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<br /> ' DEED Of TRUST ('A,�;,,;��i e371�
<br /> TLNIS�EED.OF TRUST ma�f th� �3�� doy of ilarch 19 by or�d amonpDec,�ey G. ��eminger and Mar�aret
<br /> wfiost ma�ins r, f�us an an wi e
<br /> ►np�r�ss s______ P.O. $ox_127, Wood River, NE 68883
<br /> (hrr�in'?rustar")j end g�;F: OF WOQD RIL�EP. ,whose mailang addross P.O. Box 487, taood River � N$
<br /> � 68818.(1�retn'?rustee"and"Bansticiory•!• 68�83_.
<br /> . fOR iIALUABIE CONSI�FRATION, �ncludiag the indebteQness indentified hereim m�d the trust herein aeoted,the receipt of whish is t�ers'bp
<br /> adcnor�A�dpld, Trustoi�r�trocahty�rants,transfars, canveys, and assigns to Trustee, IF�TRUST� WITH POWER QF SAIf.far the b�nefit an� � �
<br /> seturity ot Ber�ficiory�under and subject to the tem�s ad earrditions of fhis Qe$d of Trust,the real property described as foliows: �
<br /> 'The t,Test Thirty—Three Feet (33') of L,ot Four (4) and all of Lot Five (5}, B�ack
<br /> E, 1�lacCall � Leflang's Second Addition ta the City of Wood River, Hall Coun[y,
<br /> Nebraska.
<br /> . . ,.,
<br /> tOGETHER WlTH,all�ents,proFifs,royoltfes,income ond o9her benefits derived from the reol proportys all leases or subteoses cavering the .
<br /> �tal property or any portian Ihereof, now or hereufter exisling ar entered into, ond oli right, tittc ond interest of Trustor ihereunder;all in• � �
<br /> te►�sts,esfat�or other ctaims. 6otb in low cnd in equity, which Trustor now has or may hereafter ocquire in the rea)p�operly: all easements, " ;
<br /> riphts-nf-way,tenemenas, hereditaments and appurtenonces thereof and theretoi oll oii and gas rights ond profifs. w4ter rigMs ond wate� :;'
<br /> stak�ot)ri�ht.title and interest of Trustor,rtow owned or hereofter acqu'rrN�,��pnd to ony land tyinp within the rtght�of-way of ary slreet or �
<br /> hiyhway udjoiniip th�c�o1 property, ony and all buitdings, lixtures, imprcrarn�nts, and oppurtenances now or he�eafter erected thereon or �
<br /> btionpirry 1h�rHo. E'te-2e��eterred to as"improvement"or"tmprovements"1s and any oed oU owards made for 1hQ taking by eminent domoin , ��
<br /> or by any praee�'�g�r purchose in lita thertoi,of the wholr ar c�ny purt of ihe rea!pro pErty. � :
<br /> Al)of the torogtii-�istate,property ond interesl hereby canvsyed to Trustee herein colleclively retorre�to as tha"Properiy".
<br /> THiS DFED OF T�I:�t�'NALL SECURE� .
<br /> (v)Th�poyment¢F��rdebtedness eriderxed by lrustor's note of even date herewilh in the principal sum of �
<br /> Three thousand twa hundred and na/l Od---•---•--•--------.___.___ Dollors (S 3.200.Ob �,
<br /> taq�t�ur grilh interest ot ths rote or rotes pravided therein, (herein,together with any ond afl renewats,madificotlons,ond extenaions thereol,
<br />; reterred ta os ihe"Note")both princir}el and interest on ths Hote baing poyubls in accordanse with ihe terrns s�t �orth fherein,roterence 10 ' ;'
<br /> whtch ls heraby maCe,C�a�tinol po�mant of printipot ond interest,i1�ot sooner pnid and if no�enewals,modificotions or extensions orc mode, ;�.►
<br />� dw and poyobk'ue�.___ �anuarv l. 2001
<br /> s
<br /> {b)Thc{te�ri'�rr.�once of eoch ogreemem ond tovenant of Tnit,'�r herein contoined:and � `
<br /> (c)�i�.�P:��tnt oi ony sum or sums of money wllh interest thereon which may be hereatter paid or odvanted under the terms of this Deed of �
<br /> T�ust.
<br /> (d11'Me t��r;�eae ct cr,+�luture odvances necessary to protect the securitZ�c*:any future advance m�de ct ihe option ot tt�e portiES:an�
<br /> (e)Tht��#xmorxe r.�Qn obligotion ot ony other person named in this Trs�s:'Deed to o be�eiiciary.
