�_ _ __ ` `t __ __ _ i` _ _
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<br /> , � � ti. � .
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<br /> �
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<br /> �- .
<br /> : -� . - - - - - , '� � .
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<br /> . � s c�r�.�►�no.ot n�s�: � � . - - .
<br /> ` (s)Det�.LeQdsr�iy.accept ag limitad by.regu�atioas issued by the.Sxrctuy ia the case oP payment defaults,rcquire �
<br /> � . immediau Psyment ia fvll bf aiI sums:sau;ed by this.Security tnstnutt�t4 if- � . . , ��°
<br /> � Q7 BorroWes defaults bY f�u1iD8.�o D�Y ia full aaY mon�hty DaS�aedt rcqvired by this Secuiity iastrument�prior co oron '
<br /> � the due date of the aext�ont.�tY aaYmenE.or , ' � . .: '
<br /> ���er�eCauits by fai�.iIIg,foi s period of thitty days,co puform any a�her obligauons concained in chis S«wi�y `�
<br /> . �
<br /> . (b)$ik Wilia�t��dit Appemtl.F,e�oder sinli,iipem�ted bY appiscabie taw.a�td�vith tLe p�r�noval ofthe Satetaty.�nq�� , •� ` �
<br /> . immadir�c pymeat ia fett af all�e su�seau+a0 by`tsis S�ity:Iasuumeat i� . ., ` ' , ,
<br /> �
<br /> � (A A!!or p�tt ot .t6e Ptqtetty is otbeca�-�se Ccaasfased(ather than bg devise or dGSOa�t).bY tbt Baimw��nd , - ` � .
<br /> (ri)Tbe Avpeny is na bY thC P���B��s►s dis ac her�ry at yeoond�rY n�eaoe.or tbe pQrclr�u or� ' � '
<br /> : ��tee�es so ooc�pY tbt�Fib�ty 6ot his or bet cted��as mt b�at sp�tv�ed in aooad�e witb the teqiummears afthe Se¢t+eavy. , '
<br /> (t)No Waber.If circaimstauces accvr that woutd permic Lender to seqcure.��*+••,••��s*�paymeat ia fuU.6ut Lendet dc�c not � . . , .
<br /> , � � � ialn�e such pay�aeats.leadeir does uct waicz its righis vvitie respect to subs�quent events. •� ,
<br /> . f!)�qdttlp�ot HiJD Siastary.In m�ay cis�umstenc�s regniations issued by the Saretary wili limit I.eader's righu,in � . '
<br /> , tl�e case af As9ment,defauhd.to repuire immediue pay�ept in:fuU an0 farectosc if not Qaid.This Security tastrumer.t docs
<br /> � aot authoriu acceiaario�ox foreclosure if ao�permitted hy,�egutatiuns of.the Secretary. �
<br /> � ,_ - . .
<br /> , .. ,. , .. , , . t_ ,
<br /> � f1. Bdrhie�e�f. BotroWer Ii�s a right [o be rcinstated if Lendcr has required immcdiate pa}tment itt full because o�
<br /> " ..;F . Borrower'a�fa�n to�qty an amou�Yt due vader.the Note or this SeCUriiy lnsisument.This right applies eircu afttr foreciosure ' .
<br /> � ptoaedi�a�re iasiitafed.To reinstate the Security lnmameat.Sorrowa shall ttnder in a Inzup swa at!amouats requiraf to ' �
<br /> 6rin�BosroNts's accaunt current inciudiag, to tSe fxteat they.are obligadoas of Boaower undes diis Security Ja�tnmuat, :.
<br /> . foreclosure casts aad rsasonable and customary attc,rney's f�s qtt�.expenses properly a5sociated wiW the foreciosurt
<br /> p�ocaafina:Llpon raasiaument by Borrowcr,this Security IastnimenL and the Qb7igations thai it savres shall remaia itteffect as
<br /> . if Lenda hd not roquired immediaie payment`in full.S�owever.Leadet is nat requir�to pemut ranstatement if(�Lender 6as •
<br /> accepted reinstatemrnt sfcer the cammencernmt of forectosute prasadings witt�iin caro yea�s immediatety prtading the �
<br /> ' co�eat of a eprreat forxtosure procadiag,(uj rein�tatemept will prectude foreclosure on difterent grouad$,in�hc. �f_
<br /> fupu�ex�iii)reinstat�nent NdU ad'versdy affoct th'e priority;q�,thQ�lien created by ihis Security Instrnment. •
<br /> • �`� • ' i!.�ieivwes Plot Rekated;Fasbe�ce By I,eader Not s W�ive► E�uension of thc time oY payraent or modif�cation of
<br /> ,. - amortization of the su�s secured by this Security Instrumentgcanced by Leadec to any successor in interest of Borrower shail aot � �
<br /> operste to releast the iiab�7ity of the origtnal Borrow�ar Borrawer's s�sor in interest. Len�er sha11 not 6e reqvired to .
