<br /> . . ... . � � _
<br /> .. ... ... .. ___
<br /> �- -.. - - — ----- - . - � -= --�-�_---- -- --. �._-_._ --- - ---�
<br /> - — . 4 �
<br /> -_-- -- -- --- -- . _. . --- - - 3��-��
<br /> - UxtF'ott�►t Cov�vnti'r5. Borrower and Lender cpz enaatt and agree as folloa s:- - �• s��� - --� -- -- -- ---
<br /> i. Psyment ot Prindpal and Interesh,Prepayment aad Late Ctearges. Bc►rrQwer sAali promptty pay Khen due _,_
<br /> the principa!of and interat on the de6E eridensed b}the Notc and riiiy prepayment ant#late charges due urtdu the Note. .
<br /> 2. Funds tor T�xes and Insuranr� Suhjxt to appliea6te taw or tu a written uairer ay;L•eizder.Bonowershal)pa}
<br /> to Lertder on the day monthfy paym�nts aredue under th�11aie.until the Note is paid in.1'ttfly,a;suFn{�•Funds"l equal to
<br /> � tane-twelfth of_ (a) yearly taxes and assessmessts which may attain priorit}� over�tfr�s Sccusi6y Instniment; (b) yearl}
<br /> [easehold payments or gronnd rents on the Property, if any;fc? yearfy hazard�is�s�taoce premiums: ar�d•(d} yearly
<br /> mortgage insurance premiums,if any.l7tese items are called"escrow ite�s."Lender�m�y estimate the Funds due on the
<br /> basisofciurentdataand�easoFeabkestimatesu€€uteseescro��.it�s:- . � . ,
<br /> The Funds shall 6e held in an institution the deposit5 or;axaunls�.o€:vrhich ate inxured or gaaranteed by a federa!or `
<br /> � stau ag�ncy{including Lender if Lender is s�ch an institurian),.Lerf�es,sb�ll�appIy the Funds to pay Ehe escrow items.
<br /> Leader may not charge for hokfing and applying the Funds*,an�3}-zing t1i::.accoetnt or verifying the escrow items,unless �
<br /> Lender pays Borrowe:interest on the Fands and appiicable law p�rmits.Lender ta make such a charge. Borrower aad �•
<br /> Lmder may agree in writing that interest shall`be p3id on the F�nds. I.'nicss an agreement is made.or.applicahle law
<br /> requires interesi to be paid,Le�der shall nat.b�required to pay Bnrrower.any intecest or eamin�s on the Funds.�aender
<br /> shat!give to Borrower.withwt�iaig�an anati�laooc�zanting of the Funds showing credits and debit�to the Funds and the
<br /> pnrpose for which each debit ta th:��inds vFas tiiacl�T�cbFunds are ptedged as additianal securit}f�r the sums secured by
<br /> thisSecorityinstrument. - , , -
<br /> If the amount of the Furrd�liels�by Lertde3;tag�h_:.��ssit2�the fr�mre manii�l.v�a�rnen�s of Funds pa}a�@e�irior to
<br /> the due dates of the escrow i�,; �; exceed th�amownt required to pay the escrow items when due,the exce�s�al1 be.
<br /> . at Bonower's option,e�t�piii�ptly reg��d ta Aoirower or eredited tu��aer aa�manthly payments af Ftsnds�If the
<br /> ainount of the Funds�����c�tter is nnt suSF:s¢nt to pay the escrau i��a�'�e�.�„Borrower shall pay to E�der any _ _ __
<br /> amountnrces.sarytpmakAst�rttt�iteft�u��tc�:in�on�ormorepaymentsasr�W:'i:..��';F�der. . . .
