<br /> 1 � _
<br /> �
<br /> : 9�a-= �.����'7
<br /> � UNIF(�RM GOVENANTS 8orrower and Lendes covenant and 0gree as 4ulto+vs.
<br /> 1. PaymMt of Pdrtdpaf aad letK+es� B6(rower shal! prom�.ly pal� �vh�n due ttla principal of and interest or► the
<br /> �nde�teOnsssevidEncedbytt�eNo,e.pcepaymentandlatechargesasproririad�ns,hnA,�Ye.andthepnncipatofartdintereston
<br /> ar�y Future Advartces secured by the[S�aed of Trust
<br /> 2. FundsfarTaxesandlr�sunnee.Subjecttoapplicabtelawartaawiittern�waiverbyLender.Borrawershallp3ytoLender
<br /> �n ttre day monthiy instafiments of principal ar,d�nterestare payabls�uncier3bR��te,uncl the Note is paid in tull,a sum(here�rt
<br /> "Funds"►equal tn one-twelfth of the yearty taxes and assessmante.whiATi may attain priority over this Oeed of Trust,and
<br /> ground rents on the Property,if any,plsrs one-twetfth of yeartp premiurttiitrsrteilments t�r haaard�nsurance,plus one-twelnhof
<br /> yearty premiusn instaltments for mortgage insurance.if any,all!aa r�asonabfy estlmated iniiialiy anc4 irom Gme to time by
<br /> �ender on the bas�s ot assessmenis and bitls and reasanat�'p astsmates thereof.
<br /> The Funds shall be hetd in an insiitution the deposits or ac�ourtt�of which are insured ar guaranteed.by a Federa{orstate
<br /> agency(inctuCing L.ender if lender is such en institutibs�l�Lender shaH appty tfie tunds ta pay sai�taxes,assessments,
<br /> insurznce prem�ums and ground rents.Lender may not charge tor so hotding and appty�ng the Funds,analyzing said account
<br /> orverityingartdcompilirtgsa�dassessmentsand�ills,unlessLenderpaysBorrowerinterestontheFundsandapplica� bielaw
<br /> permits Lenderto make such a charge.Borrowerand LenQermay agres m writing atthetirrte of executio��of thia Deed atTrust
<br /> that interest on the Funds sha11��pa�d to Barrawer,and umess&ucri agreement i3 made o�appIiCalbg law requirvs such.
<br /> interest to bs paid,Lender sha►I rat be re�uired to p�y Lzs�av�ar any i�►terest or eamings an the Funds.Lertder shall give to
<br /> Esra Ner,withaut char�e,an ar.�*��-.!accounring afthe F��cs showm credits and de6its,to the F�.rCs and ttte pur,sase far �
<br /> wt;ich each debitt�s si��-uncl.n h�Made.T1,�F�n�;s ar�p�e��ed as a��c:�ai security f;,rthes•�:r.TSs�-ruredbythis Deed of �•
<br /> Tr's'��`:n��*t�`':'�'��'�:s'�z= �a� :r..t;��:��.,a:�-r;�`�'::re� �..y;<<s�`�.rr:e:^�:�`�+:rc�s payabte pr�r r�the due
<br /> - cs`��o.`-t���s.���..:.er�.,��s�-�_;:s�:�a^�i�^-s arC cr����,rents,s��1�exc.a..�t=���aunt required to�aJ�::�tazes.
<br /> � 3ss�s.�,P-.tS.�rs��}��?�r�:ts�,;-1�;�,-,�t�^����".�r,ts a.���r_�;`alI due.svc�excc�s s��a!i be.at Borrower's e�`�-rs,es*.her
<br /> -�1!���fi rQpa"rQ`a�:�'�:;u�.-:,,--.:%�'1`E':f�:::r��r8r an rnor,c;�ly instalic-er?s of F�n�s.ft ttss amount of the Fc:��Ss het�Cp�
<br /> Len�2rs`aUnoibe�s;:f*i,��t2��a:�:�s.&:�ss-�,nts,insuranceprem�ur.sand groundrentsasWeyfalldue.Borrowersha!!
<br /> �. , Cay to Lsnder any ar�ocnt necess=.r.+�r'a�c;:�r_the deficiency withm 3t1 days irom the date notice is maded by Lender ta
<br /> 3:,ra+��r request�ng payment tr�-��4
<br /> � ttRc<<payment in ful!ot all sums secured by this Deed of 7rus�Lender sfiatl orcmpt(y refund ta Borrower any Funds hetd Dy
<br /> Lender If under paragra9h 19 hereotthe Pr4perty is sald orthe Praperty isotherwise acquired by Lender,Lender6hell apply,
<br /> no later Ihan immediate�y pnorto the sale ot the Fropertyar its acqu�s�t�on by Lertder,and Funds hetd by l.ender et the time of
<br /> application as a credit against the sums secured by this Deed ot Trus!
