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<br /> , . . . . . . .. _. . . . . . _ - i - _ .. , � � . .
<br /> �--- -- ,-- -- -- ' -- . • . -� -- '--- ----,.—�--- " . . . � . ---- -- -��.- _.
<br /> . .
<br /> .
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<br /> _ -- - - --_--- - �� � � -�.a165h -
<br /> No!�-Unr[F'ox:�s((b�Erut�'rs.Borrower and Lenderfurthercuvenant and a � as fo1lows: � � --- ---.— -
<br /> _ - l9. Asceteratinu;Rea�s. �-r-s�al�-gis�-s�tffle to Bors�wEr prinr to�cceleratfon fotto�ving Borrower's --- _ -� ---.
<br /> bre��f any cosetumt or s�eea�t�st In tbis Secarft�►Iastrnmee!(6ut not prtor to�cceleration uader p�ar�phs 13 and i� .
<br /> • uelas spplic�We IaR provtdn a�rwlse?.1be not�ct shall specIty:(a)the detinl�(D)t6e aMfoe required`to cure ttie = , , �
<br /> � defanit;(c)�date,not I�ss thas 3�d�ys frone tbe dite tlie eodee is giren to Borrower,by w6Ich the d�fit�tt mnst be cured; ; .
<br /> and(�t�t fWurc to care the de�e�It an ar before the d�te specified in the nottce msy result in acceteration of the sums
<br /> seaaed by th{s Security insbusiru►t and s�te of tr?�Property,T�e nottce s6aU fart6er inform.Bnm+wer o!the rig�t!o ,
<br /> re�te�fttr sscetentton aad!�e right to 6ring a coart ac(ion to assert the noa-eYistence of�defaWt or any athPr '
<br /> defease olBorrawtr ta asceferat�tbm and salG If th�dtfanit is not cqred ae ar befare the date speci8ed in the aoticr,Lender , , �
<br /> at its oDtian may rtqnire[mencd�ate paymeat irt foll of aU sams s�cured by this Secnrity Instrament�ithout farther �
<br /> demand and may invoke the paxt�ofsate��any�at6er remadies pernutted by�ppliabl�ta�.Lender s6a1!be eatttied to
<br /> rnllect all exper�ses incurred im porsuing t6e re�pedies provl�ded.iu t�is para�ap6 i9, includin& 6ut eat timited to, �
<br /> re�.wna6k auorneyg'fees aad aasts aftiUe eHdeac�. '
<br /> if t6e pawer of sate is i�rolced,Trustee shall rscord a notice of defiult in each county in R6Fc6 aay part af the ,
<br /> Propesty is loa�ted and sh�i!eu'i eop�es otsnch notice ia the m�nner prescrt6ed by applia�hle taR to B�rrower and to the ..
<br /> other persons prescn"bed hy�6te ta�r.After t6e time reqaired by applbcable law,Tras�ee sball Bi�e publie aottce of , - .
<br /> sale to tbe persnns and in Me n�ei pres�Mbed by applicabie law.Trusiee�.withont demand oa Borroxer,s6a11 sell the �
<br /> Property at publit auctios to ti�e��ghest bidder atthe time wd place and an�eeihe terms desi�tt�d in the antice otsate iq, � , �
<br /> m�e or more pareds aad Fn any o�er Trast�dt.t:rraiQes.Trostee may iwstP�+ite sate¢f�or any paucel of the Pr�,�a3y�y �. � ,
<br />, public announcement at t6e timt 9nd ptace of any prevfousty scbedWed saIe. �en��i:�c its des#gnee may pure8rs�tfle ' , •
<br /> ::, .,.,.. .,,:..,.
<br /> PcopertJ%�t any sal� � • •:•:;�:::�': • . :=,.:;:�: ...
<br /> �. Upon receipt at�r,m�:-�;t�-grfse�.'f:�tee s6aU del�ver t�t�32 pnrr�.s�r TruEStee's deed con��`,,t�8 the --- ----,-------- '
<br /> �aperty.TLe recitais in the Trastee's de�cd s6�be prIms facie e�idence cf�a.e t�;of the stateasents�e�firein. � .
