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<br /> EXHIBZT •�An 9Q�- 10124 9
<br /> rParcei l. Lot Two {2). ia BxaGb's Third Subdivision, in the Cftp of Grand Island, �
<br /> -- Hall County, Nebrat�ka.
<br /> Parcel 2. A part of the NnrCbwest Quarter of the Svuthwest Quarter ENW; SW}) af
<br /> Section 21, Toirnah�p 1l. North, Range 9 We�t of the 6th P.M., mare �
<br /> particularly d�acribed as follows: .
<br /> • � Begi���g at the Southesst corner of Lot 2, Brach's Third Suhdivision, Grand
<br /> � ' IsZand, Nebr.aeka, said point begin on. th� West right-af-way line af Harsiscn
<br /> _ � SCreet; Chence WesC. ars. the South l�Q� af said Lot 2 a df�stance af 199.Q.feet;
<br /> thence SoutFt�paraZL��. �o tlt� �'e.�t ���v�-�f-�zag line c� �arrisarn Street �.
<br /> . • d��ance of 25.Q €�c,�; theac� Eas� ���a�;.e2 �n the S��.t_-:. line of said �.��s �
<br /> a distance af L'�?�o�£ >°�et; ��.�=��a ''ti•r��F.. ;� tT��a w�s� rf�t�-of-way line �� . : .
<br /> �
<br /> iT���son�St*_-��� � c��:�+_ance �� ��.�i �e�t �o ���= �cint��:z �agiaT�i.:�;, ca�:,��,:a�..��:: ; '
<br /> :(1,:�.1:G acrEr� �s��e az L�ss hx.:�:i;tc�s� Deed s:i.���:.�. ����se�ra�r� ;to the� ::iL?.�: '' '� .. . ..
<br /> . a� �Grand ZsT:�nd. . •
<br /> Parcel 3. A tr.�at of land comprising a part of Lake Front Tract No. 13A abutting Brach's
<br /> Leke aituated in part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NW} SW})
<br /> - of Section Twenty-One (21), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9), West
<br /> of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows:
<br /> -1 Beginn3ng at the southeast comer of said Tract No. 13A; thence nerthwesterly
<br /> along the northeasterly line of said Tract No. 13A. assumed bearing of
<br /> N09°37'S7"W, a distance of Fifty-Faur and Four Tenths (54.4) Feee; thence •
<br /> , S48°32'S2"W., a distance of Four and Six Tenths (4.6) FeeC; thence S14°00•28"E, �
<br /> a distance of Fifty-Two and Eight Hundredtha (52.08) Feet to the place of
<br /> beginning aad containing 106.64 sq. ft. or 0.002 acres, more or less. by
<br /> Quitclai�a Deed. ' �
<br /> . . :.
<br /> , Said tract af land being mare particularly shown and descrihed as Tract �4 on �
<br />- ; the Land Survey dated May 7, 1984, and made by Benjamin and Associates, Inc.
<br /> : and recorded in the Office of the Registier of Deeds, Hall County, Nebzaska,
<br /> , as Documene �84-002596. _--_
<br /> ,
<br /> ' Parcel 4. A tract of t�ctd co��sisi�g raL� of tize Northwes� Quarter of Southwest Quarter
<br /> � (NW} SW�) o� Section S:c.enty�;�� t21;, Township E��vec� till) North, Range Nine (9},
<br /> . West of the '�th P.M., in Ha�1 CounQy, Nebrask�:, z�re particularly deacribed as
<br /> followa: `�
<br /> , • ;
<br /> ,�..
<br /> � Bwf3xnning at the northwest corner of Lot Two (2), Brach's Third Subdivssion; �
<br /> � , th��ce southerly along the westerly line �of said Lot Two (2), aaaumed '�'
<br /> � bearing of due South, a distance of Ninety (a+�.0) Feet to the S�uthwest corner r
<br /> of said Lot Two (2); thence N89°54'21"W, a dS�Gance of Thirty-Two (32.0) Peet ,�'���
<br /> ta the southeast corner of Lake Front Tract IiI3A; thence N09°37'S7"W and along .
<br /> — the northeasterly line of safd Tract Na. 13A, a distance of Fi#ty-Four and
<br /> Pour Tentha (54.4) Feet; thence N48°32'S2•'E, a distance of Fi£ty-Four and
<br /> Eighty-Eight Hundredthe (54.88) Feet to the place of beginnin� and containing
<br /> 2,�07.9I sq. ft. or 0.062 acres, more or lesa, by Quitclai.m Deed.
<br /> Said tract of land being more particularlx shawn and described as Tract �f3 -
<br /> on the Land Survey dated May 7, 1984, and.made by $enjamin and Associates, Inc. •.
<br /> and recorded in tl►�s Of£ice of the Register of Deeds, Hall County, Nebraska, �
<br /> � as �Document 4i84�OQ2596.
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