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<br /> RE RECORtiEO
<br /> �..�..���ap� ��..� 10132� fCBOSOtt
<br /> Page 2 of 2
<br /> Tnstor(�)�rrd�sch of them furthtr covensnts and e�reas with BeneRcury a�tollows:
<br /> t�? To pay a9 fieru.judgmer.v.o�o7:er as=�smanss aqsinsr de proPer!y.and t�pay wfsen d�JO a�assos�narits.raree,re.^.ts,teos.or charges upnn tne properry or
<br /> unEerarr�lease.pemsit.6car.se,cr priv��egg ass�yteQ ro Berv�fiaary as add�uanal secunry to Q��a Trust Dood.indudng those m or on pu0;c Coman.
<br /> (2� To 6ssura ar�k2Bp insured pu9dirtps and oth.er imFraYemenig m:tud�ng fixturps ertd lidachrr.ants row on or hsrea,ker ptacad on Ihc�pro�vrty to tt»saDStdtaOrt ot
<br /> •$enefictary Surb insuran�p will pQ a�pFpy�by and 6epasited w�th Benoficay,end ondatse6 w:m Ic;s payabla dau30 to Bnrefio8ry Ar.y 5um3 so roteitreE py Banefiaary
<br /> � may pe ueed t�gay f�r re�nstn�lon pi y:�C:strtf u tmFravsrr•an's ar+t nOt so eppGe3 may be eyptct�d,at�e apnon at Bonpf:�ary,�rt paymtent ot arry IndeDte�ess
<br /> manued a tusmadred seaued t�r this Trust�eed_
<br /> (� To kQep aD puitdirtgs,fuituras,atfact�ment�,ar,d othoR improvements na�v o�w hereafter pracecf ort ttss Qroy�erty ocap;aQ ar,d in Qood rsoair,ma;ncerranca,ard
<br /> c6ndtion end m Mithar mmritit nor pormit arty aGS at wa�e ar an�impaim!ent oi trs vaJue ot Oiq Qroperry. 8enef.uary reay enter upon the progerry ta inspect�e samg or to
<br /> prrform ary ecC�au7wrized here�n m irt It�e foars agreemertr(s�• ,
<br /> (a) In Q�e event Trus�r(n)ta;is to pay any fer:s,jud�mer,ts,assess.�r.ent�,axes,rents,lees,ar�atgea er mantan any insuranco oa tha prQperc�,bu;ldina�,tixn�res,
<br /> azact�ment�,or tmprorsments as provided herein or in ths loan agree+rrtnt(a).Beneticiary,at iis opnarr,may msSce such paymerrts a prcvide in4uranpe,maintenance,or
<br /> refsara srtd any amounU pyd C�ere;or wip bacame part ot�hg prfneipa3;r,QehteGr�ess seci,�ed hereby,be immodia;ory Que and payabre and bear intsrest at me de*autc ra�e
<br /> provEEad tn Css rtots(sj frarrs thodata of paymertt un6t paid. ?he edvancement by Bertefieiary ot arry such arr:ounts w��l in no manrte:hm�t the dghi oE Berteficiary ro Eedare
<br /> Tnutor(sj tn dtfaWta ezvdss any of 9enefc�.arys o�er nphts and remedies.
<br /> (� N tha gwn;Ber�fidary da e parry tn arry litigat�un affecCnp�e proyerty or the I�an ot Ciis Trust[)eed,inde�drtp any acnon by Benefreary to e��eroe Ltii�Tnist Oeed or
<br /> arty suit in xfilfi Benefielaiy is nam3d a defertdant(ir.duCing cortQemnaiian and banknrpte.yr preceeCirtgs)Benefieiary may inwr expensos antl advartce payrtser.ts for abstract
<br /> faes,atinmeys(ees(to ths exteni alwred Oy tawy,costs,expenses,a}ipraisal tees,and other charges and any amounts so advanced will Bscorr.e part ot tS�e prirtapa!
<br /> irtdeb�eQrNSS+eauad h.xaby.ba Ittimediatety due and payable and 6ear irtII�rest a!rtie defauit tale provided in!he note(s)from trs date ot advance until pa�d_
<br /> (b7 �Y����ds o�Tnuror(s)ar rtvair successora by O�e exerQ,e of ominent domain 3re rtere�+j asstgncb w Benefciary:and Benefic;ary is�ereby authorized to
<br /> cdlect end apptyr the s3me tn paymesit of a^y indebtsCness,ma�re or ur.mazured,secu;c3d tryr�c€s Trust peeC.
