__ �. �..
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<br />_ : 94-�.m 13�7'�� � -
<br /> S.Uus,Ast�ieinsel�,w�CMr�u.Tntstor shotl pay all toxes,assessments end other churgas,.it�tluding,without limito�ion, fines and im• �
<br /> pasitions otlributnbl�ta th�Praperty,o�d kasehoid payments or pround re�nts,if anr,b�toce ihe sa�tff 6ecome de(inquent.Trustar shnl!pcnmp• �
<br /> tly furnish to Beneftciary a11 notFces of amounts due unQer thjs peragrop:t,antl tn the avent Truster shull make poymenQ dir�ttl�,Trustov shn11,
<br /> � ' promptly ftxni'sh to Benetitiary receipts evidendng su�h poyments. Tnts4or shat!pa�uii tnxes and ossessments whicb may be levied vpon
<br /> Beneficiory's interesf herein or upon this Deed of Trust withos�t regard fo any law Iha�moy be enncted imposing payment ot the�vhote os anp
<br /> part ther�af upan th�B�neficiary, .
<br /> . b.Atlittsn�th+�a�Irrt�etlon�t i�e�tiei�t�'s S�ssrdf�.trus►or shall moke qS!paymenfs of interest mzd principoi and pcym�nts of a�jti•.•
<br /> othK dwrpes,fa��and sxpens�s contractad to be poid to nny existing lienhotl�rs or�prior beneticiaries under any prior deed of trust oz m:cr �
<br /> tpoQr 6etor�fl�defe the�ar�delinquent ond promptfy ptry ord ditcl�asge any as��otl'other liens,claims or chasges which may jeopa�di�e�tlfe
<br /> s�t�rtty Qranted hersin. If Trustor fails to make any su:h pnyanQnt or,fpils ta perfdrm any of the covenants and agreements contoined in this
<br /> Qeed af Trusf,os in any priar morfQoge ar de8d of trust.of if:anY.or9tEat�p:oteedi�g is commenced which materialiy offects Beneficiary's in-
<br /> ter�st in the ProFerty,irxluding,but not I'smited ta,eminent domni�i�rn���►gs,ov proceedings involving o decendent,or if Trusto�foiis to poy ,
<br /> Trusttrr'�dei�fs qenerolfy as Ihey betorne due, then �enefttiary, af-Qer,eticiury's ap�ion and without notice ta or demand upon Trustor and
<br /> wilh�ctf r�h►asiRg Trussor trom flrty obligption heraur�gr,m.r m�cg su:h�ppearartces,u�sburse suth sums,ond tnke such action os is netessasy
<br /> to praietf Benefisfusy.'s interes4 intlu�ing,but not limifnd/n,.d'ssburfement of reasortabfe ottomey's fees,poyment,purchase,contest or com-
<br /> pramism o4 any ec�su�►4rance,charge oz tien„a��entry u�cn.ihe Fropzrly to make r?pairs. tn 4he evenf thot Trustor si�oQ f�il ea procure in-
<br /> surarxa er to poy 9nxe3,osses:mEnts,or•any:oih2r�ct►=rq2�ar ta make any payments ta existing priar lien holders or benef�cinr�s, Beneticiary
<br /> may pracure such irtsu:ance an#m�',ca su:h p�mtht.Any c�rr:e;;:�ts disbursed by Bertefdary pursaant to this Parograph G shoti become additianal
<br /> f':�,'�st��d,�ess of Trusto;secu,e�bp.th�s O�ed af Trust.Sucfi amounis s�s�Et�e pay¢6[e upon notice iram Beneticiary to TrustQr�equesting poy- �
<br /> rr�t fnereof,and shwl�baaF inleresQ,fto�n tli2�f�te af dis6ursement ar:�;�1 rat�F�ycble from time to fime on outstanding pr4�ipal under ihe
<br /> ' fiicrg u.'�tess payment of interest ot�SUEFI fafE�tS,f.L'.d be coMrary to appiicWb'���r�, ca wTiich event such amounts sholt bear inter�sP ot the highest •
<br /> rot�p�nissibla under applicablP faw.Nothing c�ntainerl i-r lhis PoragroNh 'i;?cS:rEGGire Benttfitiary to incur ony expens8 or take any action
<br /> hererm►,�r. . •
