---- 1 �
<br /> � �
<br /> NOV-U!viFORM COVENANi'S Boirawet and Lender furthtr coLenant and agree as fel�w� ����t��
<br /> . 19. Acceltntioa; Remedies. I.tader shsll give aotfce to Borrower prior to acceleraeioa follo�.ieg BasroAee's
<br /> ' bressh ottay covtnant ar agreement in tbis Security Iestrument tbut aot prior to acceleration under pnragraphs 13 aad IT
<br /> � aWess applia6le law prorides otherwisel. tilc notice shal!specJy:(a) the defaul�(bl the rctian sequired to cure tAe
<br /> defwl�tc)s date.aot las t�aa 30 days from tht date the notice is gi�en to Borrower.by�v6fcb the default must be cured; �
<br /> and(d)that[aiiure to care t�e dtf�u3t oe or 6efon tde date speciRed in the notice e�s result in accelerainon of the snms
<br /> ('� secured by t6�s Stcurity Iestrumeni and sale at the Property.'t�e aotice shall fu..�Ir�forat Bonowes of the rigi�t to
<br /> ( reinstate after 4srel�rotion and the right to bring�court�ctfoa tQ assert the noa-existence oi a default or any oiher
<br /> defease ot Borrower to accelention and sale.If the definit is noi cured a�ar before the date syecifitd in the c�orice.Ler.dQr
<br /> u tts ogitaa msy requ�e�te paYm�nt ie fa}l�oi aU sums serared by this Seauii3'I�s�t erii n•:fu,•th�a �
<br /> d�m�ad aad may in4olcc the power of sale and any ather�emedries permitted Dy applicable Eaw.I.endes shadl be emtitled to
<br /> cnitect all�zpeeses incurred ie pursuing the remtdies pra�id�d ia this para�apls 19. iacluding, bat n9t li�ted to.
<br /> reasanable artonieys'fees and costs of tide evideace.
<br /> If tlte paxec af saie is ierol�ed,Trastee s6all cecord a notice oi defaati in eacb coantg in whirh any part of the
<br /> Propecty Ls tocated�shajl mail copies of suc��oti�ce in the marmer�sescn'l�ed bY aypflea6le laa to Horrower smd to th�
<br /> other persons prescri6ed by appiftaDle(aw.After the time required by�p�lisable t��+.T�ttstee s�tali�ive pu6lic aoiice o�
<br /> sale to the pe.rsaas aad In the msr.�ser prescribed by applica6le IaR.1'rusiee,withou�i demand a�Borroser.shaU seU the
<br /> Property tt public sur,€soe to tht tiighest bfdder at the ti�ne and pla�e�nd uader the terms desigrsted e�th�notice of sait irt
<br /> one or more parcels a..�s�ia any order Trustee detennines.Trustee m�y p�st�+�ae sale of sil or any�arce!oi t8e Proyerty bf
<br /> publ�c nnnounce�:zi.at tfre time and place of any previously scheQnleB�ale. Lender or its desi��e cnzy purchase tir�
<br /> Property at anY sale. .
<br /> Upun receipt uf psyatent of We price bid.Tn�stes-s�Ct deliver to the purchsiser Trustee's deed cu�veyiz:g t�:
<br /> Property.TDe reciUls in t6e Trustee•s deed shsll be pri�ae fs.cde evidense of t6e auth of the statements rsz� tt;�:rei�.
<br /> Trustee shall appty the proceeds of the salt in��Eollowing order.(�f ta�EL r.s�enses of t6e sate.ircctuding,but 3�:.'z�iSEd•,
<br /> to,Tn�stee's f�es ss permitted by appficable tsv�gnd reasonable attornE�'C�ES'Q!a 40111 SilfiS SeCUtEd by th3S S2CUPIfy.
<br /> Instrument;and(c)any e:cess to the person or persoas legally entided to E�.
