_ _ � �
<br /> � . �Q� ��i37 f � _
<br /> ' Q. CondemnatFOn.7ne proceeds of any award or claim fc►damages,direct�r ca^sec::ent�ai.�r.connection with any
<br /> � � cand2�nnat�onorothertak�ngofthePropeRy.orpartthereof,ortorconveyartceinl�euafco+rdemnation.areherebyassigned
<br /> �� and snall be paid to Ler.der.
<br /> �• Irs ttie event of a to�!taking of the Propzrty,the proceeds sha�l be applied to th�sums secured by this Qeed of TrusX with
<br /> , . the�xt�ss, i€any.paid to�rrctver. �n tt►e eu�nr ot u paRial takir.g ot tt�e F�o�rty.untes&Borrowar and Lender otherwise
<br /> agree E�wRting,there shall be applied to the sums se�urc�by ll�i9�es6af T�astcuch proportion ofthe proceedsas isequaE to
<br /> . thatproportionwhichtheamo�nto}titesumssecuredbyihis�eodofTrustirrr�pdiatetypriortothedateoftakingbe�rstoMe
<br /> ' ►air marlcet value of the property►immediately p�ios t0 ttre a3t$of takin5�vritl;th°batanCe of the proceeds paid to Borrower.
<br /> � If.th�Property is aCandaned by Borrower.or.if,aiter rtCtiCe bJ,l.erd�r tG @tirrower that tha condemnor offers to mske an
<br /> _ award or settle a claim for damages.Barcower teils ta r�9�cr�.t4 Lender witMin 30 days afier the date such rtotiCe is mailed,
<br /> � ' lender is authasized to callect and apply the¢sOceeds,ai.l,�r�:=r�s option,esther to restoration or repa:s of the PropeRy or to
<br /> the sums secure4 by this Deed uf Trust.
<br /> UntessLenderandBarrou,erAt�:-r�isear-�i-.prcilir:g,anysuchappftcaiiar+ofproceedstopnncipalshatlnoEextendor
<br /> postpone th,e due date e.'thc mc�'*��.y:irscatlr.-e:�.referred to in paragr2phs t and 2 heteof or change t3ie amount of such
<br /> installmentt3. .
<br /> 10. &srrv+�er[Qciflt�as�d_Ex�?�;i�-:`�r��3;^�`orpayrnentormodificationofamar�s�.rt;anoft3;e�sr-5.2:�.:nybythis � .
<br /> Daed of Tr�st gr�r�ted by�..r�r,�.�.^,..=t'-r s,::;,�s�- i�ntetes?c�Qa-rower shall nflt c��*-�t�raa��;-=r_�..�m:�-�er,the
<br /> �IiabitiryoftheorigEnat�„->'J�f:°`s^."C.6."'_ki��S'.f;.�y5SCtS:'�i�"�a_:c��3"..r+c�'.'�'v2.TC�7..'�?�'�.��Efr�.C�CiR}�,^(�'G."'.:IIgS '
<br /> a ainst such succes:r. s c��.;sG to=.�?� .����_ ,�.^t ��F �y� fi-:�� + � '
<br /> Deed 4 Tr s y r _ , __ ��'�^ _J _ �-:c..,�,•,�,�e� ..:�-r,�._.w.,fl-,:,s�. :n erest � ��fii�:s
<br /> o u t b e��� 'r'���8� -a��e�z}�'- _ra:�- �+n��-r:.�P3,^T x•a- 'T
<br /> - \. 3 L+J..�.��^wf
<br /> 11. FOi43O8T�RCC h�j���:C�ES?iin•�a��nraiver_:r r �__=,,:��-;;c z� �ender�n exercis:r�c_-..r.�ht or remedy here:s�sr,or
<br /> . • a'!�enn�'�2�s:`.''�rdE�by&¢pucab:�.�:e� shall not�e a wn,•.�r c°^r preclude the exercis2 ��any such right or re.?:ELy.The
<br /> proc�rE^-�':of insurance of the��f�.y,t of tar.es or otherlierrs or charges by Lender sha'r�at be a waiveraf Lend��'s right to
<br /> acceler�S,,'�e maturity of thg indeh:rdness secured by this Deed ot Trust.