<br /> 3. Applieatton of Payments.Untess appl�cable law prc�vides otherw�se.ali payments recewed by Lender under the Note
<br /> and paragraphs 1 and 2 hereot shalt Ge applied by Lender f�rst�n payment ct amaunts payah►e to lender by Botrowe�under
<br /> paragraph 2 hereof,then to interest payable on the Note,then to th�pnnCipal of the Note,and then to interesf and principal on
<br /> any Future Advances.
<br /> 4. Charp�s;Lien�.Borrowars sha�i pay all ta,res,assessments and other charges,fines and impositions6ttnbutabteto the
<br /> Property which may ettain a pnor�ty ave►th�s Deed of Tr�st,and teasehold payments o►ground rents,d eny,in the manrter
<br /> provided under paragraph 2 hereof or,�f not pa�d m such manner.by Borrower making payment,wh4n duo,directly to the
<br /> payee thereot.Borrawer shall promptly lurnish to Lender all notir.es ot amounts due unQar thi8 paragraph,and in the 6vent
<br /> Borrower shail make payment directly, Borrower shall promptly furn�sh to Lender receipte evtdencing suah payments.
<br /> Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has pnoriry over this Ueed of Trust;prov�ded,that 8orrower shall not be .
<br /> required to d�scharge any such I�en so iang as Borrower shall ag�ee�n wnting to the payment of the obNgation secur�d by such -
<br /> lien m a manner acceptable to Lender,or shall�n good fa�th contest such lien by.or detend enforcement ot such lien in,legal
<br /> proceedings which operate to prevent the entorcement of the lien or forfeiture of the Property or eny paR thereof.
<br /> 5. Ha:ard tnsurance.Borrawer sha11 keep the improvements now existing ar horeatter erected on the Propert,r inaured
<br /> against loss by fire,hezards includad within the term'extended coverage",and such pther hazards as Lender n18y I6quire •
<br /> and in such amounts and for such per�ods as Lender may require:provided,that Lender shall nat require that tne amaunt of
<br /> such caverage exceed that amaurt ot coverage required to pay the 5um�seCUred by thit�Qaed ot Truat. ,
<br /> This:nsuranr.e carner prowK��,�z Yhe insurance shali�e cnasen by Borrvwer sub�ect�p apprava►by Lender,�r�•i�dad,4hat
<br /> such approval shati not be unreas=�abty rnthheld.AII pren�umn an�nsurance policies snall be paid�r.the mer�er�fOVided
<br /> unQer paragraph 2 hereat or,rt nc'waid in such rnanner,by Borrower r+awi�g peyment,�vhen dwe,d�r�ctly to tre insurance ' �
<br /> carrier. ; ,�
<br /> Alt�nsuranGe policies and rene�uais thareof sr.a�t t�e m form acceptable t�len�er and ShAll Include a star.dasd moRgage
<br /> clause�n tavor ot and in torm accE(3��able to Lender.Lenae�s�sall have the nght to heI¢Ik p�oticies and renewzl8 fhereof,and i
<br /> BorrC�rr_-r&haU promptly furnisn to�ender ali renewal r.¢ucbs and�II receipts�t pa�0 Nr�rnium�.ln the eve�i L1;��s.Boirower ;��'�
<br /> shali g�va prompt npt�ce to the insu�ance car��er and:.en�er Lender may mak�praot ot loss i1 notmade promptfy by Borrower. .
<br /> UNess Lender and Borrower otherwise agree�n�v+itmg.insurance D►oceedsshall be dppl�ed t�r�5torafion or repauof the
<br /> Propsrry damaged,provided such restorat�on or repa�:�s econom�c?��u�easible and the securitiE at tr is Ueed of Truat is not
<br /> thereby impaired.It such reatoration or repair is nof Ecencrn►calfy t�a�ir,le or i1 the secur�ry ot tr.es Deed ts!Trust would be
<br /> �mpaired,the insurance proceeds shall be apD��ed to the s�r�►s se�urE�bY th�s Deed of Trust,with Ihe oxcess,if any,paid to
<br /> Borrower.lf the Properry�s abandoned by Borrawer,nr�t 6orr;wer'.a��s ta respond to Lender within 30 days trom the dete
<br /> notice is m�iled by Lend�r to 8orrower that tlie inaurance carn�r affers ta settfe a cla�m tor insuranco bvnoilts,Lender i9
<br /> authonzed to coll�ct and�pply tho msu:ance proceeds at lander s c,ptiun tititer to restoratian or�epainu!tho Property or to
<br /> the sum9 securad by thi�Desd o}Truyt.
<br /> Unloss Lender and Borrower otherwi�e agree m viriting,eny such applus�hnn:;f praceedsto pnncipol shall not extend or
<br /> po5tpOne the due date of the moncrfy,natallmunto referred t0�n Naragrapl�a 1 and 2 ftioreof or change the emount ot such
<br /> ms1a11maM� If unAer parngrnph 18 nereo}tho Property i:►acquU�d by Lender,all h�ht�Utl�3�nd iMore�t of Borrower in and to ,
<br /> Any�nsurance po4cies and m and to the proceedsthereof cesultlnc�}rom damo9otu t�d P►�perty prior to the sate o�ecquisition
<br /> shall pt�ss to�ondor to tt►o�xtont of the sums secured by thi�beed of Trust immedidtely prror to such sale or acquisition.
