-- � - _._.: _� _.—__-- -- - i -- '- , _ . .
<br /> _ -- _ -- - -- - - � � _ - - -- - -
<br /> f------- -- __ . . _._ - - -.�. � � _.��. -__ --. . _ .
<br /> - - _ _ . _ . ___ _ _. , . 1 .
<br /> - - � . l�DJIJS'TABLE ItATE RiDER
<br /> . , . (t Yeaz TreutuY Index-Rate Capsj ��i 015 9.�
<br /> THIS ADJi1STABLE RATE R1DER is made Nis 19th daY of mar�h .13�....
<br /> ` � "and'ss incorparued into�ud shati be QameO to att�ead aad supDtemtrat the Mortgage, Dec�d of�fmst.os Sec�iriry Dted tth�"Savdtg
<br /> lnsunmau"j of tLe same datc givea bY the uadersi�ed(We"Borcowa")ta secure Borrav�rer's Adjustab�e Rate Note(tst"Note'•)to HOIf��
<br /> FEQEpAt SAV{Na.S a I.O�N ASSOC1AnoK o�o�o iSUNp.NEdRASfU(tt►e'•Lendsr••)�f the�same date aad covxria�We
<br /> property desai'bed in the SecuritY iastrumeat aad laated at:.
<br /> 3622 marylane Grand island, NE 6�8U3� "
<br /> (Froperty Address) . `
<br /> 71ds �ote �Ws Ro�Wor�ROwt�[or c�ft�es !� �F taiereu rale s�i �i�MMf .
<br /> ' p�at�.1Ys sote ai�o iW�s tie a�aut�j Wne�t ratr n�elsase at a�y a�e tt�e ui �. .
<br /> afro tie�i�t��ir�itle�u raht�wt p�y.
<br /> ` _',� �_
<br /> ADDITIONAL QOVENAI�Y'fS ia addiaon to the covenaau and ageemrnu made ia the Serudry Iasaum�k Barrower and Ltada
<br /> . farthercovenant and asree as foltows: � -
<br /> T�a Nou prav[des for aa initi�I iniaest rate ot �2•s� �o.Section 4 of tlu Note provida for chaages in�th�inttrest raie aad tDe
<br /> , mOathTY WY�[s.as foIIaws; , •
<br /> . � �
<br /> ' r � 1, TNl�RF.SF�iTE ANb MONTHLY�r$E1fENT CHANGES •
<br /> � �A) Cd�Dahs � , .
<br /> .. , 'lr6s enurese rate I will pay aray change on the first da�ofr .1'L�l .19�.�_.�d on thardaY�Y
<br /> • ''�2 tnontiutlsereafter.Each�teanwhic;i��=-�tra:e;.outdC��ucaiteda••Changell�st�'•. . ..
<br /> • � . ,.:,;;.;,, . _ „ _
<br /> (s3 7'ie Iidac . . � .
<br /> BeginnIng with che fusi Chaage Dau.my interest rate wiil 6e basod on an Index.The"Inda�"is tfie�.�ekfy a�v,�hyield on United States
<br /> Tr`easury sxurities adjnsted to a a�.�ant rt�aturicy of 1 yeaz,as made availabte by the Federal Resave Boud.,T(ig tno3t raecn Index tig�ue
<br /> avaiLlbk as of the dau 43 dsys tr��rrcacb Change Date is caUed the"Cutreat Index." ,���
<br /> `� If the Index�.srrs ianger ava7able,the�;;ra Holder will choose a a�wc=.index which is based upon;�.aimparabte informatlon.The Note ,
<br /> ,:;;;"�: :. : ,,
<br /> , Holder aill give mrr�eercr of zhis ctiaice.. ,.. � . ' ,
<br /> . • �
<br /> • (�i �OjC�'�. , ' �. � . � : ' . r:
<br /> Hefore ach Chaage Datt,eE��vou�totder will calc�;�y new iataest rate by ad�a,3—F�� . `. P��� '_ ����'
<br /> poinu( 4•� %)ro tfir Currait Index and round'uig to the nearst 1/8th of l alo,subject to th�limitt dts�sd"m�Section 4(D)Detow. �
<br /> � This rounded amaunt wiU be my new interest rate ontil the nezt Change bate.
<br /> � • The 1Vote Holder w�71 then dttertnine the amaunt of the monthly payment that wauld be sufficient ta�epay in full the prindpal I am
<br /> �� expected to owe om that Change Date in substantially equal paymrnts by the maturity date at my new interest rate.Th:result of this calailation '"
<br /> { wW be ihe new amount of my monthty payment. --
<br /> tD) Wtts o�I�terest Wte C�u� • , "-
<br /> The ln rate 1 am roqulred to pay at the Tirst Change Date wiU not be greater than: ��.({ 9i o�r�e� than �� �
<br /> ! ��.Thsreafter,my interest rate will never be increased or dec�eased on any singte Change Date by mvre than 2• �D :a
<br /> ' from the rate of in:.�sat 1 have heen paying for the preceding twelve mont�_'f'he mirdmum interest tato'ar,ihis toan will nevu be
<br /> ! tess than 9•0 �1'i atu�t�jrr�clmum interest rate will never(�c greater than - ��y� %. � .
