:tw�— =sY"�:.� . . . .4 � .�1iRai:.'�9}'4f`�.. .t �f'.v, , �. . .�:r.i.v�as�.., v �t�
<br /> _=y_1�n.n'1'.a:34C,.:�= — f C- `e.r._ _ � b�.�C:.i•sro-ii'�F�i�St���S ".C£�n.._—'= -
<br /> -- _— �,.�,.�.�6 fi��.�isd�a. '^��iYl�ii�l�di�i�f9i�'i� -i="" �r���1�T !���6�, ..L°._a� -- "— . _.
<br /> — -• --� _.._._-.. ._..__- : _ . ._ _� . -- -- - �.. . - -
<br /> T-.
<br /> ; , -��,:�1i, . .. ' `., . . . • - r ^��� -
<br /> . ' ... . . . _ . . . . . ... . " .- . .. i:i� � .
<br /> � '. , • . . . ' , � �="-• :�. _ . - .
<br /> � ' - .- . . -. .. . . .. . . . .� ' -. z'_—' .-_ '_'_-- T-._. �f ':. T,.�
<br /> - i - . . - -- 9Q"'.: 1016fi� :: : . :_. _ _ .
<br /> � _ I+Eo?�-E�4'�FOg.r.�C¢rt�a►t�r'[s.�ac�oReraa�I.e��fnxt�eFCav+e�a.�taa�agre�as€afto��s -. . . . . .
<br /> . • iq A�Remed�I.ender sbalt g;tc�ite•tv•,Boyroi�prior tta:x+cce!leration,fulYa�+ring.Bnrm�e�'s�� �,. - -�. �: ;�. .
<br /> 6reacbofae�gaate�sn�a�ra�tiathLsStcudtgLtslrnment'(EiafII+otp�tartom¢�c�lrratFts�aa�3erptingnt�ilis�l3`utdY? -- .
<br /> rmtesg appfic�6te�a+v pra�des aE�s�tsel.7'he aotice s6al1 spedfy: (aj�e:�fanT��b)tLe a�o�,r�quir2�l�to zure.t�e
<br /> defiui�(e)s date,nat ts�tTi�.3l�ds�s from the dstt the notice is�ven tt�:�oraoxer�bF.�3�tle:ddiailt mast be cared;
<br /> � aitd ta}t�t[�ilare to c�ue t&ede8au3��n as before the date spect�ed in the iu�ttcz cssy•ress�it•im a,ccetkration of t6e sums
<br /> se�re�by tbis Security I�sE=umaet�,s�d s�te_of tfle Propertq.3'he aottce sha�['fat�ar.itffo�rn Borrower of the rtght to
<br /> �. , . , .
<br /> �.:
<br /> :, :•_::�::.,:::. . , .seE�state aRes acceEern�a�r�ana���:si�rt tfl brlag�court action to assert t�a�of a defAnit or any o er
<br /> ��e.nf Barro�er�a:s¢ceE¢�.�t�d sile.I�tbtdtfiWt is t}at cared on or before t�e dife speciSea in We notice,Lender
<br /> .�� �. a�:�4.u�tiaa,cqg;,s�o�f��te paymeat i�fu�of all smns secured by t6fs Security Instrument wfthout further
<br /> demsad u��g'�$cz.t�epc�irerof sale ta3 anq othtr remtdies permttied by applicabte IAw.Lender shall be entitted to
<br /> �,`%,. .: , colled af���;�ue oars�Iag the remed�a prodded in thls paragrspb 19, inctudiag; bot aot liu�ited to, .
<br /> . � .�` reasoeabte a'tt��riseys�ftes and cc�sis of tittt evtdenc� � ' .
