---- — - --..... — - — - -- , --- —--._ -- --- - -- -- — - -- - -- - -- --- --
<br /> NT�x-U*tiFCitt!�t CovE!r•�!+ris�Berrower and Lender fiuthercoveaaat and agroe as folUaws: �"'��V�5 s�a7
<br /> . � 19 Accetee�tla� Resei�ei. Le�dtr si�tt�e aotfce to Borrawer pr[or to�ceelerat�oe�foQawing Borrowe�'s. �
<br /> ` , �of�sy cot►ea�t ot siree�t�t i�tlts Se�'�rlty LitQraa�ent(6nt aot prFor N�cteitratioe uadcr para�aP6s 13 and 17
<br /> . ��Ie�t y�ikabk IiM�ro*�a otietwtte).Tte�otice siaU s�ecifY:U)the dehW�tb)t6e action requtred ta cure t6e
<br /> dehvi:tcb a dite,nat le�a du�30 iiys tro�s tLe date t6e aotice is�i�ea to Borrowu.by"wideh thr defaatt must be cured;
<br /> ua t�)tl�t i�ilnre to a�c t�e�e6dt as or 6efore t�e date speri&d ie the notfa msy resnit ia sccelerstiaa of the sums
<br /> , � sec�red 69 tl�b Secar[t�r I�traale�t a�t salt ot tlte Property.31e aotice�h�1!tnN6er iaform Barrosu of the ei�t to
<br /> at�tate aRer aceekratiue aad t6e ridt to bri�a coort�on to auert the aon-e:istence of s defwlt or any other
<br /> defe�se ot 8orro�er to accskratics a�d�ale.If ti�dahoit i�aat cured ca os beforc the date speci�ed ia the aotice,I.ender
<br /> 4 tt its a�ioa may r�qdire 3a��edfate�ynnant is'fieii of aiE sums sec�red 6y th#s Secur�tY I�tr�meat�it�nt[�tee . .
<br /> � �emt�d sid may is�oke the oower of s�[e ud aey other re�edl�permftted by�y�linble taw.I.eader sLalt 6e eatitkd ta
<br /> copect ali e:ptsses ineurre�tt Nrsui�t!t rtarcdies �odded ip t63s Oaragt�Pb t9, in�tn�iIag, but not timi+ted W. '
<br /> . reawaable attorneys'[ca a�d casb oEtitle e�ideace. `
<br /> If t6e powa ot sde b in�oice�,Traua sial!record a aatice of detault in ach county ie w6kh asy part of tbe
<br /> Pro�eety is lo¢ated rud sia11 aafl copies of snclt aoti�t ie the masser prac�ibed by a�licsble law to Borrowrr and to tse
<br /> otber�aw�Qracribed by applkable hR.ABer tiie tia�e aqai�ed 6y aMi�caWe tsw.Trnstee s6a11 gire pQbNc aotice ot
<br /> safe to the parsoes aad in the maneer prescdDed by a�iidbte Isw.Trastee.Rlt�oat demaad on Borrowu.s6a11�eD t6e �
<br /> Property at o�blic=uction to t6e 6ighest biddtr st thE time and plue�ad uade�the urms desig�ttd ia t6e not�ce of sate in
<br /> oae or more parats�nd in aey urder Trastee tfetermiees.?rustce msy postpat�e sate of n!t or any puce!af the Property by
<br /> pn6lic innouacemeet at tke titne and ptace of any psev�aa�sly scheduled sala Leadar or its desi�ee m�ty parct+ase tke
<br /> Pro�erty ai aay atte. , ,
<br /> � � Upoa�ipt of asyment of t6e price bfd.Yrastee shail deti�er ta the parcbaser Teustee's deed rnnveying the
<br /> -- - . • Property.T6e recita[s in tt�e'I'n�stee•s dad sha11 be prieu t�cie e�ideace of tbe truth af the st�temeass made thereia. -
<br />: Trustse shall a�ty the proceeds of t�e sale in tbe following ordes:ts)to�J!e:penses of the sale.iacludtng,but not limited , .
<br /> to,Tra:tee's fea as pennitted 6Y aPYlkable law aed rasoesble attorneys'fee�(bl to atl sums secured by tbts Security
<br /> . � Iastrumea�aed icl aa�e:cas to t6e oe�san or pcesans leg�lty eetitkd to i� �
<br /> 20. I.ender� Possession.Upon acceleration under paragraph���3 or abandonment of the Property. Lender(in . '
<br /> ,. � person.by agent or b�judicia�ly appointed rectivrr)shall 6a eatittea to entec upon.tatce possession of and manage the
<br /> Property and to cafiect the rents of the Property inctuding those past aliie:�Auy.tatts collected by Lender ar the receiver .
<br /> shall be agplied first to payment of the casts of manageinent of the Fropects an�couection of•rents.including.but not
<br /> • limited t�s.receiyer's fees.premiums on receiver's bonds and reasanabte anameys'fees.and thetq4o the sums secureci by
<br /> this Sxurity[astris�e�t. � � .
<br /> 2!.ReeonvtFa�ce.Upon payment of ai;�sams sxurect Eag this Secarity Instrument,Lend�r shall reqnest Trustee ta �
<br /> reconvey the Fro�erty and shafl surreadsr this Security Instr�:.ment aad all notes evidencing debt secured by this Security • �
<br /> � Instrua�eat to Tnutee.Trustae sha�l reconvey the Praperty without wariranty and without charge to the person or persons . .
<br /> Iegally entitted to it Such persan or persons,shall pay any recordation costs. � F.