<br /> 12. Remetlfies Cum�alattve All remedies provided�n th�s Deed ot Trust are dist�nct and cumulative to any other right or
<br /> remedy under this Deed ot Trust or affarded by law or equity, and may be exerc�sed concurrently, indepBndently or
<br /> su�cessiveiy.
<br /> 13. Succesaors and Assign� Bouod; Joint and Severa) �iabillty: Captions. The covenants�3nd agreements herein
<br /> conta+nedshalf�ind.andtnerightshereun!fershaltmureto,therespect�vesuccessorsandassignsofLe�derandBor�ower, '
<br /> subject4o the pr�ws�ons of paragrapn 17 nereof Alt�,o�enants and agreements ot Borrower shalf be�O�nt and several.The �
<br /> captions and headingsotthe Faragraphs utth�s�eed ot Trus1 aie for c���aemenc,r;anty and are notto be usedta interpret or �
<br /> define the p�avi,ions hereof ,
<br /> 91. PtatFce.Exceptforanynoticerequ�redunderappi�canfeiawt�beq�venmanothermanner,(a)anynoticetpBorrowrer
<br /> provsCeO tor in thi5 Oeed of Trust shatl be given by mailing such not�Ge by cert�fied mail addressedto Barrower atthe Property
<br /> Address or at such other aGdress as Borrower may dasignate by not�ce to Lender as prowded herein,end(b►any notice to
<br /> �ender shaft be given by cert�f�eQ mai►,return reee�pt requested,to Lender'saddress stated herem or to such ather address as
<br /> Lender may designate by notice ta Borroweras provideA herein.Any nol�ceprowded(or in this Qeed of Trustsfiall bedeertted �
<br /> to have beer�given to Borrower or Lender when given in the manner designated herein
<br /> 15. Unttorm Qead o!Truaf;�overn3ng Law;Sevarabillty.The form of desd a!trust combines uniform covenants for
<br /> nat�anal use ana non-uniform covenants w�th I�m�ted�ariations by lurisdiction to constitute a uniform security instrument
<br /> covering real property.This�eed ot Trust shall be governed by the law of the junsdiction rn whict►the Property is lacated.tn
<br /> fhe event that any prov�sion or clause of th�s Deed of Trust or tne Note Conflicts w�th a��::cable law,such conflict shall not
<br /> aftect other prov�sions oi th�s Deed of Tru:,t or the Noto which can be given eftect without the conflicting provisions,and to this
<br /> end the provisions of the Deed of Trust and the fVote are declared tp be seuerable.
<br /> 18. Bor�Owar'a Copy.8orrower shall be turnished a conformed co�y�`t:�e Note and of this Deed ot Trust at the time ot
<br /> execution or after recordation herect.
<br /> 17. Trs:�s#+tr ot ths Rrope►ty;�us:mption.lf all or any pa!�c+��e property or an inter_-st therem is sold or transferred by . , .
