;„ : : �. T : _ _
<br /> . . . _ ;t. . . . _
<br /> ` _ - { _ ` . ------- �
<br /> - , , .
<br /> -.101'729
<br /> , Nox•�Jh'tR�tM OovFlvaH'rs.Barra�rer aad Len�er furthec covmant and agrec�follo�sc � , � ,
<br /> ' I9��:I�ei�.I.esier i�i! �t�e�otlot b$orEawer�rtar to �ootkr�tfa� [ollow�Ba�+nw�'s .
<br /> �ee�c1 ot�g ce�e�t or ye+e�t is tW See�r[ty Ia�a�t(6�t iot prlor t�u soalaratfos andu Mr�apks 13 and 19 .
<br /> aiew�lNiealie 4w/roiida at�aw3�e��e aoUoe dull a�ecUY:W tbe detaW�(b)the a�tto�reqoired to crre!i�
<br /> � � �(c)a i��ot ksr tia�30�ys tras t�e dstc He�otics d�i�ep to Borrowa.6y wliich tte defiWt m�t be c�ed:
<br /> aM t�tlnt Fill�to taet t�e dds�lt or or 6efora tYe 8ste qeciflcd is t�e tatic��tsy nsalt ia aaxlaat[on o!tL�anms
<br /> ��i bl tl�it Secrrtt!►LuRno�est a�i�ate of d�e Fr�oKe�tY.The aoda slull tnrthcr i�fone Horrowu oi ttie�rt�t to
<br /> reirt�te dber aoaieratlo�a�i ll�e s�t to 1�s ooaet ac�to a�ert t��-sx(stena oi a d�fa�tt u�asy ot6a .
<br /> �tfe�e ol8oeea�wato aooeient�uil ak Uttie detaatt is aat c�rEd oe nr bttare tbe d�te�d itr tYe naticG I.enaer ' .
<br /> st its o�tio� �sl'rtq�ire i�edl�tt M7�t ia fiU of�!!s�s s�by t�is Se�arity Isttruse,t witlw�tart�er �
<br /> ie�aY w Lr�ke tl�e pw�ots�ie ud�ay otUa re�dte penattted by aD/lkatite Isw.I.ader eWl be eatitkd to
<br /> eoiiect aIt e=�i�nrr+ad Lt �trt reae�les prm�dcd fn thh pae�sp6 i9. f�dndieg,bat aot li�ited to.
<br /> t�o�leatta�s�7s'ttesaiicasbottltke�tAeact. , �
<br /> I!tre pw�ar od a1e 4 t��oked,Te+�ee dWl reoord."s nM�ce ot dehalt in e�coaaty ia w6ie6�qr part of tl�e �
<br /> Prnpaty b loc�ted a�d e�tll�ait copies of sn¢h notioe in the autnder ora��ribed by applicabk law to Borrower aed to t6e ,�..
<br /> ot6a�er�oas pr�sufl�d 6Y a�I�le Lw.Atter t6e tlme reyuired bY apWlpble f�w,Trastee aball�ta aublic nuttca of
<br /> sak to tbe pecio■s a�d is tht aaaaer pe+mcribed by applk�ble 4w.1�ru.steG wit6oat dem�nd oo BorroRtr,ahail=ell tbe
<br /> Pro�tetyatp�bfica�tostot6e Mgh�stbidderat d�time�dplaceand imdert6e hemsdesipated ia tHe notieeofsakia
<br /> a�e or eor�e proels aad ia aay orderTru�ee det�rminsa.lYuat�e mss►Ao�tponz sale of aIIoraay p�roet,af t4e Propaty by
<br /> N61�c�o�a�at at tlie tlme�wi�o!aoy�+etMiisi�r��so6edoled s�te.,I.ender or its desi�see may p�rLsse the
<br /> . peo�eriy[tatysak. �::t;.,-:;= . � .
<br /> Upa roeei�t of�ays�mt ot t6e pc�oe bid,T'r�e s6aII deli�u ta tbt parebases Trasta's dad coe�eyi�tbe ,
<br />. Pro�erty.T6e recitaL ia tie Tirtntea's dad tluU be�rivs fsede eddeaca uf tbe trat�oi tbe statesests made Warsi�.
<br /> Trs�tee�l NNY�0�oitte iwle ia We fullowteg order.(s1 to ail eacpt�a otthe�ale.iacl�diag,iwt not lirtted
<br /> to,Tra�tte's fea s�pamttted by a�ptic�ble ttw aad searooa6Ie�ttorneys'fess tb)to all sums aecwed by t6is Sec�ity . , .
<br /> ., . �YOESh�l��C��lY'�=C�'sitD�E�30O Ol'p!!tlOM 1E$�ITj►lII�uld iOlt.
<br /> 20.I�de:[s Po�tsdan. Upon accelerat�tm under paragraph 19 or abandonment of the Property, Lender('m . ..
<br /> pecson�by agent or by judiciaUy appointod taxivet)shall be entittal to tnur upon,take possessioa of and manage thc
<br /> Property aad w coUect the rents af the Property iAduding t&use past due.My tents collected by I,�er or the receiver. .
<br /> sl�att be appl�ed�itst to payment of the c,osts of maaagement of th.°Property and collection of rents,`inclading,buc not
<br /> Iimited to�recei�cer's foea,premiums an roceiver's bands and ttaisar.�a.�Ie attoraeys•fees,and thsA to the sums�e�i,a�iry
<br /> this Security Instnnment � � .
