--� ----�. ;'�.a=. -�Y:" �k��it�x-� -�_ ��ii'aa�l�ili.i�:�.r�2�.u��r:..:�t,F�'�' � ����:ax�e:.t, 'a4a �'es�.i:� ' ._.. 'r" ' �c __ ��j�;����Tr`� ^ 14
<br /> - `e�i1v�3�iY�'�'�:C�C���.4:3�k _ cu�°�a= �'3`�. .e.[a.:a:::.V.Y_������E4+T• �_�'�T'�'.?��szavrr-�.�:_
<br /> .- , - ..,..�.. . . ..•. , •:.
<br /> �.���-'-.���r.aes�evn_e__�i__��..,____ Y r':t'. - -.
<br /> � � . . ' - -%.�_ _ . - � _ _ . . . _ ._- __- . .
<br /> �� ._ ___ _ __ . --_: - - ' .
<br /> _ _
<br />._ .... .. . .._._. . _ _ . .. _ .
<br /> NoN•U�wtt.M CovE.a�r�7�s.Bosrowu and Lmder further covenant and agtee as foltoars:
<br /> ,14. A� Rwedks. I�eader a�al���ira aotite ta Borrower prlor Eo acceter:tton fallawieg Borsowtr's
<br /> i[s�e�otaay co�aaat or s�rt�t�t ii tiiis 5ee�rih'I�t(6at aot ptior to acalention under pan�ap6s 13 tad 17
<br /> � � u�lat a�tialyk law�rasi�es�i.T�e�atfce slul!s�ecifjr:tt)t�e dehult:(b)tLe sctiaa reqnired to care the
<br /> � i�l�tcf a�aot bs t!�3Q h�s teos d�e date dre�otjce is gin�to Borrower.by wht¢b t6e defau{t muzt be wnd:
<br /> m a�d(iJ t�t faii�re to c�re tk�eladt os ar 6efoe�t��tte epeci8ed ia tt�e aotice map ranit te aeceleration oi We sums
<br /> � � see�cd by tl�s Secar[ty Imttra�eat�ad sNe of We Property.The natice sltaU further inform Hocro�ees of the rig6t to
<br /> �..� reisstah sRes acceleratfoe ud tbe�t to 6rteg a coori actioo to assert tite aon�xtsteace of a detault or any other
<br /> � defease ot Borrowtr to aoceleeatloa aa�sala If the defi�tt is aot cared on or 6tfort the date spa�fled ie We aoLicq I.eades
<br />_: � at its u�GTan msY�4���Pa9�t in tuill of�11 auss se�wred by t6Ls Security tastrumeat withont further
<br /> � d�d a�d msy is�ake tbe poeu of aak aid�sr othri remedtes persiued by aP�t�ca6le taw.I.eader shaU 6e entitled to
<br /> collect all etpe�es incarred ta pdrauleg t�e ree�di�s pradded ia this pangr�p6 19. iactuding,5at not Ilmited to,
<br /> 0 reasopile auoraeys•fea awd cab of titte eTide�oe.
<br /> � If t6e poea of sak'is isralcei,Trastee a6aU.rernrd s noaee of defiult in w�c6 county in whic6 a�y part of the .
<br /> ProKety is tocaied and stiail maii copies of socb aotfce ia t6a manncr prescribed by sppficabte!zw to BarsAwer aad to the
<br /> other peisars pi�c�bed bp ap�lkabk Isw Atter tlie tfine reqnired by appttabie Isw,7rastee sh�ll gire pnblic rtotice of
<br /> aale to tl��ersaes aed fn ttre wuRee prescribei by applt�attte iaw Trastee.w��t demaad oa Sorrower.shaE1 setl tke
<br /> Pro�aty_it pnblic aaction to t6e big�est bidder�i the tiine aad ptace aad nader the terms dat�nnated in the not�ce af sale in
<br /> aaEOr a�pacds aad ia�wy oeder Tn[stce�el�in�?�t,ee msy postpone sale oi aU or any pucel of t6e Property by .
<br /> paieifc ta�annoemait:at the time and pTace of aag�rioasty schedaid'sate.Lender or its desigrtee may pnrchase the
<br /> : Fra�eetytit;anF saia
<br /> E;patt�erdpt ot,psylee.nt:of t�e�grice bid.'I'rastee�iati deli�+er ta the parc6�er Trustee's deed rneve�-€ng tlte .
<br /> :��ty:.'P6e recital�in�t�t Trastee's�eed shgll be prim�f�e�idmce of tlte trntL of the stxiements made t@erein.
<br /> �'ciasiair.sli�.a�ly tlse�s of tba sai�in die foftnwing ordeai lsi tQ aEC ezpeases of�e sate,iacludi�,6ut aat Gtaited '
<br /> i�,'�'a�te�.'.�Ifees as 0��.bY iPP�ca6tr�x�r+eason�6te atto�a+eFS"fees;(61 co 911 sams sscured hy�is Seanri�
<br /> Y�a�.�e�(c)�yezc�tatbe personarp�s�egWY.entitled to ix .
<br /> ;;�:.�;:�tr�der is� Posse�ioae��[Ipon ac�fei:�a��nnder�.aragraph 19 or abandonment of the Property. �.�ader(in
<br /> �isa;.�y:".a$ent or by ju�i.-u11)���.�pointed�re�"i�er).:stiatt.t�e!aititlod to rnter upoa.take possession of and�age the
<br /> , .�L�iGf��3lRy and to ColltCt thC reLliS.o$�the Propercy�iri�uding ttiose past due.Any rents callected by Lender ar she-receiver .
