: � . - - ! __..__ . __ �
<br /> . . ��.� l�lr�e7� .
<br /> r
<br /> Ur�t�o�tM Cov�tv��. Bnrt,7�ver aad t.emder coveaant ortd agree as tel lows: �
<br /> � �. P��■�tat at Ptieei�Mt�..rtiltee+e�t:Pfe/�Y�At an�I,�te Ci�u�s. Borrawer s6a1T promptiY P�Y�When dete
<br /> the ptincipa!of and interest ctrsi�hr.�i�tie�idenceti Ay the Nnte and tny pre�►ayment and iate charges due urtder the Note.
<br /> � � S. F�forT�xai Nad tmF�tfp?yee. Sub�ect tn�pplicAbtc lu+�ar�v a�ntten wgiver b�;l.ettder.Borrower shall pay
<br /> co Lender on�he day monthlp pa�+ir►taits are due unJer the Nue�,unui�R�Nate is p�id in,�ufi:�A Bt{�fi("Fund�"}eqUat to
<br /> onairretfth of: (a�yeariy ta�ue.s ist�:�Issessments wfiich rt►ay nttotn pnnnty evtr this SKCUriry tnstrument;�.(�3�yqtty -
<br /> � [a�sehold payments or gro�od rr�tC±on the Pr�perty, if�ny: (c� ycr+rty harard inauranGe pr�mium�:.�tnd (d�yeatly
<br /> � mortssge insurance premiums�if.��t��l'hese ieea►s are calted"e�crc��►temr"Lender may esamate t6a�unds due on the.
<br /> basisofcurrrnt datnand teasoa�tu�Stimseesof futurerscmr��tems
<br /> ThrFunds shall�h��t1 in:t�ajistuution�ho de�oxat:eyr acc��unt4�if v►hieh are insured or guar�ntaed by!a federaf or.
<br /> � sute aaaicy[inclnding Lendts,if:�;C�der is such an �rtst�tutrnn� L�endrr sh�il bpply[he�unds tn p�g�the�escrow itams
<br /> Lertdes mzy not chsrge for�AItkpp��nd�applying ihe Fundc,analyring the account ar verifying the escrow items,unless
<br /> - L�eader psys Borrower intcgest.o�,ti�x Funda and apphcable I,tw perm�ts Lender to make such a charge.8onowrr and.�
<br /> ' Lmdu may agre�e in v�itins th�tt inTerest sha116e paid on the F'unds. Unl�s an agreement is made or appticable taw �
<br /> requires interest ta be paid. I:e�nsita�si��lt not be reqarrcd to pay��rrovver�ny interest�r esrnings on the Funds. Lender
<br /> sl�all�ive to Borrrnver,withqut.cbAr�.an annual accnunting of the Fundti showing cteditq artd dcbias ta.the Fands and the.
<br /> pu�ose for Mhich each debit ta sitk�ands was msute.The Funds are pladgcd as addit�ona!sesuriiy for tha sumssecured by _ _
<br /> thisSoc�rity Insaumem.
<br /> If the amouat oF tha Funds�t��td by Lender.together with the future manthty payrm�nit�af Fund�psy�ble prior to..
<br /> � the due dats o!'the es�cm�itans.:�tuill escad the amount required to pa�r�he esc�ow itema�l�en.dae.the excess sh$I!be. ,
<br /> at Borrowu's optian.esihcr pramAt��rcpaid ta Horrower or credited to Bot�ower on rttantltly puymenis of Funds.If the
<br /> amount otihs Fonds held b?�.Lt�tteir�is aa1 sutf'icient to pay the escrow itcm�whan due.Bnrrower shall pay to Lcnder any
<br /> amnunt neces.s�arsr ta enalce up th�¢�tciency in one ar mare payments as requiredhy Lender.
<br /> Upon payment in fuil�af��Ufs2tms secured by this Security instrumenr,t,�n�ter shall promptiy refund to Borrower
<br /> � any Funds hdd by Lendrs li;unc��r;paragraph 19 the Propeny is sntd or acquired by Lender.Lender shall appty.no later
<br /> than immedistrly pci�r ta iha salaaf the Pruperty or its acquisitran by Leedec.eny Funds hetd by Lender at the time of
<br /> application as a cradit against�tlip s�umssecnred by this Security Instrumant.
