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<br /> :: . . . . : ,.. . . , .
<br /> ._45 ' 1. 1C..' ' . . .
<br /> _ - .f•- . _ .- t'"'. . . . _ . .
<br /> � �.-1' ` .-_ , ' . '
<br /> _ ` ' ' ` - . _. .._. . . _ .. -. . � " __�. . ' �-- __ _ - ' _ . ' �
<br /> � � go� �os��� � , `
<br /> rIf Lender reqair�inortgage insucance as a coadirian of ma}:ing the loan secured by tt�is Serurity Instrument. � <
<br /> ' I BorrQwer sha}I pa}the premiums requered ta maintain the ir�uranr.e in effect undl such time as the requirement for tfle � . '
<br /> insurance tenninates in accoNance wi4rh Barrowec's and Lertder s wrilten agr�nent or applicable tatv. ` .
<br /> . � 8. Iaspeetion. Lender or its agent may make reasonabte eneries npon and inspectiosss of t�e Frcperty.Lender , �
<br /> shall give 8nrrowcr notice at the time of or prior ta an ins�ection specifying reasonable cause for the inspection.• `
<br /> � S Coademnaiton. The praeeeds of any award or claim for�amages,direct or cansequerstial.in cwmectiori aitb � � � .
<br /> any condemnatioR or other taking of any part of the Property, or far conveyance in lieu of eondemnation,are hereizy
<br /> assigaed and shall be paid to I.r��er._ . .
<br /> • In the event of a toia!taking af the Property,the proceeds shall be appticd to the sums secured by this Security .
<br /> Instrument,whether or nat then�ue.with any eatcess paid to Horrower.In the event of a partiai talcing of the Property.
<br /> unless Boaower and Leader othetsmise agcee in writing.tTse su�ns seeured by this Security 1nsWment shall be redaced by
<br /> � � the asr.ount of the prac.�ceds multipiied 6y the fallo�i��L��.�on:(a)'.the tatal amount of the sums secured immediately
<br /> bet'ore the taking,divide�by(bj the fair markee ratue of t��$raperty immediately before the taking.Any baJance shalt be �
<br /> paid to Bosrawer. . :. � : .:.�. -'
<br /> ��,', If the Property is aband�6y Honower,or if,a.�c�notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemn.or offers to
<br /> ��''�' matce an award or settle a ctaim fuc:amages,Soaower faiis to respond to I..en@er within 30 days after thc date the notice is .
<br /> given,Lender is authoriaed to co{�ect strid applp the proceeds,at i�s oplion,either ta rrsioraY�a.r�Si:8f i�IC Fi{t�Jly Oz' .•.% . ,
<br /> '�� � • to the sums secured 6y this Secnrify f�truiaeeur,whether or not then dae: ` �
<br /> .�=;�j ' r � L3�less Lender and 8orro�'r.�;�titerw"seagee in writing,any appfication of proceeds to principal shall not esteud a�..��' � .: '.
<br /> postpone the due date of the ma�c.3zi�c'pa�+arents tef�rred to in paragaphs 1 and 2 orchange the amount of such payinents. ' `��'����
<br /> 10. Boao�ver Nat Ret�Fd�bearaace Sy Leader Npt a �Vsiver. ,��tension of the cime for pay-ment oz . � •
<br /> ! madification of amortization of tne:surris se��red By this Securiry Iikuvment granted by Lender to any suceessor i� . . _ • , �
<br /> � � interest of Borrower shaU nat operate to reTea'sg"the liabiJity of the orig��.8orrower ur Borcower's successors in ini�-:� `� ; . -. �
<br /> . : � Lender shall not be required ta commence praceedings against any ��ssar in interest or refuse to extend time fc. .
<br /> ' payment nr otherarise madify amortizarion of the sums secured b}this Security Instrument by reason of any,demand made
<br /> • by the original Borrower or BarrarovePs successors in interest.Any forb�nce by L�d�r in exerci�ing any right or remedy •
<br /> shal!not be a waiveref er preclude�'the ezercise of any right ar remedy. �. . " ' '
<br /> ll. Successars aed Assigas Boundt Jolnt and Several LinbUlt�:�sigeter�. The covenants and agreements a�� , -
<br /> this Security Instrument'stsa.n trsu±and beneflt thc successors and assigns�rLender a��.�Borrower,sublect to the provisiers _ ;" � .
