� , : 1 � ' �
<br /> . � . � � . �. ' . ' ' . ,
<br /> . , . . . � 9�--101'729 ` .
<br /> '1 - If Lender raJuired�o�sgage inswrance as a caadition of tnaicing the loaa secured.bY this Sec�uity Ingtrumeab
<br /> Barmwer shatl pay,ttie premiums roqnirod ta maintain thc iasuranct in�'eci�ntil suctti timc�s the requitemeat far tt�c , .
<br /> insurance tcrmiAata in accordaace with Boam�►e�s and Lmder's writt�sgreernsnt ar appGcableiaw.
<br /> S. Lspestion. Lend�r or its ageas msy msice reasonab2e�tatria upon and inspectians of th�Property.Leader
<br /> „shall give Borniwer aotice at the time ofos prior to an inspection spccifying reasonabie cause for the inspation. �
<br /> � 9 C.oed�atti�. The proceeds df any award or claim for daaiages.d'uxt or censequential,ia conaectian with . �
<br /> _ . any candemnation or other taicing of any paft of the Ptoperty.or for convayance in liar of cond�nnation,are hsreby
<br /> assigned and shatl be paid to Lendcr. . �
<br /> In tt�e evrnt of a total Wfciag of the Property,We pracads shall,be appliod to the sums socured by this Seciirity '
<br /> � Insttnmait,whuher or not thrn duG with any eaccess paid to Borrower.Is the eveat of a partial taYing of the Ptoperty,
<br /> � uaiess&�rrower aad Lendsr otherwi.0 agcee�n wtiting,the sums secared by this Sccuriry Instrument sl�att be r�du►xd by � ,
<br /> ; the auiount of the prooeods mnitiplisd by the following fraction:(a)the total araount of the sums socured immediatety
<br /> � 6efare the tafcing,dividod by(b)the fair market value of the Praperty immeciiatdy 6efore the tatting.Any 6alance shall be
<br /> � paid toBorrawer.
<br /> � If the Property i�abaadoned by Basrower,ar if,after aotice by Leuder to Borcawa that the condemnor offers to
<br /> • malceas aaArd orxttlea claim fot d�mages.Burrawerfails W re.Spond w I�eudawithin 30daysafttrthedat�thenoticeis . . .
<br /> � � givea,Leades is authcsrized to coltect and apply the proceod�.at its option,either to restoration ur repair of the Property ag `�
<br /> � to the sums sa�red by this Se�urity Instnua�nt,whether or not tben due. - .. ,
<br /> LTnless Leader and Borrawer othesa+ise agree in writing.anY aPPlication of procads to principa!shail notext�ed or .
<br /> postpon�the dne dau of the mottthly paynteats referred w in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amonnt of sach pay{uents. �
<br /> '- 10 Borroxes Not ReItased;Farbearmce By.I.endar Not s Wai�er _ Exteasioa af thc timc for paymaij as
<br /> modificatian of atnortizarion of the suws secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender ta any sucsessor in � : - �
<br /> interest of Borrower shall not operate to retease the liability of the originaf Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest.
<br /> Lender shall not be requirod w commeace pro�eodings against any successor in iaterest or refuse to extend tiaze for
<br /> paymrnt or othe�wise modify amortizadon of the swns stcured by this Socurity Instrument by reasoa of any densand made
<br /> hy the original Boaowet or Borrower's successois in interest.Any Forbearance by Lender in ex�rcisiag any right or reraedy
<br /> � shall noi be a waiver of or prcclude ihe exercise of any right or remedy. � '
<br /> �1. Succe�oes aad As�ipss Bousd;Jotnt wad Se�enl Liability;Co-signers. The co��ra�ts and agr�smenu o€ �.
<br /> � this Security h�strument sha11 bind and benefit the success�es and�ssigns of Lender and Borrawer,sabjeet to the�rovisions - :
<br /> �' of paragraPh 17.Borrowet's coven;sits�d agroements sEna➢1 be}oint aad several.Arty Bonower who co-sigr�s�s Security _....
<br /> ' Instrument but das not execute ilie Note:(a)is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortgage,grant and convey .
<br /> that Bomowar's intcrest in the Property under the terms of this Security Instrument;(b)is not personally obligated to pay
<br /> the sums secured by this Security Instrument;and(c)agras that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend, .
<br /> modify,forbear or malce any accommodarions with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or ihe Note without
<br /> that Borrower's consent.
<br /> _ f2. 1�oan��r�. . IFlhe loaa secused by this Security Insteesment is subjeet to a laer which sets maaimum loan __
<br /> charges,and that law is 8nally interpreted sa that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in :=
<br /> connectian w�th the toan eaceed thG pem�itted limits, then: (a)any such loan cbarge shalE be reduced by the amount 'F �
<br /> � nece.�.sary to reduce the cLarge to the permitted limit;and(b)any sums already coltected from T�rrower which eaceeded � '
<br />, pernutted limits wi11 be refundod to Borrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by rei�°.:cing the principal owed
<br /> under the Note or by making a direct payment to Borrower.If a refund teduces prir��al,the mdisction will be treated as a
<br />, . partial prepayment without any pr+cpaymcnt charge under the Note. � , . c
<br /> 13. I�l�tlaa A![ee�tn�t�edec's Rig6ts. lf enactment or eapiration of apptic�tr!e laws has the eSect�of . �
<br /> � . rendering any propisign of the Nou or this Sea¢rety Instrument unenforceabte according to its tcm�s.Lender,at its option. �� `�
<br /> ' � may require imne�ed�ase payment in full of all snms secured by this Security Instrument and may invoke any remedies ��,F �..