<br /> . , Upon payment•in�u}l�'�.11.��s se��rod by chis Secarity Instnz��erk I.ender sha}1 promptly refur�d tu€3orrawer . �
<br /> any Funds hetd by I.e.��-[f un3�jsara�ti�i9 the Property is sold a�saa,uired by Lender.Lender shall apply,no later
<br /> than imm�diately p}ior�ta.t�s.s��d#'�thg Frp��ty,•.or its acquisition b� �der,any Funds held by Lxndes at the time of � �
<br /> appiicatiar�r�s a credit';�iiist th�sams s�cu,reti b�,this Security Instrum�:.� . �`�'` ' :
<br /> 3�>;A � itatit�i��.: � `. Lrpal3ss a licable ia� 'd�s�therwise,a}I a raents recei►�e`si 6���des under , ;::. :�
<br /> �. �t�`.. _ PP ��'�. F Y
<br /> parap�rapl��!_an�2 shs!!�e aQF3zc�}:{'t,-sp ca late charges dus c�����s che Nate;second,to prepayment charge�dc�.�e vnder the
<br /> Notey third;to�anatiunt�pa4aEi'�:u�,sc;paragraph 2;fourth,to inrerest d��41d last,to principal due.�. .
<br /> 4. C�ar�;Cr�- ao�ower shall pay�all taxes,assessments,c�u*�es,fines and imposit`►.oias aitribntable to the
<br /> Property uhicb m�}� �:.�:pz�r�zy.over this Secnrity Instrumen� an�:�seasehotd payments os.�round rents, if an}�.. � '
<br /> � Borrower strsJ pay eh�a��si�:.�in the manner provided in paragrapb�.or if no�g�,sd in that manner,Borraaer shall - .
<br /> pay th�tn aa~.irne directty iu iIzs��on owed payment.Banower shall promptly furr.is:�to Lender ali natices�nf amaunts . .
<br /> to be paid imder this�*agra�sT� If Borrower makes these payments direcily,Borrower shall promp{ly furr,is�t tp Lender
<br /> receipts evidencing the paycr�ts. � � . . � -
<br /> Honower shall p�-�zmptly discharge any ti�►which has priority oc es rhis Secarity Instrume�z�aantess 8orrower:(a) '�� -
<br /> agrees in writing to the payment of the abligatian secured by the lien in a manner acceptable ta Lender;(b)coac�ts in gaad ' ..
<br /> faith the lien by,or defends against enforcement af the lien in,Eegal proceedings which in the Lender's opiniarn�perate to • .
<br /> prevent the enforcement of the lien or forfeiture of any part af the Property;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an �
<br /> agreement satisfattory to Lender subordinating the lien to this Security Instrument.If Lender determines that any part of _
<br /> the Praperty is subject to a lien which may attain priority aver this Security lnstrument.Lender may give Banower a , �
<br /> ttotice identiPying the tien.Borrocver shal!satissy the lien or take�ne or mare of the actions set fortb above within 10 dayc __-=-
<br /> uf the gving uf notice. • . —
<br /> 5. Haa�rd Insurciace. Barrower shall keep the imprnvements naw existing�r rlercaftcr erected on the Property �,
<br /> insured against loss by Rre,hazards included within the term"extended coverage"an�any other hazards for which Lender
<br /> requires insurance. T'his insurance shall be maintained in the amaunt��et for the peri�ds tha�1I.�1der requites. The :4�,
<br /> insurance camer prat�;�ing the insurance sha11 be chosen b�Barrower s�.:��:ct to �Le:;�er's appr��-a�which shall not be '
<br /> unreasonabt��w��chhei�.
