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<br /> . r Ii t,endes required morcgage insurance as a condition of making the toan secured 6y this 5ecurity Instrument, � � .
<br /> ' Borrower.skr�ll pa�tke premivms required,to maintain the insurance in effeet until such time as the�equiretmeat for the .
<br /> insuranti;e t�rminates in accordarece a�th Barraaer's attd Lettder s w�ritten agreeinent or apptieabie taw �
<br /> 8� It�pectioa. Lender or its agent may make reasonab[e entries upon and inspections of the Pn�erty.Lender `
<br /> • sl�att g's�e BQ�rower notice at the time ofarprior to an inspection specify-ing reasonablecause for the insgection.
<br /> 9� .Co7deinpat�on. The praceeds af any award or claim for damages,direct or consequential.in connection with �
<br /> an�coudet�it�tion or other taking of anv pAR af the Property.or for ronveyance in lieq�of candemnation,are herefsy
<br /> assigriedarzd�shaU be paid to Lender.
<br /> Iq�the event of a total taking of the Property, the ptoceeds shall 6e applied to tbe sums secured by this Security �
<br /> instrum.tt��whetlser or nat Ehen dn�with any excess paid to Borrow-sr. In the event of a partial taking of the Property. ,
<br /> unE.ss Hirarower and Lender oiherwise agree in writing,the sums s�cured by this Security Instrument shall be reducr�d by �
<br /> the.aana�s of the proce�ds multiptied by�t6e foltowing fractian:(a)the total amount of the sums secured imm�iately
<br /> befare the taking.divided by(b)tbe fairmarket value of the Propertyr immediately before the taking.Any balssnce:�be •
<br /> pai�tai 8onoaer. •
<br /> If the Froperty is atsandoned by Bonawer,or i��after aatice by Lender to Borrower that tBe caudemttarc�'ers to � .- �
<br /> makeanawardos'settleactaimfordams�ges,Bonowerfailstar�gondt�Lerdcr��tkin�3Q�a}safterthedatethe.�.i�eis - �
<br /> ��. � gjt��te,Lender is aut[�orized to collect and apply the proceeds,at itsflption.either to rest�rratie�or repair of tTte Prc�p or �
<br /> ; tQthe sums secured by this Security instrument,whether or aot then due. ` " •
<br /> : � ' � Unless Lende f and gorrow er otherwis�agree irkwriting,any application of praceeds to principal shaU aot e.;tead or
<br />� � • 4sostpane she due date of the monthty payments re�'erred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payments.
<br /> .;
<br /> � . i0. BorroWer Not Released; For6estrance By l.ender Not a Waiver. Extension of the time for payare�t as .
<br /> � ' '° �� _: madifrcatlon of.amortiaation of the�ums secured by this Securiiy Instrumeat granted.6g Lender to any su�e��i.in.
<br /> � . interest of Borr�aer shall not operate ta release the liability of th�uriginal Bonawer or Boncower's successors isc iriterest. .
<br /> � Lender shall not he required to commence proceedings againss any successor in interest ot refuse t�extend time far
<br /> �;�ment or otherwise modify amortization of'the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reasoa c�f'�sy demand made
<br /> by the origina!Borrawer ar$orrower s successors'in interest.Any forbearance by Leader in eaercising arsr right or remedy
<br /> ' shall not be a a�iver of or preciude the exercise of any right or remedp. � , - ;
<br /> � 11. Sac�cessors aad Assi�s Bound;Joint and Severa! Liability;'Casigners. Tl��cdrenanxs and agreern�t�of �
<br /> tbis Security Jns:ru�ent shall bind and be�refit the successors and assigns of Lender and Boc:ower.subject to the pro�s:ons '
<br /> � of paragraph 17.Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be joint and several:Ar:y Scrccwer who co-signs this Seeuriiy � . �
<br /> Instrument but:daes not eaa:ute the Nat�:(a)is co-signing this Security[tt�*r�ent er.i;-io mortgage,grant and convey �� �
<br /> that Borrow•er4interest'sn Fhe Property under the terms of'this Sc�:�rity Instrament;(���cs�nt personally obligated'to pay
<br /> the sums�e�ur��by this Serurity In�trucnent;and(c)agrees that Lender and any oiher�rrower may agrce to extend,
<br /> madify,forbear or make any accommudacions with regard to the terms of thi.Security Cssstrument or the Note without • �
<br /> that Barrpwer's consent. ,;_
<br /> �2. Losn Charges. If the loan secured by this 5ecurity Instrument is subject to a law which s�:s moaimum loan _;-.
