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<br /> � cast theseof, and shall submst t�e same �o th� City, Cotuicil.
<br /> Upon ap�roval of the sanaa by �he Caty Council�, hids tor canstruction
<br /> � a€ said work shaZi he orovided by ac�verti.sement. Ii�. advertising
<br /> for bids, the amowtt of the engineer•s est.�mate of .the cost thereof
<br /> may be published therewith. Upo�� ac�eptance of any bid therefore,
<br /> ' the t4ayor and City C2erk are authmr��ed �to enter into a contract �
<br /> on behalf of the C�.ty for such wo�ck-; . a»d,�such Cantract shall be
<br /> executed by said Mayor and attested b�;�a��i-`�Qi�;y. Clerk. The
<br /> City Council shall hane and herebg. resetves.��Yts rigbt to reject
<br /> a� and all bids received� Shmuld� th�-��t��:�ouncil accept �a portioa
<br /> of the bid�received, the proper�g aa��t�i�;zg the streets in said
<br /> ; District that are not accepted:f�x. cans�ruetion shal�l be deleted '
<br /> from th� tlistrict and no pavi.�q�.:�re���d 'on said streets. � �
<br /> . , . .,, '
<br /> � � S�c�:os, 4. The �:t�,=}�;ai�c��:,3ma��u�1t1�1'it5 shaii he made at . .t:F
<br /> pubiic crrsts, with spec;.aT; assessm�:nts. ott th� properties s�ecialZy. _
<br /> }�en�f�.t�c� thereby, prog�r�iana��e .tc3•-1��nef its, may be levied to � �
<br /> r��urse the City te the� escten�� provided by. 1a4�. C�rtain �
<br /> eorc��nity deve log�nt bl�ck g�aiit funds may. a lso be use3 to � � , ,
<br /> pay a portion cf the cost ef said paving. Piroperty includ�d withir.��:� . '
<br /> the baundaries_ and limafis o� said District and adjoining and abu�ti�q �
<br /> the �same, is hereby declarec�, ta be specially benefited by said ,'. �
<br /> Vrark and improvem�nts, and sPeciaZ ass�ssments against the same
<br /> . may .be .m3de as hereinafter p��scribed. �
<br /> Section S. Far the purpase of �aying for the paving, gradingo - �
<br /> curbi.nb and guttering, ar such other raeessary imprav��entis .
<br /> ihc3dental thereto, the Malor and City Council af t� �itg � •
<br /> m.�� �issue district iiugrov�i.eat �:arrants of Street Im�r���..:�:��:� , � .,E-;��
<br /> D:�trict No. 90�1 of tha City of WQOd �iver, Nebraska; i.� �.�:e ;:.�;';:;�;
<br />� fdr�: and manner gxav�idad��by law. �
<br /> , �+.,�__
<br /> Sectiar► 6. To allaw th� �i.nal payment and retirement c�fr � -
<br /> ,saic� warrants and to pay far tlze cost of paving, grading, curiaing ;;�'
<br /> a�nd gutte�ing ar athc�r necessary i.mpresvements 3.ricidental thereto,
<br /> ,
<br /> � the Mayer anc3 Ci�y.- Council may issue T�ond� in such farm and mannez ��
<br /> as m�y be providad by law, and ^�ay assess thA cost of said c.�rk `
<br /> to th� property..fa� said Distr�.ct in propar�ion to the benef i�s
<br /> deri*��d t:harefrom�; after creditinq any community d�velopment `
<br /> block� grant fur►ds far sa�d costs. :,#±� -..
<br /> Section 7. After �he passage, approval and publicat.�an ' � �` ~
<br /> vf this Ordinance as proviaed :1�rein, there shall be published �'.,�
<br /> as pravided by law, in the Wood River Sunbeam, a Notice with ; ��:
<br /> respECt ta the Disfrict creatcd hy the terms of this Orc?inance, ' '
<br /> which Notice shall provide among other things, that if a m��ority �
<br /> of th� r�sident owners of the �roperty directly abutting vn the •
<br /> street or streets to be i.inproved in an�r of said District shall ��
<br /> file with the City C�erk within twenty (20) days after the first
<br /> pub�ication of said Notice, written objections to thA creation
<br /> �� �-of-this�Uistrict, -the--improvements� �in� such-�District�-�sha�1l� not,� � � � - �� --� � �
<br /> � be made as provided in this 4rdinance.
<br /> Se�tion g. This Ordinance �hal�. be published r�ne (1.) tim�
<br /> in ttie Woo River Sunbeam, a Iegal weekly newspaper publish��3
<br /> �,,; arn3 of general circulatian in the �i*yo uf Wooc3 River, t7�bzasxa,
<br /> � and shall take effect and be in full force from and after its
<br /> passage, �apprnval and publication as nrovide3 by Iav�. � .-=--=-_
<br /> �
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