� :. . . ... .. .. -; . _ _ ��_� � _
<br /> , _ _
<br /> -.�. `��:�t,dR?�_'Y_'atiLLgl�i�SY��"°��"E�'se3;7s�cu�'a�o'mf€i �..� o.r;:ri��, �iR4'�A'7�ivvii'�c_r`�� � c'� �'Srrn.c '"�?�'u, r.u�."��.u.mt�:s�df-..r�k�'sfd:;��e�) ��''�"` ....,.-. -
<br /> . •�Yii�7�iRiT��P'1���SIIli�7 '�{L�7I��i�if i"�7 asrncQes.Y�'��i•°^ qfs-`-�Li�A�iSts�`L�'��i++� - --
<br /> ::.fC _— - �_ __ ' �_ ��
<br /> ` -. '..-...��_ �_'—__ '_ _"'�_' _--_ __ '_ -. . _ _ _ � — _' ___-__ _- ____� __ .. . . - -_ - _ " �
<br /> . � � � 90-- 10163 "
<br /> . r ,
<br /> , If Lendcr raguired mortgage insusan�as a candition of aialciog the Ioan securad by this Svcnrity Inst�vm�t.. .
<br /> Barrower shall paq the.pre�miums r�gaira!to mxiuiane the iasursnce ia e�'ect untii such time as tha r�quirem�t fos�tt� '
<br /> insurance terminaus in accordance with Borrowa's utd I.ender's written ag�eemeat as apg}icable 1aw. , � �
<br /> 8. Iespectian. Lender or'iis ageat iaay make rqsoaable entries upQn and iaspections of the Property. I,euda
<br /> . shall�ve Borroarer notice st thetune af or prior to an inspaction specifying reas�onable causefor the inspection.
<br /> � 9 Ceedem�atioa. The prooeeds of any award or claim for damages�diroct or cousequentiat,in connocti�n with':: �
<br /> . aay condemnation or other talang of any part oF the Property,or for conveyaace in liar of condemnation,are huebp_+; •.:
<br /> , as.cigned and shatl6e parid to Ltades.
<br /> in tbe event of a totaf talcing of the Property,the praceeds shalI be applled.to the sums seeurod by this Securify. ; - � �
<br /> Insm�men�whether or not then duG witb any excrss gaid to BorrowcG In the e4�t of a partiat taking of tht Praparty;::_.: =� �� �
<br /> nnless Borrower a�sd Isader otherwise agree in R►riiing,the snms secnred by this Sxurity Iasmiment sball6e reduc�d ti}r.•.:•., �
<br /> . .. �. the amount of tfte Ercaceeds multiplied by tbe fn'llowing fract�an:{a).the tatal amount of the sums securod iEmmediat��.•=' ` .
<br /> . 6efore t�e tajcing;cficided by(b)the fair raarjcet value af the Property immediately b�ore the taking.Any italanse shall be ,
<br /> paid taB�.rr�e�i. . - . . �
<br /> � Lf tlie Fia�e�ty is abaadoned hjr Borrower,or if,after notice hy-Lender to Borrower that the condemt�or off�ta:..: �
<br /> make an awaid�seit[t a claim for damages.Borroaer faits to respoas[�Leadec withia 30 days after the datt Etie�tic�i�:��,
<br /> giyen,Lender is authorized to coUoct and appty the procecds,at its aptzara,eitlter ta restoratibn or ropair of the Fao�t�t�ar.` �
<br /> , ' w thesums secured by thls Secnrity Instrument,whether or not tt�en du� ,
<br /> 4 F�'n?sss Lender and Borr6�er otherwise agrec in wciting,aay applicatian of�eds to principal shall not extend ot - �
<br /> post�tiu due date of the raantf�ly payments referred to in paragraglFS t�c�Z a!-�sange the amount of such payments. � �
<br /> . IO Botimwar Nat Retested;Forbe�caaoe By Leeder.Not a�'aiver,."��itension of the time for paymeat os' " -. �' '
<br />, . madification of amortization o�the sums setured by this Security fa�rument granted by Lender to any successor in � �
<br /> - .inter�t of Borrower shall uot operatc to retease the liability of the origina!Horrower or Borrower's successors in�nter�si ��''� `%
<br /> ' I.en�er shaU nat be required to commence proceedings against any successor in interest or rePose to ezteui3�time for ,
<br /> ; � pay�e�or atherwise modify amortizarion af ihe sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any dc�atid��. . �
<br /> by the asiginal Borm��r or Borrower's succss.*�e�s in interes�Any forbe�iance by Lender in exercising any right or reaied�-� •
<br /> ; shall not bq a wai�-eselior preclude the eaercise of any right or romedy. . •
<br /> � tl. $acces�a�and Asciges Bou�d;Joint�ad Sertral Li�tbilItq;Co�aiper�. The covenants and agcemeat�a� .