<br /> It d�e power Q!sde is iavoked,Trustee�h�ll record a eotfce af default in eacb oounty ie w6ich any put of the �
<br /> Prope�ty is located and s6a1!ma�l copies ot suth notfce in the manaer prescribed by applictble!aw to Borrawer aed tn t6e
<br /> otber persons presectbed by�pplica6te law.ARer the time required hy applirabfe Iaw,Tntstee shali gire public notice of ,
<br /> sale to the pe�soesand ia t6e�aanner prescrlbed by�pplicnble law.Zinstee,witdnut dem�ed oe Borro�ver.sha11 sell the
<br /> Prnperty�t puDlic tuctFon tu the higAest 6tddcr�t thg tfine and pl�ce and under the te�ms design�ted in the notice of sate in
<br /> one or more p��cels and in any order Trustee d�termirtts.Trustee nuy postpone snte of ali or any patcel of tbe Property by ,
<br /> pa6lie annonnc�feat at We tta[e and pace of�►y previously schedaled sale. Lender or its destgaee may purchase the .
<br /> � ProPerty a�aag sale. � �
<br /> ' Upoa recefpt ot pAyment flf the,price btd.Trustee sball deltver iro the purchs�sser Trustee's deed conveytag the
<br /> ` Property.The recitafs in the Trustee's deed sba{! be prlma tacie evfdence of the trutb oi the sts�tements made therein.
<br /> Traste+p a6aq opp�,y tbe proceeds of the s�le in the toltowing order.(')to all eapenses of the sale,inctuding,butnot limited
<br /> to.Trastee's fees as permitted by applicable Iaw and reasonahIe attorne�s'fees;(b)to all sums secured 6y this Secasity
<br /> Inshumea�and(c)any excess to the person or persans Iegnlly enrided ta it
<br /> 20. I.eudtr in Pass�ssion. Upon_acceteration under paragraph Fg or abandonment of the Property, Lender(in -
<br /> person.by agent or by ju�icially appointed receicer)shall be entitled to enter upon,take possession of and manage the �
<br /> Property and to collect s.��:rents of the Property including those past due._iiny rents collected by Lender er the receiver .
<br /> shall he applied 5rst t�payment af the costs of management of the Pse�ersy and coltection of rents,including. but not
<br /> limited t�,sEteiver s fees,premiums on receiver's bonds an���asonable atsomeys'fees,and then to the sums secured by
<br /> this Security Instrumeas. • -
<br /> 2�.Reconveya�na�Upon payment of all sums securec�b��t�is Sec`rit}Tnstrument,Lender shaU request Trustee to �
<br /> , reconvey the Prapertp ar,.�E shall surrender this Security/nstrument a�d aiF rzotes evidencing debt secured by this Securit} �
<br /> . Instrument to Trustee..Trustee shall reconvey the Property w-ithout warrar.n and�vithout charge to ttae person or persons .'.
<br /> f;::::�
<br /> legally entitled to it.S�3t person or persons shall pay any recordation costs. 1iG�--
<br /> , 2�.Substitvte Trustee.Lender,at its opsion,may f'rom time to time remove Trustee artd appoint a successor trustee '
<br /> to any Trustee appainted het+�under by an instruinent recardec!in the county in which this Security Instrument is recarded. '
<br /> Without conveyance raf3he Property,the successfls arustee shall succeed ta ali the title,power and duties conferred upon ~
<br /> Trustee herein and by appticable law. ��'� �`
<br /> 23.Request for Notices. Borrower requesu that copies of the notices of default and sale be sent to Bonower's �'�•�1�f�
<br /> address whicJi is the property Address. � � `��,`�:�
<br /> Z4.Riders to this Se¢urity lnshvment.lf one or more siders are eaecuted by Barrower and recarded together with
<br /> � this Security Inssrum:nt,the covenants and agreements of each such ri�e�shal!be incorporated into and shal!amend and
<br /> supptemeat the cover�ants and agreements of this Security lnstrument as if the rider(s) were a pan oP this Security
<br /> lnstrument.�Check applicable 6oa(es)] '
<br /> _ f',_,' Adjr,ssta6le Rate Rider � Condominium Rider ❑ 2-4 Family Rider � � '
<br /> ,.,,.!