<br /> , 20.Lender in Possession. L'pon acceleratian under paragraph 19 e-:�-.���a�:enr of the Property. Lender(in '
<br /> person. by�ent or by�udicially appointed receiver)shall be entitled ta��:r u,rr:�_ take possession of and manage the
<br /> Prop�rty ana to collect the rents of the Property including those past d�.�ny rents collected by Lender or the receiver
<br /> shall be applied first to payment of the costs of management of the Pr��rty and collection of rents.including, but not
<br /> limiied to,receiver's fees,premiums on receiver's bonds and reasonable attomeys'fees,and then to the sums secured hz
<br /> this Security Instrument.
<br /> Zl.Reconveyance.Upon payment of all sums secured by this Se�lsity lastrument, Lender shall request Trnstee to
<br /> reconvty the Propeny and shall surrender this Security Instrument ar.d a.i:notes evidencing debt secured by this Secunty
<br /> Instrument to Trustee.Trustee shall.*econvey cfe P�operty w�thout warra-��and without charge to the persan or persons
<br /> legally entitled to it.Such person or�-�uns shalI gay any recordation co�r�.
<br /> 22.Substitute Trustee.Len�rr,at�ts option,may from time to tirc:e remo.-e Trwtee and appoint a successor tnutee
<br /> to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the cou�cy in which[his Security Instrument ic recorded. �
<br /> Withaut conveyance of the Property,the successor trustee shall succeed r.o all the title,pow•er and duties conferred upan
<br /> Trustee herein and by applicable law.
<br /> 23. Request for Notiees. Borrower requests that copies of the notices os default and sale be sent to 8orrower's
<br /> address R Fscch is the Property Ad6ress. '
<br /> Z4.ItIders to this Security la,trument.lf one or more riders are eaecuted by$orrower and recorded to��:�:':er a�'sth
<br /> this Secunty lnstrument,the covenants and agreements of each such rider shall t+e�ncarporated into and shali wr:a�-��an�. •;..;,::
<br /> supplemtr►t the cavenants and agrcemen:s of this Secunty lnstrument as if the nder(s) were a part �f:l::s 5:;,kntc �-�rfi s
<br /> ,e
<br /> Inserument.[Check applicable box(es)J •;�,'
<br /> _ �,'. Adjustable Rate Rider ;_,: Condominium Rider '�? 2-4 Far��.�c ��der � �� �
<br /> � Graduated Payment Rider _ Planned Unit Deveie�.;�ent Rider '�:{�
<br /> '��her(s) (specify] AcknoWledgement ' - �.
<br /> H1C �IGNlNG BtiIOW. Borrawer accePts and agrets to the terms and covenants con'teined in thi�s Security "
<br /> Instrument and in an}�ridu(s)eaecuted by BorroKer and recorded with i � J
<br /> , �/�
<br /> , �
<br /> r--�.n...�
<br /> ............. . .. . ............................... ... ... ............. .... ........... ............�. ...�,��-...........................,...... .(Seai)
<br /> Gene R. Smith --eo.+ow�►
<br /> _ .-_.., �
<br /> "`T'f/�f'r�°/� �C //"r/" ��'
<br /> ................................. - ..( �
<br /> ...................... . . ............... ... ......... ...... ......... ... .. ......................... ..... P.a
<br /> .�...�. ........
<br /> �lebra K. 5mith ---����w��
<br /> STA7E OF;VE8RA5KA. H811 Cvunt}'S5:
<br /> On this �g ;:3� ol ��1arch .14 gp, f,ef��re me, t'ie under5igncd. a N��l�►ry I'uhli.
<br /> duly commissioned and yualified 1'cr tia�J caunt�•,personally rame Gene R. 5��?ith and Debra IC,
<br /> Smith, Husband and Wife ----------------------------..__________ , to mc knc�wn tc�hc thc
<br />. identical person{ti) whase namelsl are whcrribe� to the toregoin�� �nctrument and acknc��vleelged ihe exec�itmn �°`�---- -
<br /> tbereof to be theiT �'oluntary act and deed. , '
<br /> Wimess my hand and notarial;r:�l a� Grand Island, Nebraska � in�c���i<<�urn�, �hr
<br /> date afaresaid.
<br /> C C �
<br /> !L'�� �{tiiiFiffiiifa�C��iiCS`' ia� r�C i[,� � � � � i`` r � � �'
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