, . _ .-. ( . . .:i':"".�'S'• . � . . . _. . • '. . . . . .
<br /> . . ._ , . . - . _... . ' �
<br /> � ' � ' � _.^--_"'- _'___._
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<br /> � � . gQ-"��.�665 � �
<br /> � If I�esder requited mortgagcinsurance as a coadition of maicing the Iean secured by this 5ecurity Instrument,�
<br /> : Barrower shatl pay the�p�iiunsrequired to maintain the insurance in effect untit such time as the requir�meat for the
<br /> insuran�e terminates in accordan�ce_with Harrnwer's and Lender's written agceemeni arappticable iaw.
<br /> , S. Ia3peietie� ..�fi.ender cx�ts agent may malce reasanatile entries upan and i�sgeaions af tfie Prcperty.Ixnder � . - . _
<br /> shalf give Barrower notice at ttte rime of or priar to an inspection specifyia�reaso;+sa�teeat;se fa��eiasgECtion. � �
<br /> : 9. Candemnation. The��i5.eds of any award or cTaim ford�es.�.ect�r�rs��:.ei'.iu�i.in cundecucn w�ta�.?::;;;.r:.;��;:':�..'�`::;!=; ';
<br /> ' , any con�nation or other takz�r,g;��y part of the Pr��erty;or for canveyaac:���c i��.of cn��xu�on�ar�.6ere6y ' - . :
<br /> ��,�:? � � �e�:�shallbepaidtol.end�:_:; :�, . .,: . ::::.�;,... �• �:��-: .. ' .,:<'.,1,j-:
<br /> ;�- '�� ' fn tfle ovent of a total�taking of the Pr+aperty, t6e praceeds shuil Be applied to�tie sums sea(sr�d by:ttiis Security '. ° `,=�> ?`;
<br /> Instr�ment,wketha-or nat then du�with any excess paid to Bonower. in the evant�of�partiai'Laking�aish�Froperty, � � ;.� � �.
<br /> ' unless Borrower and Leader otQerwise agree in writing,the sums secured by[his Securlty.Instn�ment shntl'Ee;rednced by � �
<br /> . the amouni ot the proceeds multiplied by the foltowing fraction:(a)the total amount�cf the sums secured immediateJy` � � .
<br /> before the taking,divided by(b)the fair market value of Ehe Propertg immediately befare the taking.Ar►y batance shal!be
<br /> paid to Borrower.
<br /> If the Property is abandoned by Borrower�or if.after natice by Lender to Borrowet that the condemnr�r offers to ,
<br /> make an award or settle a cfasm for damages.Borrawer fails to respand ta l.ender aithin 30 days after thc date ehe notice is
<br /> given.Lender is authorized ta calteet and a�ply the pracetds,at its aptiAn,either to restoration or repair of the Property ur ,
<br /> to the sums secured by ihis Security Instrumtnt,whetheror not then due.
<br /> Unless Lender aad Bc�noa�er otherwise agree in writing,any application of pruceeds to principa!shall not extend or
<br /> postporte thc due date of the monthly pay mrnts rcFerrrd ta in paragraphs!and 2 or change the amount otsuch payments.
<br /> ib. Borrower Not Iteteased; Forbearance By I.endet :Vot a Wjtiver. Extension af the time for payrnent or
<br /> , mndificatian af atnortjT�ttion of the cums secured by this Security Insirument granted by Lender to any successor in
<br /> interest of Borrower shall not operate to release the liabitity of'the arigina!Borraaer or Horrnwer s successors in interest.
<br /> Lender shall aot be required to cammence proceedings against any suc�estiar in interess or refuse to extend time for�
<br /> payment ar otherwise madify amortization of the sums secured by this S�curity Ia�strument by reason of any demand made
<br /> by the ori�inal8orrower or Borrawer's successon in interest.Any forbearance by Lender in eaercising any right or rQmedy
<br /> shali not be a aaiver of or preclude the exercise of any right or remedy. .
