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<br /> _ , . , � 9Q-'10169 3 - ---
<br /> Condemnatiot�:All sums due;paid or paya6le to Triutor.or any fuccessor in interest of Trascar.whether by way of -� - --
<br /> - - - - . judgment,seccYe�ss�r�t ar olhet�':se,(a�fQr�j�ny cz dam�ge t�s�TCfi pm�em,ar(bT in conne+cdnn evith ang condemnation far.. ..: -- - -
<br /> public use or injuty to such_prope�ty or any part thereof,or(c} in connection with the transaction financed by the loan -
<br /> secured hereby.or(d)arising out of all causes of action,whethet acciuing before or atter[he date of this�Deed of Tn�st,
<br /> sounding in tort o�rontracy. including cause� or action for fiaud or conceatment of a material fact together tvish the
<br /> � settlements,proceeds.awards and damages, direa and consequential.in conneciion therewith,are hereby absatutety and
<br /> irrevocably assig�e� and shall be paid to Beneficiary, subject however to the righu af the hoider of any priar &en.
<br /> _ � Beneficiary si�all UP entitled.at its option,to commence,intenene in,appear in and prosecute in its own name.any action
<br /> . ar praceeding or to raake any compramise or settiemen[.in connection xvith any such talcing or damage.Trustnr agrees to
<br /> execute such further assignments of any compensatian,award.damages,rights of action and proceeds as Beneficiary may .
<br /> require. ,
<br /> The amount received by Benef�ciary pursuant to this Deed of Trust under any fire or other insn�ance policy, in
<br /> ' ` connection with any condemnatioa for public use of or injury to such propeity,for injury or damage to such propert},or in , • �
<br /> ' connection witb the uansaction financed by che loan secured here��are co he applied at the option of Benefcciaey u�a any �
<br /> indebtedn�ss secured hereby. No such applica�on, use or relea4e shall cure_or waive any default ar aouce a�defautt �
<br /> hereunder or invalidate any act done pvrsuant to such notice. ` ,,
<br /> Conseat,partia!Reoo�eyanoe,EtG:At any time.or from ame to time,�vithout liabiliry therefd�aa���tkQUt notice,
<br /> ' 'upon written requert of Benef�ciary, and without affecting the persona! tiabihty of any perso� �r gasit�e�� of the
<br /> . indebtedness secvreF'�.£�ereby.or the lien of t�is Deed of Ttust upon the remainder of such prope�t}+for t2te�a..�unt of ,
<br /> the indebtedness tne�ar themafter,secured hereby oi the rights or powers of the Beneficiary of the Tnzst�e�ri3��spect to
<br /> the remainder of sucIt�:ugens:Tivstee may(a)reconvey any part of such propercy,(b}coitsent to the��f anv map or •
<br /> plat thereof, (c) jai� in gn�a�ng any easerrrent thereon, or (d)join in any extension agreemena er•ans agreement -
<br />' suisardinating the ti�rt ar eharge hereof. . ` .
<br /> Fiill Recom��ica Upon wciuen rc�.�.est of Beneficiary stating that aU sums secured hereby ha�e.been paid,Tnrstee
<br />� shall recc,nvey;withcut warranty,the prope�c then hetd hereunder."t�e recitals in such reconceyance.�f any matters of fact
<br /> shall 6e conclusive proof of the truthfuIness thereof.The grantee in such reconveyance may be desig�z2zr�as"the person or
<br /> persons legally eautled thereto".Such request and reconveyance shall operate as a reassignment of the�n'ts,income.issues
<br /> and prof'its herein►se�;nre assigned to Benefiriary. - - .
<br /> • � Iti�t W C.ol�eci and Receive Rents aad ProSts: 1�Sotwithstanding any other pro�2s-�us hereo£ Beue���-�ereby
<br /> grants permissiori xs Trustor to coltect and retain the rents,income,issues and profits of suefi prope�ty as ihe���.^�ne due
<br /> and payable, but reserves che right to revoke sucli permission at any time.with or Htithoui cause,by aotice Fn�:i�ing to
<br /> Trustor, maited to Trustor at his tast known address.In any event,such permission to Trustor automatically shail b�revoked . -
<br /> upon default by'li'aker or Trustar in payment of any indebtedness secured hereby or in the performance of arrr a�meemen[ ,
<br /> hereunder.On anc such defautt,Beneficia�-may at any time w�thout nopce,either in per5�n,by agent,ur by receiver to be
<br /> appointed by the Coun,and without re�rd��the adequacy of any security for the indebte��ss secured hereby,enter upon
<br /> and tak�possession af such property,or a�y part thereof.make.cancel,enforce or madifi-leases;obtain and eject tenants. ' _
<br /> set or me�dify rents;in iu aa�re name sue ar�:kzen+3s�cat2ea[he ren[s.income.issues and profits thereof,inctuding those
<br /> past due and un�¢aid; and appiy the �cre�D�ss rcasts and expenses of operadan and collection. including reasonable ,
<br /> attorney's fee�s,r�{�t+�ti any indebtedness sec�..:�d herebv and in such order as Reneficiary may determine;and except for such
<br /> applicacion.$ene�seffary shall not be liabfe to any persan for the collection or noncoliection of any rents,income,issues or
<br /> profits.�as rhe!'ailure to asseit or enfarce any of the fe�e�oing rights,nor shall 8enefiriary be charged with any of the duaes .