<br />. 2Z.Snbstitute Tcartee.l.ertder,at its option,�may from time to time remove Trustee and a�point a successor trustce _.
<br /> , to any Trustre ap�r,�d hereurider by an insttument recorded in the county in which this Secnaty Instrumetrt is rccorded: ,
<br /> � Without conveya�:.2 of the Property.tha succ.essor tru.,Mee shal!succeed to alt the title,power and duaes conferred upon
<br /> ' Trttstee�uein ane��y appticable law. '. -
<br /> � 23. Request ffmr Nottees.Burrower requests that copies of the notices of default and sate be sent to Borrower's __
<br /> address which is the�ropeRy Address. . —
<br /> 24.Itiders to this Security Iastruntea�lf aae or mare riders are executed by Borrower a,�d recorded together with � '
<br /> . ,this Sac�cit��Instrumrnt.thr covananu and agreements of each such rider shall be incorporated into and shall amend and . �
<br /> supplemrne �he covertants and agraments of this Secutitg �rsaument as if the nder(s).were a part of this Security .;�
<br /> � ' � Instrument.[Check applicable box(es)]
<br /> _ [�, Adjustable Rate Rider � Condominium Yiis�2� = 2-� Family Rider _
<br /> � ;
<br /> [� Graduated Payment Rider Q Planar� Lnit Devetopmcnt Ridsr . � -
<br /> �
<br /> i i.`.
<br /> ❑ Other(s) (specify) • �,
<br /> ;w `
<br /> . .BY StGxI�G B�tow. Borrower acc�is and agras to the tccros and covtnants c��tained in tbis Secu��} � :��
<br /> Instn:arx��aad in any rider(sl en�cuted by Bcrrower artd record ; � �
<br /> .. . . � ; � ,�v.7%1e�.. .. .......................
<br /> ................................................................... ... ................ ................... ............................... .. ... .(Seai)
<br /> � � —aa►�owe►
<br /> • � E�,r, A. markworth
<br /> ' . . .......... . ................................:................. ... . ................. � .�-.���l.�;uf:....��'.�;1��:��:fG�.G��!�.1��......... .cs��� � .
<br /> , , . . . .
<br /> . --... --�- -. ..- ----�------ --..... . . . .. _. .. .. ..... ..... . _ . .- - - . ..... . ... _. _. . . . .. . .. . .. - ----�►.�,. . . . .. .. . ...... --�--._...._
<br /> ' . . Ala,^�� .R: mgrtiworth , , ,
<br /> , " STATE pF NEB[tASlCA: ��lj � Coun�}.ss:
<br /> . Oa this �g����day of march •f9 90 • befnre�r��, the undersigned, a Notary Pubtiti
<br /> � duly commissioned and qualified for waid•:`s�.hty.personally camr £arl A. (�arkworth � Alana �, markworth,
<br /> � Nusfiand ancf Wife : .to me known�o be�hr
<br /> identiral person(s1 whose namels) are Si;'��;�tibed t� the fotegving instrument•and acknowledged the execu�ion __ __ - --
<br /> , .--- -�----
<br /> , thereof to be their voluntary act and dced. �
<br /> , . Witness my hand and notarial seai a; Grand �sland, Nebraska in sai�i cc��int�•, N�e
<br /> date aforesaid. __� � .
<br /> ,�
<br /> �
<br /> ��,5� ' }
<br /> . :�fyf,.amtnissivne;pires: �L! '�-- '
<br /> �c.�..�s+r,� ..-�r��c ....�,'•� �e_. .... .. ... . .. . . �1
<br /> L . . . V��r,ut Puhh�
<br /> RiQL�ES7' �(1R RECQ4VfiYA'�►CE�
<br /> To tat:tirEH I�
<br />: The un.der�►gnrd iti the hotdrr vf che niste c�r nute5�eeured hy�h�� {)ee�t F.t i rt��t ti�ilt) ttt�i�<�F ftt�lC•, Ft�RC�t�e r F ��
<br /> wrth ai)nther,ndrhtednrs.se�oted f�y ihit(he�t�at rr����,ha�e hceri paid sn kulf ti"ou.;�n c�rch} �i�tc�trct ti�����n,cE�..u,i _ .��
<br /> n��te t�i 11vle�;!litl !Iii�befc! !rf Tt:l4E, uttiLft .tro•sEo•fe}ered !}etcf!�, .+.tte! ���re�E!�t�c•�.. «�ti�t�ut w�t►tu}ri�. �1! tkt�• t,:.��r _> �
<br /> ittllr IIL'�t� hV :tq! Ubi�Cf ��1t. liee�i �,t �fN`.I ftf 1F�C �Yt.l�tt n* �E'1�t�itti(Cl:l�lti Ctt�t::.:{ ;I:t•iCi��.
<br /> � f;d1P . .
<br /> �
<br /> ----�._--__._ _,-_.� -- ......z_.,,.r.._ ,.,-�t=�,II•,s,_.K.�,.f= .._ -�— -------�---�_— — � - —
<br /> _ �-��Y �y�p f� � i�' R'�i t.n 4x�illi-t�/:YI j/Ti�y�'C,F �..�cT�'�J'��f. Y�A3.'`T�_ �_�..._.-_ ���!!'3[ '.iT�`.. �L'!ZS"..;.-. ..
<br /> �. _.. � .. � ' . . . . �...'<'"�*�.�r^�l�t�lt�Fr.�.�.� . . . . . r^'T�.��} 7'Y�=#=-�.i " 1' •.r�'��.._ ...�"rrr��.._ __. ..���`.�?.�._ . . �"..___.._i,`•t.
<br />