<br /> il. Succasoes wd Atsigns Bound;JofM and�e4erai Listbility;Co-signets. The covenants and agreements of � '
<br /> this Security Insirument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and�vrroaet;suhject to the provisions . �
<br /> of paragraph 17.Borrawer's covenants and agreements sh�ll'bc jaint and several.Aa}Borrower who co-signs thu Security : �. . ��:,.
<br /> lnstrument but daes not execute the Note:(�)is ca•signin��tNis Security Instrument oniy to mortgage,grant and convey .
<br /> that Borrower's interest in the Prapeny under thu termr�of�thifi Security Instrumer:c;(e)is not personally obligated to pay � -�-�
<br /> the sums��cured by.this Security Instrument;and(�)agrees that Lender and a�y et�er Borrawer may agree to extend, � .
<br /> � modify.for6ear ar mati:e any accommodatians with regard ta the terms of this Sec�rity lnstrument or the Note without '
<br /> tt�at Boaower's conscrst: �. .Y
<br /> �. , l2. Loan Ciu�rges. If tlte taan secured by this Security Instrument is s�b�eet:ta a law whicb sets manimum loan ' �;
<br /> . charges,and that taw is finally interpreted sa that the interesi oc other loan cl�rges callecteA or to be collected in . ��...,�;
<br /> canneetion with the loan eacea!the permitt�ci��lmits. then� (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount ; ��
<br /> . , necessary to reduce the charge to the permittett�ilmit;and(b)any sums already calle�ted f*tstta 8orrawer which eaceeded ' s:
<br />• � . permitted limits will be refunded to Banaa•eo. L'ender may choase to make thts ret'und bp reQ�cing the principa]owed �
<br /> • � under the Note or by mak�ng a�erect payment ta 8arrower. If a refund reducrs pri�cipal.tt�e reciuction will be treated as a , ' `
<br /> partial prepayment without any prepayment charg�under t�e Note. i�
<br /> � l3. Legisl�tipn Aiteeting Lender's R�ghts. fk enartment or expitatSon of applicable laws has the effect of �
<br /> rendering�any prorrtaion vf the Note ar this Secusity instrument unenforreable according tn its terms,Lender.at its optior.. �� !;i
<br /> may require immedistt pa}-ment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument and may invoke any remedies � �.�
<br /> rmitted b ara ra h!9. 1�'l;�nder exercises this o t�on,Lender shall take thr s�: s s ec:ified in the second ara ra h ot' �`t��'�
<br /> Pe YP 8 P P � � �P P S P
<br /> paragrsph.l7. .:,�
<br /> 14. Nottees. Any notice ta Borrower provided for in this Security InstruTrnt shall be given by delivering it or by. � ;..; ;
<br /> mailing it by first class mail unless applicable law requires use af anather method. 1'hc n�tece shall be directed to the
<br /> . Property Address ar any oiher address Borrower designates by notice to I.ender.Any notice t� Lender shall be given by
<br /> first class mail to l,cnder's address stpied hcrein or any other�address Lender designrates by natice to Borrower.Any noticc
<br /> provided far in tbis Security.lnbtrumim shall be deemed�i+�ht�vc been given to I3�r�t�a�c�r nr l.ender when given as pr�vided
<br /> in this paragraph:� '
<br /> 15. Govemin��I:Aw;Severability. Tiiis Serurity lnstrumem�shull+be governed by federal l�w and the law of'the
<br /> jurisdiction in whit}i�tHe�'raperty is lacated;lh tlie event that any pro�•isinn or clause af th�s Security Insirument or the
<br /> . _.. _.._. --�-------.._. . .
<br /> "�-""---���"" �" ate"conflicts with�pplicabte law,-such conflicCshall not atfect�other"provi"sions of ihis�Security-Insiiurrient"nr the Note�" �- "" �
<br /> which ran be given effect without the canflirting provisian.7a this end thc provisi�ns�f'this 5ecurity instrument und thc
<br /> Note are declared to be severable.
<br /> I6. Bonower's Copy. Bnrrower sha11 be given nne conF�irmed copy of thc Note and of thi�Scrurity Imlrumcnt.