<br /> 8. Pn:�rv�tion m0 Maintenance o1�ropsrly:Leasaholds;Candominiumr,Ptanned Unit OevslopmQn4s.gorrawer shalt
<br /> keep the ProDenY��9ood repair and shall not comm�t wasto or permit im airment ot deterivraUOn of the F'roparry and shall
<br /> c:ompty w�th tha prov�s�ons of any lease itthis Oeed ot 7rust�s on a IeasehoP If this Deed of Trust i�on a unit in e condominium
<br /> or a planned unit development. Borrbwer shalt perfarm al1 ut Borruw�r's obligat�Gr�s under the declaration or covonants
<br /> craating or govarmng tha condommium or planned unit deve�oprnent,th�by-laws and regulations of the condominium or
<br /> planned unit davdtupmont,and constituent dacum�nts Ii a condommium or planned unit devetapment rider is excuted by
<br /> Bonower and�eCOtdad togethor wdh this UDed�t Trust,tha covanant�Find eg reements ot such r�der 3ha11 bo incorporated
<br /> �nto end shatl amond and supplemant tha covenuntss and a�reements ot this peod of Trust as i1 tne rider were a part hereot.
<br /> 7. Proteetlon o1 lend�r'�Seeurlty,if E3orr:�vtr tai1�to pvrfarm the covenants and agreements contained in this Deod o1
<br /> Trust,or if any act�on or PwCnodu�g is cummun��d w�fh rnt�Wnttlty aflects L.ender's interest ir�the Pr�perty.includ+ng but not
<br /> pmittfd t�,eminent domain,intsol.'�ncy,code enfarcemont;or t�rrangements or proceed�ngy involv�ng a bankrupt ar d2cedenl,
<br /> than L�ndor nt Lendei s opt�o�.apnn notice to Borrcwer,mny mako such appoa►ances.disburse such sums end taNe such ,�-•�----�r-
<br /> actinn as is necessary to protect Lender's�ntarest,includmg.�ut not!�m�ted to,disburserrr�nt�t reasOnable att�rney's tees and •
<br />� entry uponthaPropertytomakerepnirs If Lankgrtequireamortgage�rsuranceasacond+tionot�-:a,�.ngtheloansecuredby
<br /> the Deed,01 Trust,6orrower Shall pay!he�n2�twm5�eq;:�+sd to ma.r.tain such�nsurance m e"':�t untrl s�ch timv es the
<br />- r�q�alremeM for such insurs�nce tormMates:n eceords^�e rr".h Borro�rrer's and Lvnder's written g�!eet�ent or a�s^.ica�be law.
<br /> Borr�wer shall pay the amau�t a!ali mortgage�r.su-�r.,��Erm�ums:n th�manner prav,ded un�er paragrap;-�hgreol.
<br /> �lf:y LfttOUfliS t7'��SUt�f9flt/ `vyf �c.6�t�Ei [r�it3b3To? Efr i.`,sb G3in ia�s4 �� �fiitFt �tStViyJt :::�'E^v�. S:"...�.!! �.`°�Cv'*.^.° Ep���uQiIH�
<br /> +rsdebtodriassot Porrowor secured by 4h�s OeoC oi Tr�;s!.ur.iess�cr�:rrer i�nd L�nC�r agree SO o"_'+es fOrms a1 M„�yment,such �
<br /> �►mo�nts sha�l t�e�ayablo upon notrc�f;cr�iE•r.�e,t:.Borr�wer.-eG:�e;;°:°�pay�°nt hereot.anG s`.a''Dear;^^srost from the ��y•
<br />. � dnteotdisb�raery�onlatlhQratop�yabto�.or:�'t:rnotcGmeanouts!�r.::^� r�r.c�patundCr!hpNo2��;rtless���.r,entqtinteres` �
<br /> 7t suqh rato wour9 po contrar�to appl�c�b+� law. :r. w�.�cr event s:,c� amounts st.3't bear �nterest�st the h�ghost ra"e �
<br /> pc;+rn��s�bfeunde►apphcabte��l� 4Voth�ngGOrl��np�irt`���<tiragr�ph7�haurequ�r��enclertoir,cur�nyex�erseortakaany �.�
<br />� ttiGt���e ht;reundE;r
<br /> 6. Inspeetlon.Londe�rn��y.�nciNe�r cause t�be m<+cre r���so�i&GI�bninES uuOn ar�d ir�specl�oris ot the Fr��:rty,provided �
<br /> 1t1£11�OnC�E'f�holi g�uf+Bo�r�v�e.�'u:Uf.L•plifli 1,�i 8!n)tiUl:h��iSVUGhOI�5uPC+fymg reE�sc�r�tib�e ct�t►sethe►etore fE?��ltE'.d�b 1 ltlt�EN�S ��'�
<br />- �nlF)rFjst m in�t F'r��t�rty f
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