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<br /> � � or Mortqagor has deposited � . �
<br /> witb Koitqagee, at. such place as Mortqagee may €rom time to time
<br /> - fn writiEng designate, a sum of money or other security acr.eptable
<br /> ' to Mortgage� tltat is s�f€�c�eat in Mortqagee's judgment to gay in .
<br /> fu12 such contested obliqations (or to bring the Mortgaged Propert�
<br /> � �er� complfance wi�h the obligations under Seetion 1.4.4} and all
<br /> � - pe�a�ties and fnterest tha� might become due thereon, and shall ,
<br /> . keep on depos�.t an amount sufficient, fn Mortgagee'� �tulgment, ta
<br /> pay in full such contested obligat£ons, sncreasinq such amount to :
<br /> cove�c additional penalties and interest �►henever, fn Mortqaqee's
<br /> . - �udqment, such increase 3.s advisable; (i�i.) Mortqaqor shall not be
<br /> ex�osed ta anp crasana� a►F �i��ij. 3f��+�°�.a�y �y �i.r�ue of such
<br /> - - - --- contest an� such contest shall, in �the �udgment nf the Mortgaqee,
<br /> be reasoa2eble; � (iv� Mos�qagor shall c�iligently prosecute the �:., ,��,:��..
<br /> contest of such centested obligatfons by appropriate lec�al.�;.';�;;;,:. .
<br /> proceedings and shall penait Mastgagee to be represented ire ��L�C'.:'�-, � `
<br /> such contest and shall pay all expenses. incurred by Mortqagee� i.a� � ' •
<br /> so doinq, includinq fees and expenses of _Mortgagee's caunsel (all . • •
<br /> of which shall constitute so much additional Indebtedness bearing
<br /> interest at the Default Rate until paic�, and payable upon demand) ;
<br /> and (v) in the event Mortgaqor fai2s to prosecute such contest with
<br /> reasonable diliqence or fails to mairitain sufficient funds on . :.;
<br /> deposit as hereinabove p�ovided, Mor�tgaqee may, at . its ogtion, , ;,,;;:;:;.;:
<br /> apply t�e monies and 3�fquidate any securities deposited with r�:���:,:":�"
<br /> � Mortgagee, in paymgnt of, or on account of, such conteated `� "``
<br /> ,, e3�iigatfo�s, or any portion thereof �hen unpaid, includinq all � :,.;.__:
<br /> penalties �r►d� interest thereon. If the �mount of the t�oney and any �'�`-�_
<br /> �;�.�,;...
<br /> such secu�zty so deposited is insuffici�nt for the payment in full ;�.,;,�_
<br /> a€ such contested obligations, tagether with al� penalties and
<br /> fnterest thereo�o Mortqaqor shall forthwith, upon demand, either
<br /> deposit with Mor�agee a sum that, when added to such funds then .�=-
<br /> on deposft, is sufficient to make such payment in full, or, if � �
<br /> � Mortgaqee has applied funds on deposit on account oP such contested
<br /> obligations, restore such deposit to an amount satfsfactory to ;
<br /> . Mortqaqee. Mortigaqee may, but s�all not be requized to, pay such ;
<br /> �. � deficiency in said deposst for �ontested obligations and interest
<br /> and penai���s thereon ar� such other ,�ms as may be necessary in : .`'
<br /> �,t,.:
<br /> the judgtnent of the Mortgagee to obtain the release and discharqe , t.,
<br /> -• of such conteste�-�biigations; and any amount expended by Mortgagee ��r
<br /> in so doing ;.���� be so much additfonal Indebtedness bearing, .J,{
<br /> � � � interes� at� the DePault Rate until paid. In any event, Mortgaqor , ,, .�
<br /> ' shall cau�e the contestc�d obligations to be fully aatisfied and , ,.,,
<br /> � discharged� immediately �zpon final determination of the�contest and �.��-, 1.:
<br /> , grr�s�r to the time that any sale, forfeiture or demoliticn aE all -•�:; .
<br /> a� �ny part oE the Mortgaged Praperty could result. � �����:
<br /> � 1.4.6 Mortgagor sha]ll not in its use �r.� occupancy �`� ' �'
<br /> . ... . .
<br /> ,,•.���,,
<br /> ��i� the Premfses ,�(inCluding, without� 3.�.rnitaticn�, -in-�Re making---o � � - -.,.
<br /> � any "Alte=atiorw'° (as hereinafter defined)) �ake any action that . �
<br /> would be the ba��$ for terminatfo�, revocativr► or denial of any
<br /> :,. ''�
<br /> -8- . . �•,.�";
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