<br /> • � �. A�li�atiaw of�Pt+yiawt�s. Unless applicable!aw provides�therwise,ofl p�yma�ts received by Lender under, -
<br /> pangnphs 1 and 2 s6aq br o�splied:tmst.to lata chuges dne under tha Ndte;second,to prepayment charges due uader thts :
<br /> NotC third,to amounts psyaEil%uader paragraph 2;fourth,to interest duc;and last.to principaf due.
<br /> 4. Cbar�eg L�a�„�:�orrpwer sha11 pay a11 taxes.asxssms:nt4.charges.fines and impasitions attcibutttbte to the
<br /> Property which m�y attain%priority,over this Securtty 1»strument, and leasehold payments or ground rents. if any. �
<br /> � Bonoxer sbaU pay thtsrobtigations in the manner pro4ided in paragraph 2.or if nnt patd in that manner.Borrawer shaD�i
<br /> �. pay them dn timc dirrxtl�.ta�I��person owed payment.8arrower shnll promptly furntsb to Lender all notices af xmounta .
<br /> to be paid undtr th�ps�ta�cuph.lf Rorrawer makes tAese paymeats directly.Borrower shal!promptty furnish to Lcnder� �
<br /> raceipts avidrncing tho ptyments.
<br /> &mnwer shtll'pramptly discharge any lien which has priority over this 5ecurity lnst:ument unless 8orrawer:(a} _
<br /> agrees ir�xriting ta the piymrnt of theobligation secured by tbe Gen in a manner acceptable ta Lender,(b>contests in good. '
<br /> i'iith the litn by.ar�dc�'p�ds ag,�inst enforcement oi the Gen in.legd proceed�ngs Mhich m the LenQer's opinian operate to� �
<br /> prevmt the er�farc,�mtnt�:of:the lien or forfeiture of any part oi the Propeny;or(c)secures Prom Ihe hatder of the lian an •f ;•� �
<br /> sgreemrnt sati�f�sary to L�mdcr snborttinating the tien to this Security Ins�rumet�t.lf Lender determines thrt i�ny pan of
<br /> the Propesty is sub �
<br /> �eci.to s tirn which may attain priority over this Secunty lnstrument, Lender may give Botrower a
<br /> noUCt identitying the lia�..Honower shall satisfy the lien or take one or more�f the actians set farth above within 10 days !
<br /> of the givina otaaticc.
<br /> S. HaTar+d la�usance. Borrower shall keep the impravements novr eaist�ng or hereaficr erccted on the Prnperty � .�
<br /> insurad a�ainst loss by�6te,huards included within the term"eatended coverage"and any other haistds far which l.ender ' •
<br /> requira insurance. Tdris insursnce shall be msintained in the amuunts and f�t the periods thb� lxadcr reqwres. The �,;' �
<br /> insurance cames-providing the insurance shall be ehosen by Borrawer subjec�to Lender's approvs!which sholl nat bc `�
<br /> unreasonsbly.withheld: � .
<br /> All insursnce policies and rmewals shaU be acceptable to Lender and shall include a standard mongage clause. �.
<br /> Lender shall have the right to hold the policies and renewals.lf Lertder requira,Barrower shAll promptiy give to L.ender
<br /> all receipts oi paid prcmiums snd rencwal notices.In the event of loss.8orrower shall give prompt notice to the�nsurance
<br /> carrier and Lende�.Lender msy make proof oPloss if not made promptly by tiorrower.
<br /> Unless Lender and Horrower otherwise egree in writing,insurance proccrds shell be applird t�i re�tc�rot�on or re pau
<br /> of the Property damsged,if the restoratinn or repair is eeAnomically feasible�nd l,eader'�scrunty �c nnt lecsenad. If�Ire
<br /> rastoration or repair is not ecanamicaUy feasible or Lender's seeuri[y wauW be lessened.�htl inaurance prcxeerls;h�116e
<br /> - ""-----��-"ipplied to the suni"s�sacured by tNis Secunty lnstiuriment;wheth�er ar not Ilien due:wiih ony excess pa�d ic�I��riuK��i-��IP--�--� - � -� -���� �� �-- �-
<br /> Borrowmr abandons the Property.or does not answtr within 30 days a natice fr�m l.ender thpt the�nsurance carricr ha4
<br /> aRerod to settle a claim.then l.endet may collect the insurance prviceeds. Lender may use the procetdy tn re�rair c�r restarr-
<br /> the Praperty or to pay sums secured by this Security instrument,whether or not thcn due "th�3U•duy penad wdl f►eg�n
<br /> when Ihe noticeis given. .