<br /> , of paragraph 17.Bonower's cavcriants and agreements sbaU be joint and severel.Aar�Li�rrower who casigns ilais Secur�,�
<br /> _ � Instrument but does not execute L�ie Note:(a)is co-signing this Security Instrumerr.�a�,ly t�mortgage,graat�.ci;:onti�y � �
<br /> `"; that Borrower's interest in ihe Property undcr the terms of this Securit}°Instrument;Eb)is nat��r.Eaily o�ir�c�ta��.:�.� : � ,;:: ..:. �
<br /> the sums s_cured by this Security Instrument;and(c)agrees that Lendet and any other Borroa�c-r may agree fo exter.So � -:�;�
<br /> ' madify,forbear ot make at►y accammodatinns with regard to the term.5 of'this Security Instrument or the Note without '
<br /> that Bonower's consen� -_
<br /> 12. Loan Charges. Ii'the loan secured by this Security Insttument is subject ta a law which sets maximum loan -
<br /> , charges. and that law is finaUy interpreted sa thai the interest or other toan charges callected ar ta be collected in ' =
<br /> � connection with the toan exceed the permitted limits, then: (a)any such loan charQe shap be reduced by the umount . .:�
<br /> , neeessary to_reduce the charge ta the permitted limit;and(b)any suma�l�cady collected from Bonawer which eaceeded �. : '• �
<br /> permitied lir,nits wilt be refund�ci,wo Borrower. I.ender may chaase ta m;�kc this refund by reducing the principal awed � ���
<br /> � � under the Note or by making a direct�puyment ta Horrower.If a refond reduces principal,the redactian will be treated as a
<br /> partial prepayrr�ent withaut any prepr�yment chprge under the I�iote. '�
<br /> , 13. I.egislstion ABeeting Lender's Rfgttts. If enactment or e!cpiratio7;af applicabl$ laws has the effect of ,'
<br /> , rendering any provision af the Noic ar this 5ecerity Instrumem unenfar�b:e according tn its tezrns.Lender,at its aption. ,;� .�.� '
<br /> may,require immediate payment in full af all sums tiecured by this Sr�cunty lnstrument and may invoke any remedies . ' ',__;�.:'
<br /> permitted by paragraph 19.1F Lender exercises this option.Lender shall take the steps specificd in the second paragtaph of ��. :-;
<br /> ' ' � paragraph 17. '.
<br /> • 14. Notiees. A,ny notice to Burrower pmvided for in this 5ecurity lnstrument shaq be given by delivcring it or by - . .���
<br /> • mailing it by first cts��rnail unless appltcabl�luw requires use of anaEhKr methad. The notice�hall be directed to the ' �
<br /> �Properiy Addrexti nr a,,;�other addre�:;s 8urrowcr designntes by netice ta Lender.Any natice to Lender shalt be�iven by
<br /> first class mail to Lender's addres�stated hcrein i�r any rnher address Lender designat�by notice to Horrower.Any notice �
<br /> provided fcr in this Secutity tnst:�tcstent shi►ll be deenud to have been given to Borrow��r or Lender when given as pravided
<br /> in this pa�agraph. � ,
<br /> �5. Governiug I,pw;5ever�6!lity. 'Chis Security Instrument.shat9 be gaverned by federa!l:�w and the law of the �
<br /> jurisdictien in ahich the Property is Incat�d. !n the event that any pr+�viaion or clause of this Secarity tn5rrurnent ar tli� �
<br /> � -���-- ----�--No1e cerrt�icts with applicable luw,such taoflict shull not a�'ect other provisions nf-this Security lnstrumcnt ur�he Nc�te _.__.... . � . _._ _.___.._:____ .. .
<br />. '�', which can(x given effect without�tltc conflicting ptovisinn.Ta this cnd the provisions o�'this 5ecuriry ihssrumc-��n and the . '
<br /> Nose are declared to be severable. � .