<br /> �''�e applied first to paym�fio��the costs�if'.aunagement of the Prapesty and collection of rents;including,bat not
<br /> liisited ro, reccivtr's fees,pre:niui�:5 on receiver s�onds and re�onable attomeys'fees,and then to the sums secured by
<br /> thisSeciirit�`�istrum:ni. ,
<br />: - Z�.�RaeonreyanrG t7p�n�ayrn�t of all sums secured by this Security Instrume�x Lender shall request'"��tee to
<br /> �econvey'ttie Property as¢�sTiall�urrend'er this Secucity Instrument and aFI rucates evidencing debt secured by thk��ecurity , �
<br /> �Tt�ti�rumettt ta 7ntstee.Tri�toe shall tecanvey the Propetty without warr�nt}and without charge to the persan:as persons : ;
<br /> i�lly entitled ta if.Su�!9 perrsaMnr.petsans shall pay�any recordatian casts.
<br /> ' � 22:S¢�stitpt�'Iln�ttc+��StaY�tea�ac its oprion,rnay from tima to tirne reraove Trustee and appnint a sucr,�scr tnutee � '
<br /> ' to snp Trt�tae appointtd h:reesr.�Cr by an irutrument recorded fn•th�county in which this Security Instrument�is��orded. ' ;•.,=,'-
<br /> Without�conreyance of th�Prop�rty;the�st*cce5sor trustee shall succeed to all the title.pawer and duties conferred upon �`�;<`
<br /> . ,
<br /> � s:,..
<br /> Trusta herein ana by appt:cable`law:. , ::E%:�:::!:
<br /> .,.:,�,,._
<br /> ,� 23. Requat tor Notiea.8oxrower request�that copies of the notica of default�and sale be sent ta Bonowet's ,,��.,;:;��
<br /> . address ahich is tht Ptoperey Addtess. � -
<br /> ! � Z4.Ri�eis to tl�it Se�arity Dastrumea�.If pne ar more riders are eaeeute0 by Bonowet and rocorded together with �'`1�=
<br /> , �; �:
<br /> " th'ss Socurity Instrurrsent,the covenanu arid agreements of each guch rider shall�be incarporated into and shall amend and : ,�
<br /> supplement the covena�� and agreements of this Savrity lnstrumcnb�as if�th��nder(s) were a pan of chis Security: ;=_
<br /> Instrument.(Check app�i�able box(es)]
<br /> , � Adjustable Rate Rider ❑ Condominium��Rider Q 2-4 Family E�der _ i
<br /> � - . ;,
<br /> , [] Graduated Payment Rider Q Ptanned Unit Development Rider '�>;� '�
<br /> . .,�•
<br /> ' � � �. -
<br /> � Other(s) ISP��fYI ACkno�,rlegement � � � :'"t..
<br /> BY SIGNING B�i.ow. Bonrc?weir�accept� and agras to the terms and cou:��ants contained in thi� �curity �:�,;:
<br /> lnsuutnent and in any�ider�s)exr�uted by Bonower and record ith is. � . ,;
<br /> .................. ................................................................. ...... ....... .. ............................................ .{Seal)
<br /> , mark J. :ao���. .
<br /> . � ��2��2'•:••••••-•-••••••!�'� .(Seap
<br /> ..................................;..,...:,............................................. ...... ............................
<br /> _ _.. .. Cher�rl� !.--Brei.._.._. ...__.... . -sa�o.�. �
<br /> � • • S7ATE Ofi NEBRA5KA, N��.1 . COUDty SS:
<br /> On.thJs 23' . day of I'Rarch ,19 90, ':��otc me. the unders��`:�; a �cta,y publi. �
<br /> duly commissloned and qnalifiPd for said county.persanall:q eame �ark J. Brei and Cher 1 •
<br /> �. g �� � �� ,to me�Cno�.�r:�to be the .
<br />. . ide�tical perso'nls�e�'osc na d)ai s cPibed to tha foregoing instrument and acknowledgect �hr executinn __ __
<br /> therevf to be th�ir voluntary act and deed. _ { � r
<br /> Witness my hand and natarial seal at Grand Island, Nebraska in said a�iinty,tl�e �
<br /> date aforesaid. �
<br /> My Co ����G��"'.�i . _... . .... ...._`_—��_ . . .. . �
<br /> . . 6f�till IDI . �
<br /> w`��.��`�� ' �;�;,;; N�,n�« . �
<br /> L Ft?Uf�57 FUlt ttFt'ONVE;YA'VE'E:
<br /> � ��
<br /> Tn�Ta�;`TE�E ' h.
<br /> 7t��•undercigned ic the hulder ni the nc�re or notes�r�urrd by lhi: i�red ��f tre��t. ti.��it ne�tc��r n,+�r�, t���e�hrr ��
<br /> �
<br /> wiill�II uther�ndehtrQne�s�ec�tred h}th��(7ced��t i'ro;�,hatic heen p�iid�n liill ti't���ar��hetchr �IIF(�ICfI I��l.intict..���f r �.:.
<br /> ntyt��r n��irti aza�1 �h�. I�t•ed :�f'�'r���1. ��Iti:It are del�acrecf herc�hr, ;��j�f t�. rr�a�titir<, �r�th4.r�t .s;trt.tn�s,,tEl sh< <•.i,+r;- , � :.
<br /> - nou• fici3 �v i�eiti iiticiri [�i�� [tcrd e�f 7rettit t�a tt�c �re;c�n c�r ��e�rtufi4lc�::i[[��cniiit4�i :Itfttfi�
<br /> �.)7l:C: .
<br /> �
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<br />.� rip/�"n+`�:�*;t,.�:+r>i;�. , `+ , },' �`fi� . , , w,' , - .iss�•r�s':�.�,;,
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