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<br /> rT�xis Deed ag Trust is made �his � day of Mareh, 1990, hl
<br /> and among JULIE F. LZTTLE, a singZe person, FRED B. C00�: and
<br /> LEONA Nf. Ca�K, his spouse, herein referred to as nTrnsto�p, w�eos�
<br /> mai2ing address is 3015 Gladstone Circle, Grand Island, I�E 688Q3
<br /> and Box 259, Al.da, IJE 6B810, respectively; BRIICE I. S��LTTK,
<br /> Attorney-at-Law, hereinafter referx-ed to as "Trustee", whose
<br /> mailinc� address is P.O. �ox 790, Grand Island, NE 683�2; an�
<br /> ETHEL I. IMLAY, a single person, hereinafter referr�d to as
<br /> °Beneficiary", whose mailing addres� is 2103 West First Street,
<br /> Grand Island, NE 68803.
<br /> For valuable consideratic3n, Trustor ixrerocablj gra.�.ts, �
<br /> transfers, conveys and assigns to Tz-�±s�ee, i�., tru�t, with gowRr
<br /> of sale, for the ben�fit and sec�,i�y af Lez�fic��, c��d�r a�d
<br /> subject to the te�ns and eonditian� 4� �.is Deed of Tru�t,. f�p � -
<br /> following desc�ibed propert�{ Zocate� in �aII County, K��i,as3�.��
<br /> to-wit: .
<br /> Lot Fifteen (15) , Kent�sh Hills Subdivision, locat��
<br /> in the South Half o� the Northwest Quarter of the � �.• .
<br /> Southwest Quarter (S�NW�SW}) of Section Twenty-Fiv�.
<br /> (25) , Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) ,
<br /> West of the 6th P.M. , Aall Covn*_�, Nehraska,
<br /> togetheY with all buildings, improvF�r�a�ts, fixtures aad �
<br /> a�purtenances Iocated thereon ar in a�� ,Yay pertainzng tli���ta�; .
<br /> and the rents, issues, profits, f�t!f'_��ssCST� and the remainde�cr� �
<br /> ther��r, including all such persana.L �S�cperty that is attached tc
<br /> the i��rovements so as �o constituL� a fixture, all of which, ;
<br /> including replacements and ad�itions thereta, are hereby �eclared �
<br /> �o �be a part af the real estate conveye� in trust hereSsy, it � � �
<br /> being agreed that all of the f.orPgoing shal�. bP hereinafter _
<br /> referred to as the "Praperty." -
<br /> : .�
<br /> (ai the payment of indebtedness evidenced by
<br /> T�astar' s not� af even date h�1�ewith in the principal
<br /> sum c� ��ZVE THOUSANA �.�lA N01?40 DOLLARS ($S,OOO.Q01 ,
<br /> togethc� with interest at the ratc prnvided th�r�i.n, or `
<br /> the principal ans� interest on any Luture advance not to � �
<br /> exceed the totdl principal stun initially secured hereby . '��
<br /> as evidenced by pro:�issory notes stating they are �,j�
<br /> securec3 hereby, and �n�F and all renewals, moclifieation� `�
<br /> anc3 extensions af sucn not�s, bAth principal and
<br /> int�xest an the notes being �ayable in accardance with '
<br /> �Ite terms set forth thE�r�in, which by thi� rE�ference is
<br /> he�eby made a part here:of. ;
<br /> (b) the perfoxmance af cach agreement and ca�r��-
<br /> nant af Trustar 1�erein cont�inecl; and
<br /> Icy the p�y:�ent af �n5� sum or sums r�f :�c::�:y i•r.hich
<br /> may be hEr�aftes pa?�' ar �:c?r�nced by Beneficiar� •i.n�3er
<br /> , th� terms of �hi�� ��ec �` ircz:±, together with interest
<br /> Chereon at th� r.�te �����it3ed i.r� the natc.
<br /> To protect th� s�curi W f of thx� Deed o£ 7'rust, Trustor :_- _ ---
<br /> hereby covenants and �qr�e� as f�l.lnws: �
<br /> 1. Pay�ment of Ind�btcadn�s:;. T� �al �/I']G17 clue, th� prine:i-
<br /> p�l of, ar.c1 the interc:st an, 'th� indebtec3nesa evid�ncec� by the '
<br /> nate, charges, fees anc� �ll. ot��.•r seams as providc�ci in tt�e Ioar� �`-`
<br /> � instrt�merits. �
<br /> 2. Titi3.��. Tru�:rUr is th� or�raer c�f thc� rn ezt �anci hcis �
<br /> F� P Y
<br /> t�c• ri��it �7n:� �zuttiuri�y te� c�xc�e-ute� this: hc�e�c� nf. '1'ru.s*� ir: rc•�;i�F�c-t 1t`p
<br /> ta ttir_ F�rnpc�rty. : �,��
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> �. �t`!?i�.r, c#I35� �,�:�l�5:fifi:4�Flf':" �!� f��t`i r :.�};.,;: '.�15(•� �t� ? ? .i�('_.� i.. ,.
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<br /> ��f,!�,��F. f�lt• :;i01.*..i. ft!•t'tJ1�F' (�f'� 2I'.t�(F(.'It�" � �ii7'�. 't. � �i�' i•'Tl'1't f�l`ill•� 71`i.f,-..
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