C.i.t °t. (� c �. '1�-'�s�' I=.Jr .t'" 5c,.: .5 ' ' . . ; �4. �...f i,�.. .1�,ri5�` ,c � `j``?G iY-.
<br /> �--�=����.� �.s. .�� tiim�".g'�l.����L����A���.�.��V 4. f�_��'�'.r��t�j3 `i�it.�_ ��tSF�� -- - i...- _--.
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<br /> -, - . 10124 9 �
<br /> (d) Bene�reiary may efect to cause ihe Tiust Prope�fy or�ny paR thereof to be sotd nnder the p��ate,and in such event,
<br /> Beneflciaryor Trustee shaJ1 gtve such notrce cf defau/t and notice of sate as may be then requlred by law. Thereafter,upon the
<br /> expirai�pn o1 s4ci�L�ssra and the givf�g of such notics of sale as may then be requlred by/aw. TruSfee,at the 6ms end�lac�sp��iT20
<br /> � �y the na6ce of sale,shall se11 such Trust Properry,or any part thereof specified by 8eneficiary,at pubiic auction to ihe hlghest
<br /> b�dder far cash ia lawlul money Qf tha tMited Stafas of America.Upon receipt of peyment of tha price Did, Trvstee shap apply flre
<br /> proceeds ln the following wder.(i)to the cosi and expenses o!exera/sing the power ot sale and of the sals,inctuding but notlimited
<br /> � M,trus�ee's fees cr not rno�fhan�5Q0.00 plus are-hall of one percani of the gross sate prlce,arrd reasonab/e sttomey fe�;,(ri)ro
<br /> fhS/Rd@bfEQRBSS,e�id(iil)the excess,if any,fo fhe p8rson orperso�ts 1eg811y entilled thereto.
<br /> � Afl oosts and expenses fncumed by Benefrciary ln er�forcing any pght unde�this L1eed oi Trust,inctuding wfthout limitation,abst�acf�r tiJe
<br /> faes,appraisal fees premlams for title insurance.at�omey f�es and court cvsts,stra!!bs anri cansGtuto Indsbtedasss sscur�t�here6y.
<br /> 2� Dutles o!7rustee.7rastar agees tha�
<br /> (a} Dities and obtiga�ons of 7rusfee shaft be determined sote/y by the express provisions oI thls Deed of Tiusi and Trustee shall nof be �
<br /> � liabls except for the pe�formance of such drtias and obligaaons as are specifrca/ly set Oonh herein,and no rmptied covenants or
<br /> obligations shalF t�e imposed upon Trusfee,
<br /> (b) No pravlsion of this Deed of Tiust sha/f require Trustee to exQend or�sk its own funds,or oihenvi�e incur 8nX financ�a►obligaUon in
<br /> Nre pe�lormance of any of iis duties hereuncter,or in tha exercise o1 any of its rights or powers. �
<br /> (c) Trustee mayCansuft 6vith cnunsel afits own choosing and the advise ofsuch counsel shall be fult and comp/ete authorizatian arrd
<br /> _ , protecfi�n i�the res,�ect of any act�on taken or suffered by ii hereunder in gaod faith and rellance thereon,and
<br /> - td) �TruStee shal!noi be Ifab/e for arry�ction taken by it in good faith and ieasnnably be/ieved by it to be authorized ar withan its
<br /> • diseretion ar dghts w pawers cnnferred upan ir by this Deed of Trust �
<br /> , 28. ��s.�.��i[y Agreement�.?d r�;,r,re F/ing.This Deed of Frusf shal/constitute a serurify agreement and fixture/iling under the pravisi�as of
<br /> G'�;�ebra.��:�,��:-;r�-a$rcfal�ad�u�'rih respcct[o those frxt�res descri��d in the preamtrfes her�ot as cansfituU`n�a partof the_ �
<br /> �.:la'�a,�*�rx►o��a�s r��t a/l ather prrz�,��y of 1`r�star,eithess�r�r,,::�r or dissirrufar to the sarr►e,now ar herea`���ar;���i ai or an tire �;'°;::.
<br /> . ` l%t�.s.'F�"'.sti:�-�� ,
<br /> - �. r,::�:rr&e�..*��nceS: (;{��:�����i:�Y of Tn:•4¢r��rr'i���g;:a*C�cf•.�%�,,�'s a,cuar.r,f/�;ar fo fuJi reconveyacrc�;;l•,�a;r;��t��perty try : ,: . .
<br /> fi^I,iLYw6 2Q�tT.+7y+5.�'J",d`p^7J��?E1�S�JiB c'�`o'�.iiYs w F!'G't�t:/:..�.1%�f�^`uii,:�2'���GY�°,a,;�;�ir,:ar,w^r thereon,:f:dY`UB 5£s�11/'l��`11�i`��11S�G+H(d1l;�/'..'