<br /> . � permitted by ptu�saph�9.lf L�s.der exercises this opti��;,�.endct shall take the steps apocified in the accond paragraph of • •
<br />� paragraph 17. � • ' . , '�
<br /> i�. NnNce9. �Any notice to Borrowea provided f�r.i��.h�s Sac��:ty lnstrument shall be g�ven by delivering it or h� ;
<br /> meiling it by firat¢4ass mail unless applica63s taw requiT�s u,�e of a��ther method.The notice shall be directed to di.�
<br /> Ptopctty Address or any oiher address Bonower desigw:;4�s by notice to l.ender.Any notice to I.ender sh�td he given by "
<br /> 6rst class mail to Lender's address stated herein or any cx�er address Lender designares by notice to Borrow�r.Any notice ,
<br /> ptovided for in this Security instntttaent sD�b16e deeme��.�bave been given to Borrower ar l.ender whe»gir�e��s provides�, '
<br /> in thisparagraph. �
<br /> ._.... _.. . .._ .. _.._..15. Go�erning L+r,Seretabiltty. This Security.Instrument shall.b_e governed_by feaea�l.law and the!aw of ir�e
<br /> . . -- -�-----. .._...._ _. .
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Prapetty is tocated.ln the event that any provision or ctause of this Security lnstrument or the
<br /> Nate contliets with ayplicable paw,sucb eonflict shall not affect ather provisiona of this Secnrity Instrurteent ar the Note
<br /> � which can be given e�feet withmut the conflicting provision.To this ead the provisians of this Socusity Ir�sFeun-��.nt anc!i!�e ,
<br /> Note are declarod tc�ba severable.
<br /> 16. Borrow�rrb Copy. Borrower shall be given one conforn-ced copy of the Note and c�f'this Security lnstrumer�t.. '
<br /> 17. Traader o!tbe ProDerty ar a Beeeflcld Intara!in Harrawer. lf all or any part-of the Property or any
<br /> interest in it is sold or transferred(or if a bezeficial interest in Botrower is sold or transfetted and Bc�rrawer is not a natural
<br /> persun)without Lender's prior wtitten consent,Lender may,at its option,require immediate paymenf in full aiall sums
<br /> seeur�d by this Security Instrutnent.Howevef,this option shall not be exercised by Lender ii exercise is prohibited by ;____._:._._.
<br /> federal law'as of the date of this Security Instrument. ' � • �
<br /> , If L'ender exercises this option,Lender shall give Borrower nolice of acceteration.The notice shall'pravide a pericxi !
<br /> . of not less th�n 30 days from the date the notice is deli�ered or mailed within which Borrower must pay al!sums secured by � � '
<br /> this Security lnsttument.lt Bnrtower fails to pay these sums prior td the expiration of this penad,Leader may invoke any j
<br /> _ remefies permittea by tfis S�ecurity gnstrument witi�om furtiternotice or demaml vn Burrowrr. ' � �
<br /> 1�.Borrower's Rij#t to Reiesttte. lf�orrc�wer meets certain cQnditions:Barrower shap have the right t�havc
<br /> enPorcement nf this 5ecurity Instrument discontinued at any time prior to the eatlier oL•(s)S days(�ir such other�eris�d as . ��
<br /> � applicable!aw may specify for rcinstatement)6efore sale of the Property pursuant tv any pc�wer�f sale contained in this ,
<br /> 5ecurity lnswment:ar(b)eetry�f a judgment enfotcing this Security Instrument. Thase cvnditians ure that Hurruwer. � ��
<br /> (a) pays L,ender ali s�mo which then wouId be due under thts 5ccurity Instrumcat and the N�it�Ifad no�ccelerAtion �
<br /> vccutred: (b�cures gny defa�lt oF any other covenants ot agreemrnts; (c)pays all caprnse�; irtcurred in enfi�rring�hi5 • �,
<br /> 'Secunty lnstrument,uutudinR,hut not limited to.reasonabte atturneys'fees;�ne!tdi.takcti yucb acti+»a;4�Q rnder may f.� 3,�
<br /> reusnnably teyutrr trti;�r�urr�th�E the lfen i�t thjt Secunty 1n�tru�renE. lxn�ters nNhis in ehc Prf�rc�ty a��d liarrE:wer't � .-
<br /> ab��gatiun tu p3y �he a�m< <ecured by th�s Seturity Instrument Sna�! co��t�nue unchanged t�E��m rcuia:itement bu
<br /> Fie�truwcr.lhi�Secur�ty imtrc�nsrnt and the r�bl�ga,tttm9 sc�;ured hetrby chsll rrman�fuUy elTecpvF e��f«e►acceletat�on had
<br /> � � +ticurred H��ae�er;�hi��ight te�reu�titate s�n1i nut epply�n the�ase ot arcefcrat�+m Ymder��raur:�ph�t t.�r !7 - -
<br />- , �
<br />