..°�,si'v�i;. ,f�,.:'•,y''.:ro ' k. v _ _ > _ c. �F_x`u:;�FJ�� rt <�r _
<br /> �- ,...i< '��C(f"•�"' -
<br /> ___. .s._--_.__ .
<br /> � _ _� � - � -- . . _.. _ � " . _ . . . _ _ . - ' . �
<br /> � . _ .
<br /> � `
<br /> . . , . . ' . � _ ' .'
<br /> , . . , , so�-�:a�����- . �
<br /> Rai�.ro�d right-of-way and the east boundar.y .2ine
<br /> � of Wa2nut Street i.n said City, commencing southerly
<br /> alonc�, th� east boundary �f� Wa2nut Street in a 'southerZy
<br /> direCt�4in< ttl _a paint of intersection of the,._��St .
<br /> , boundasK line cf Walnut Street and the saufi,�i.�:bac�nda�y, c
<br /> line af B2ock Twenty-One (21) a€ P�IacColl-artr�.�I,e�ia�g's
<br /> Addition extended; thence west�r2y a].ang .t��:s4uth
<br /> boundary line o� 82ock Twenty-one. t�1.); aridi��st�n�ing
<br /> along the said sot�therly boundary� .litu�-.efxt��id�3�: • �
<br /> to the sotx�hwest corner of B1ock..Twe�t�y�Tc�a (22�:� �
<br /> ; of MacColl and I,eflang`s Addit�iani tYi����: n�rth:orly
<br /> � a2ong the east bfleindary,�Zine a€'.'East �ti�et t� the
<br /> sonthsvest corner ef Lot= Six 45)i,�'�Zock� Twe�ty�Two
<br /> t22) , i►iacCoil �and �,eElan�!s Add�.tion, thenc� westerly
<br />: along an imaginary linc� �Cp the southsa�t,.corner of
<br /> . Lot One (ly , Blacfc:�w�nty-Tt�ee (23�,;;�,fiaaCc��lt�.a�d
<br /> Le€Iang•s Addit.�a�, and contireuing. i� a"-w�st�rly
<br /> directian along��tie south li.nes of Lot�- Z,. ��.�3, 4, � ,�,
<br /> 5 and.• 6 of� Block Twenty-Three (23j•, ,Mact'�I:fi-a.�id
<br /> Leflang!�s .�?ddition to the intersection a� the east
<br /> ' rignt-ofr"'rlLtay l,ine of Main Street; thence nortlierly ��
<br /> alciiig�th�`�=ast right-of-way line of Main Street �
<br /> � ta the nc�.tYswest corner of Lat Seven (7) , Block ,
<br /> � Nine (9) , Ma�cColl and Leflang's Addition, thence •
<br /> easterly a�ang the north�baundary line of Lots 7,
<br /> 8�;; 9; 10, �.1 and 12 of Block Ni.ne (9) , t9acCo1Z � : ;
<br /> � a�3 Leflanq's Addition to a point being the n�rth-. -
<br /> , .
<br /> . ' . east corner of Lot Twelve (12� of said block; �hence � . . �
<br /> , " � � easterlg across East Street on an imagina�y line � ' �
<br /> � , .� , , to the nortbrrrest cornsr of Lot Seven (7f , Hlock � �
<br /> 'f:....,,•.
<br /> � ' �,:;'. � Eight (S) , riacCol? and I.eflang's Addition and �
<br /> "� . � � `, cc�ntinuinq easterly along the north boundary line � , �
<br /> of Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, li of said block to the northwest �
<br /> corner of Lot Eleven (11) , Block Eight. (6) , thence �
<br /> commencing northerly to �he southwest corner oF ,"�`=
<br /> . Lot One (1) , Block Eight (8) and continuinq alonq ` -
<br /> . the a�est baundar� line of Lot One 11� , Block Eight 1'
<br /> . (8) and extendi.ng nartherly to the southwest corner
<br /> � of Lot Eighteen (18) , Block Five (5) , MacColl and "`
<br /> LeE2ang's �dditian and continuing northerly along �'.
<br /> the. west boundar� line of Lot Eighteen (18) in '
<br /> said block to a noint being the southwest corner of � . ��- `'�'�
<br /> Lot Two (2) , Block rive (5) and contsnuing northerly �,
<br /> along the westerly boundary line of said Lot Two (2) �: ,
<br /> , to the northwest corner o� said Lot Two (2) , �lock ;��'
<br /> � Fitre (5) , MacColl and Leflang's Addition; continuing.. �
<br /> nor�herly to the southwest corner of Lat Two (2) , '
<br /> Black Two (2) , MacColl and Leflang's ���3ition; �
<br /> thence continuing northerly along t��e west boundary ,
<br /> ]�i.ne of said Lot Tc�v (2) to the interaection of �
<br /> , said west bounda�� Zine ancl the south right-af-way
<br /> ._ .... _. .__ - -
<br /> -- - -- � �� � -���� - � --� �-- - - � -li.ne--of-the� Union- Pacific��-Raifiroad�-Company= �tli�nc�� �
<br /> � in a narth�aster?y direc�ion alang the southern
<br /> , boundary lin� of th� Un�an PaCific Railroad right-
<br /> � of-way Iine tn t::� place of be�inning. ,
<br /> . 5ec�ion 3. �rhe City's enc�irieers sha1Z make detai.led plans
<br /> ar.c: specif'ications for said imr�rovt:raer,ts and �n esti.mate of the
<br /> • r-_---
<br />- I
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<br /> Ff
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