__. f - ..._. .-.. - - - -�
<br /> . ,
<br /> � � �-- �a . -:
<br /> 1�8�
<br /> If I,eader ree�uired martgage inswarcce as a condition of making the toan secund by this Security Insm�mmt.
<br /> �osrowes shall pay.the psemiums required to maincain the insvraacr in effect unal sucb time as the roquiremerat fo�tht
<br /> , ins�uans�se.�miaatr�ins�.ordsa�x�+rith Sornswsr'sand Leader's writtm agreemsat or apglicabtetaw.
<br /> - S: Ias�edlon.. Lendes ar its agent may make rrasanable entries upon aad inspectioAS of ths Psuperty.Lencter
<br /> shxll�ive&►mawer netire at tlte tiute of orpriar to an inspection specifying reasnnabte cause for the inspxtion.
<br /> 9: Cande�natiun. The proc,e�ds oF any award or ctaim for damages,direct or consoquential,ia connxtion with
<br /> any�aon.dansaatinn or other taking o€any part of the Property,ar for conveyance in lieu of condemnatian,are heae�y.
<br /> � -
<br /> assignt+d and sball�e p�id ta Lender_ .
<br /> � W-t6e event.uf a tota!tsticiag of the Property.the proceeds shall be applied to the sums soeured by tbis Secwity .
<br /> , . , Ir�suumzut,whether an not thm dne,with as�y excess paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking fl€the Propesty,
<br /> unlas Hormwes and I.eadrr otherwise agree in writing,the sums securcd by this Security Instrumcnt shaU be rednced�by
<br /> ':�: thr amaunt�otcHs procaeds multiptied by,the foUowing fraction;(a�thr tota!amount of the snms se�wred immadi�tte�}
<br /> -- ,� 'be{o;e the tatcing,dividad by(b)the fair macket value of the Pra�rty_uiemediatety before tht taking�Any baW�ce sliatl$�e.
<br /> � �r�Hoaower. . . : . . .
<br /> � � .�:`��it�e Property is abanii�ed tit.�uiroaer,:o�i��fier notice trv Leuder t,cr Borrower tbat the condEairi�r a�'ers to
<br /> - ""-!�s�.�a-;.saxdatiseulea claim fordama�;E�isoi�esf�s to rrspor�ci�EQ i;e�der aithin 30 days after the�et�ie notioe is ,
<br /> . E
<br /> . ;�� ���:;�3�-�ai�dia�ired to collrct and appi}t itte proceeds,at its opuba;eitlteztQ restoratiorr ar rcpair of th�Psop�tty�sr �
<br /> , 'totli��turi5'�uiiaf l�y this Security Instrosa�f.whether or not ther:d�`' � .::;,.�,,: . ,.� ,
<br /> E�.t�s F:�q�cr and Horrawer othernise agee in writing,any applieauon afptzsc�eds ta principal sbg11�ot extend ot
<br /> postp�aet.t�t iiue date of th��panthIy payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and Z aF.,�ange the amaunt oS'S�s�h paymrats.
<br /> � IO Hocrq�ses Not�Rel�ssed; Forbeannce By Lender Not a W�irer. Extensi�n of•ihe pm�for.payme�t.flr
<br /> � � modi6eation of a4is+�sti7atiois�of the sums secuted by this Security Instrument grante� by Len�er ta an}+.suce.essai sn . �
<br /> , iAterest of Borrower shall not aperate to retease the liability of the original Borrower or Borrower's sux.essors i»intuest.
