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2� 1 7�2 891 <br /> DEE�7 �F TRL��T" <br /> Loan No: ��7 3�4��� ��C�rlt�nu�d� Page 7 <br /> law. <br /> E1eGtivn of R�medies. AEI a� Lender'� rights and remed�es wili be cumuia�i�e and may be ex�rGised alvne �r <br /> tagether. 1� Lender deGides t❑ spend money �r �v perform any o�Trustar's abliga�ions under this �eed ❑f Trus�. <br /> after Trus�ar's taiiure tv d❑ sv. that decis�on by L�nder will na� ��fec� Lender's right�o decl�re Trustar in defaul� <br /> and tv exercise Lender's remedies. <br /> Request for i�oti�e. Trustvr, ❑n b�h�l�af Trus�ar and Lend�r, h�reby reque��s tha#a cvpy ra�any Nv�ice v�De�au�t <br /> and � �vpy❑f any 1VotiGe v�Sa�e under this Deed ❑f Trus�be mailed ta th�m a�the addr'e�ses se��vrth in�he first <br /> paragraph�€�his deed of Trus�. <br /> Attorneys' Fees, Expenses. I� Lender institu�es any suit or ac�i�n t❑ enf�rce any o� �he terms o� this �eed of <br /> Trus#� Lender shali be en�itled to recoWer such sum as the court may ad�udge reasonabl� as a��vrneys' �ees at triai <br /> and upon any appeal. Wheth�r or not any cvur� action is invo�Wed, and #v �h� �xtent nfl� prvhibited by law, all <br /> reasvnabl� expens�s L�nder incurs �hat in Lender's vpinion are necessary at any ttme �flr the �rv�ection v� i�ks <br /> in�erest or�the en�ar�ement of its righ�s shail b�cvme a part of the Tndebtednes� �ayable an demand and shall bear <br /> in�eres���the Note ra���ram the d��e v��he expenditure �n�i1 rep�id. Expenses coWered by�his paragraph include, <br /> wi�hvu�C limi�a�ion� h�we�er subjec�ro any limi�� under applic�b�e law. Lender's attorneys' �ees and Lender's lega! <br /> exp�nses, whether ar not there is a fawsui�� ir�Gluding attorn�ys' fees and expenses �ar bankrup�cy proceedings <br /> {including effarts �a modi�y or va�at�any au�amatic stay�r injunG�ian}, appeais. and any�nti�ipated pvs�-judgment <br /> calle�tion sen�i�es, the cost v�searching recards, abtaining ti�je reports {inGlud�ng �areclflsure repor�s}. sur�ey�rs' <br /> reports�, and appraisal fees, �it�e insurance, and �ees �or fihe Trustee, ta the ex�ent permitted by ap�al�cable law. <br /> Trust�r also wi[E pay any court cas�s. �n addi�ion to al�other sums pro�ided by law. <br /> F�igh�s of Truste�. Trust�e shals ha�e all o�the righ�s and du�ies❑�Lender as set forth in�his se�tion. <br /> P�QINERS AN�} QBLIGATI�N� DF TRL��TEE. The �FaIlowing pro�isions r�lating tv�he �awers and obli�atians �fi Trustee <br /> �re part v��his Deed v#Trust: <br /> Po►nrers❑fi Trustee. fn ad�itivn�❑ ali pawers��Trustee arising �s a matter o�law,Truste� shall ha�e�he �ower to <br /> take�he f�llawinr� ��tions wi�h respect�v�he Property upan �he written r�quest o�Lend�r and Trus�or: �a�join in <br /> prep�ring and �ilir�g a map or pl�� ❑f the Rea! Pr�perty, �ncEuding �he dedica�ion af s�ree�s or other rights to �he <br /> public; {i�} �oin in granting any easement ar �reating any restric�ian ❑n the Real Property; and {c} �oin in any <br /> subardina��vn vr❑ther agreem�nt af�ect�ng this Deed�f Trust❑r the interes�of Lender under th�s Deed o�Trust. <br /> Trus�e�. Trust�e sha�l meet ali quali�ications required f�� Trus�ee under applicable I�►►v. In addition tv �he rights <br /> and r�medies set �ar�h abv�e, wi�h respect �o a1� vr anY part ❑f the Property, the Trus�ee shafl ha�� the r�ght �o <br /> fare�lvse by notice