<br /> ctaa�es..and that ]aw ic finaliy interpreted so that the inieresi or other loen charges c-:�:ected �r ra be collected in ,:�
<br /> cannection with the loan ex¢eed the permitted limits, then:(a#any such foan charge sh�l's�e reduced by the amount •, , �
<br /> neeessary to reduce ihe charge ta ihe permitted limit;and(b)aa3�sums already callected fram Borrower which exceeded '
<br /> � pecmitted limiis will be refunded to Bnrrower. Lender:na}�choose to make this refund by reducing the prineipal owed
<br />, uader the Note or by maki�ag a direct payment to Bur�er�•:t.If a refund.reduces principaf,the reduction will be treased as a ��. �
<br /> partial prepayment without aa�y prepayment charge or��rt the'.���re. �
<br /> � 13. Le�s:aEion Affecting I.endef's Rights. If ena�tm�t or expiratian af ap�:,cabte laws has the e^���r crf � t :
<br /> rendering any pravision of the Note ar thi��ecurity Instrumen� 4nenforceable accordin�to rrs terms.l.ender.at ils aptian. •
<br /> may reyuire immediate payment in full of all lums secured by thiti Sec:urity Imtrument and may inti�ke any remedies �:.f
<br /> perm�tted by paragraph 19,If Lender eaercises this a�tdon.Lender shall take the steps specified in the�^and paragraph of
<br /> p2sa��ph 17. • ,..�►
<br /> ' 14. :`csi�¢es. Any notice to Aorrower provided far in this 5ecurity Instrument shale?�e ziti�n b��e.'i+.cring�t or by '� �
<br /> • rnziling it by Frst class mail unless applicable law require�c��c:f an�,ther method. The c::icre sha[I be direr_ted ca the
<br /> Pr�perty Address ar any other addresa Borrower dcs:�na�e�ny-notice to Lender.Any notice to Lendr.,.-�-shall be given by ,
<br /> first class ma�l ta 1..�:nder's a�alress stated herein nr an5'ather addrec�I.ender d�.4:gnatev�y nutice to Brsr-��wer.Any notice
<br /> �%: provided for in this Securet}Unstrument shall be deemed ta have be:a gi�ea tc��tc^rrn�ti�er��r Ixncicr whrn given as provided
<br /> in this parngtaph
<br /> 15. Gaaerning l.aR:Severa6i�ity. This Security lnstrum:::t tihai!be eoverned by *edera)lac��ar�d Ihe law c�f ihe
<br /> _ .jurisdiction.in a�hirh the-Property.is.located.-!n the ec�ent that-an�� prnvision o:clause-af�this:Sccurity� rnstrument or the-- � -� � -� � - ��--� ��-- �� �
<br /> 4c�te conflicss with applicable];�w,such conflict shalt rc�e affect other pro�isir���s of this 5ecurity Ins�rLCetent or the Note
<br /> wt:c.�x can be siven effect without the runflicting�ro•4:1:^a. To thFS end the prc.:sions oi'this Securit; E.��trument and the
<br /> �ate are declared to be severable.
<br /> 16. Borrower's Copy. BorraNer shall be gi�ea�:.eccrr�'c.,�^-:ed crpy af the Note ar d�f'this 5ecurity In�trument.
