�r�� � .
<br /> r lf I.eud�r roquirod mortgage irssuranoe as a c�onditian ifi;making the loan secured by this Security Iastrament,
<br /> � Borrawer shall pay the Qremioms requue�Eo maintaiti the insUrAace in effect until sach tiinc as the re+quiremeni for.t�e
<br /> insurance tersninaus in ac�rdanrs ariih 8prrower's ar�d Lenc�er:'sc�•rittai ag�cnt arapplicabte taw. �
<br /> 8. Inspect�aa. Lendu or its agtnt may.ma3ct r�a�ti�ntries upan aad inspectians of tiic Pm�leriy��I,Cuder .
<br /> shall give Borrower notice at the ame oSos psinr to an insptctioii��r'ci�t�ting reasanable cause for the inspection�,,
<br /> 9. Cosdemaatian. Th�proceeds Q�any award os,cf�im,fqt;ci�mages,diract or consequentiat,•itt.connectsciawith
<br /> any condm�nation or otha talc�ng o€anp part o�•the Property:;oa fos convey�utce in lieu of condemnaticta;:�re haeby
<br /> ` assigned and sbaU be paid to Laider. , .
<br /> Ia the event of a tota!taking of the Propeccg, thc pfoceeds shall be appli��o tha:swns secnrtd�by ttus Seevrity
<br /> Insuummt,�vhether or not thea due,with aryy.rxcrss pai8 tt�-aorruwer_�n�he erer.�.of a pictial:�talang of the Propert�t;;
<br /> unless Borrowa and Lender otherwise agr�e in writing�;the sums secure9d bp this�x:.nritiy�.�nstrument shall be roduced.��,;
<br /> the uaovttt of the pracaeds mntripliad by thc fo{lowing�ffaction:(a)the totat ai�wlnU:af the swns sa��iatel�.
<br /> before t�etakiag.d.ivided tiy.(6)the fair miarket value�qfttitProperty imsnediatel9-T�efore the ta{cing.Ang.��scs�a?�$u;°'. .
<br /> paid to Borrower. . ," - �:_: . _ ` : :. .
<br /> . � If the Propc-cty is:abairr�ened by Bm�rowrr.or if:after c�oti�,e�;;�.L+endac ta 8orrowcr.r]aaa�he cande�ar•a�'ecs�s�-:
<br /> �, _, � m�k�ae awar8 ar setilbi#claim�SpF damages,Hosrawe:fail�Lo�r�c��`��,ender within 3t}daF�aRer the dai�ihe aoticz as�
<br /> - given.Lcader is autl:arized to.r.��xt and apply tbe procea�r,;iit iLS r�.��either tn restoration or repair of tFf�Pruperty or�
<br />: . to tbe sii�s securod by this Seeusity Instrumrnt,whethet arnot theti�.�. - �
<br /> Unlas Lender and Borrower athuwise agree in writing,ar►y��tion of praceeds to principal shall not eatend ur.
<br /> postpone the due daie of the monthly paymcnts referre�to in paragra�fls•1 and 2 or change thc amaunt of such payma�
<br /> 10. Borrowec Not Retezsed; Forbearanee By Lender Not a Wniver. Extension of thc tinte for paymcat�os`:'
<br /> modification nC amoctizatioa•of the sums secvrod b�this Security Instrument granted by Lxnder ta any successor iri• '
<br /> .,
<br /> . .,
<br /> iateicsE o BorTOwer shall not opeiate to telease fhe liabitity of the original Boriower ur Bqrrower's successors in intere.st. ;•_ .
<br /> � Leader shall not 6e reguired to wmmence proceedings against any successor in interest or refusc to extend timc for �
<br /> payinent or otherwise modify amortiTatian af the sums secured by this Serurity Instrument by reason of any demand made �
<br /> by the original Barrower os Hosrawer's sncc�sso�s in interest.My forbearance by Lender in exercisiug any right or remedy
<br /> shall nat be s waiver of or precl�e the exercise of any right or remedy. , '.
<br /> il. Sucop�ori u�d As�gps Bopnd;Joint aad Several Uabiility;Co-sipers.�', The covenanu and'.�gramenu of .
<br /> � this Security Instr�saeat shall bi:rd and beaefit tbe success�*�2ssd assigns of'Lender and Borrower,subject t�s t[�provisions ' �.
<br /> ; of paragraph 17.Borr€s�ver's cav�nanEs and agreemenis shatl t�e jaint and several.Any Borrower who eo-sig`as'this Security � � ' ��.
<br /> Instrumeat but da�c,�t eaecute ths Note:{a)is co-signing this Se��xyr tnstrument only to mortgage,grzc�.tand convey ._._
<br /> that Bonower's inteiest in thc Property under the terms of this Securiry Instrument;(b)is not personally of�ligated ta pay j. '�
<br /> the sums secwed b�this Security lnstrument;and(c)agrces that l.ender and any other Bonower may agret to extend,
<br /> modify,forbeaj or make aay accammodatians with regHrd to the tenns of this Security Instrument or the Note withaut �
<br /> that Borrawer's cc�asent. � -
<br /> 12. Lo�n�ges. If the laan secored by this Security Instr�cnent�is subje�,t ta a law which sets maximum loan � �
<br /> chatges,and that taw is frnally interpreted so that the interest or c�ct�pr loan charges callected or to be collacted in -
<br /> . � connectiart witb the loan excoed thc permitted timits. then: (a)any sucb toan charge shall be reduced by the amount � � -
<br /> necessary to reduce the charge to the permitted limih and(b)any sums already collected fram Horrower which excaded :'�
<br />, permitted limits vvil�be tefunded to 8orrower. Lendsr may choose to make this r�fund by reducing the principal owed t
<br /> nnder the Note or is�cnaking a dirxt payment to Borrower.If a refur�ceduces principal.the reduction wi11 be treated as a �
<br /> partial prepayment withaut any prepayment charge under the Note• '
<br /> �3. I,egislat�on A!leetieg Lender's Rights. If enactment or expiratian of applicable laws has the effect of ; •
<br /> � render's.sB ar�y provisian oi the Note or this Security Instrument unenforceable according to its terms.l.ender,at its aption.