<br /> � and o�i:*�asiorss�f�mnn�a�e in possession.The cnteri��up�n and taking possession of such propert}+,the callection of =
<br /> such renu,income.assues or grof�[s.the doing�f other acts herein authoriixd.and the applicauan thereof as aforesaid,shal{ . � �
<br /> not cure or waive any defanit or n�,uce�Qf�:fault hereunder or invalidate any act done pursuant to such nodce. j�
<br /> 'S:usteds Sate on Defaut�L:pura d�iault by Nfaker or"1"rustnr in payment of any indebtedness secured hereby or in '
<br /> perfacr_:ance of'any agreemer.� Itereu:tder, or any z;reement securcd i►ereby. Beneficiary may dec�:�re all sums secured t
<br /> hereby immediately due and pa�able anc!shafl cause t�be filed of rerord.�writtr-n notice af defautt a�ac�eSecaon ta sell such
<br /> property.After the lapse of such time as t?:�n may be required hy law fi�lluwing recordauan of such notice of d�aault,and t.'
<br /> natice of sale ha��ic��been given as thcn rc<;uircd by laa:"I'n�sire,tivithout drmand on Tran�.�.;shall sell such prap�,either � ' �
<br /> as a whole or in �parate parcels, and irt such �rder as it or tienefiriary may determin.e at public auction to tt�e•highest ':r: _
<br /> �� bidder.�'ntstee may pastpone E�:e sale nf all or any ponian of such prope�y hy puhlic announrement at the time and place .
<br /> , of sale.and frnm time to u�n.�thereaftcr may pnstpone thc sale by public autiouncement�it�he time aiid place fixed by the �
<br /> preceding postpQ^ement.7'ruster shaif de`iver to sui:h pur��h:�st�r its deed ronveyin�the property sci sald,but wilFtout any ' �?
<br /> eovenant or waerac:iy,exprrss or in�pliea.. �he rerita! in surh deed af any matters af fac: �rr uthernise ShalLbc mnclusive
<br /> pror►f of th'e'trutk:fulness therenf:An��person, includin�"I'nistor. 7'n�stee ar Nrnetieiary:may purchasr at such sale.'I'n�strr
<br /> ma}-:�ts�cell at any suc h�+Ie and a�ti pan�here�if an� sharrs uf c��r��orate stock�c�CGT111�1�IN(�I)�t�:l11011 SCCUiC()I1Ci�hY,and
<br /> "Cru�car c.�aives den�artd and r�xuce of such sa:e. s 13rnrfu�iary at its npti��n tnay'�I�u fi�rrclose on such shares by independent
<br /> pledge sale,and'Cn:smr waR•es ciemand ast�r.nuu�r��f such sate').AIICI'(It(IUCt111�iIII f()SIg,iCNS illl(I expe���e•s of"�'n�.�tee,and
<br /> �i this"Crust,i�rc.ar'.:ii��cost�,!rvidencr«€e;clr i»c�►nner�i�,n wi�h surh sale,'1'rustee S�l�ll CP9l:lN�Iy(I1C}�fl�t'CC(�i r�r y:ilt l��
<br /> . . .._._..-------_t�ay�ntet�t cif ai}s��:s expcnded ut�dc�r the-term4 hcre��i.uc��then rrp�id..ivith a�•cn�ed intrce�.c at the rate_Il�t•u_pa�:J:lr.unike•r- - ... . .-- --._...__... .