<br /> ; �'rLSf.Ai r:��rrr��S}a?�'ii�.G'R1�1�=:'LiZE2(1l.ta:'�L:��'�i1��;��•%sG`r&SS SFJCts���ls;s r"�:.s�•+u`�r�:�t.not including sums a�trarreiad to pra:t.1' , ,
<br /> �. i thesecmr���.•��ee����fo��f�,�;ct'� .Advar:c�sJ,`'�i��:w•�^o�w�rrr.��.�.;�yBertefrciarytoprotecithesecuriy,
<br /> .. under the tem;s T�nr�:��wh2;¢�'scr.�c�rn��-t:;:��rt.1,:L�deemed to be opkcr,r�i a;��vrr:,� .. ..
<br /> 30. Reconveyance.Upon pa j�:1an�ot all in�'e�tednass secured by this Deed of i'rust BenE rcldti•shall request Tiustee to reconvey tho
<br /> ;, Tiust Properry and sha/f suRender this Deed of Tiust and all notes evidencing/ndebtedness secured by thJs Dead of Tiust fo Tiustr.
<br /> � Trustee sha/t recvnvey the Trust Pioperty withoui wananty end witirout charge to the person or persons tegally entitled thsreto.Such
<br />– � person or persons shal/pay all casts o/recordation,il any.
<br /> j
<br /> 31. Substitute Tru�*ee.Beneticiary,at its vpGon,may fiom time to time remove Trustee and appoint a Successor Trustee tp any Tiustee
<br /> appotnted hereunder by an I�strument recorded in the counry!n whtch th,s Deed of Trust is rscorded. Withouf conveyanca of the Tiust • �
<br /> Property,the Successor 7rusios shall succeed to ail tide,power and duties confened upon Trusiee hereln and by app/icab/e/aw.
<br /> 32. M/scellaneous Rights of Beneficiary.Benefrclary may at any time and Irom tlme to time,wiihout notice,consenf to th3 making ol any
<br /> � p/at ot the Trust PropeRy or the creation ot any easement thereon oi any covenants restrict/ng use or occupancy th�reof a agree to
<br /> alt6r or amend the terms af this Deed ol Trust.Any personal prope�fy remaining upon fhe Tiust PropeRy after thg Trust Properry.has '
<br /> been possessed or occu{�led by Bena/iclary,its agent or any purchaser�ollowfng Trustee's sale,foreclosura,or u°der any des�In lieu
<br /> of Tiustee's sa/e or(ore�losure,sha!!be conclusivety presumed to have been abandoned by Trusfor. � `
<br /> 33. Notice to Tiustor. Tiusfor he�eby requests that a copy o/any notice of default and notice of sale made or execulcri by 7rustee pursuant •
<br /> to the provrsions hereof be�ent fo Trustor at its malling address sei torlh herein '
<br /> IN W/TNESS WNEAEOF,this Deed of Tiust has baen duly executed the day an yea " t above writte . `_
<br /> ;
<br /> a � -
<br /> � �
<br /> STRTE OF NEBRASICA ) t er ne . arson s
<br /> COUNTYOF �Ss
<br /> �
<br /> , t
<br /> On this day af , l9_._..,belo�e me,e notery publlc in and for said counry;pe�sonall/came �'
<br /> ,ct;� ' ,..
<br /> of ,known to mQ tn be tire identrca�persons who �
<br /> slgned tire faegnTng Deed df Tiust and ackrtowledged the executlon thereof ta be their voluntary act and deed,and ihe voluntary dct and �
<br /> deed of sald corporation.
<br /> – W17NESS my hand and nofa�/a/sea!on this the day and year last above written.
<br /> (SEAL) _
<br /> Nofary PuM�s
<br /> � Gfy comm�ivon Oxp./fi 9
<br /> � �ss.
<br /> COUNTY OF �L
<br /> ��' On ihls ��daypf �L� 19�befoie me,a nofa�y public!n and!or said county,personally cam V�l,� .�fl.�rso+�., �
<br /> end_..,�.sL�!`�//� . ��R/'.50 r� � .
<br /> — ,knocin to me to bo tho identica!parsons who
<br /> = slgned the loiegoir�Ce9tl o!Tcust anaf 2ckn��;3dgod,the executlon thereo/to be their vo/untrtr,��eP,:nd deed.
<br /> WlT�ESS my hand end not�;:,;:se.al on th;s ihe day and y�G�lasi above wrftten.
<br /> � (S�ALi
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