<br /> Uoless Ltnder snd Botrower otherwise agra�n wriUng.�ny appli.aUun aP prueerdv tu pnnc�p�I,hAl)nut e�lend»r
<br /> postpone the due d�te of IMe monlhly payments referred to in pnragraphs 1 aad 2 c►r cha»ge thr amuunt ut�hc payments IP
<br /> � under paragraph 19 the Property is acquired by Ltnder.BpffUMltf�S(18I1!I(1�lO�IiiSUf�tICY�f1ItCfC1 bftd rfu1:CCQ�(Cs!]�1Of� `
<br /> ftamdamsgttothePropertypriortetheacquisitionshallpasstoLendert�►thceatentuithe+untdcc.:ti�eelhy�hiySe�unty , ,._ .�__----
<br /> Instrument immediately pnar to the acquss�tion.
<br /> 6. Presen�tion aea Malnteeaece olPro�er�r;Ltasehofdt. Bonawer�hall nue cte�tn,y,darnnge e�r ruhst�n�inlly
<br /> ch�nge the Proprrty.alfow the Property to detenorate or cammu waste If th�s Security Inurumcnt ����n a tca+eh��ld.
<br /> Bortower shall comply with the provis�ons of thr lease,and�f'�iorrnwer aryu�res fee ntte tu the Nto�rny,lh�Icntrhal�!end
<br /> . -- . tte titk tka!!rsvt mcrg=�alcss bcsadcr agrcc;tc�t�rr mrtgcr fn isr�ting .
<br /> T. Protectioe ot LendePs itights in the P�o�erty: �iortg�ge Insunecc. IF H�nrvNe� fad+ tu ��crf��ru► the ��
<br /> covenants andagteementscnntamed in th�s Securny Ins�rumem.��r there��a legai pr��cecdmg thut mag•i�mficunQy affect
<br /> � LenQet's nghts�n the f'raptrty(such a9� proceeA�ng�n hankruptcy, prabate, fi�r cundemnat�un ��r t�►enfu►.e (�iw���r ��1
<br /> rc�ulititlns),then Lendet m�y d�*and pay fi�r whateser�s nccessary t��pmtec�the�alue af the Yr���xtE v and 1 endrr'•,riy;h« .r
<br /> in thr Praperly Lertder's actcun�msy mcludc ��ay�f�g any 5ums Sccure�! hy�u hen wMch ha.pnr�i�tv +��r� tltn`c���nlv �`-
<br />' lnstrument,apyeartng�ncnutt,payir+greasnn;ihtcattomey�fte�antlen�ertngontt�c�'re���ert� t��n�:+k�•rc��,iits �tfii�+�u�;t� ���
<br /> l.endet m�y takt act�on un�tc►�h�r paragtuph 7.t xnder dcxs n��t have t�ci«s�� . �,:
<br />� Aa�amnuntsdeahur!►tsl bv 1_e!t[!ct u�ndet ttus p�t�gt;��h 7�h:t!!�.,�*tsst a€3:��tie�tssf�IChI i�!I4��!Y:ti��!4£titii!4�k�1'!II!• -r- _
<br /> - tiACUnty instrunrem ��nlctis ii��rfe�weremll tnc�e►aRrte tnutfitt�em����}(?,tktritt4i,l�Ip�C:f[It�rtit�i�sfti;tfl tKl1 u�[t�Ni[fr��m �
<br /> . !ht da/r of d�ahurstnienl ��tt tt�r !�c�tr tatr ut�t1 �h�i!hC ��s}ah:e. tsith �r�tcr�•t_ up«�► r��,t�f.- fr.�tn E�•�r�it•r �,, lt��rr,��rtr
<br /> . � requesungpayrr►eni
<br />_ �
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