<br /> 1.►.r�+.��.�r.��.�.�e��»►.,�.Trustor Sfrotl promptly pay when duethe principal cE«.�<i,�teres'on the indebtedness evidenced by the
<br /> Note,and oll other charges and tees ns provided in the Note,and Ihe prin:i�.�t of ond interes�en�y('u1+�re Advontes securad by lhis Ueed o!
<br /> Trust.
<br /> 2.YrwnN�r•f thM.Trustar is lowtully sei:ed ond possessed oi good and inde�eosible title and estole to the Properly heroby conveyed and
<br /> hos th�riphl fo qrnnt ar�d eanvey�he Praperly; the Praperty is tree ond cleor oi ol)(iens ond entum6ronces except liens now of record; and
<br /> Ttuslor wiN worrant ond deterd the titte to the PropeNy ngoinsl aU eloims ond demonds.
<br /> 3.M�t�Mnc�rnA CtmoN�ne�witt�l�wi.Trusfor sholl keep fhe Property in gaod condition und ropoir ond sho(1 not tommii woste or permil
<br /> irtpoKrtKnl or dettrioralion ol the Froperty or�d sholl comply with Iho provisiuns of any leose if lhis Deed oi Trust is on o leoseliotd.f10 improve-
<br /> m�nf now or h�noh�r u�Ntd upan Ih�ProptNy ttwll b�oltored, nmoved or d�molislud wilhout the prior wri�ten consent o/pensficiory. _
<br /> T►usfa shal!campty w(Ih al)taws,ordinantes,�egulattons,covenants,condltlons and reslrltflans nfle�ting tht Property ond nof tommlt, wtfer, �
<br /> a p�rmit ony otf to b*dan�in ar upan the Property in violotion of any(ow,ordinnnte, �egulolian, covenanl, tonditian or restriction. Trustor
<br /> shaH tampht�o►teslae prortptfy ond in qoad workmanlike monner nny lmprovemnnt on fhe Property whith moy be damaged or deslroyed ond
<br /> pay,wt't�n�,uif craims Iar toisor aertormed and matcrials�urnished therofore nnd for any olterations Iheroof. �
<br /> 4. M�Mrwie�,trustor,at its expense,wil)rrwinfoin vrilh insurors opproved by Bonofi[iaty, insurunce with rospect to tho fmprovornenls ond
<br /> petsatol properly,tonstifuti��g Ihe Property,against loss by lire, lighlning, lorn�d�,and othor perils and hotortls covered by slandard exlended ��
<br /> L toveroQe tr�Qorsement, in an umount equollo ut tedst one hvndred percent oi�he iuli replacement valua th�reoi and insuranco aguinsf svch �,�
<br /> other hottbds and in suth am9unts as is cuslomorily tnrtied by owners and o�arulurs oi simvlar properlies or qs Oeneficiar y rr�oy roquire(or its �
<br /> protetli�n.lruslor wiN compfy with suth other ret�uirenrQnls us Qe�tpliciary muy troi»time to tirno�eyvest �or Ihe proteclion by inwrnnce of the t+•�
<br /> eitetssts ot Ihe respeNive RaNies. Alf inqurm�ce palicias rr�nintUined puisuunt ttr Il�is Ueed of lrust shal! norne Truafor a:�d Oen�liciory os irr• �
<br /> �
<br /> stntdt,fls llsai►�esyective ir��erasts mny appear, nrid prbtido tlrat ttr�re shat)�� nc cti«tE��tniion or rnodificution witF�ouf no tesc tl,uu 1 S Jnys >�•�
<br /> Fricr vrritfe�notilic�a�ian Io de�+e�l�ciury. G�Ih� e�ent nny puGcy hereunder iS nn! �rrnr�ed or� ar helor� I S��=:ys�•rrur In i1c A■p;rnhnn dutP =. .
<br /> 8e�tirliciary rrrny procu►e sucit ir�sur��r,c�in occard;mce wi�h 1f�a prrr�isio„a oi pu�u:yrn4;l�7 hrron► IrUCler c�T,�!I t}elivrr r„Ha��Fhc�:�r y il�c+or�:;�����t
<br />, Gu'icies nl insurnnt�a+�r1 rpi�nrrufs thereol c:r meir,n cup�ns ai S�n_b p�lici�.�s n[+!j r�+n��r,uls Ilmre:�f f�iiC�P tn i,q��•el,ti� �r,���f„���ii E'�t{ Ire�tln l'r
<br /> �o«:wurs<,������irl+d here;��rQ¢r 9ht��l,a�th�uptitsn UI CO��efi:i�ty. Cbn9ltlUt(�r,t;rt:i�lr
<br /> �
<br />.. —_—- __- . —T��.-r�._tr..�..+..�r�--+-����..r.�-_.� . . . � . . . �"7i��-���•
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