" - __ , � ,, • — — _. �_.�-----=---�
<br /> -- �_ _ . �... .g4--- iQ1�3'� � - � �
<br /> . ,
<br /> � Nox-UHIFOAMCAV�Rtscs.BonoWaand Lenderftuttiercor�nanl and agraasfotlows: _
<br /> . 1�Ae�der�;Re�eite�.L�iv sial[�i�t ieHoe t�Hore�uxer �rIor to acreIer�ti�follawte�BmrroRe�'s
<br /> 6re�c�of�eq co�e�sat or a�reer�t Is t�b Secrrtty I�t t6at rot pr�ar to aooetaratiue uader para�rapl�s I3 aad iT
<br /> o�iets s/llica6le t�w�roTtdes otie�rwde).71e twttce�Nll qKMfY:tU tyt detaut�(b)tee scttoa rcqairtd to cure the
<br /> � da(atitt;tc)a datG�at lasttu 30 iays tco�t t�dst�ti�aotia is�tsea to Barowe,by whkh thedei�ttilt m9st be cured; '
<br /> —�ad(/)tbt fait�re to c�n He�ehwlt us ar befae t1K itte s�eei8td ia t�e sottce ssy resnit in aceetenttton ot t6e aums .
<br /> �ecrred by ttiis Secariqr L�t ud nle cf tlie Pfro�rty.T�e sotia ai�ll iurtbes i�eform BaKO�ra.af the ri�t to .
<br /> e�tte f�ites secekrsttos a�iit c�t to brf�g a cnYtt acttwj.tu w�ert tie ao�t�steacE ai a d�t�lt flr auy otbtr �
<br /> �eteae�f Borr�ower to socder��o�a�sala ltttie iefarlt is�tared v�or befare tYe drtas*cci8ed fa We eotto�I�eader
<br /> at iLt aytto�m4 re�ire i��e M1a�t fs t`Il of nll am-aecarcd bg tiis Sec�ft�I�t witl�at further
<br /> ' �d f��fjt�1r0�E�8�01�Of Y�!!11��1 M�Er i�P��.�{q11IR I�1►I.t6�!S�il�Ilf!d�ld 1Q•�
<br /> CO�EC� 1�t�LC�iil�� �flf•�E��(f11�l�Id-�I�fi'�#it� ���Y�D�+ �ILL�IIOt��'��.; �
<br /> !l�Ei�tifEliT�lEi�COi�Of�ddE1�li0G . . , . . .
<br /> ' Iftib�aw�r of sde is is�oi�al,�'�r�rtee�i�il r�cati A nati�e.of defaytt i�aci oo�ty ie w�ic1����+:p�ttf�f�t �
<br /> : Ptia�arty is todtd a�d sivl�it eo�ia of ad�ioHHae Le N[b msiaer p�[�esa�'6ed 6y ypllcable 4w to�Boiibnri��a to!he .
<br /> a�tar P�so��a�ibed bY.s�li�ile bw.After the,time reqaired by�yplip�ble I�r►,Tra�atee s6all�g��te�pb)tc notitx of
<br /> sve ta t�e�asoss�d in�t�e sa�wa�n'bed l�.�ttcsble!aw T�.wfthout deiasad os Ho�o��r.aidi seA tbe -
<br /> . 8�y o�t poelicaaetion to tl�ebig�qt.biddtrat tbtbti�lae�adpiaocaad aadertLe terms daigrutedLn tlienotla ois�le in
<br /> . we�r�e prcds�sd ia ssq ader�'tpstee deteraiaes.Tn�Gx.siay pastpone stk of ail;ta,,�4Y Pucel otthe ProlKKY bY
<br /> paLHc�eoapoa�ent at thc tise asd plsce of aa�preifonsErt�.�uled aala I.eadtr an,ft�t desfgoee msy purcba�e the .
<br /> -. �ropeety��iy� . - �
<br /> Up�receilt of�ysat of t6e�x bi�l.Trutee a�i�i�er t�.�e purc6saer Trusfa's dsed caa�cyLB tbe :
<br /> ' Pmperty.TY,e redtals is tMe Trastee's dera siaII 6e�riwa tacie e�idtace ot We trati�ot t6e state�ts reaae fiersta.
<br /> Tinstee tliaif l�Ig tLe proaedt nf tluesale is tie foUowl�a�der:(a)to all�penses ot tLe sat�inctudiag,6at dut lim#te8 �
<br /> ta Tirnst�s ttes as per�itted by�tbk Lw aed eeawaat6le�tKorneys'fet�(b)!o al!sams secm�ed bY t�3aurlty
<br /> � IDaav�nai�aad tc)s�1�ceas totlte peisoa or perioas IegaUy+eetlded to i� .
