� . ti e. "•qE i �'� t• � �,. �q' <" t' : •. +wz1::Y.','L�" `5i ;cEi'�".s.�aed.�'acw��
<br /> -2,C<i�sS;`.:o'� `s.�� '�:��`Sa: tl.,r5�'�aitii3 t t �,1.�.: ' �6?. , i�.`�� '_ �,�'•w:�.�.��.:__�....._
<br /> . . .... . _
<br /> . . ; .� ... ..,.
<br /> �-.Fi1 cc --- 4'Xii � � c _ r..��r ae�� �o�serawwaz c---'�'_ -----
<br /> . . . . __ _ . �..-.�___ _..��_- __._ ._-.�- -_ _� _ _. __. __.. .__-_- _ .__- .. . . . ._ . __.. ....... . . ... . ._-__-____ -_
<br /> .___. .. .-_ - .-.�z-- —.._. _ '_ . _ _ -_�� -_ _ _. _ .. _ . -._ __. '._._. __-- - .
<br /> .. . . . -� � . . . . . . .
<br /> �. . ` . -
<br /> �-� _- �_ _ � .. ' '�� ,'. � � �__ �, " �
<br /> y'
<br /> = � ��'�!�15�2� � �
<br /> � L�'�est o!�t��Iatpest atd Late CVr�e,Bosrower shall pay aAen due the priacipal of.aad intorat an,the debt �
<br /> evidraceA 6q tfee Note asd Iat�ch�rges due under the Nate.: •
<br /> � 2.Mo�tl�[T�7�ts of Faus,Iaurssae ud Otier(�ar�es.Barmwer shall iactude in eacPs monthIY�Y�b toScth�witlt J� ' .
<br /> the principat and intuess zs set fartb ia tlss Notc aad any late eBarges.nn iastaDment of any(a)taaes aad special asse:ssmer►u.
<br /> tevied or to be Itvied apias�t We Property,(h�leaz�ehoid pagsaents or groTUUd reats oa the Prape�ty,aa�.(c)premf�ms,fop.
<br /> • uuuraace ceqiared by Paragraplf 4. ,
<br /> Eac6 mantbty iastatiraeac for items i�).(b)and tc)shail eqn�t oae-twelftfl of tfle aanual amouats.as reasona6lY�s�maud bY '
<br /> I.enda,pIus aa amount suff�aeat to maint��addidonal hataace of not mose than oae-siuh of the e�imaud amauats.l'lie� .
<br /> ' faD a�snaal amount far each ittm shall be accumWued by Lendet withia a period ending oae mont6 befm�aa itan�eouId . r
<br /> bevome delmqueat.Leader shatl hofd the amouna collactN in wst to pay items(ay.(b)attd(c)before they become deliaquet�t.
<br /> If zt a�r tlme tlx tatat of chs paym�ats hetd Dp Lendes for items(a),(b),and(c),tog�her witII the fnwre monihly.payments �
<br /> for sush items payabk W Lenda prior to the due dates of such ii�s.eaends by more thau anr-sixth the estimate�amou�of '
<br /> paymeats requirad to pay s�ch items rvhea due,and if paymsais on the Nou are curcent,thtn Lta�shall eitl�ar refund the . , .
<br /> esc�sg nva oae�xth'af tl�tt sstimatod.Fa]Raeats oi credit t6e exass over onc-siath of the esamated paqmeuts to subsequcnt�-
<br /> payments by Bofrowa,at tht option of Bomuwer.If ths wtal of thr payments made 6y Borrowa for item{a),(b),or(c)is �� �-
<br /> insufficieat tn Da9 the item�vhen duG then Borrovrer shal!pay to Leader any amaunt naxssuy to ma1c�up the dxfictency on or. �
<br /> ixfore the date t6e eta�becoma�due. � i ,
<br /> As ustd in tfis;Security instr�ent. ••Secretary••means tht Secretary of Housing and iJri�a�t Devdcgiii�nt or his ar her - I .
<br /> desigaee.Mos��arity[astnsments uuured by the 5ccretary are insnra3 aader programs wluctt r.�uise ad�.-�x payt�ent of the:
<br /> , entire mnrtgage�m*an��premiwa.If this Security tnstrument is o�p�tsiasurod nader a pra�at a�Ir.ar3�,d.�cWi reqnire advaace .