<br /> 16. Burro�ver's Copy. B�rrower shall be givcn one conformed copy of the Nnte and��f this Security Instrument.
<br /> l7. Tnnster ot the Property or a BeneHciA! lnterest in Borrower. If a11 or any part oP the Yroperty or any _ .
<br /> interest in it is sold ot transfetted(or if a bencflciul interest in H�rrawer is s��1d or trancfcrred and I�orruwer is nat�nalurai
<br /> person)without Leader's prinr written consent,Lender may.at its opfion.rcyuire immcdiate payment in(idl of all sums
<br /> secured by this Securiry Instrument. �iowcvcr�this optiun shall nof be cxerrised by Lcuder if exercise ic pr�hibited Ay
<br /> ' federal law nsnf the date of this 5ecurity Instrumettt. • ' .--_ -__---
<br />. If 1,ender rxerc�sc�this optic+n,L.ender shall give Hurr��wer nE>ti.eaif acccicratian."I'hr notiee shal)provide a peri��d •
<br /> �f not Iess Ihan 30 ci�ys frnm the date the n�lice ic delivered or mailed wilhin whirh I�orr��uer muSt pay aU cums secured by
<br /> IMs 5ecurity Instturt�ent.If Borrow�er fails ta p�y thcsc sums prinr tvlhr cxpirati�m u�'thiti reri��ci,Ixr�der may inve►ke any
<br /> remedies prrmitted by this 5ecurity lnstrument with��ut furthcr notire ur dcR�and„n t���rrnwcr. ,
<br /> 18.Sorro+rer's RtRht to Reiestate. 1P H�yrrc�wer meets certain candit���ns,Rc,rrowcr sh:sU havc thr right tu have � �
<br /> enfarcement af th�ti Securiry lnstrument discontinued at any timr prinr t��the cari�er e�f:(t+)�dayti I��r tiuch i�ther perind aa �'�
<br /> � opphcab2e taw may specify Fsir re�nstatemenU fiefnre sal���f'thc l�ro�en�pursu�nl t��any pa�vcr nf tale rrnlanrcd in thi� �
<br /> Sec:utily Instrumerit;nr{by cmry aP a��dgmci�t cnfi�tc:�ng th�s Secut��} Intitrument 7'h�,�e candtU�+ns asc th.it t�itttuwet.
<br /> (at pay� l.ectder all sums whrch thett a�nuld he duc un�ier th��: SE�cvrny ln�trument and the Nntc had nu acceleral�E•n
<br />, tS:CUtfC(�;Ih)cutes any default nf any t,ther cu�enautti�tir n�;reettcestt�; (ci p�y�all etpenrcw uicarmd �t� rnf��tc�n�;th�s �
<br />. ' Seeumy Instiument. �nclud�nR. hu1 nul Qm�ted tu. rea�«nablt utt�rrrt:}a fcc�.and(d►tc�keti.uch artu,n a� 1 cndcl Ql.fy ���
<br /> , tr:sq�,naYal} tryuuc t�+aasure th�t the l�en ul'thtc ticcunty-Intitronzert1. I.crrcicr'� n�;htti �ri tl�c Nmpert}� und Norrc���er"� , �
<br /> rhlc�,�t�r�n t� ��:�y t![r e��f�i� cc�°urr�t hy Ihi4 tie.•tsru� tr�titrutfiinr c�Fatt ces��t�nat unEhingcci 1'�+nn rern�tatcrncnt ht �� a
<br /> �f�lFt�t�•t`f.R�lIR4t�l1F11`j31�}fUtilCtlf e»>Fi�tic��F�ligaEt�n►Stccur•.�1 Itcr•_•f9}Sftifll FCtIl:llll�IIIj<<'STl't'lF�t•d�-/f N�t.0�elct,�tuui ha�f '
<br /> aK c urtri} Nnt�rst•r.tFn�h�,ht f�r fr�»�I�IC�hell h�,F.��+pl�fr.tiv�r<<.c�,f�:ecclec.�<��-n��iidri�,.ira�r.t�h� t z nr !�
<br />- • �
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