<br /> � ���pr��BS aSninsl aay succcssor in interest or refi3s�to e�c�t�e for paymept or oiberwise modify,amo�tizaqon � '
<br /> " �. ` , of the s�as secured by this Senuity lastrnment,6y,tr.►son�;aff.aaY,ce�and tnade by the orig�nal Borrnwsr oc�Bo�Awer's ; :
<br /> saccrss�s�n interest.Aay forbearaacE by Lendet in.exacisfng�any.tight or remedy shall aot,be a waiver o�,ar,praiudathe •
<br /> exercise af atty�ght or rFanedy. , ' . •
<br /> � . •
<br /> ; 12-S�a�soes aad As�ad Eo�tQ;,/ol�t and SeveN�bUit�i Cc•Siaaers. Thc covcna�ts'and agra�uants,of this Security ` ���;.. :-
<br /> Instrumerit shf116ind and tseaefit tha sticcasors and ussigns,of 1Gender and Bonawer,subjecc to thC prqvisioas of paragraph 9.b. � � .f
<br /> Borrower's coveaants aad a�[etments shall be jointand s.vcxal.Any.Horrowet whoco,sIgns thi.9:5ecurity InstrumrnE bnt dass �
<br /> ' not exocute the Mote:(a)is castgniag tius Security.(nstrua��tnt;An1y�SQ mart8age,graAt arsd coavey that aorrawer's interest in . " -'
<br /> : the Properiy ua�er the teQUS of this Security lamumant;4b)ia Aat pqrsatulliy�obligAUd ta pay the sums secured by this Security �
<br /> , Instrument: and {c) a� that Lender and auy,;other, 'Barrawft•.may.;agrte-ta�r,�tend. �odifY;;forbear or,make aaY�.� � .
<br /> accommvdadprt�with r:gard to the tema of tEtis Security Ins�ument:or.th4�Note�witn0uc that Borrower's•aonsrut.. . __
<br /> f3.Notkn.My notice to BotrOwer pravideai fot inihis Securit�t��atrument shalt ite�vcn by.delivering it or by:mailing it by.: '.�
<br /> . first cia�ma�uNess apylicable faw requ:res uss of anothrr meth�d;q7ie notice shail6r dir�cted to ths ProDeny Addst�s or any� � j�
<br /> ,: otiier ad3sess Borrowei designateF by notice to Le�der.An�ltotico to Lender shall be givcn by firat class maif to Lender's address � ,,r
<br /> l statcd 6ereIn or any addr,ess Lender dGSigaates by notia to 8orrowet.Any notice�ravided for in tbis�Security Inst�ument shall • �
<br /> ; 6e dcemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when girren as provided in this paragraph.• � `��, x
<br /> , . � -��
<br /> , .i:
<br /> 21.GorsraiK 1.�w.Sevtn6loty.Thjs Securtty Insuumentahallbe governed by,Federal4aw and the!aw of the jurirdiction in � ": '�
<br /> which the Pcoperty is tacated.tn the event that any provision or cluuse of this Security+Insirumrnt or tht Note conflis.ts wtth ap- . ��
<br /> plicabk Isw,such confllce shal!not affect other p:ovlsions of this�Security Insttummt or tltZ Note wh%ch can be given effxt �'�
<br /> without tbe confllcting provisioe. To this ei�d the�froiisions oi thia SerurIt�Instrumeat and the Nat:ara decJared to 6e `" �
<br /> severabte. •
<br /> . . ,. . , �.�s.
<br /> , '..-�
<br /> . LS•aotto+►er's Copf.Borrower shal3 be given one coniormed copy of this Security Inscr�ment. , ' '
<br /> 16.A��eat ot Rteb.Borrower unconQitianally assigns and transfets to Lender all t.°.e rents and revenues of the ibro�s.rty.
<br /> . Borrower authonzes Lender ar Lender's agei�ts to colloct the rents an�revenaes artd hereby directs each tenant of ttse b�roperty
<br /> to pay the repts ta L.ender or Lender',s agents.{�lowever,Qrior`tv l.endoc's notice to�orrower of Borrowtr's breach ef zt;y cove- �
<br /> c. nant or ag�tecment in the Sectuity Iasuument..Bonower shatl collect and recelve all rents and revenues of the Property�s trustee •
<br /> for th�be�ttS�t�uf Leadet and Bono�er,:T�le assignment ot ren�s coast�tutes ar�absotute a�,ament and not an assi�ent for
<br /> additior�,sa�ttfity on1y. . . .
<br /> !t Lender�ives aotia of,breacfi to Barrower:ia)alTrenss teteivtd byBoirower�sfiaU he lield bY�trower as trustee ivr bentflt ---- - ---
<br /> ............... .._�._.._
<br /> . . __... . ..
<br /> of l.ender�Ny.to be appiled to the sums secured by the 5ecurity lnstrument;(b)Lender sha12 be enti�Ied to collect ar.d receive aU �
<br /> t of the�eata ot the Property;and(c)each tenant vf the P�operty shat!qay all rents due and unpaid to LraCer or Len��r's agcnt
<br /> on Leeder•�wr�tten demand'co thc tenant.
<br /> �� Horrower has nat executed any pdQ{assi�usient af the rents anQ has nai aad wiU not perfarm any act that waul'�i prevrnt
<br /> ` Lender fmm exereising i:s rights under this paragtash 16.
<br /> ` Leadtt shW not be requ'ued to enter upon.tmke control vi or mainioin the Praperty hefore or aiter giving notice of bt�ach to i
<br /> �orrower. However.l,ender or a judicially ap�,�intcd receiver may do so ae any time therr is a breach.Any appiication of rents
<br /> � shail Qot cure ot waive�any default or invaUdue�any oihtr righ�.or remedy of Lenda.This assignment oP rents of the Propeny � �—"-
<br /> 'shW termirwte when tht Qebt secured by tte Sect�rity(astrumcnt fs paid in ful�. ` •
<br /> , � . . ,�
<br /> ' . ' . , • . , + ,
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