<br /> '_ � ' Lender sbaU nat be required to commence proceedings against any successor in interes!us�refuse'ta ea�tend time for
<br /> paytnent or otherwise modify ataottization of ths sums secured by this Security lnstrummt b}�reason QSanS demand made
<br /> by the original Bosrowu or Bonower's successars in inte�est.My�forbearance by Lender.in�cising any�t or remedy
<br /> shall nat be a waivtr.of or preclude the eaercise of any right or rem:�tx:. - . � ' • •
<br /> Il. Sucees�rs and Aasips Bouad;Jofnt�nd Sererat�Lithi.[iti;Co-signers. T.tr cayesiants and�agreement�af �
<br /> this Security Instrament shail bind and bene6t the suceessors and assi�of Lerc��u�a�s�Bo�rower,subject t6-che provisia�ss
<br /> of pIIru�sapb 17.Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be joint aa�several:A3i�•Borrower who co-sig�s diis Security •
<br /> . lnstn�tu but does not execat.r the Note:(a)is co-signing this Security Instruca�,R only to mortgage,gra�t and convey � -
<br /> . that$ortawtr•s intecest in the Fso under the terms of this Securit lnstrnment;(b)is nat ` �'.�
<br /> P�Y Y personally obligated ta gag.
<br /> the sums secured trg;tiiis Security Instrument:and(c)agrees that Lesider and any other Borrower may agra to ext�,
<br /> modify,forbear or make any accommodations with regard to the terms of this Sxurity Instrumcnt or the Note aitkii:�t � �
<br /> , that Horrawer's consent. :
<br /> � 12. Loan C6arges, lf the loan secured by this�aaz.TM�ty Instrument is subject to a law which sets ma�imum laa� �.b
<br />: ` charges, and that law is finally interpreted so that the ;nterest ar�nther toan charges caltected or to be collecte�j.,z � �
<br /> ronnection with the loan eaceod the permitted limits,then:(a)a.�g�such toan charge shall be reduced by the amad�ic." - _°
<br /> necessary to reducc��:charge to the permitted limit;and(b)any sums aJready collxted from Horrower which eac�:�;; ?,
<br /> permitted limits will f�e refundod to gonower. Lender may choose to make this ref�nd by reducing the principal o�e�ct '
<br /> under the Note or by making a direet payment to Borrower.If a refund reduces pnncipal,the reduction wiU be treated as a �
<br /> partial prepayment�ric�sout any prepayment charge under the Nate. .
<br /> 13. I�tFru A![ect[ng I.ender's Rig6ts. IP enactment or expiration af applicable Iaws has the effect af �
<br /> rendering any provisi:,n of the Note or this Security Instrument unenforceable according to its terms.Lender,at its option. � ;��
<br />, may require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument and may invoke any remedies ' -:;; �.
<br /> permitted by pasagraph 19.If Lendet e�eercises this option,Lender shall take the steps specified in ihe second pa�agraph of
<br /> paragraph E7. f
<br /> ` 11. hotioe�. Any notice to Horrower provided for in this Security lnstrument shall be given by deliveang il or by s•'
<br /> mailing it by first cTass mail untess applicable law requires use of another method. The aotice shall be directed to the � �
<br /> Property Address or any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender.Any notice to Lender shall be given by
<br /> , first class mail to Lender's address stated herein or any other address Lender de�ags.ates by notice to Barrower.Any notice
<br />. proridcd�for in this Security In�tc�ment shaU be deemed to have been g�ven to Ser�ower or Lender when given as providcd
<br /> in this paragraph.
<br /> IS. Cpjeraiag$nw;Sc�trabllity. This Security las�rument st*.a11 be govemed by feder�l iaw and the law of the
<br /> . .__ .. ...__jurisdiction in whzc►_4.e;u Propertg is locate3. fn the event that any prev2sian or clause of this�Security-bstrument or the --- �� - �--� � � �-����-- -
<br /> Not�rarc�icts with appticable iaw,such conflict shal!aot�ffect ot�:er provisions of this Security Instrumezt ar the Note
<br /> � whr��:a:�bt given tffect witheut thr eonflieting provis�arr_To this rr.d the provisiuns af this 5ecurity lnstr�mmt and the
<br /> tiotrare declarcd tc�►�e severable.