<br /> AII insuranae policies artd renewals shall be acceptable to Lende.�a�d sha11 include a standard mortgage clause. ��� '
<br /> Lender shall have the rtgh!to hold the policies and renewals.IP l.ender rr;�u:res.Horrower shall promptly give to Lender Y�,._
<br /> all receipts of paid premiums and renewal notices.ln the event of'toss.Bm��:�er shall give prompt natice to the insurance ' �
<br /> rarrier and Lender.l.ender may make proof of tass iPnot made promptly�:�g��ar�aw�er. � '
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrowerc�therwiseagree in writing,insurance�r�c�eds st�a31 be appiied to restoration ar repair �� �� '
<br /> of'1he Propeny damaged,if the resaaration or repair is economically fcasi�teand Lec:der's security is not lesscned. If the
<br /> restaration vr repair is nat tco»amicaliy Peasible or Lender's security u�c�:.1d be lecsened, the insurnnce ptoeeeds shall be
<br /> applied to the sums secured by tbis Security Instrument,whether or nc�a tiren due,with any ex�s paid to Horrower. (f
<br /> Borrower abandons the Prnperty.or dces not answer within 3fl days a n�sice from Lendcr that che insurnnce carrier has
<br /> oftered to settle a claim,then l.ender may callect the insurance praceeds. Lender may crs�rhe proceeds to repair ar restare �
<br /> the Propecsy ur to pay sums secured by this Security Instrurci�r.r,�P:ether or not then d�e.The 3tl�day period wil!begin
<br /> .._ _.. _.,_ .._.whentheez�s�ceisgiven, . -.- -. -. - .--. -- . . ... . . .... ... .. ......... _. _._.........-- -_
<br /> Unless Ixnder and Horrawer ntherwise agree in writing,any�:F�;�::u*ion of pr��eeeds to principal sha11 not extend or
<br /> posipone the due da*_e�f the monthly payments referred to in paragra��:?and 2 or change the amounl of'the payments.If
<br /> under paragvaph I�the Propeny is acquired by Lender.Boarower's rig'sE tn any insur2��.e p�licies und proceeds resuhing
<br /> fmm darxaa,�:Q�r th:Prc�perty priar tn the ttcqui�itipn shall pass to Lender to the extent r,��he sums xecured by this Security �
<br /> - instrum;�sa�rnr�sa@za:c!y prior to the acquisition. '
<br /> 6. Pteservatian�tnd:��ainteeaaceotProperty:Leaseholds. Fsr.�.c��wershallr.��rcitstroy,damagec�rtiubstantiaU� � ��
<br /> change the Property,a:1�w the Property tU deteriorute��r commii wacft�. 1f this 5rcu'tity lnstrument is on a leasehc�ld.
<br /> Bottower�hall compiy with the provtsions of the lease,and if�crrower acquires fee tct'_�tn the l�roperty,the teasehold and ;_- ,�_-_-
<br /> fee litle sha�l not merge unless lxnder�grees tothe merger i~�:�r:ting. ,
<br /> T. �rotection o! LendePs Rj�thts in the Praperty; '�tort�e tnsuraece. IP H��rrc�wrr fail� tn perfi�rnt the
<br /> covenants and agreements contained in this Security Inslrument.or therr:;�leK;�!pr�nceding that may significantly affect
<br /> � l.ettdet's rights in the Propetly (such as a pmceedin�in bankrpptrg•: �r.�ate, for cundemnauun �,r ta enfe�tce lawr or
<br /> regulatidns),then Lender m�y dv and pay fnr wh�tever is necessary to p-�t,::�;ne�a}ue c�f the Pmpetty and l.endcr's r�Khts
<br /> tR f{��fQ�►C((y, t.efl��t'�actit+ns may inciude paying any stims secure�:�^y a Ficn ti�-htch has prinrit}• rner th�5 5rcurity
<br /> tt�s�rument,appeating in cUUrt.paymb rrase�nahTe attrrneyti fec�s a»ci en!c�s'���m the 1'mrerty ta make re�air�. Ahhi�uK}t �
<br /> � . l,ender may take action under lhiv reraFraph 7,Lender d��es n�t havc to�;o�:�. �
<br /> Any:tmnunis d�sbursrd by I.ender�nder tFn4 paragraph 7 sha'i��=�*.Y�e adciiuc.�iai deht vf Ht�rrE�wer ticcured b�thi�
<br /> 3 ' d"
<br /> Sec�niy�lusitument. l'nles�Horrnwer and i.endcr agree t��other terms��t"p�yn�cat.thc�c arnount�Sh�IE hcar mtere�t from �
<br /> the date uf d�yhur�cmcut at the N�,te r;rte and �h�A he pa}ablc, wuh �ntcrest, up��n nnt�ce frum I.ender tr Huri��t�er �
<br /> ��
<br /> reque�Ung paymenf. �
<br /> r�
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