<br /> � t6is Se+�cr�ry Instrument sha11 bna�rriad bene6t the saccessors and assigns of Lend�s:�3 Bortoaer,subject to the provisians '
<br /> ; of p�ra��h 17.BorrowePs cov�nts and agreements shati be joint and several.�ny Bonower aho co-signs t�Savrity ' --
<br /> . Inst�aent but daes not execute the Noi�(ay c�c�-signing this Security Instrument only to moetgage,grant-.�d convey i
<br /> chat Barro�ver's interest in the Property und��e terms of this Se�uzit,���strument;(b)is not p��sonally o6ti�ated to pay
<br /> E the surns secured by this Security Instrumer,Y;and(c)agras that I.ender and any othcr Borrower may agr�to extead ;
<br /> modifa,_Ccrbear or make any accommadations with regar�i to the tenns of this Security Instrument or the Ne:e withouf �. �
<br /> ; that B�r•rrower's consent. . -
<br /> 12. Losa Cbsrges. If the toan secured by this Security Instsrament is subject to a!aw which sets maaimum loan =-
<br /> , chazges. and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest ar attier loan charges collecied or ta be callected in , _
<br /> eonnection with the loan exceed the permitted limits,tbcn: (a�an} �t.h loan charge shall be reduced by the amount ��..
<br /> ncces.sary to reduce the charge to the permitted timit;and(b)any sums already coitc�ted from Borrowcr which eacaded � r
<br /> �,
<br /> perntirr.,�ci timits will be refundc�uo Borrower.Lender may choose to make this reFund by reducing the prie�:ipa!owed '
<br /> � undcar fhe Note or by making a direet paymer.t to Borrower.If a refund roduces prineipal,the reduction will[sz treated as a
<br /> panial prepayment wzthaut any prepayment c�arge under the Note. . ;
<br /> ; #3. I.egislatioe AffecNng Lender's Ri�bts. IP enactment or expiration of applicable taas �sas che effect bC -;•�;;"
<br /> renderiag any pravision of the Note or this 5ecurity Instrument unenforceable according to its terms,Lendcr�:�its option, f L`:
<br /> may res�ire immediate Dayment in full of a11 sums secured by this Security Instrument and may invoice'�nw remedies �►`..;
<br /> pennittal by paragraph 19.If Lender exxercises this option,-Lender sha!1 take the steps specified in the seconct paragraph of �
<br /> , P�S�Ph l7. :'� .
<br /> t1. Noticea. Any notice to Bonower provided far in this Se�ca.��y lnstrument shall be given by delirering it or by � '� �
<br /> ; mailing it by first elass mail unless applicable law requires use af another meahod. The notice shall be dir�azted to the � .
<br /> � Proper�y Address or any other address Borrawer desi�ates by notice to Lender.�ry notice to Lender shati be given by �
<br /> first cla;s mail to L.�nder's address statod herei�or any other address Lender desigrsat2s by notice to Barrower.Any notice
<br /> provided for in ihis r"�urity Instrument shall tae deemed to have been gi�e�to Borrower or Lender when given as provided
<br /> in this paragraph.