<br /> Ta'vstee shall apply the proceeds oi the sale in t6e foildwing order:(a)to all'e�aris��t:fi�sale,including,but a�i�tited
<br /> tb,�x C�es as penuitted hy apgliable law and re9sor�x6te attorneys'fee�(6l,t�,�L�sums secured by t1ds�S�:curity �
<br /> � L�strame���l tc1 nny excess to the person or persons tegally eatitiRd co i�. ` . ' - ,
<br />" : Z0. Lender in Passessioc�.Uppn acceteration under paragFaph-19 c:abandonment of the Property, Lender (in: `_,:, � `
<br /> person,by agent or by judicially appointed:receiver)shall be entitled to eitrer upon;take possession of and manage the
<br /> Property aiad�o colleet the sents of the Property including those past due.Any renu callected by Lender or the seceiver
<br /> sball be appliec#first to payment of'the custs of management af the Pcaperty and co�� "on nf rents.includirrg,��t not
<br /> limited to. receiver's fees�premiums on receivec;s bonds and reasonable attomeys•fees..a..-id then to the sums'se.�:;~ed by _ -
<br /> t.�nis Security instrumec:� . � . . � .. ' . ,
<br /> 21.Recanveysna:fJpon payment of all sums secured by this Security Instrument,I.ender shall request�Tr;:stee to ;
<br /> reconvey the Property aa:d shalE surrender this Security Instrurnent and all notes evidem:ng debt secured by th'ts:�urity �;�'I�. �
<br /> � lastrument ra'I'ruste�'�custeeshaU reconvey thc Property wicr�:.�t wananty and with.::.t charge to the person arp..�rsons . �
<br /> legally enti3led to it.Suc�Fccrson or persoas shai�pay any recorcfiation costs. . � �.:=;.,:�
<br /> 22.Substitate Tr�cst.�e.Lender,at its option.may from rime to tiine remove Trustee and appoint a successor trustee ' -
<br /> to any Trustee appointe�Geteunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Security Instrument is recorded. :
<br /> Without conveyance of the Froperty.the successor trustee sbaU succeed to all the title,power and duties conferred upon -
<br /> Tnutee herein and by applicabte law. ` . � _
<br /> 23. Reqaest for Nvtices. Borrower requests that copies af'the natices af default and sale be sent to Sca�rower's _
<br /> addr�which'ss the Pra�-t1;Address. � _ :�•'—�
<br /> Z4.Rtders to thisSecurliy Instrumen�IPone or more riders are executed by Borrower and recorded toget�er with � �
<br /> this Security f�:strument,the covenan�s and agreements of eac!�such rider shall be incc�s�arated into aad shalb;ftlr�,�nd attd i
<br /> supplement t»�e covenants an�agreer.:enu of this Security ��:Strument as if the r,��t"s) were a part of.tiJi��-�ecurity �
<br /> • Instrume�a.�Check apFti�:abtebc�x(es)J „ �' +
<br />" _.,_, f Adjustable Ra;e Rider � Condominium Rider ' [] 2-� Family Rider _ ;, '
<br /> ,r_,' �rxduated Payrraent Rider ❑ Planned Unit Development Rider��` ' ,
<br /> ��
<br /> �', �therfs) [S�YI ' ' . '. ,� .:��
<br /> ' Btr SI�3NING SELb�. Horrower accepts and agrees to the tercr+'and c�venants cort�ri�..��in this.5ecurity � � �
<br /> Instrumen��.�md in any rider(sl executed by Harrower and recorde�with it. , •
<br /> / • � / . .
<br /> ...................................... ..................................... ....... .!��. .. ..... . ... ........ . .(Seal)
<br /> . ..... ... .......... .. .. :..... ....
<br /> � fJavid L. fii87.kowiak '—so►►owe�
<br /> � .. ,
<br /> .- -� .............. . ..._ . . . ._.._ _ ... .. ... -- -- .._ _ . ... �jy� _ _� �(� .... _.. . . ....... . _.___.._.. ._ _ . _
<br /> ................. .........................:..:::.::::...:: . . ..,................... ,��:�J. .:ti�%t:.(`.t� . .. .. .... .. :(Seal)...
<br /> .... .. ........ ... .. .,. .
<br /> Mery K ii 1kOwT.t3 , . -•so►rawe►'
<br /> 5rnrtt-.o} Nt.HK,�sx,�. Hali . c:uuu�y� ,ti: � . ,
<br /> nn this 28th day oi March ,1990 , hcfurc mc. thc undcrsigncd. a Nutary Ye�hlic
<br /> duly cammissionccf and gu�lified t'or said co»nly.per,unally canic Oavid L. Walkoi�i�� g��hM� �e�
<br /> Melkowiak, each in his end her ovn right, and gs spouse,/to mc9�nn«•n ��.���iir� �----�—
<br /> idcntical pct�c�t�lsl wharr name�ti� arc 4uhscvihtd tu thc forcguins� in�u�jment and arkno�slcJ�cd thc cxcrutiim .
<br /> thrrec.f ta br their �oluntary urt and�leed. � '
<br /> Wi�ncs�m��hand and no�arial�caf a� Grand Island, Nebraska i�►w�id r��ua�y.�h� ' �
<br /> cfate afutcs�i�. �
<br /> � .
<br /> _. My Ct�mor�issic���ex�irc�: �/.,G1.- /..�i � � . � . . . .
<br /> L ° . ... ... . . . .. . ..;�-� .�-�.'. .�u.�.�.. . . . . . .:. . . . . . �
<br /> �t r�r�,r�r.�� �,,,.,,, ��.,�,;,� �
<br /> wo��t�r�..$t9�3 ut V�r���� tt�tc kt�c��;vvf ti�,��c � . i�
<br />_ � �
<br />. '�hc eludct��}.�nC�l t�ilrc hE�hicr nl Urc ni,Ec ur n�,tc� ,ciurcil h� tin, itccit���t f�i��t ti,�id n��tc <�r,�i,,,r.. trn•c�hcr ' [� !:
<br /> �411�l.III4�f�44:f/�44�t'faS4'tfltf.��t��!lel.��t4 t�lt��)••e•J'4�I �t!l�I.��14,�t�����i���.�Ei�i��lr�ll. �e.i!.���k��e���� ���f�_It�lt;..�•,el�tt�i.,f��l .
<br /> t�c�t: f�r 4c�lr� .e��c! tii�s 1);�c1��f 'I+u�t. .�iu�l� dre ticlncrc;! iiit:i+•.. .�tt:t t.� �� _,�u<<s. :�i!Qc��ui���,:r�.iuiti. .eU �i�,: .t.��.
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