<br /> - 20.I�eader ja Po�ession.Upon acceteradoa uader paragraph j9 or abandonment of the Property,I.ender(in '
<br /> person,by agent or by judicially appointed reaciver)shall be enritled to enter upon.take passessian of and raanage the
<br /> Property and to caltect the rents of the Prnper�y�cluding thnse pasi dua Any rents collected by Lender nr the receiver
<br /> shall be applied�irst to payment oF the costs of management of the Pmperty and coll�etion of renu, including,bnt uot
<br /> � limited to,rcc�iver's fas.premium�aci rueiver's lwnds and reasonabte attorneys'fees,ar�then to the sums secured by
<br /> - E�is Sacurity Inslru.uunY.t'. � . . .:
<br /> ' ' Zl.Recon�eyaac�Upon payraani of aII�ams secured by this Securisi3r Insirumec�,Lcnder shall request Trustee ro �::�{
<br /> � teconvey�ihe pruperty and shall snrr�nder this Security Instrument aad all notes eviden�ing debt secured by this Security
<br /> Instrumt�tt ta'1'ruster.Trustee shall foconvey the Property ai�ut�waczanty and without charge to the person ar pers�ns
<br /> ' le�lIy entitted to it.Sneh person or persaas sha11 pay any recordation costs. ` ' '
<br /> 22,Sabftitute Trustee.Lender,at ita optian��may from time to tiace remove Trustee and appouat a successor trustee ����� �
<br /> to aay Trusta appointod her+eundtr by an instraruant recorded in the county in which this Se.cnrity Instrument is recorded. -
<br /> Without conveyance of the PropeRy,lhe aucce.ssor trusta shall succeed to sU the title,pQ�rer�and duties canferred upon � ,
<br /> Trusta herein and by applicsble taw.:
<br /> � 23.Request for Notica.Borsoarer rectuests that copies of the notices of defavle�and sale be sent to Borrow¢r's � � �
<br /> address which is the Property Address. �E � . . ;.%'`
<br /> ?�Riders to t�is Secarity Iastrsnient.Ifone��r morc riders are eaecuted by Bonower and r�orded toge�her with ';,;�
<br /> tbis Socurity:�nstrument,the covenan.c�and agaments of each such rider shall be inooryorated into and shall arae�and ,
<br /> supplemen��the covenants and agrmements af this Socurity Instrument as if the rider(s) were a paR of this Security
<br /> Instrument.[Check applicabte box(es)]
<br /> [] Adjustabte �ats Rider Q Condominivm Rider ❑ 2� Family Rider
<br /> ❑ Gradustod Payment Ridet ❑ Planned Unit Development Rider �' .
<br /> �] Othea(s) [spatifyj � �ANTEED LOAN RIQER
<br /> RIOER TO lqRTGAt',E/OEfO Of TR!!ST-VA . '
<br /> ��.
<br /> BY SI(3N1AIO BELOW, Borrowtr acce�st� and agrees to the terncs and covenants contained in this Security :�' '
<br /> Instrumcnt and in any rider(s)executed by Borrower and rocorded wlth it.
<br /> COPIES OF TFIE NO�tCE OF OEfAUI.T ��!1�,,�,�.....:�.�'�,�„�y��-'.........................{�a1)
<br /> PER�'.,ON 41W0 IS A PARTY FIER�TO AT ����y� ' !/
<br />, ,. .. ---.._ -T!E ADORf SS OF SUCN PER�ONS� SET....... . .....__.. .. --- ..�-.1/ ' ::�......�����:-- .. . ..... _ ......_. . .. ..._ .. . . _.... _. ...
<br /> --- .
<br /> . .......... ....... ................:(Seal)
<br /> FORTH I£REIN. .•• L EWOLOT �eo�.o+re►
<br /> i� tNow �hi�tM» fa AcxnaraapnNn�}
<br /> STATEOF ....NEBRdSKA................
<br /> �SS'
<br /> � COU1�7'i1tbF' ....�:L............:.........
<br /> t� RU�ERTA.L, R€f Q�.........................a Notary Public tn and tar said coanty and state.da hereby ccrtity thtt ;-__=
<br /> �II�}.i�E4.4.��:P.T.�4��!�4.��9Ul.QT.......t�lSB�MD.9IVA.W.1��................... personally appeared
<br /> � bcfore mc and is(are)knou�n or preced to me to be thc persan(s)who,6ein�informcd af�Ne centcnts ef the foregoing instr��ment. �
<br /> have executed same,and aCknowtedged said instrument to be...t�!r............frec and votuntary act and deed and ihai •
<br /> ._ .. . ' � (tsss�h¢i.fhe�c} . ! .
<br /> .t�1:...............executed said instrument for the pur�oses and uses therein set lorth. ; �
<br /> � (he.ehe,theyj �
<br /> tYitness my hand a�d otlicaal sral thLt.........z7th............... �3 �`...t�rch........... 19.. p��
<br /> y ............ ....
<br /> r�
<br /> ���t.J1�:1�_�. 1990 . ..� f � ' ��
<br /> i�(.iu;;.t� ?�t;-f;�a:v :t i- f � ,ftl.f � ��� .
<br /> � _ �����;taz�,.:;��:�:-t, '' t,.�' .4:f�.f-��4: r ..r.:� ' �:` :r:::.. {SEeyty ., :• - _
<br /> �: . .�Y,� .1.1. . ......... r-
<br />. . r' • ''-yF Z:..I? t)j ..l( 1! :1 � r f ,
<br /> �;t.-n.,�a•�.--. -, .. .._ .-... r hotnry •ublte
<br /> . .
<br /> tf:fs in�ttumtnt tvas trc�farc� by _. ,(:fZl,t)f'IE3115,��E Lif h1A!,,��V��1G5 F;A�`ftf_ ... ..,,
<br />� aa7�71 ... . .... . .................
<br /> �
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