<br />, , . . y
<br /> (q Ettectl�e Date oi�Ys�ea . f
<br /> My new inurat rate will become ef'f�tive on each C fi
<br /> , hange Date.l wiQ pay the amouni of my aew m�zslhly paymcnt beginning on the first '•-
<br /> , a�nthly psyment date after the C'L%z Ygc Date until the amount of my monthly payment changes again. , .
<br /> (Fl NolloeotC�es .. , . �:_
<br /> The Note�lotder wii�:r.�':i�delivet to r.se a notice before eacb Change Date.The notice wiU advise mr oP: ' s�-�'�.
<br /> (i) ttc r.�w iaterest rate on my ic��s of the Change Date; . � -
<br /> (1i) chea.:.our.�cE�ymonlhlypaymentfoliuwingtheChange�fr,:r:,
<br /> ' (iii) any additi��J's..r;�:;era whlct��he Note Holder is required to 4iSClase;and �
<br /> (iv) she adQrcss c:'�:irassociation you coutd consa�a regarding a.ay questions about the adjustment nodeo. `
<br /> , �
<br /> ,.
<br /> , . . 11. CHABGFS:WENS . ' . •
<br /> :'' .- Uaiform Covenant 4 of the Securiru inr,t�c:.tie:si is ammdai to read as foltaws:�.._.............. ... _.__ ' � ' '
<br /> •� - -. ...... . _ _ ... ...
<br /> . I. Clur�es;IJer.Borrower sAst3�py a11 taxes,assessments,and other charges.Pines,and imDositions attributable to�°,#tt Ptoper�y which may
<br /> attaln a ptiarity over this Secur<:3�,rutrumant,and leasehold payments ot ground renu,lf a.^.y,in the manner provided sr��er patagraph 2 hereof
<br /> . or.if nat patd in.eur.h manner,by Bonower making payment,when due.direedy ta chc pa�•ec ci�ereof.•�i�awer shali promDtty fu:nlsb Lender '
<br /> i � all aotias of amr.�:�due unQer thi�puuagraph,and in the even�Barrawer shaU make pay��cct�clisr���;-��ower shall prorttDtlytutNsh�to - '
<br /> ' �•Y'.ender receipts evldencing such paymenta. 8onawer shall pramptiy discharge any 11en wtiirh ha�p'tioiify ove��th#s Security irutrutntnt;
<br /> x-.
<br /> howev4r.Bonower shall not be sequired to discharge any such lien so tong as�orrawer:(a)shall agreP in writiag tu the payment ol�the
<br /> obUptionse¢ured by sucb lien in tht manner acceptabte to Lender,(b)shall in good fa�th eontest suct►Ilep by,or defe»d Against CMorcement ot�
<br /> . such lien in.tegal procadlttgs whicb in Ihe up?nion oi t,ettcte�operate to prever�t ihe CnforCCmeat af the lien ot forfeiture ot the Pto�:rty�tis sny ( �
<br /> . .patt theJeof;or(c)shall secure from the holder of such lien an agrament in a form satisfactory to Lender subardinating su:N�liln tu this � i
<br /> Securiry Instrument.
<br /> tt l,tndet deternilnes ttf�t all or any part oi the Pro�e-sy is subject to a lirn which may attain a priorlty over ihi9 Security Insttument. �
<br /> Lende►shalt�ive 8orrower a notice identifying such lien, t3asoower shaU satisfy such Ilen or take oae or.more a!the actions set fortri abave� � .
<br /> within ten daYs ot the giving of the notice. � � ���
<br /> � C. KU?IC� • �
<br /> 1lnifmcn Coctnant laoithe S;curity tnsirumentis amendcd tv rtad:�s follows: :
<br /> . h�
<br />- t1. !4otite,Exeeps tar�ny natice requireJurrQei�ppl�caAte I��v tp 6e givrn i;s anuther mattner,(a)any rtdtice to tio7rou•cr provided tor iri thi� ', . W
<br /> 5ecwity tnsituraeuc shall be gi�m by ddivering it e+r by maiting ir hy ilrst ctass�aaiE tv�c+crower at the F'ro�+erty Address or at such nther address t���
<br /> f
<br /> rs Bortawu may destgna�e hy ncrt�ce to t.cnder as pravided herein.and Ib�any notece to Ern�i:c ch�ii bcr�;itien by ti:�t rt:►:c inait tC.t.ender's t� �
<br /> sddrei�state�hesein vr t�cuchctti:eradJresz aa t.ender m7y de�ipnat�is�naii:�tv R�rrrsct�Z�[+rtsci;3c�f htzein t1n�r�rtiee�+�, tefii�fc*r in thic
<br /> Seiur�tq tr�afrument shali be dccrrtccltu hatie t�een gi�erE tu ao�rE���er e�r l.cndcr when gi�e�e�n thc�nanncs dc,i.r.�tec1 hcic�u.
<br /> , �
<br />