and sale, and Lender wi�� h��e �he r�ght �v �r�recios� by judicia! foreclasure, in either G�se in <br /> acc�rd�nce with and�a the�ul� eac�en�pr��Eded by applFca�le iaw. <br /> Succ��sor Trus�tee. Lender, at L�nder's optivn� may firom time xv time appoint a su�cessar Trustee�a any Trustee <br /> appvinted under �his De�d v�T�ust by an ins�Crumen� execu�ed and acknowledged by L�nder and recvrded in the <br /> o�fice af the reGvrder v� HALL Caun�y, State vf Nebraska. The instrument shalI can�ain, in addition ta al! ather <br /> ma��ers required by state law, the names of the ariginal l�ender, Trustee, and Trus�or, the bovk and page tvr <br /> Gomputer system re�erence} where �his De�d of Trust is re�vrded, and �he name and address of �he successvr <br /> trus��e, �nd the tnstrument shalf he exe�uted and aGknv}rv�edged by a!!�he benefi�iaries under�h�s De�d❑�Trus�ar <br /> �h�ir suc��ssors En interest. The su��essor trus�eer withou� Gvnveyance �f�he Praperty, shali suCceed tv all th� <br /> �itle, pvwer, and duties�onfe�red uptan the Trust�e in this De�d a��rust and by app�icable law. This pro�edure for <br /> substi�u�ion of Trus�ee�ha�i c�o�ern xca the exclusian of aii n�her pravisions�or subs�i�u�ivn. <br /> N�TICES. Any no�ice r�quired tv be gi�ren under�hi� Deed o�Tru�t. including without limita�ian any natice a�de�ault <br /> and an� natice vf sale sha!! be gtv�n in wri�ing, and shall be e�F�FectiWe when ac�ualiy d�ii�er�d, when actually received <br /> by�e1e�a�simile {�nless atherwise required by lawy, when depvsi�ed with a nati�na!!�re�ognized ❑�ernight c�urier, or, if <br /> mailed, when depvsited in th� United S�ates mail, as first class. certi�ied vr registered mail postage prepaEd, directed to <br /> the add�esses shown near the beg�nning ��F this Deed o�T�rust. All cnpies of notices a�fvreclvsure from th� hv�der a� <br /> any �ien which has priority o�er this Deed of Trust shali be sent tv Lender's add�ess. as shown neat�the beginning of <br /> this ❑eed af Trust. Any person may change h�s or her address �or notices under this D�ed ❑f Trus� by gi�ing �ormal <br /> writ�ten notiGe �n �he ❑�her person ar persans, specifying �hat the purpvse a� th� notice is to change �he persvn's <br /> �ddress. F�r notice purpase�. Trus�ar agrees to �eep Lender in�orrned at afE�ime� ❑f Trustor's c�rrent a�dress, E�nless <br /> otherwis� pro�ided �r required by law� i��here is mar� than one Trustor� any na�i�e gi�en by Lend�r tv any Yrustor �s <br /> deemed�o be nv�ice gi�e�ta all Trus�ars. It will be Trustor's respvnsibili�y to tEil the others o��he natice�ram Lender. <br /> N1�5CELLANE�US PRC�'V�Sl�NS. The��I�ow�ng misce[Ianevus prv�isions are a part af this De�d of Trus�: <br /> Amendmen#s. 1Nhat is writt�n in �his Deed �#Trust and in th� Refated Dflcuments is Yrustor's entire agreement <br /> with Lender cvncerning the ma�ters covered by�his ❑eed v�Trus�. To be e��e��i�e, any change ar amendmen�tv <br /> �his Deed of Trus� must be in writing and must be signed by whve�er wii[ b� baund vr obRiga�ed by the change ❑r <br /> am�ndment. <br /> Caption Headings. Caption heading� in this De�d a� Trust are �ar �onWenienc� purposes vnly and are na� ta be <br /> used�o interpr�t or de�ine�he prv���ians o��his C�e�d of Trus�. <br /> Merg�r. There sh�i� be na merger of the in�er�s�Qr es�ate �re�ted �y�h�s �]eed of Trus�with any other interest or <br />