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2� 1 7�2 891 <br /> DEE❑ �F TRUST <br /> Loan Nv: 7�13�4�6� ��ont�nued� Pag� � <br /> es�ate ir�the Proper�y��any�im� held �y or�or the benefi�o�Lender in any�apaci�y, wEthou�the wri��en con�en� <br /> of Lender. <br /> Choice of Venus. I�there is � lawsui�, Tr�as�tor agrees upan Lender's reques� tv submit to the jurisdiG�ivn a� �he <br /> courts of HALL Caun�yr �'�a�e❑�Nebras�a. <br /> Jo:nt and Se�eral L�ahili#y. All ❑h1�ga�ians vf Trustar under this Qeed ❑f Trus� shall he joint and se�eral, and ali <br /> re��rsnc�s tc� T�us�ar shali m��r� ��ch and eWery Trustor. This means that each Trus�ar �igning below is <br /> responsible fiar all obIigati�ns in�his Deed o�Trust. <br /> Nv 1rVai�er by Lender. Trus�vr unders�ands Lender wi�l nv��i�e u�a any Q� Lend�r's rights under�his aeed o�Trus� <br /> uniess Lender dt��s so in wE�ting. The fact that Lender delays or omits to exercise any ri�ht wi�� not mean tha� <br /> Lender has �i�en up that right, If Lender dves agree in wri�ing to gi�e up ane o� Lender's rights, that daes no� <br /> m�an Trustvr wifl na� ha�e �ca �vmp�y wi�h �h� other pro�isions af this Deed �f Tru�t. Trustar a1Sr� unders�ands <br /> that ifi Lender dves consent to a request, that dves not mean �hat Trusfiar wili no� ha�e �o get Ler�der's consent <br /> ag��n i-�the si�ua�ion happ�ens again. Trustor turther unders�ands�hat�ust because Lender cansents to vne or mQre <br /> o�Trustor's requests, xha� daes na� mean Lender wi�l �e requ�red ta consent�� any ��Trus�ar's �u�ure reques�s. <br /> Trus#or wair�es pr�s�ntment, demand for paymen�, pratest, and n��i�e�f d�shanQr. <br /> Severability. i#a Gourt finds �ha� any prov�sivn of t�is Deed af Trus� is nQt �alid ar �hvuEd nv� b� �n�arc�d, �ha� <br /> tact by itself will not mean tha��he rest❑�F�his Deed o�Trust will nv�be�raEid ar en�c�rGed. There�ore, a court wiil <br /> enfarce the rest���he pra�isions o�this Deed of Trus�e�en if a pro�isi�n���his Deed ❑f Trus�may be�ound tv be <br /> inWaiid or unenfa�tceabi�. <br /> SucGessars and Ass'rgns. Subjec�rv any limitatians stated �n�h�s Deed ot Trusfi ❑n trans�er of Trustor's �nterest� <br /> �his �eed of Trust sha1� �� binding upon and inure �o the benefit ot the parti�s. �heir suC�essors �nd assigns. �f <br /> ownersh�p v��hE Prvper'�y b�cames Wested in a persan v�her than Trus�vr, Lender, wi�hau� nn�ic� �o Trustor, may <br /> dea�with Trustar's sucGessors with re�erence ta�his Deed v�Tru�t and the Ind�btedr�ess by way❑�F for�earance❑r <br /> extensian v►rithout releasing Tru��or�rom�he abli�a�ivns of th�s Deed of Trust or liabili�y und�r the Indeb'�edn�ss. <br /> Time�s of the Essence. Time is o#the essence in the per�ormance of�his Deed a�Trust. <br /> Vllaiver of Homestead Exemp�ion. Trus�vr hereby releases and wai�es a�i righ�s and h�ne�it� ❑�F the hvme��ead <br /> exemp�ion laws o�F�he Sra��❑f Nebras�a as to a!I Indebtedness se�ured by this Deed o�Trusx. <br /> DEFiN�Tj�NS. The fot�awing wards shall have the�ollowing meanings when used in�his Deed of Trust: <br /> Beneficiary. The vuvrd "Bene�iciary" means Fi�e Poin�s