<br /> , ihe iT.c�re ar uutes srcured herrby, and then to paymc�nt ��t�:�U ��ther yu�u, se��ufe•c; hrrc•tsy..�nd if tl��rratter therc he any
<br /> prac��s remainin�;.distribus�thru►tu the persun��r pers��ns Ieg��11Y�•�1tiQed�Irera•u,. . •
<br /> 5ubstitution of Truster: 13rnetiriary may, frc�m time tu tiine, hy iqtitnunrnt it�'+��titing, substi�ute a �a��cessar �►r
<br /> s��ccrssors ta any��'n�stee named herrin or actin�hereunder,which instru�nent:rxrcuir���nd x�•knu�vledged I,y 13eneficiary
<br /> and recurded in the c,ffice of the rr�ister nf deeds nf �h� county ur r�unues �shere such prc�peny is situated, shal! be
<br /> c�►nclusive pr�,of��f prupt�r suhstituti��n nt �uch ,u��rss�sr '1'n�+tcr ur 7'�u.trrti. �vh�� sl�all. wi�h�►ut rnn�•ry�r�res fmm thr
<br /> 1'nistee prrdetessor.surrerd tu uH its titic,est.�tr.�i�;hts.�,��svr� and dutiey.
<br /> � No Waivet by Beneficitary::�u waive�t b}•lirnrticean•ul any�i�;ht tmder�l�i�Uer�i u}'Iiust rhal)br efti•��i�•e unletis in ,-1 -�_
<br /> writing. tiVai�•er by 3ieneficiary uf any ri�ht�r-untrd ai Be�eE•fi�i:�ry unctrr d�is 11eed of"1'rust ur ui auy pruvisic�n��t tttis 1)eed
<br /> uf'I'iust as tu any�ransactinn ar nc�urren�•e•s shall n��t br deemed a �vai�•er as to ar►y�future�ir.msar�ian��r nrrurrences. By ,
<br /> � � at cepli�t}�p�tyme��t t,f any rum secured hereby aRer its duer�Inte.�rr bY makin};any payu�ent��r pe�t�mniu}�:sny a�t rn�hchaH .
<br /> „i Makrr ur 'Crust�r �f�a� lfaker ur '1'iYiytvr was ohli�ated hrn•tauter, hut laile•�1 u. a�akr u� �zrifimu. �,r hy addin}; any '
<br /> - �mcro so made fiy 8cnrf'iciary m thr incfc-frtr�tnrss�rc��i��f itrrri►y; ifi•nr#n intv�i�.r.rt�ri �vei�r if�ti�;i�t iF.ii'f�iitif' �►iftiii�li �. -?�-f`
<br /> L }�:I}rI1lCt/i tsllt�l(Illt ltI JII l►1lltf 5(Itttti ti(��f•�ui��d�+t tn rev�ui�e E�rr�w����,E•rtu�rn:u��r r,i all utlier aus�ryuii�•�I Iu•n•u�ti�h•t��� 1�� �
<br /> de•�la�r�.�deiault fe,t(ailtur s��t��p�iy:
<br /> Waiver of 5htule oFUrnilatitms:'fi�iu•i�ut�ht•t•��k•tut•ii�.dl 11.tk�•i'..uii!')rn�he�'ti�rt�lis;.me►u4 iu•te�nt��lrr..itul tu thc •?
<br /> r•xtept ��e�u�iltr�) �n latv, �It'�ntuY �.'��i«•+ all pre�ct•nt ��� fequir .t.dute•c uf lirnit�ni��u� «ith t�����r�t ��� .me de•ht. �Irni.�m1 �r� h`
<br /> ��b1iy.�U��n sr�.ne��l IEr�td�� in da< <uu���� rn ��ter�er•hny; t��t dir ��ut�u�r�� <,t rntn��int; tlu, "I���,t ��e ,i���� �it�l�t4 �,► ��•�uc�fu•, ' ���
<br /> t���re�ut�etrr ,
<br /> Ins�rtiun and 8usine!cw Ei�cords: 13ri�riic i,ut .H ,�e�� tiisrr �b��r�st;lEn•��•nfrr�it.rtt••rr f.E ti�e 1��i�i �rt.�E �nte•i .�n�t trn��+•f f =-.
<br />. cfif�'F tiiFfi�c•►t�•:it.fitS tt',tY�iF/.i�rll'tititY I tttSltat -�:�'t�'�•�fFTdR ftf tlit�f-�rtiF .et�k F�:+�t�r�rt� �t t�=.+t�*,r 4st tr.eltt•t ei.r�el te,e ���:rtr�it•��e.s1 -
<br />' •�t �rc�e!•nt►��f �ti�•,fnr• En�t�ni;[•., ull�t. tev�n�.0�i li. Ite ne•f.0 i.�rti 1�,�4e��� :.ciS ��e��u�lotG ,h fr.�i n. K�•iie fie�.tit ����I� ,e rtitn-�i
<br />' .. .. fl!).�t1<Qt�.Ml.�tf'ftlf•hf� dt14� �il��jl! .f1��� �irtiti if.t(('Itff Illv ��� �tl��1 [4Er! . .It.r� .t! •.Ib M! 1'+�t 1• t�. �- tn�: �.� 1��FrIN��� r�t �i� t/�'�le f It�
<br />. . �
<br />