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<br /> _ _ - __-_�.' .,.�:..�-.^_{: _ ::4: _ :j}:;, s.r :-.t' , :,� \�r,iti_.,__..
<br /> �+.�n C���.�� ?24r���ca,�. o�c�+.^- :,�•ip' 4, i%i,.`Y't. .�ti,:,::.::d ':a;:i' .E �F.Y�-'� .u� '7i.' �'r''.� <<r�.
<br /> �z' �..K�S�.is�2w.��.:.,;'..���_'F �^ .�� ��.�_�C cc•. -`Y 4�f%FFi�;="��C"F;�.�� tr..-_,:;)�F`�fi.'�..:4`_'.,-�_.k ct� �A.6ae.Clv.•c-<;�«� ....�y:..,.'.:h� .. .r- '� —__.
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<br /> , --- - -- 1 ' � �
<br /> 1 ,
<br /> i ,
<br /> i
<br /> �a�s�i!����
<br /> secured hereby, st�cl: amflu.t as may be st3ffici�nt ta enabi��
<br /> � Beneficfary to pay sucfe ���:es, ass�ssm�r.ts as o�h�r cptarges a�
<br /> the�r beco�e �ue.
<br /> 4. Insurance, To keep the �mpro=remertts r�aw ar hereafter
<br /> lo�ated an the �real estate described ��rein ins��e8 agains�
<br /> damage by fire a*td sucH othc�r teazards as 8ene�icaary ma� r�quire,
<br /> in amattnts and rompanies acceptable to B�a�ficiary� an� wi�h loss
<br /> payable to Beneficiary. Ir� case of Ioss und�z such p�Iicies,
<br /> Benefieiary is �utharized tm adjust, co22ect anr3 compromise, in
<br /> its discretion, alI claims thereunder and, a� i�s sole option, is
<br /> authorized to ei ther apply the procseds to the r.estoration of the -.
<br /> property or uporc the inde:�tedr�ess secured hE�ceb�, bnt payments
<br /> required b� the note �ha21 continue u:�til th� sf�m� secured hereby
<br /> , , are pai� in full.
<br /> 5. R��air, t�iaintenanc� an� .r�a-. Tc� p�omptly repair,
<br /> zestore or rebuz2d any buildings c�L irnprovemen�s now or hereafter
<br /> on the property; to �;.eep tI�e p�og�.�ty in gcod cc�ndition and
<br /> repair, without cvas*� and free from ?�echanics c,r �ther liens not
<br /> express2y snb�rdanatECI ta the lien hereof;, to nr•t make, suffer or
<br /> germit any nuisance to exist nax �o dimin.ish or i,-nF�ir the value
<br /> af the proper*y by an,� act ar omz�sion to act; a�.d ta cemgly c�itb
<br /> alI re�uirements o_` IacJ with respect to the propErtSr.
<br /> 6. CondPittnatian. In �h� c��ren°_ th� �:ropert�s, or ariy part � - ;
<br /> thereof, sha.11 �e taken n�� eminent domain, Beneficiaxy is
<br /> entitled to cfllLect and receive al� comper��atio�. cahich may be �
<br /> paid for any property taken or for damages to pr�,r�rty not �aken,
<br /> and Beneficiary shall apply such compensation, �t its option,
<br /> � either to a reducti.r_�n o� the indebtedness secured hereby or to
<br /> � repair and rest�z:e the prop�rty so taken.
<br /> 7. �erforrr�anc� 1:.�* Heneficiarv. BEr.c-ficiar�,�� �1;ay, but shall : =
<br /> have nc ob�.igation tc,. ��� �ny act which Tr31���r h�.� agreed but . .-
<br /> failed to do, arzd Be:►��'�.ciary ma,y alsa ce. :zy �ct it ci�r�ms
<br /> nscessary to �rntect the Iic:� hereo�'. Trustor �ar�es tp repay, � �
<br /> upon demand, any sums sa expended by Benefici�r� ��r the above
<br /> purpose�, and a:��s Y�i� wo Pxpended by Henefici�ry �hall be aaded
<br /> to the indebtedness se.cured hereby anc3 becnr�c �ec4�.���3 by the lien ,
<br /> hereof. Beneficiary shal.l not incur an� personal liability '
<br /> bec�use of anything it may� c�c� or pmit to do hereur«�r r.
<br /> ,�,
<br /> 8. Asszgnment of Ren*�. Benefzciary shall havF� the right, -�
<br /> puwr�� and authori�y ciurinq *_f::e eontinuanee of this Aeed c�f Trus�
<br /> to calZect the rents, a.sst��� ar_d �rofifi.s of the proper�,l� µrid of �
<br /> any persorial praperty lacated thereon a�ith or wzt�aut 4�::ting
<br /> possession of th� property a ffected hcreby, and Tz�s:tar 1:E•�eby
<br /> absalutely and unconditianally assigne all such rcnts, is�u�s and
<br /> proFits to Aer,eficiary. Beneficiary, ho4�ever, hereby co�is�nts to
<br /> Trustor' s col"����ti�n and ret-entzon of such rents, issu�s and
<br /> prn£its as trt���� �ccrue and b�come payat�le, so Ionc� as Trustar i,
<br /> not, �r such ':i^:e, :.r� defau2t with xespc�ct ta pay,���nt �f any
<br /> ir�deb�::-3r.ess s���z�e3 h�reby, or irs 4:�e perfc>rmunCe of an5• agree-
<br /> rnent hereun�'cr< If any evens, c�t dcf�sult d�scri.bed herca��.:�r in
<br /> res�FCt to thi:s t�eed af Tr�.�_'� shall havc accurr�:3 �nd bc con-
<br /> tinufnq, Benefici�ry, �s a matter of xight and wi�h�ut notice to
<br /> Trustor or anyonc: CIiLL't111Cj urid�r Trustor, �nd without rec�ard to
<br /> 'the value nf the trust �state ar the inte:rest of the Txc�stor - -
<br /> there�in, shall ha�e th�: righti t� apply tv arx,y court having juris- � •
<br /> dictiGn to �-s��sc�int � rt�ceivez of the pro�crty.
<br /> 9. Ins �cti�ns. �3eneficiary, or zt:� <�g�nts, r��i�cse�nt�3-
<br /> tive5 nr wnrk,�nllF a__ �L�2�^:�ECC� to �r�tFr �� ��:� �i:u5vti��ie tI7[lE' �.
<br /> tI�70I: C)I Ltl ��ny part E7� t}lt; �JCrJ�lE±2'ti� 4(�I' ti}1C' �UYj]pSl' O� EttS�1�C�l,Ill� �
<br /> � the ;;arr.E� ��nd f"or thc� pur�ose of ��c�r. farmin�f �,ny c�f the act;; it is �
<br /> i.ltltti[.�1.'I7E�c� !_o Pc�r t'orrn ,�iuiE�r �hr t��rrz:, c�f �s�� lf�ar; i:�:;tr?imE�nt�. �
<br /> E'X�'t.'tIL(!(� �'f 'rYl15�.C-�Y. r„
<br /> I(). Tt��it� t�t�� t>f �'tc,�c•p•�!. F f ,y.! 1 c�t- ��t.'y P,�rt c�i �lte• . ���
<br /> :=T=��sE'i't�r c.,I �tts;t :.�Ff(�Z`r,s-* •,r �!'tU���.���T' �"ftt`Ye�lfi l,� c,'(� t �
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