<br /> �,:�:;�
<br /> � Gradvate�l Payment Rider (� Planned Unit De�•elapanent Rider �'G;�`�,
<br /> ['j Other(s) �5pecify] �°'"7
<br /> ; �t�"'
<br /> � BY SIG`[tiG H�ELOw: Harrower accepts and agrees to the temss and covenants contained in this Secur"ty
<br /> Instrument and in any rider(s)eaecuted by Horrower and recorded wich it.
<br /> ................................ ....................................................... ......`�.:... ...... ........,.....�.......,............................ ..(Seal)
<br /> ATCh�•@ �. BOyt� —Borrower
<br /> .---� --- --� -- -- - �---- -.._.,. .__._.._._. . , .._.. ----� - --- . ._ _ . ...._ --- - - - j - - - .. _._ _ ... . ..---...... ._ . . . . .- -- ..-------- -. ..
<br /> ........................................................................................ . �i�. ..��.`./..�.....�.���................... .(Seal)
<br /> . ��etha M. Boyd --eo��owe�
<br /> S7ATI. Ot NI:HRAtiKA. }�8j], , C��ubty �ti:
<br /> On this 27th �;�y u` March .1N 9d , bct'nrc mc. thc undcr�igncd, a Ni�tar}� 1'uhlic
<br /> ' duty camtni5siimcd and qualificd f'or tiaid county,personaily can�c Archie L. 8oyd and Letha M. 9oyd, ___,_,_
<br /> each irt his and her own right, and as spovse of each other .���nu kn��u�•n i+�hr�hc � �
<br /> ideniira) pet�an(sl whasc nantelsl •�m subsrribeci tv the i'ureg��inc irntrument and .irknr�si:�:lgrd �hr ccecwiun �
<br /> thcreaf ta he L�ns3r voluntary act and dccd.
<br /> �4:±r:z�>^�ti•!iz�ctattd�t�tarial tir�ilat Grand Is�����, tiebraska :�r� s.,�U �:r�nty, rl<<�
<br /> �Stc af�7:b^,�::�. . . . . � ) . - ' �Irl+:
<br /> . . _ _. . . . _ ! � .���
<br /> My(,.Oft1tT115SIC1fY CtjT�lss: ��- �� � �'t�. �
<br /> L .. ..��.�: .��... . . ... . . .. . .
<br /> M� « �r,.r.,�,��„nr�. �
<br /> ��M r� �
<br /> �IL�ly K lfL . )!i Kl� (�NVl�YANt't�. t'
<br /> iI��IHI-ti1 ����� ���
<br />- � itit: u�itlet�i€i�ed i4 ll�e lae�ldet e,t Ilte tse,ic:,t na,ic� _«�►rcclhc t{►�� 1)tt•�iE�1 {rf+�.�. �.siti i�e,Ec•e,E ��t.te4,ftsti�c�h�•r �., „�'.
<br /> �rth:�if nthcr indChTe{lnt�:�cti•t'r�ri�tit:z tiiic I�ti�t�f�.-�1 t rU�,(,fiaic S��:eiF �i.uat iii[uil. 1-f,u�ti�li:r�l�� �ti�.•.ft•�f i��t,uucl..u�i -
<br /> . rie�ir nr ni.tc4 airt) tlitr 1)rctl ut Itu�.t. a•Iht�h �nc cich�crc�4 I�rrc€��., .uut t+� �c-�rn�it. :E�thi�ut ��.i�i.u�i�, ,�11 ritc :�i.c��
<br /> in�w (iCtc6 i=ti t�it1 11ElfICt tiir. 1)i°c�)iri Irn.l •cr th:� ��cft��s� �,� �,rt�nt�� ic:•,�II: ,.�;iitl:�f �h�,,h, •
<br /> , 1).itc . _„_,� ..
<br /> .��. _ - • ,: , —__—, _ _ . _ __ -
<br /> --�..�,..— __ �sy���,us►�u��}ax•� � .+x, � s. -
<br /> — -- - -° - :. , ... --� -- - --
<br /> .. _
<br /> __. . _.,-. -.-. -.� _-°..�.,_ ,r�_.._.._t�_ .._ --- - ' -
<br />