"�t��'cc, .K'°7'=`�• ��$'s ::vb� _ "'�'.�. -i ;^�li i�`1-: ` �vi;� r`�` t. _ '3'� a , .
<br />.:�� :�,�{�;Y �t �J4Y�� Y'�+.v.'t +s`�.'��n' `.. �ftZ��_4��.;�y'`�-4r'l�, ,�.t.:,a`c�` ��,�.�gE€%-:;cfs-{yt����tc-..�i'rj,��t�`:'.4" - �i v�"�:.�8,y�� + "�°e�`S '.�. ���'"r'�lt�f'. �' �ts,.:� -°-
<br /> Ctt_�l��_���.Ct��M������` ��,��4�,4�•7 ��� � :r� F•�,,� _'��,�f`Y _�� f �esi;t�:ar�����SY�t����.��}������''�-,:',C°n"_: __
<br /> _ G-i�"_._.. _'l�C'��U�IY6�¢lCl'a?-_.IZ �'J 1�f.��.eArb`'�.f.a�'�' .��r����tr".- ,�r:t�fi� ..+F.il�\\�=vetxrn�as�r�drasa_ ___ - - --
<br /> � . - �-� - - . .' � 1 --� � ' � -
<br /> � � ., ( - ' . - \ ' ' .
<br /> i
<br /> . . . ' , . � - � � � .
<br /> . � - - - �.�o--- i�oi5s9 -
<br /> � � �.�394 _ ,
<br /> r g0 �
<br /> insurance coveraqe reqnired to be maintained under this Mortgage ,
<br /> or that would be the hasis for a successful defense to any claim
<br /> . , • nnder any ins-�irance policy maintafned in respec� of t�e Premis�s-
<br /> 1.4.7 Mortqaqor shall, i�edfately upan receipt of
<br /> ' ' any �ritten notice reqardinq any failure by Mortgaqor to pay or
<br /> discharqe any of the obligations described in Se�tion 1.4.1, 1.4.3,
<br /> 1.4.4 or 1.4.6, furnish a copy of such notice to Mortgaqee.
<br /> SECTION 1.5 pa�+p*+� of Ce�tain Taxes. If the IInited �
<br /> States, the state in which the Land is located or any paiitical
<br /> ` subdivfsion �hereof sha�i levy, aesess or charge any tasc,
<br /> imposition or assessment upon this Mortgaqe� the Loan Aqreentent or
<br /> . any other dccument relatinq to the i�oan� � a� the interest of
<br /> Mortqaqee f�'s the Mortgaqed Property,. other th�n inco�ae taxes levied �� �
<br /> or assessed upon Mortgagee� Mortgaqor shall pay a� ,su�s.�taxes. . . -:
<br /> assessments and impositions to, for, or oa accou�� caf. ��gaqee,
<br /> when due and payable and shall furnish to Mortqaqeen �roof of •such ;
<br /> payment satisfactory to Mortgaqee.
<br /> ?. � SECTION 1.6 RB_��{rE'A Insurance F��� cies.
<br /> ���� � , 1.6.1 Mortgaqor shall keep an� maintai� t�ne
<br /> followinq insurancQ� r�verac�es (to �e ext�� sm«�a coverages are :
<br /> . ,.:�
<br /> `•available at co�i��l��� :�sonable ra��=. sn respec�.�_ mf the � ;:.
<br /> . 3mprovements and Fea�tasnal 3��erty. . . . . . " , .
<br /> .
<br /> � � '�����
<br /> ., � . � (�i� Fire, theft and ph�sica�:�L�ard insurance . ; ;
<br /> on an "all risk" ba�is covering fire and �enr�e��:.�overaqe in an � -
<br /> � amount equal to the full replacement cost.:��€ the ImprovementB and ; �� .
<br /> Personal PropertX. °Full replacement ��L" meaaas the cost to : �
<br /> replace the Improve�aerats and the g��ona���'roPer�g�, excluasive Qf � : � .`:�°y`
<br /> architectural fees, excavation. �csundat�ta�n and footinqs, a� ',��.�
<br /> determined from time to tam.� (but not le�� frequentiy,.�an �once ' ;�'=
<br /> :sach eighteen (18) months)'�'� a person re�+�nably sat,��a�tory to �µ —
<br /> }
<br /> Mortgagee. � °
<br /> , j�
<br /> . i.
<br /> ��i�) Liability insura�s� aga�nst claims for �
<br />' � bodf ly in jur�,� d�eath or property damage o�rarrinq on, in or about 1 '
<br /> �'the Premises�;�r��th such policy limits as ar� customary, from time '' �
<br /> ' �
<br /> �to �me, for 'p3operty similar in .u�e and cong�a�uration to the k��
<br /> . Pre�ai�r�es or as Mortgagee may from t�e to time re�mnably require. � ���. �•
<br /> , .�.;:1;:�.
<br /> � �
<br /> � . .� . J�.��n:.
<br /> 7.....
<br /> � (i 3 i) ' �t'Q��c�r�s comp�s�tion instasaIIZCe as � ' i "�;;:;
<br /> required by tD�e laws of th� ��ate where t1�i� �semises are 9.ocated, . �
<br /> � , or, to the exte�t permitted by local law� �ppropriate self •
<br /> , insurance arranqe��its, to protect Mortgagor, a����rtgagee against
<br /> ,.� � � clafms for an���aries sustained in the cous�e ot employment at the
<br /> . :`' �� Premises. . .
<br /> � ,.,. . ... .. .. .. . . .. . . . . . . ,. . . . . .. . . .... . . . . . . . ._. ._.
<br /> • � � L�:�b Explosiora insurance ian respeat of a�ay ; �
<br /> ��� �ofle�s and similar• �p�a�atus locateci or� t.he Pr��ises, with such , ., , .
<br /> � -9- � �
<br /> ��:
<br /> �
<br />. . . . . ... �
<br /> � � � . � � � ��.
<br /> �.
<br /> �I
<br />_ .. �� ��
<br />� !_. .�
<br />