<br /> (/) in tfie eyentTrusmrjs)EefautLS in�e paymont whan due ot arry sums sealred heret�'�;:r.dpai,irtteres�advancements,or protearve edvan�s),or tails to perfartn or
<br /> observe any mvemnts and ca�a��tions eontairte0 herein,in the note(sJ,�aart agrvemenqa),or aay o�er insr ments,or ary proceed�ngs�s hrought by or a�nst Trusoaqsy
<br /> urtder any Bartkrtr�,tcy l�s,Bersefrefary,at iLg opCOn,may Cectare che ennre c^dermdness setured hereby�he immed;ate!y due and payahta arM the rrtto!a vn0 hear irrtereSt
<br /> ai the defar�t raie as p:�vided in dw rtate(aj artA Benefrdary may immetl�ate;r aL7torize Trustee to exerase re Paxrer of Sate granted herein�n�e manner proviQed rn st,e
<br /> Nebrdsh.a tr,rs;D�eEs Aet,or,at ths optiort of ths Beneficary,may icreccse[.*e Trus[Oeed in the manner g�c-r"ded by law for the foreetosure e'r^�n.gar,es an re81 properry.
<br /> intluding tie�poirrtr�wnt ot a Raceiv�r upon e:parte apptir,WOn.notice bei:�here4y expresay waived,wr�a.2 repard ro me va4�e of the prcpss*��r tne auff,asn�y�riereof ro
<br /> discft�Qo 2's md�ht�dr�ats sequoA herehy ar in the fo�n r�eemenqs). Delay by 9enefitiary irt exerosing its nghq upon default wiil not he wnsa,,ee ag a waiver Cianpot end
<br /> eny eet at B�nefiaary waiNng any apecifred default vr�ll rtu:�e qnsttueE as a vraiver of arty t t,ue delault It the prooeeds under such sals or foreciosure are insu(fiaent to pay
<br /> Ote LDtal indebtedness aecured hereby,Trustar(s)do here�t.�,rpg tp pe peraona((y 6aund ta R_!+:he unpaid 6afanca,and Benefitiary will be enctled to adefic�anty judpmenG
<br /> (� Shoub 8er�fir�aryr oiaa m o:arriso Cw Pawer oi Sa�e granted herein.Beneficiary rw:��n!}r Trwtee who will recaM.DuDlish.and 6efiver tn Trusror(s)sucA Nouoe of
<br /> Qefault and Notie�o}Sata as ttfen required by lav a�d witl in Ihe manner proviCed by taw,seli:.^a properry at the bme and place ot sale fixed m the No�ae of Sa!9,e%ther as a
<br /> whote or in ippalat�bis,patcel�,or i�ms and m s:��orCer as Trustee w�1 deem e�odient. A;.ry persan ma•�tid at tho cale inGud�ng Truator(s),Truatee,a Bertefiaary.
<br /> (4) TrusLOr(�y h�rsby taquests a mpy af erry hct�et Detauli or Notrce ot Sa(e hereunder tn be maled by terufied mal ro Trustor(s►at the sEdress(es)set terfh Rerein.
<br /> (10) Upon QafarAt,Brnefiaary,either in porsar.ar:yr���*_with orwithaut brinp�np arry ar„n a proaeedirtg and with or without ragard ta the value ot ttse pt:arry or the
<br /> auffiCGnGy IMnot�p d�stha,�e the indebtedncas saaimC�snr�_ry,is authorized and entit�eC m a.^.ter upon and mlce possession of the property in iLS own nertse or m the name
<br /> of Ih�TrusiN an0 do any icta or expersd arry su-+s it��-acessary or Qe3irabte to pro:ect or presorve th9 vatue of the properry or any interest lhere�n,or increaae tha
<br /> (ncans tnantrOm;anC Wldf or without taki�g�s;ess:a-:f�e property��a�.thcr:zed W ace tor or otherwise collect tRe rents,issues,aops,prof�is,and income thereat,
<br /> indudinp Ct�r paat dw end ur.paid,atsd a.-c';>^�e�a:v ary indeb:ed��.Y�rE►d heretry or m the loan egreement(s).
<br /> IW�.edy hereln oonie�red upon or resovoa�s^.sEe or Bene{r.zy;y,ntenCed!n be exGusive o}any other remedy here�n or by lar�-�vided ar permirteA,but
<br /> each wilt be tumutative,xrill be in addition ro every a:^u:-��ady piven hereurtCer or r.cw a�hereaher ea�sting as law or m eqwry or by sta:�ia,and may tre exerciaeG
<br /> wrscurrenty.irsdeparxtanty ar succosstvely.