<br /> _.____._._....._ ... 1S. Cnversing Law;Sererabtltty.-Yt�is Security Instrume�st shall be governed by federallaw and the!aw of thc�� � ��� � �-- -----��4 ��-- -
<br /> ' jurisdic�sfn in which the PropeRy is tocated.la the etitnt.that any provision or clause oP this Security instruer►ent ar the
<br /> Note c�o:i8icts with applirable law,such conflict shall not affect other provisians of this 5ecurity lnstrument nr the Nate �
<br /> which can be given effect without the con8icting provisian.To this end the provisions of this Security lnstrument end Ihe
<br /> Note are doclared to be severable.
<br /> 16. 8orrowet'e�Copy, Borrower sha11 be given one canformed copy of the Nute and of'this 5ecuritp�'nsirument.
<br />; 17. Tra�tfer ot the Ptootrty or a Btee&W leterest in Rorrower, lf all ar any pan nP the Property or any
<br /> interest in it is sold or ttaiuferred(or if a beneftcial intcrest in Borrower is sold or tr�nsfened and Borrnwer is n�s a nalural
<br /> parson)without Lender's print written consent.Lender may.at its aption,require immediate payment in full of all sums
<br /> secured by this Security lnstrument. Hawever,�his option shall not be exercised by Lender if exemise is prohibited by ��_`�---
<br />, federat Iaw as of'th:date of this Security instrument. �
<br /> If'Leader eaercise�s this optinn,Lender shaU give Born�wer rtotice vf aceeleratiun.'fhe notice shall providc a perind
<br /> oinot less Ihan 30 d�ys from the date the notice is delivered or maited within whirh Barrower must pay all sums secure�i by
<br /> ehis 5a:urity Instrument.lP Banower fails to pay these sums pri�ir tn the exhiration�f this period,lx»�ie�may invc�ke anv "
<br /> . t�rtiedie9 perm"tited by this Security instrument without further notic�or drmand un Bvrrow�er.
<br /> 18.Rorrowtr•s Ri(�ht to Relnshte. if Hor�ower meets certain rc�nditi�sns.I�nrrower�.hali havr the ngiU t��h�ve �-
<br /> � entntcement�f this 5ecwity Instrument discontia�ued at any time priar t��the eariier of:(a)S day�(nr wrh„tE,er peri„d a�
<br /> applteable law may speciCy fi�r rcinstatement)befare sale nf the Pmperty�+urtiu:�nt tc+ariy p��wet��f vate contau�cd i»thn
<br /> Securiry instrument;or(b)en�ry nf b judgmenl rnPutring ih�s Secunly In�trument.'I�huse c��nditiun�arc that (i�irrinccr M1
<br />: tai Days Lender all sum9 which then would he due under this 5ecurily InStrument and �he N��te htlel ne�acc�lerau�►n �
<br /> <�ccurred:!b1 cute�uny defauh of aEry tither cocen�nts or agreements, Ic>{�:�yv all rxpen+e� mcurred in ent'urc�n�; tlu� ��t`.�
<br /> 5ccuttiy IncEtument, �rrcl�idnt�c. t�ut nat limited t«.teas<mable attomey�fees: ;�R�!td) t.tkrc�t�c6:zet{��r�,i� l.cncle•r r�iay �' �•
<br /> r�rrr�abty reytfife h1 as5ure it�at tiie lien�ii fbis 5ccurily TaStwme��i, I,ClIEICf�4 Fiti�}(ti !t} lltl' I�fl1'tC�t� :1171I'NI)I!S)liCl�4 F'� `
<br /> s�blJgatrnn t�► pa} �he w�n. �ecuse.] hy thn tiecunly lnstrument chall .�,im�,irr u�r�l►an�:e�i l p<m rcin�tut�•nrru! h�
<br /> FirtinE.wer.tt�i.5eturity InStnirneut�rid lire��i►Iig�Uu�i�Srcuted herehy vhall ren��in iuliy e(�e�tiuc.t�if nn nc�rlrralt+�n h.+ti . .
<br /> �.i�uircQ N�+wc:Fr,tFn�r�gt�r tr�re�rs�catrtl�al)nc�t c�p�,lt mthcca�c+�i acceicr��tu�n umlcr��nra�;r;�pl��i�.•i F�
<br /> �
<br />