<br /> paymsnt of theeari*e martgage iasurance pieminm,thm eac8 uioufhIy payment shalt,atso��`e�;��:3aiAStaltmient of the ,
<br /> aaal�al moitgagc�aa premiu{n to be paid hy Leader to.the Secrsta,ry,or(�}a�acr��`�',�e`��of a mostg�ge �,
<br /> , insuranoe premivm if this Secnrity f scr�ent is hetd by the Secrerary.Eatfi ar�rsx�,��i���'��tz�sgage�s�aance _ _\�
<br /> premium ah�II be�.aa amount suffi��at to ac�umulate the fdU a���at�.art�gjtt�,..�����.aadcc one manth � -
<br /> ; � p r ior to the date tt�ftilI aanual mort g�e ins u r a n c e p r e m i u m i s d�e c a c�e S e a�•,u r i f t I i i��y I n s t n t m e n t u h e t d b y t t t e � . .
<br /> . Secretary.each ffinattily.cduge shall be u}an amount equal co eaeat�..*Y.h of aae haJf perc.��f the ouutanding principa] � �
<br /> • bJ�lwa dae an the Nat� `
<br /> ' If Boaowu teaders to Ceader the full�tayment of all sums sec►u��q tbis 5ecurity diuwmeut,Botrowet's account shali bt .
<br /> creditod wit6 the balaace remaiaing for atl installmmts for item��a), (b)and (c)ead aay mortgage iassrance premium.:
<br /> instalIm�t t�tLender has nut,become o6tigated to pay to the Secr�g,and LeaQtt sball promptly refund any excess funds to:. �-
<br /> Borrower. Ia�,e+�iately prior to a foreclosure sale of thr Progerc�,r its acquisition by I.ender, Borrower's account shalt be. � "
<br /> crcdited with�,y bataace rcmaining for ali instaltmeats far['�tss G'a�„4b)aad(c). . , . -
<br /> 3;.A/�YesUoa ot hJ�csq.AU payrtients under puagrr���s 1 aad 2 shall be applied by I.ender as foL►��:
<br /> �RST.tQ[he.mortgag+e i�surance pnmIum to be paid by Gen¢er to the SaTet;il.c or to the montbiy cha:�ge by the Secretary � �
<br /> . ��ta�d of t�e�anthly raortgaga insurana premium,uatess Borm��,paid tt+.e er,u�e mortgage iris�,LTance premium when this,. ' .
<br />� Savrity Insuasr�at was signed; • . • ; '
<br /> ' ���2�a�Y tues,speeial assessmmts.leasehold paytntnu cr gouad rer,ss,.�d fire,fl+a�aAd other hazatd insurance �'_ :�
<br /> . praniums.ai c�-„Sred; .
<br /> THIRD,to Ex:erest due under the Note;
<br />' ��TH,to amorti�ion of the pdacipal of the Note; , `-
<br /> $p�j,to t�charges dne uader the Note. ` '
<br /> : 1.F1re,FioN s�d Otier Hua�d I�wnace.Borrower shall insures��rovemenu on the Prap�,+,whe�er�aw in axiste�ce ,���
<br />. or subscqaeatty cxted,agasnst anY hAZards.cagtt�ltitaF aw�contit�geitcies.including flro.for w;:i�i i.ender rer,�t,;ucs in4urance. :.
<br /> 'EZtis ineutana s�be�tac:^z�ed ia the amouats �for the perlods that i.cri�z requira. Borrower sfra�.also Insure all�� :
<br /> �vemenu an che Pre�,whether now in n�ctgtencr.Qr subsequently erecte�l.�st loss by t�oods to the extent requued by f
<br /> c�2 5ecretarY-�I insuraa+:e��f 3e carried with comD�es approvtd by l.enda.�e insuraace Qalicies aud any renewats�shall�� '
<br /> bt i�et�by L,��and sha[C"ra�ic:��zyable clauses in Pavoi of, and in a Porm acceptahle u�.Lender. f
<br /> . ta the event of toss.B�nr�wzr shall give I,ender imittediate notice by mail.Lender may make pra�arof loss if not made promDt• �
<br /> �k�y Boaower.Each insur-.�x company wncemcd is hereby autharized and direacs!to maks Dayment for such loss directly to 4 ;�,
<br /> �sder,instead of to Borruver and to Lender jointly.Aif or any part of the insuiarv�r flroceeds may be aDplied by Lender,at its �°�r
<br /> , oDrion,efther(�)to the reduction of the indebtedaess under the Note aad ths`�Security Instrument, first to any deitnqnent�� ���,�,
<br /> amounta aDatied in the order L�Parag►aph 3,and then to prepayrnertt a�Driacigal,or(b)to the restoration or reptir-of the
<br /> damaYed Dra�ac,+-An9 aDplicatlon of the procceds to the principal�l"s noi cxtend or postpone the due date of the month � �
<br /> paymtnts v�tr�nre retened to in Paragraph 2.or chaage the amount o!such paycnents.Any excess insuranca p�oceeds over e�a�� ` ;:�;�
<br /> , amount requ�to pay aIt ro�r,�tanding indcbteQness uader the Noce and this Secari.c�tnstrument shall be paid rn��4e entity legat-� � '
<br /> 6y art:tkd thereto. • .