<br /> 1T, Tranyter of t6e Property or a Beneflcial Cnter�s[c:i Qorro�er, tf aU ur any �art ni'the Ptoperry ��r any
<br /> inte:eest in it is sold ar itan��'crred(e�r if a beneftcial in2�e^��t in Ae�r:�wer is so��^F tf:1flSPCITetI:f11d I30TTfJlR�1S AOf 8 118�OTaI '
<br /> � persun)without Len�er't.�,^.nr writlrn c�nsent.Lencter may,at i��:��tion,rer�urrc immediate pa3•me:�:s�fu0 e�f ap sum�
<br /> secured by thi5 Security Instrument. Hnwever. thic opticin sha;,r,:t� be excrcised hy I.er�:,�:M ;f excrci�e is pmhibited by -_ _— -
<br /> fcderai law as of the date�f this Security lnstrumenl. , , .
<br /> lf i.ender exercises this opfiun,Lender shal}g�ve Borrower»��ttce c+f acceler�ttun.7iie nntice shaU prnvide a pe�iad �.
<br />' oFnc�t lesc than:�Odays frum the ciate thr n+�tire is delivered or mailed withit�which Ni�rt��wrr mu.t pay aU�ums secured by �
<br /> th��5ecurity InStrument if Hnrrau•er fails tc�pay these sums pnor to the exp�ratiim c�f th�ti per�od.l,ender may ir�voke any �
<br /> , remedies permitted by thts Security Instrument w�thuut futther au�icc e►r dcmand un�orrowec. `-
<br /> - ""' 18.Bano�rer's Rf�t to t�etnst�te. If Ne�rrower meets cert:�in c�,uditiunti, N��rr��u�er shall havc thc ri�ht tu have �
<br /> . enfi�rcement af thi�Seturity InStrumrnt d�scnntinued at any trme pnnr to thr earl►er of:fa)5 days!or such nther perin:l a.
<br /> L� � appl�cable l.�w may tirec;sp fnr reinslatement)hef��re��le��f ihe �'n�perty pursu�nl t�►tury pi�wer��f�ale cnntatneil m thi� �
<br /> ' Securny lntitrument:��r(h)entry dt;���id�meat enf«rcin�thi�Srcurity InStrument.'I'hc��e ci�nditirm��re th��t Ht�rt��wcr v
<br /> � 1:�) payc Lender all 5ums which then uuuld 6e due under �hic Secunt}• Iristrtunertit �md �he �c,te had ni�.ureler.�uem �`"
<br /> ��ccurred. Ib!cures anv default r�f an other ee,�enants u� a reements. Ic1 �
<br /> Y K pass all e;�en�cw �nct+rred m ei�fi►r�u�g th�� �
<br /> 5eruntq 1n5trument, mcluding.�+ut si<d ltttistetl ter, re.ssunable aRutnrqti fecti.atid ttI!take;tiurh uctu+n a� i ender m�y .�r
<br /> tE:ttiitt3h{y t�(�ttIFC�+*a��nre th:st the lren �f th�c tiei:u��ty (to�rtutnent. 1.end�r`k r►�;trts ��� fitr Prn�+ert}' .��t�} N��rra�uer`� •� �
<br /> !����U6:i t(� p�j. Ilte �cirrtc �e�,ureci h► tl��s tietu��ly ln�.tttirr�er�! �ira{1 ce�ntitr�:�i- �Elr tr:.se�;rEt l'�c�so- tc�st�t�tcrrtenf ht
<br /> Hnn�+uer,tir,��rE ut�lv hT�trurr;ent:fnt1 the�,fih���ut,r���ecure�t hrrrh� �hafl:em:+iu tt�li� rRc•t tFtr.���f n,�ac�rlr�.�tr��rF E�:u!
<br /> �k<<trrc�f li�•t�e+�e* ti�isr��;h1t���c�nti4�2catt:tllrnt;��,r,iym�hc�a�c��t.�,,�cl<�r.,t�•�riun:ic• i�et.���t.f},k. ! ���� i'
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