<br /> 7.AstiOmnent ot R�nti. 8ensticiary shol)h6va f�t�-r:�;::,power and autharity;v*ing the continuance of this Deed oF T�ust to collect the
<br /> rents,issues and profifs of the Property and oi any Ferson�l praperty lotatec!thereon with or withaui taking possessian ot Ihe properly aftecled
<br /> hereby,and Trustor hereby obsolutely ar��unconditionally assigns all sucfi rents,issues flnd profits to 8enefic+ory.Beneficiary,t�owever,hereby
<br /> tons��t�to the Trustor's collectien and retention ot such r-���}s, issues and profits as s•Izcy otuuo and 6ecome�orc4bfe so long os Trustor is r:3f, �
<br /> ot sttds f ime,in default wilh re���t t4 poyment of any irt��W'edness secured hereby,�r in Ihe performance of e�r�r!s�reement hr.reunder.�rpnn
<br /> orty su��defaull, Benetitiary may at ony timo,either in pe:scn, by agenl,or by�eceiv:s to be appointed by a co�srt,without netice and without ,
<br /> repad to the adequoty of any security for the indebtedness hereby setured, (o) entes upon a�d take possession of the Pt'��erly or any porf
<br /> fhereof,and in ifs own rtame sue far or othetwise collett such renis,issues and profits�.e.n�luding tl�ose post due an�unpaid,and apply the sam�. .
<br /> tess casfi and expenses of operatinn and coNection, including reosonabfe otto:neys£��s, upon uny indebtedne=��ar�red hereby, ond in such
<br /> arder as 9enetitiory moy determino: (b)perform such acis of repair or protection os moy bo necessary or proper to s��*�rve the volue of the
<br /> P�operryJ(c)leose the same or any port thereof for such reatol,term,ond upon suth conditions os its judgmeni moy di:tate or terminate or ad-
<br /> �ust the terms and conditions ot any exisiing lease or leases.Unless Trusfo�and Benefitiary agree otherwise in writing,ony c;,,.'�otion of renls,
<br /> issues or protils to any indebtedness secured hereby sha11 not extertd ar pust�one the due date ot the ins�allment payments ss provide�in said .
<br /> prom:ssay note or change the amount of such instatlments.fhe entering upon an�r�tcing possession of the�r.��nrty, the coltection o(such
<br /> , rer.ts, �.ssues and protiis,and the applitotion thereof os rf.�oresaid, sholl not woive a'r ture ony defaull or na2�:a��defau•!"�ereunder, or in• :�
<br /> veE:��^p�ny ott d��z•_pursuant to suth notite.Frustor ois�ossigns to Benelitiory, ns iurther secy-f.°f for the�erF�rmoncr_-t�the oblig�tians ��':��=
<br />, s�s�ze�l5ereby,a'.t pre�aid rer.ts und oll monizs�Mi�ith may'�ave 6eon oi may hereoiler be deposi;�t�c�:;h se'-'r���►6y any!_s�ee of the Pro• ,`;�.
<br /> pertt�, t�seture dl�e��e-t cf�-cy rent or domages,und �d�n defauH in Ihe performance of ony af t�e �rav:a'��^s hereof,Trustor ugrees to �
<br /> deliver syth renls��.��pos's^.s tv�eneticiary.Delivery of written�otice of Beneliciary's exertise ol?�ae r+�its c�rL^t�d iierein,to any tenar�t c:• �
<br /> cupyirrp said prem6�cs s:�all be sutficient to repuire said tenant to poy sa��xcrt to the Benelitiary ur t�:�rJ�r'�2r r,�tice. .�:,�
<br />. 8.Gnl�mndion.H iille to any part ot ihe Property sholl bo token i�ccr,r�-?mnotion proceedi�g...y Iri;�t of eminent damnin or similor act+on,
<br /> ; or si�a2��,!sold under threat ot condemnotion,al)awards,damages and���ceeds ore hereby ossir•�_:�-'s';�:f tn poid to 8eneficiary who slioH �,.