<br /> Tc�.c�c evens of foreclasure of this Secwity lnstniment or othu uansfer of Htk to tha Property that extinaoishea the irt-� � �
<br /> deL!�ness,all rlght.tltle attd interest of Boirower in and to insurance polleies in force sf�all pass to the purc�asa.
<br /> S� leser��tbw a�A Mal�tew�ee ol t�e Prope�ty,i,ene�oid�. Botrowet shall not commit waste or dc��ag, da.z��:or�
<br /> suL�staatlaliy ch�nge the Property or allow the Propertg c9 deteriorete.reuonable�ear and tear excepted.Lc¢�e-may 4A�ee
<br /> ; the property if the property is vacant or abandoned or�:toan is in detauli.Lender may take reasonabte actio�tv prota�an¢
<br /> . _ . .. .. . .... ...
<br /> � Dreurva auch vACaot or abandoned property:lf this 5e�:icy in�tnrmt�t is o3i a lauetiold;Bonower stiali comDly wltti ttie pr�i-�
<br /> slona o!the ie�se. If Barrower acquires fee titte to the Property,the teasehold aad fee tltte shall not be merged unless l.tr�,�.
<br /> agras to tI�e muger in writing.
<br /> � 6�A�es to soesawes sa�:�otertloa o!Lender's&f�.�in t6e proyerty.Bomczwor sh�ll pay all governmeLtal or municipal � -
<br /> �iD�s.ftaes�nd impositfla�;s tAat�re not 1ncluded in P�.-3graph 2.Borrower sl�al�pay these obligations on cimc dttectty to the � -
<br /> crr�.:y Mhfcb is awed the payment.it faiture to�y wou�i�adversely affat I.endrr's iaterest in thc ProDerty�.upon Lender's re-
<br /> q,«e5t Honawex sha�!promDtly tumish tv Lender rueipts evidencing t6ese paymcats. .
<br /> if Sorrowrr faij�to maice thcse yaymeats ar the paymez�;required by�aragrapb�,aG_fvLs cv perform aay otlirr covenants and ' � ,_- -_-=--
<br /> aStetmenta conta3ned in this�rity lnstrument,or cltc�e is a legal proceeding tt�,.�:�ay signifitaudy affect Lc�der's rights in �
<br /> ttr.e property(anch as a pro�r.�ing in bantcrupscy�for a�a�demnatioa ar to rnforoe laws or regulations).�than�.c�ader may do and . �
<br /> p�y whatever is necessary t4•�rotect the value of the Ptopetry and l.ender's rights in ths Property.includirrs�paymcnt ot tar_es. '
<br /> hazard insur�and other items mentianed in Parngraph 2. ' �
<br /> � Any aatouttt,Cisbursed by tender undes t�is Patag�aph shall btcome an additional debt of Bonower and be secured bp��t�is � ` �
<br /> Sesutlty IASta�tent.These aaaaunts sh�t bcar inttrest iram the date of disbutxem,ent.at the Nott rate.e�s!Lt!he opticiQ a! �
<br /> � Lebder�sflaII be ia�medis►tclY�d�c and paya6le. �
<br /> • �:�de�uUo�.The pr�teeds of any,awutd or claim fot dunages,direct or consrqaendal�in conmrtioa u;:b any condem• ��
<br /> � � it2*.:�oa or other tatcing of any pa»'di the i�ro�rerty,ar for conveyance in piac�af coademnatiaa,a�e itereby assigned and sh�l!be
<br /> (tsfi�t�Lrndcr to the extent ot the tuli ai�buns at thr indebtedness that remtiin�unpaid uncier tt:e Note and�his Srcurity Instru- M1
<br /> ��r:ht l.endte ahtl)apply such ptosetdy ta the retluction ot ihe irtdebtedness undet the Note and th9s 5ecuri�y InsttumenQ,fint to ���
<br /> cmy delinauent emaunts appGed ia the arder prvvided in i'aragraph 3.aad then to qre�ayment nf princirai.Any application af
<br />- � the proceeQs to the ptincinul shali not extend or pvstpvne the due date of the'monthly p�yments. whtre� �re rcferred to in r
<br />. pataljtapb 2, or shange!ho arnount of such pa�ymtnts.Any extess ptoceeds aver an amovsit�rquitcd to pay rili crutst�nding in• ''' `
<br /> - debtc�nus uttder the Noce am1 thi.c,m,ritf irsstrumem�ha�t Is�.pa�tt to ttie entitp tep.alljr e�iciiled thccet��,
<br />� !�.�ets. I.ender anaY cuUect tees ar.d chatKCC.tsulhc�t�trci by the Secretary.
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