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<br /> � � EXFIIBIT •.�'�•. •
<br /> aQ,._, i 014�_
<br /> � SEC. TWY. RG.
<br /> St�1 Z/4 --�M�__.--_----------------------------------- 2 12�F Z�IZ 6Lh P.:2.
<br /> HALL Ct51P.'JTY, �1£BRASKA.
<br /> A tscact of Iand more accurate2y described as follows: "
<br /> Co�nencing at the Southeast corner of Section 35,
<br /> thence in a Westerly directfon along the South line af _
<br /> said Section 35 on an assar•ied bearing af ;3e�rth , �
<br /> 90°0'd° t,lest a distance of 1,g26.45 teet, �?Tence in a � _
<br /> PJarthwesterly dfrectfon oa a bearir�;t ��f i:orth ..
<br /> '••.1�309'S0" [Jest a distance af 677.83 :='�et t� t�►e pofnt � � �
<br /> r "�f begi.nn��ng, thence contfnuing on a beariiz� of Idarth
<br /> � �.°' }3°9'S0" I�est a dfstance af 2n5.II9 feef, CI(�.�r,Ce �n'an '.
<br /> •'•� ea5terly directfon parallel to the Sout'h line`tc�f±st�$a
<br /> :+�' Sectfon 35 on a hearfng of Vorth 90°0'0" E�at°a j t�: : ' •
<br /> ;�•, dist�ck of 142.78 feet, thence in a•South�r2� • " � � . ' -
<br /> a= directE'an normal to the S�uth line o saidfSection 35 . ' �
<br /> :�+'� on a bearing South 0°0'0" West a dzs�ance p£ 20�:00 `
<br /> '".;`, feet, •thence in a �desterly direcr.i�:,n�paYa12e1: to, the � �
<br /> . Sauth �line of said Section 35 un .�. b�a�in��of�No�rth ,
<br /> , 9A°0'�° West a distance af 96.00 feet tp L�te �oi�t of i `
<br /> beginni�g ------------ ----------- ' -- --�-----�-- 35 13N Zai( �1tii P.t•1.
<br /> *ftle � { ' �
<br /> Together wich ail Trustar(s} rlgh�, , an� i�l�ere�t
<br /> ' in and to a pernanent easement for right of access over
<br /> a 20–foot strip af land lyi7� ��+ent and ad_j-�+:ent ta a i '
<br /> line �lescribec� a� follows: Cuamencit��; aC Li�e Southeast
<br /> corner of said Section 35, thenca. fn a jJe.rerly �.�
<br /> direction a1on�; the South linc: af �a.id Sec�ion 35 on a
<br /> bearing of North 90°A'0" t•7est a distance of_ 1,926.95
<br /> fe�t Co the point of t��pi�ninE;, thence in a '7orthc:rly
<br /> d�teCtfon on a bcar4nF; Gf Korth 13°I9'Sb" l�lest a _
<br /> �' dist�n�e; of 883.T2 feet to the Plorthwest aorner of.the —
<br /> ; tract of. land de�r_ri'�ed above. � ;,
<br /> M � ' ! �� ! ; �
<br /> , �
<br /> • � ± j ` � . • `� } '�•.
<br /> F � ! � � r �,..
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<br /> � 3 G _____.____ : �.___=_--- �`:-
<br /> Date�ry��` ~ . . R��r 11nr , .
<br /> I:KNIBIT A �iTTA�ii�b Tb TRL`ST Di?T;n n���� A�SI(;',t1EFI1' UI� �i:iv'�S I).�ii:7 � '" l� -��`
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