<br /> 8orrower w•.�thout Lender's prior vir:�-.r.�onsent,excluding(a;eM�,creat�on of a lien or en���brar,ce subord�nate to th,s Deed
<br /> of Trust.(b)the creation of a purcnase�:oney security interost for household appliances.(c)a transfer by devisedescentor by � r'' �
<br /> operation of law upon the d8ath of a�o�rt tenant or(d)the grant of any leaseho�d interest of th ree years or t�s not containing an '
<br /> option to purchase,4ender may,at Lender's option,declareall the sums secured by th�s Dsed ot Trust to bo immedietety due '.�
<br /> and payable,lendar shall havo wa,ved such aption to acce'�rate if,priar to the sale cr:r,�nsier.Lender and the pe�son to
<br /> whom the P�operty is to be sold or±r,�y}erred reach agree�:���t in wnt�ng that the c��xr r•3f such person is sa4�siactory to ��
<br /> LenCer and that the interestpayabte:^the sums secured by tt^ s Deed of Trust shall be�°��.�h ratp as Lender shall request.N
<br /> Lender has waived tne optian to a�;,elerete provided in this pa�apraph 17, and rt Bc��awer's successor in interest has '
<br /> axecuted a wr�tten ass�mpt�on agreement accvpted m wniing by Lender.L��nder sha!I re�ease Barrowar from all obligations
<br /> uncler t�iis Deed of Trc53 ond ihe tJote. '
<br /> If Lender exerc�se5 suCh option to acCelerate. Londer shall ma,l Borrower not�Ce c? �cceleration in accordance with
<br /> pa►a�raph S 4�C-fec!SuCh not�ce Shall prvvide a per�od oi not less than 30 days from the c�'�thEr notice is maited w�thin whiCh
<br /> Borrower rr,2�pay tne sums decla�ed due If Borrower fa�ls ta pay::uch r,ums prior to thE expiratian ot such period,Lender �
<br /> may,w�thout turther notice ar demand on Borcowcsr,inv�,k�any remnd�os permittect ty�aragraph 18 hereof.
<br /> NON•UNIFOiiM COVENANTS.Botrower art�Laader turther covenant and agreo a�tolloars:
<br /> tA. Accelaration;Remedbs.Except as prr�vic-�a.^ r�ragraph t 7 hereof, upon Borra�rer's broach ot any covenant or
<br /> agreemont of Borrower m t�is UeQd ot T�ust.�ncluding;r�;;�cL���ants to pay whan dua any sums secured by this Deed of Tru3t.
<br /> Lender prior to acceltration shall ma�l nohceto Borrowe::.;,�;:�:,vided�n parayrapr�t C hereotspecitymy.(1)the breach:(2)tho
<br /> action required to cure such breach;(3)a date,not lesst•an 3�cfaysfrom the date the notice�s mailed to BOrrower,by which
<br /> such breach mu�t be curcd:and t4►that�ailure to�ure such brea�ch on ur bt�torQ the dAt�specifiQd in tha notic�mey rogult in
<br /> acceleration o}the sums sECUred by thi5 Dved ot Tr�stand safv of the Property.The notice shall further in}orm Borrower otlhe
<br /> right to re�nStata aftor acco►oration and Ihe nght to bring a court act�on to assert the non-ex�ytenco of o dotault or any other
<br /> detense ol�orrowe�to aCCeleration�nd sr�1e.If thg breach is nat cure�i on or befo�e ti►e dat�specitied in the notice,Lende►at
<br /> Lendor's option rnay declara al!ot thQ sums socured by this UPed of 7rust to be immediately du�and payable without further
<br /> demand and may mvoke the power of sala and eny other remodies pormitted by epplicable law.Lender shaQ be entitled to
<br /> coltect atl reasonabte costs and eMpenses�ncurred in pursuing the remedies provided in the paragraph 18,mcluding,but not
<br /> IimiSed to.reasonabfe attorney's tees.
<br /> If the power of sa!o is invoked.Trustee shalt racord a noUca qf default in eacr►county�n Y�hich the Propdrty or some part
<br /> the�eof is tOCated and shall mail copies of such nobce in tha manner prascr�beri by t�pphcabt�+law to F3orrowcr and to the other
<br /> persons presenbed by apphcabie�ar� Aft�r t�o lapso of such tirno as mtiy b0 requued by��phe�bl�tAVi.Trustee shaU�ivo ��__�- -�.