<br /> a;�pl��ucl�awards,damoges and proceeds to ths sum seture�by tl�is Ueed ot irust,µ;t h Ihe excess, is��,�,F��5?o trustor. li Trustor re�s:`��s •
<br /> a�� rerite or othe► iniormotion regarding such actiuns or proceedings, Trostor si-�'� give prc�s-�t wrictc�. �:►ice lhere�f ro ber���.��.r/, '
<br /> Beneliciary sholl be eotitled,ot its option,to commenco,appeur in und prasecute in its ewn name ar��such act��:e or proceedi�q_:�nd ShCi f����• .
<br /> tilled to moke ony carnpromise or settlement in connectson with any such aclion or proceedings. �
<br /> 9. R�n��riu Nof Exelviirs.Benetitiory shull be entitled tp eniorce payment and rerforman�e o(any in�rt�t�>Jness or obligotions secured
<br /> hereby and to exercise oll rig°,ts�nd powers under this Deed of Trust or w�der any�tl��«�ugreement exetuted,'n ccr�action herewith or any laws '
<br /> now or hereo(ter in farce,notwithslanding some or oll ol the suct�indebtedness and obligotions secured i1ercL•,� �r;y now or hereaf ter be otl�er-
<br /> wise setured,wtt4iltc:by mortpoge,deed oi trust,pledge, lien, ossigrnnenl or otherwise. Neifher the acte{:tu�c�ot this Qeed of Trust nor its
<br /> eniacement whether by court actior�or pursuant to the power of sale or otl�er powars I�erein contained,shall prej��dice ar in cny monner otlect
<br /> Benelitia►y's�ight to reolito upon or entorte m�y other security now or hereailer held by Qeneficiary,if being agrr,ed Ihat Qeneficinry shnll be
<br /> enlitled 10 en(orce this Oeed ol Trusf and any other seturity now or heraoHer held by Benefitiary in suth order nr•�i monner os il may in its ob• �
<br /> sotute discrstia�determiiM.No temedy I�erein con(erred upon or reservad to Beneliciory is intcnded to be exclusive of ony other remedy heroin
<br /> or by low provided or pe�miNed,but each sholl be cumulotivo ond shall be in addition to eve�y other remedy given hereunder or now or hereutter
<br /> exisling ot(ow or in equily or by stntute. Every power or remedy provided hereunder this Deed of Trust to�eneficiory or to wl�icl�it moy be
<br /> otFrerwise entitled, moy be exercised,tonturrcMly or independenlly. Irom time to time m�d os otten ns moy be deemed expcdient denoficiury
<br />: ond it nro�pursue inconsistanl remedi0s.!lothing Fierein sl�oll be cons4rued os prohibiting beneticinry trom seeking a detic�e►�cy judgment aguinst
<br /> �-- _-=_---
<br /> Ih�Zruslcx to th�ertent such aclion is permi�te�by low. .
<br /> 10. Tnn�br o!/��P*rtyt Aiwmption. I)al)or any purt ot Ihe properly or any interesf therein is sotd, trnnsFerred or conveyed by Trus�or
<br /> wilhout Beneliciory's prior writlon cansenf,excludi��g(o)the creotion al o lien or encum6rance subordinMe to this Oeed of Trust, (b)thc crea•
<br /> lion ot o vurchas�maney security intarest(ar household oppliunces. Ic)o ttai�ster by dovisa.doSt4���or bY operolion o)low uUon Ihe deafh nf o
<br /> �oinl fenont or (d) Ih� gronf oi uny Isasof�old inferost vI thteo yeurs or tess ��01 tuntnining�m optian to purchnse, Deneliciu�y mny. �►1
<br /> Benefitiary's oplian,declnrtr ull Itte sums Seture�!Gy Ihis Utod dI Trusf Io bQ immc�liuleiy due and puyuble, or cuuse tl�e Trustee to iite a not�ce ��
<br /> � of delautt. Benefitiory�shall hove wuived suthoytion todcceterdtb if, prior t��h� sule. �rauster or cauveyance, QQISAfICi�Jr�Uttl�1�tn��pRntt f0 ���
<br /> wftont fhe p►opetly is to be sold or transierred rettch agreemenl in writiny�l•��► Ihe credit of such persan is sntisfn:tory fu[�enet�cir��y un,}c�:.,► �
<br /> the interost�yubtt o�ti the sums secured by�his Deed oF lrus�shall�e u�su����ate us D���eticinry sl+�tl reques�. w�
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