<br /> (11� Tru�IDr(s)etknoN�tedgea Q�at Uie duties and oCliga;2-s of Trustee will bo determine3;�?ty py ihe expross provisiort�of thia Trust Deed or tha Nebraska Trr,t Deeds
<br /> Act and Trustee w�ll not be liable except fw tho pertormance of auch duuea end obli�auons as a-e spnc,f�cally set fonh therem,artd no�mpl�ed aovenanL�or obligaGOns xdll be x .
<br /> Impoied upon Truatea;Trusteo will not be IiaWe br arry act;on by rt in good faith and reasonably beheved Dy tt to bo suthonze:f or withm�he d�suot�on or npht�of powors �
<br /> conterred upon it by C�ia 7rust Deed a state law.
<br /> (12) TfW in2epdry etid responsiWlity Of TtuatOr(s)ConsLMas e part Of Cfe opns�QaraUOn br Ihe ob(igaUOn9 securod herpby. Shou(d Truator(ej aell,transfer,a canvey ffie
<br /> propsrty bscri6ad h�ran,without pna wrtnen consenl ot Banefivary,Berwfiaary,at its oy9a�,may Oedare the endre indebtednoss imrtsvdiately duo end payabts and may
<br /> pracpd in ths onforc�ment ot ite riphts as on erry oUier defaNt.
<br /> (13) /ltslpnmant of Ranp inrdudinp Proceede of Miner�Leases. Trustar(s)hereby as:�a_7anafera,and amveys to Benefiaary a11 rerrts,rayalties,bonuse�,and detay
<br /> rr,on�ys or othor pmaNda that may from 6me to Gme bemme due and payable urder a.^y-oa,estate lease or undo�any o�l,gas,pravel,rock,a other mineral lease of arry
<br /> kir.d Irtdud�ng y�otherma!resources now e::9Unp or that may heroafter co-e�;;,a;:s:erce,cpyennp tt�o proporty or any pert ihoraof. Alf auch sums so rocoivod by .
<br /> 8aneficiary vr��:be 8pplied to Cte indeb.ednESS 3eCUrod heraby;o�Benefiparx.a-��;,,�r .^!ny tum Over and daliver to Trust6r(e)oi then cuccecsot9 in inter65t,arry or aD o! • ��'�
<br /> audl auma wi5nout prejudite to any ot Bene`.c,a,;;g r(gh[a[o take and rotain fut��cucs,a:C�'"'out pro�ud�co lo ary ot rts oiho�n�hts undor Ws Trust DeeO. Thi9 89sipnmont -
<br /> wi1�bs tonlD'ued ro be a FrcWSion for Ihe;a�e-:ar reduction ot tho Qobt,cubjec[to ih9 Be.G°��yfs option a9 herpinpptoro provided,inEependont of the hon on tho proparty.
<br /> Upon paymrnt in fu11 of tt�e d���an0 U+e•�+'ve�3'ce pf!h;9 7:,.g{08Bd Ot�0(a►d,this gs�.;;,�o-r wdl becamo mopurabvo and ot no further IQioo nnd oHoct. ,�
<br /> (14) The oovenanb con�,-�C:n tT.�s'••,:���ee�,N,I�pe aee�nea ro bo soverab!o;�n me o.r•r•,•^�at any portion ot th�3 7ru9t OeeO ia determinpd to be vob er:E.�c(r,r,pa�Io,
<br /> that Q�qrtnination wdl not ettec:�e vai�„i c'^�o-emaminp Portiona of Bie Trust Oeed.
<br />. . I ^ /�/ ' - 4F�/ � ,.�.
<br /> ' J � !{/^"'����{/ !Tti.r�'�\ , - • �.-�r t� - .
<br /> iNau 'ce Horak : � �` ��`�' —" • ,
<br /> ..__ :iora''.c
<br /> ) 53.
<br /> couNrv oF �L t �
<br /> On this f 3 day ot�._.� �v1�9�`C � ,_� .A D.19_7'_C�,boforu m�,�Notary Public,per,onally„p�earcd
<br /> IAaurice Harak and Rae HoraY, husbdnd and i�ife
<br /> to mo know to be No parsan(sy named in and wha uxecuted the forng�ing Acknowlc•dgment and Trust DEad and achnowlc�d�ed th;; ,�t}�
<br /> oxeautod tho samo as their :�oluntary�st ar.d�ced.
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