<br /> � . 1T. Traeste�o!the Property or a HeneHcis! Interest in Hono�er. lf all c�r any part uf'the Prvperty or any
<br /> interest i»it is sotd or transferred(or it'a benefic�;�l interest in Borrc►wer is si�ld��r transferred and H��rrc�wet i�m�t s�nalural
<br /> person)without Lender's prior written rnnscnt.Lendcr�may.at its�ptie�n.rcyuire immrdiate payment in iull of aU sums
<br /> secured by this 5ecvtity�fnstrument. However, this option shall not be exerciscd by l.ender if exerc�ce�c pr�h�bited hy
<br /> faderal!aw as af tHeduu�of this Security Instrument. `-
<br /> lf I.ertder eirr:r�'s�es this aptivn,ixttder shall give B�rrower nniice c�f acceler�itinn.'1'he nntue ShaU pm�•idc a pen��� '
<br /> oFnc�f tess than 30 ds�•s fram the date the nntite is delivered or mailed ui.:cin which Tiorrower must pay all�ums secured by
<br /> this Ssrut�ty instrnment.if narrnwer fails to pay these sums�rior try t:�e ex�ssraticrz of this perind.Lender may imoke:�n}
<br /> re-�ea�i�spermitted by this Se:u�ity Instrument•withnut iurt?ter net:�e ar 4ema^�nn R�srrow•er. , f
<br /> . . : �lS.Easeotxu'�P.t�:-;�s Rttss3lalt. tt"�ntsattee ttserls r.ers::::s c.�sscdk::s:�:?;�a;a.�r=-��s;!t hste!he s:g�st tu l:.:�t .. _ . �`
<br /> � enforcement o�this 5ecutity lasttument diSruntinued at any tirne priut t�+the earl�er a; (a)5 u^�:p•�(or such tsiher peritr,�aa M!�
<br /> � applicable law mey specis} fur reinstattm�ent)before sale�►f tlre f'r��perty pur�uant u�ariy p��wer oi'sale coutained in�f.,c �
<br /> 5erurity Inslrument:irr(b)entry nf a judgment rnfore�ng this 5ecurny In�lrumer►t. 'th��sr crmditiar�s arr th:i9 Borrnwet:
<br /> [ay p;►yt Exnder all�snm� which then unUfd he due uT�dcr this 5ecurit}• in�trument antl the N�+te had n�� acrelrtaU�m �,,,,
<br /> cn�utted: (hl cutt�aty��de£a�uli uF any other cuvenant5 ur agreemrnt�: /c)pnv��I! exifcu5es �ncurrcd in rnfe�rcin�; Ihrs �
<br /> 5ec��qy Imttumenl; mrlad�ng. hut n��t f�mited t��, reas<inahte attorncy4 fee�: ar,d(d) t�krti�uch.icti��ri ati I.rr�eicr m�y �
<br /> reusanabSy reyuire u� ��5ure�h��t Ihc I�cn „f tFn4 Scrurny InLtrumcnt. t_rndcr'� rfgfit�; m tht Yr��prrlv and Hntti�u•et'� �
<br /> c� ..
<br /> _ ��f�yt�t�+�tE 1i+ p:�y tt►�_ �utr:r tieEUte�t by thi� Security Imltunteut tha!! sr�eet�eu�c e�i�i�le:s►r�±eei. l:rui� Fi:llttil:l�t�(}(!'!tI h�
<br /> ttutt��uer. tht4 Sea��tty tn�trument:t�►d Ii�e u�l�[!�[u�t�ti cecutecf itetch� �hali trt��.�v�fult�rf1'e�tttic a�if►ti+.ucric�.rt[t�jr lrs�i
<br /> r.�:urred H��ur:cr.t6��n�:ht t+r rruititate tihalt�c�,t a,��,l+.ni It:e L.►�r s-f.�:R rte•rati,>>�under��.,r.i�re�.h,1���► 1� r
<br /> , . . . . . _ . �
<br />