Bank, and its successars and assigr�s. <br /> Barrower. The ward "Borravuer" me�n��IIR�ENE ANN �R�VE and GAR�' LYNN GRQVE and inciude� ��I �a-��gn�rs <br /> and cv-makers signing rhe Nv�e and all�heir successors and assigns. <br /> �eed of Trust. The words "�eed a� Trus�" mean �his Deed o� Trus�t among Trustor, Lender, and Truste�, and <br /> includ�s withvut Iimi���ivn �il a�signmen� and securi�y in#erest pro�isions relatinc� fio �he F'er�vnal �roperty and <br /> Ren�s. . <br /> Environmental Laws. The �ruvrd� "�n�ironmental Laws" mean any and a!i state, ted�ral and Ivca! s���u�es, <br /> regulations and vrdinances rela�ing t❑ the protectian o� human heal�h or �he �n�irvnmen�� including withaut <br /> limitatian the Compr�hensi�e En�ironmenta� F�espanse. Gvmpensation, artd Liahili�y Act v� 198�, as am�nded, �� <br /> ll.S.C. Sec�ian ����� et s�q. {"��R�tA�"y. �he Super�und ►�mendments and R�au�ha�ri�atian Ac�a� �98�, pu�. L, <br /> Nv. 99-499 {"SARA"},�he Hazardous Ma�erials Transportation Act, 49 L�.S.C. Sec�ion �8C�9, et seq..the Resaurce <br /> Con�er�atian and R�covery Ac�. 42 LI,S.C. Sec�ion E90�, e�s�q.� ❑r❑ther applicab�e sta�� or fed�ra� laws, rules, <br /> nr regulativns adc��ted pursu�n��her�fiv. <br /> E��nt o��efault. The words "E�ent af I�e�ault" mean any vf the��ent�v�F de�aul�set�orth in this Deed v�Ti rust in <br /> the e�en�s of d��ault sec'tivn a��his De�d a�Trust. <br /> Hazardaus Substances. The words "Ha�ardvus 5ubstances" mean ma�erials that, because ofi their quantEty, <br /> Gan�entrat�an �r physi�al, chemical ar �nfectivus �haracteris�ics, may cause or pose a present or pvt�ntiai haz�rd <br /> to human health or�he en�iranmen�when impr�perIy used, treated, stared, dispc�s�d ❑f, g�ner��ed, manu�actured, <br /> transpvrted or otherwise handled. The words "Hazardous 5ubs�ances" are used in their uery brvadest sense and <br /> inc�ude wEthnut limi�a�ian any and al! hazardous ❑r tvxEc substances, materialS ❑r waste as defined I�y �r listed <br /> under the EnWirvnmen�Cal Laws. The term "Hazardous Substances" a�so includes, wi'�h�u�limE�atiur�, petraleum and <br /> petrafeum by-pfaduc�s or any�ractivn ther�a�and asbestos. <br /> Imprvvem�nts. The wcard "ImprvWemen�s" m�ans a1I existing and fu�ure impro�e�nents, t�ui�dings, struc�ures. <br /> mob��e homes af�ixed ❑n �he Real Pfoper�y, �acili�ies, add�tions, repia�ements and ❑�her constructivn on �he Reai <br /> Proper�y. <br /> Indebtedness. Th� wnrd "Indeb�edness" means alI principal, in�erest, and ather am�un�s, cvsts and e�penses <br /> paya�ie under the Nate or Rela�ed Documen�s. together wi�h a�E renewals v�� extensians ofi. rnodifiGations vf, <br /> consolidatians �f and sub�titutian��ar�he No�e o� Re[ated �7ocumen�s and any am�un�s �xpended ar�d�anced by <br /> Lender f� di�charge Trus�or's abligations or expenses incurred by Trustee �r Lender tv enforce Trust�r's <br /> vbligations under this ae�d ❑� Trust, together with in�erest on suGh amounts as pro�ided in �his Deed ❑f Trust. <br /> 5pecif��a�iy, withaut limi�a�ic�n� �ndea�edness includes �he �uture ad�ances set fvrth in �Che Future AdWances <br />