<br /> pubt�c nctcfl ot sate to thp persons a^tl rn the manner presc�i:ed by appliceb►e law.Trustee.vnthout domand on Borrower,
<br /> shallse�i;::aProperryotpublicauc":G�tothehighestbiddeva:::�.�t�meande�aceandunderth�terrnsdesignatedinthenotiCe �
<br /> ot sale�r�onp or more�^�ce's ard;n Such order as�r�;:��r-ay deter-^e.t��stee rnay postpone sal�ot all or any parcel ot
<br /> tho Propetf,I by pub�+�;-.r,our.c°�^ent at tho tir;e�.�1��a��c`�ny prov:a.�.�r schedulod sat�.L�nder or�ender's designve
<br /> may purchasti the Pro�erty at a���..r'�
<br /> . Upon reCe�pt o4 naymeM qt th��'�:�btd.T�ustee sh2it dQt.J��?o the pwchaser Ttustr�s;iAed r.onvFryirta thw prr_Rflr�srl�. '
<br /> Tho rec��a:s i n the Trustee`s dee4�'•��`bd prima tac�e�aviC;:r����the U�,th o1 the staterr.e^ts mada tharein.�frus�ce:��.all appty ,�'"`
<br /> theproceeGSOt;�pydle�nthetpl;cn r•gorrltrr:(a)tt►atlrEas���.�ECOStsandexpense3o}th�Sale.i�G':;��ng,butnor:�:^��tedto. ,���
<br /> Trustoe'sfoosalnCt��-,��tner,�_ .,__3wcftr�gr;,sssa�eprce.reasonabl�attorney'stees2�^��F�stsott�tseEoidonco ��E
<br /> � (b)to aU sums se�Lr��•�th�s beed af Trusk ar•9:�,tha ex;o;s �t any,c;;;r,s person or p�rsons lega:,�l ent�tler!i'e►o4o r
<br /> 19. Bwr�wtr�s R}ar.a co RNnstate, M1iotw�lhsTandmg Le�,E.'s aCCei:�s`�:�r. ot f?�e s::�:s secured by 1►us 0��ot Trust. ��
<br /> E3orrowe+rs��:il:uroti�CriChttoh�,�r;'iproLfiOd�hgSb�t�UrL;y�ndplf�pRlb�C�t�'3i�E�?90fTrUS1d15COntiitU@dC-.'anytim�,� ti�
<br /> Gr�or tc t�:.�,:;;r��er tc,�c:.ur ot(�)!,*.c f•�t.t^,dt�y b�tor�thosai�oith�Propqrtypwsuant to th���wer ntsate contamod in thv Oood �p�
<br /> of Trust�i.,entr�r uf u�udymerit ontc:��ng ttus Daed ot Trust�t.(a1 E3orrower pays lor�der af►,ums which woulcl bc thon du�s �it'i
<br /> urid�r ttus C3vod o}rtwt,thp Not�dnd not�s sawrm�FuturU AduFmC�S,�I�ny.h�d no acc;t+!er�eGorf occured(b►8ottpw�r .
<br /> cci�d5 fdi hre�ches ot ahy Gther covt,n��nt5 Ut nc��Esrlmr�nts���gUrr��wEr c��ntain��J�n th�s Qe��d ot"Tnest t<:)fi�rra►ver pays n!! � -.
<br /> «��i,ur�:�b�eF�rpYe•,t�s mr-��►+t;�cf b�!��r��ft�r:�r,tt'i�c�s1E•vl�nfbr��rtg ttie covEn;��f,anc},'�r�rtem<<nt:nt��rr��t•E•r i cyni.i+nc�d in Ih�s
<br /> 'tit?r•t���}1tii:!;it,''fi�:H��IOT[�ht��lht�B7�SliRt1TlUSf(;f',rcrtriE(1�f�gA;i�fUV1(11?(1�tSU2�tJ(�ifIV1�1{:h!!rEep1 inCilld�n(; �3111►tb�l�ftlsfPfl
<br /> ��. rh.a;�,t�,sF,:�r.ist:�;rr>r':fc,r,5 t+nH Ict�fS�.�r.u,r1E�r t:ikE�;such eit.fis�n ri:!ar,cft•r m.�y r��+�.�+nah�;«•,�iniF•T�.��°:'gs�•.•Ih;�t Sh���,6,n nt
<br /> �r�,:t�r:r�,,t ►,.:•.t �ni.,lf.t �: �tit������:t�n tt�r Or�,��rN,r��nr]Eit�irc,✓�c��';��!��cl��t,,• •.,�.:��t1-t��,n,� .:��� ,�r��1 i�,tr� f}rE•�f nf T���•:t
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