<br /> 21.Iteeos�eY��'�.PaY�ent of all suins�secur�by this Sec�.r+r���suument,Lender shaA reqe�est Tn�stee to � , �
<br /> recanvey the Property and�isll�rrender this Security Inswment aad aI1�:��evitlencing debi secured by this Security , .
<br /> In�►truraeat W Trustee.Trusta sball r�anvty tha Property without warranty and without charge to the person or persans � �
<br />, legaUy enritled to it.Sucb person or pusons shaII p$y any rocordarion costs. ��� � � �' ��
<br /> Y�.Sabdtnte Trastee.Lender,at its optiou;atay from time to time remove Truste��.d appoinr a successor trastee
<br /> to aay T:uata tppaintod hereunder by an instrut�ent racordod in the eounty in which this Sec�rity Imis�ivment is reeorded. .
<br /> Withaut canvcyamce of the Property,the succes.sor trusta sbatt succad to all the ritte,pca�tr aad�taes confexrod upon .. �_
<br /> Trustx h�snd by applicable law. � , . . : . � .:—
<br /> Z�.�-��o�Not�ccs.Borrowcr requcsts that copies cf�'==siotices of default as��.�be ssnt to Batrowea'�a�ctr�ss .--_
<br /> wlucb is the piroperty Addtess.$oaower furthor requests shst copies of the nodce of default artd Aadece of sate be sent tu each , ,, ';`
<br /> person who is a paety herer.�at the address of such pesson set fortb herein. , k-
<br /> ,:
<br /> Z4.Ridera to t6t�Secarity Iastrument.If one or more riders are eaecuted by Borrdwer and rer��d�together with � . '
<br /> this Security lnstnuaent,the covenants aud agxments of cach such rider shall be incurpe��a�ated into and shall amend and , ;
<br /> auppkment t6e covenants and agxmmfs of this Socurity Instrument as if the rider(s)were a part of this Security ;
<br /> Instsument�[Check applicable boa(es)j : � :: �
<br /> , � !�j
<br /> . . �
<br /> ' � Adjustabte Rste Rider ❑ Condaminium Rider ❑ 2-4 Family Rider � `�
<br /> , ❑ Gr�dwted Payment Rider ❑ Planned Unit Development Rider � , •-�-�
<br /> r
<br /> �Othv+ls� �sP��Y� '
<br /> HY S!(iNlNti BELOW, Bonowet accepts and agras to the terms and covenants contained in this Security
<br /> lnstrument and in any rider(s)executcd by Borroaer and rocorded aith it.
<br /> i`/L. ,T - ���tc�•••••••:�, ,
<br /> � _..--- �._,.!,...........�. ,t,',�f"",'6a.. .. . . .. .............. . .
<br /> . .. ... .
<br /> ....� � ,... ._ ...
<br /> ......... .... .�--- - - -- --- -�--�---- �----�------- ---- --- ----- � Vir�+inia-A:�--5chafer--- - ._. .- �---�-�-�--�o.rar.r ..__.. .--�-- ---
<br /> � .:�..�./..jl:�:l..l..�t`�.t:. ..��.:�.�.� ��.................. ..�) '
<br /> ��.
<br /> Laur�r�ce �P. Schafer
<br /> ST��ne o�N�s�...............xal.i...................................................�...Comty ee: , .
<br /> On thie..........Z�x}a.........day oi....Max�ch.............,19.3U.._,before me,the undmrsiBned,s Notery P+ublic
<br /> dnly c�Omnui6eoiOnect arid qttsliSea fo=esid t�ttnty,31�t3o1]8lly CBmeVir{�iniA„A.,,Schafer.�nc�..�,�lt��itC�
<br /> �w S�i�.�1C�_ticif�...altd.bu�t&baud . ............... .......... .... ,t0 me lmawa t0 be tlie .--_-___-
<br /> ideiiticiil p�raontaj �vhose n�me(s)are enbecribed ta the foregoing inatru�ment and acl�no�rledged the e�- .
<br /> tion thereoi to be ............ch e�r....................................................................voluntery act and d�ed. �
<br /> Witneee my hsnd and notasial eeal at .................s;x.and..Ssla,url...l�raslc3............in esid county,the
<br /> tlrte atare�id. � • ° .
<br /> M C�mnoiMion espiree�: 2 1/93 • . M
<br /> � �� t.'. .,:�:c;;e,-s:::«r���e.�:�, _.......���j�'�..�.�.-..�.:�ft.l�..t:L.R............................ , �R
<br /> 1`.:ARItYt�j.8 cr.r.; r '•��
<br /> ✓���:.a t�Y C�mm EYp�I�� ' ti
<br /> Emptoyment Oppot�tunityfAffimnative Action Employer M/F. w
<br /> � . . , ��
<br /> �-- — -- - -- , [1H� Mlow Tt�s ts+! �a AcknMeOprrntl --� � - -- — , _ "
<br /> � .
<br /> � �,,.�,a..... �_.___ _n� v _
<br /> y-, r 4 _
<br /> �- 4- -�=1�:'y�,°`�Xi'r5+�: -a. �w-e — -
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<br /> .... � .-_ �..._..� ..- .._,_ .�_.._ . . �, t�_'
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<br /> �...'.�..in_.� �—�t �_'_y. �..:._"' ..'_.. . __- ..�. -. ... . " '. ... . ���- . .. . - c:�,�.� ",',�,-;i,,,a.,:,
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