<br /> - Ifi. Borra.w�ee°s Copy. $orrower shall be given one confarrr��d cvpy of the Note and�f th�s Secutity]nstrurr�°r.�.
<br /> t'�. Tnest'er ot thr Property or s Beneflcjal Iaterest in�rcower. If all ��r any part af the Y��perty or any
<br /> intet�i�it is sold or transferre�.{or if a benefic�al intere�.c:,n.garrcuc��s Sc�lcE c�r tr.nsferred and t3orrawer c<.not a natura) �
<br /> pers��t)�v+ithout i,ender's p�ar writtrn consenc.Lender may,at its c��tion,requcre immediate payment in fuli of all sums
<br /> ' stcsrt�ed�y this Sec�rity lnstrumtnt. However, this opiian shall r��c.�e eaercised by Lender�f exercise is prohsbited by -_ _ _-
<br /> federaD 2aw as of tl;.�date of this Security lnstrummt. :
<br />� ��f I.endtr exetcises this option,l.ender shall give Borrower notice of acceleration.�he natice shall provide a penad
<br /> � of r.oJ:lct„s t6an 30 days from the datt the n�tice is delivered or maited within whirh 8oitower must pay al!Sums secured by
<br /> this��:�tity Instrument.IP Bqrrower fails to pay these sums prior to the e�p�rati�n nf this period.Lender may invoke any
<br /> remadies petmitted by this Security lnyttument without further notice�r demand on f3orrower. ,
<br /> '" tit Nbffbwl�'s Algi�t to Itetesfste.� If Svsrower meet9 certain ccm�i�t�onti, Nutri�wer shall have lhe tight t�i have �
<br /> enforcemtnt of this 5rcunty Jnstrument d�scnntinued�t any timr pr�or ro the r�rlter ot'.(a�5 dayt(ur such c�ther�+enod as �
<br /> Lapplicable law may sqecify for re�nstatemenU bef�re s�le of the Property pussuant t��ny power e�f sale conta�nrd in thiv
<br /> Secunty lnstrument;�r!b)entry of a judgtnent enfvtr�ng thss 5ecurity lnsirument. 7 h�se ennditram are th:�t l�c.rrowec; �'�y
<br /> (a)pays Lsndes ap cums wh�eb then would be due under tht5 Secunty Instrument an�1 the Nhte had nc> ecceleratum �"�
<br /> ocsutred. (b)cules any default ui uny other cavenams e�t agreements; (r1 pays ali enpen�.eti iucurred �n enfuic�ng thix �
<br /> W
<br /> 5e�cutity Instrumene, �ncludtng, E+ut nt�t I�mited tv, rea�onabte attorneys fre`. attd(d) It�keti tiijch uciIC�n e� t.encier may :,r,
<br /> f rrdsonably reyurre En assutc thu! the�Iren Uf this 5ecutity tncsrument, [.r�n�ier's nght4��e tFsr f'o���erty-an�fi�r:r�wer'c � r�� �
<br /> abhgatt�r� tu pav t�e sum` seLuied hy ihiy Secutifg tust►ument shaif c«�rtinue urfchaff�e,! l'{,uF+ FL'!l1Sl1ICi'F1Ct11 E�y
<br /> �Qrrawer,thts 5pcu��t�Itsstrument and thr ubhgattun;secured he/ebv Shsli rt�n�ain fuitd e(te�tnc�r d rto��celereeu,n(�:�d
<br /> ' nicurreQ Noe+eve.,thrc rtght�v re�n�tate si��fi rrr,t�ppfy tn the ca�r c�f a;,crt�r.ser�n tan�fer���irag:a�+t�c I�nr I'
<br /> �
<br /> _�.,r�.....R.� �.� .. , ..,�»wn,�..•°.�.i:'.�- .�.,.....-. .....��.:.. . - -. '_'— ,st-�--z_ —sx.----�-_�_ '. __—' �:
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