<br /> ansy sequire immediate pssyment in fuU of all sums secured by this Security lnstrument and may invoke any remedies ;,=:
<br /> ' permitted by paragraph 19.If Lender exercises this option.Lender�ai`:take the steps specifred in�he�second paragaph of "` `
<br /> DaraBraFh 17. . �..� .
<br /> L+� Notires. Any noiY�eto Barrower pravided fac in this See�trity Instnice�ent shall be given by delivering it or by • �
<br /> mailing ic�y fl�'st�class inail unias applicable law reyui�s�e of anather me[t�4d. The notice shall be diruted to the � '�� ,�
<br /> Propers�.�►ddress�o�any ather address Borrower designates isy notice to Lender.Any notice to Lender shall be given l�y
<br /> ' fitst class mail to;'f.�ader's address stated herein or any other address P�ender designates by notice to Burrower.Any noc::;e
<br /> proviRted'far in this Security Instrument sha116c dr,emed to have becn given to Borrower�r Lender when given as provi�:�
<br /> in this�,aragraph. �
<br /> . �6.� Gq�tereing Law;Severabilitq. This 5ecurity bnstrument shail tse gaverned by federa!law and r�e.taw of the
<br /> _... _...:. .. ju�s�3i�ct:an in.which_the Property is.located..lr�the.svent.that.any..gr.�visioo_ar.clanse.of.ihis.Sec.ucity Inst�lment.or[he_.___ _____._._..___ .__ . _. ._
<br /> Nctte conflicts wirh �pplecable law,snch con8ict shall not affect other provisions of this 5ecur��y lnstrument or tte I�C�:
<br /> � wfiich can be give�effect withas�t the conflicting provision.To Ihis end t�e pravicinns uf thes S°�urity Insirument and c�c
<br /> . Notear�declaredtobeseverabte.
<br /> , 1fi Boriower'sCopy. Iiosrower shall be given oma�cdnformed enpy of t�:e Note and of this Secarir}'�nstrumenc.
<br />: ' . �9. Trwter of the Proptrty or v Beneflci�) IGterest in B�rsawer. If all nr any part of the Praperty or an;�
<br /> interest in it is sold or transferred(nr iPa beneficial interest in 8orro�xNr�s sald ar transferred and'Borrower is not a nat�.ral
<br /> person)without lxnder s prior written cansent,Lender may,at its option,reyuire immediate payment in fu1l oP all s�:�s
<br /> secuted by this Security lnsttument. Hawever. this uption shall nat be exercised by Lencier if exercise is prohibited by
<br /> federa�taw as of the date of this Secunty lnstrument. �-- '�--
<br /> 1f Lender exercises this opiiott.Lender shall give Botrower notice of aeceleration.The notice shall provide a period
<br /> of not less thaur 30 days From the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which 8orrower must pay all cums serured by
<br /> this Security lnstrument.tf Bonower fails tv pay these sums priar to the ezpiratian of this per�«i,Lender may�nvuke any
<br /> remedies permitted by this Stcunty Instrument without further notice ar demand t�n Botrower. '
<br /> - 18.8orrawet`s itig�t�ta�ttfnstate. If I3Off6A�f fTfC2TS�CflSifl Cfili�jticiO4� H�irrower titiafl have fhe right ta have �
<br /> enforcevnent of this Securuy lnstrument d�scorninued bt any t�me pr�ar to the earl�er bf:ta►5 days(c�r such other penc�J su • �
<br /> L opplirable law may specify fos remstatemenU before sale of'the Praperty pursuant t��any p��wer oi'�ale c�»na�ned m th�s �'
<br /> Secunty lnsttument:�r(b)entry uf a�udgment enfuremg th�s Secur�Ey lnytrument. 'Ihusc c��nd�uo�s are that lMrr��wer: �
<br /> (a1 pays l.endet all sums which �hen wouid Ge due ander this Sec:uruy Instrument an�f thr Ntrte haci n��accderatinn ��,�,
<br /> c�ec:urred; (b)cutes any default nf any othet cavedants vt�agreements: (cJ pays all ra�penscti �ncurred m enforemg th�s , ���
<br /> 5ecunty Instrument, mclud�n�.�f+ut nut I�m�ted iv, reasunable att��rtteys �ees, and(O►tekel tiuch acUon ati I.entier may
<br /> teawn�6ly reya�re tn assure thaE the lien cif thjs 5ecat�ty lastsument. i.enc�et's r��hts arf tf�r Yrfrperty and 6ctttower's � "r'
<br /> obhgt�ittm [r� �Say° the cuTiis��f�� �ty I�tic 5�(;�1PIly I�.S►rutne�t� g1��14�r�r�in�ic iinch5fi�cit i`��,r� remst�tement hy c' .
<br />• i3ormwet.th�c See:unty iristrunie�t e�id the E�hhgat�nns scrt;icci herehy chail rema�n futl�•effern�e•a�tf n�y aceeier�t:c�n had
<br /> �«�currcrd Nc�we�tr:ah��rr�ht t�}remaaatr 4t��lt r,�,t a����E}sr�the eu4r��t�c:el�rahcm under r:iraKrn��f�ti t;��r t 7
<br /> �
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