2� 1 7�2 891
<br /> �7EF�] �3F TRl��7'
<br /> �.��n Nv: '1�'I�C�4��� ��ontinued� Pa�� �
<br /> avaiiable remedies �ar an E�ent o� De�aul� as provided b�low uniess Trus�vr either t'i} pays the tax be�ore it
<br /> becvm�s delinquentr or �2� �ontes�s the �ax as pro�ided abQ�e in the Taxes and L�ens sectia�n and depasits with
<br /> Lender cash❑r a su�Fficien�corpora��surety b�nd or ather security���is�actory to Lender.
<br /> SECURfTY AGREEMEIVTi F�NANC[NC STATEMENTS. The following �roWEsions reEa�ing to �his F�eed of Trust as a
<br /> se�uri��agreemen��re a par�o��his fleed ❑f Trus�;
<br /> Se�uri�y Agreemen�. Th�s instrument shall cons�i�ute a 5�cu�i�ty Agreemen� to �he exten� �ny o� �he Praper#y
<br /> consti�u�es fixtures. and Lender sha11 ha�e aEl of the rights ❑f a secured party under the Uni�arm Commercia� Code
<br /> as amended�rom time�❑tim�.
<br /> Securi� Inter�st. Upon request by Lend�r, Trus�a�r sha�i ta�e wha�e�er actian is requested by Lender tca perfe��
<br /> and c�n�inue Lender's security in�erest in#he Per�ona! Prvperty. In addi�ion �v reca�ding this ❑eed af Trus� �n th�
<br /> re�l prvper�y r�cords, Lender may, at any �ime and v►ri�hou� �ur�'�her au�hori�a�ian �from Trus�vr, fil� e�ecu��d
<br /> Gounte�parts, c�pies nr repraduc��ons o� this D�ed of Tru$t as a -�inancing s�a�ement. Trus��r shall reimbur��
<br /> Lender �or a!I �xpenses incu�red in per�ec�ing qr cvnfiinuing �his securi�y intere��. Upon de�aul�C, Trustor shall not
<br /> remo�e� se�er vr detach �he Persona� Pr���rty from the Property. Upvn �e�auEt, Trustar shail assemlvle �ny
<br /> Personal P�op�r�y nv� affiaced t❑ �he Prvperty in a manner and at a place reasanably Gvn�enient tv Trustvr and
<br /> Lender and make it a�ailable to L�nder within three �3} days a#ter receipt of written d�mand �rom Lender to the
<br /> exrent permitted by appli�able iaw.
<br /> Addresses. The mailing address�s ❑� Trus�or {debtorf and Lender �secured party� �rom wh�ch in�orma�ian
<br /> ca��erning the security int�res� �r�nted by this d��d afi Trust may �e obtained {each as requ�red by the llni�orm
<br /> �ommerciai Codey are as�tat�d nn�he first p�age❑�this Deed o�Trus�.
<br /> FURTHER A�SU�iANGES; ATTC�RNEY-�N-FA�T. The tai[owing pro�isions rel�ting �o �urther assurance� �nd
<br /> a��orney-in-�a��are a part❑�this Deed of Trust:
<br /> Further Assurance�, At any time, and frflm�ir�e ta tirr�e. upan request a� Lenderr Trustor will mak�, execute and
<br /> d��i�er, ❑r wiEE cause tv be mad�, exe�uted ar deii�ered,to Lender or to Lender's designee, and wh�n reques�ed by
<br /> Lender, cause #v be �ifed, recvrded, refiEed, ar rerecvrded, as �he �ase may be, at such times and in such offices
<br /> and places as Lender may deem ap�ropriate, any �nd ali such mvr�gages, deed� a��rust, securi�y d�eds, se�uri�y
<br /> ��reemen�s. �ina�cing s�a�ement�. con�inuat�on s��tem�n�s, in�truments of �ur�h�r assuran�e, cer�i�ica�es, and
<br /> a�he�documen�s as may, �n the s�le apiniQn o�Lender, be n�ces�ary or desirable in order to e��ec�uate, cample��r
<br /> per�e�t� cvn�inue, ar preserve {�� Trustar's ❑bliga�ions under the Nat�, this �eed o� Trus�, and �he Rel���d
<br /> Document�, and �2� �he liens and security interes�s created by�his Deed v�Trust as firs� and pri�r liens on the
<br /> Prvper�y. whether nvw owne� or herea�ter acquired by Trustor. Unless prohibi�ed by law ❑r Lender agrees �o the
<br /> con�rary in wri�ing. Trustor shall reimburse Lender �or a!� cvsts and exp�nses incu�red in �annection with the
<br /> ma��ers r��erred�o in�this paragraph.
<br /> At�vrney-in-Fact. 1�Trus�or fa��s �v da any v�the�hings re�erred tv in the pr�ceding �aragraph. Lender may da s�
<br /> �or and in �he narne ��Trustv�r and at Trus�or'� ��tpense, Fvr such purposes, Trus�r�r hereby irr�vacably appoints
<br /> Lend�r as Trustor's attvrney-in��act�or the pur�vse of making, �xeGu#ing, deli�ering f filing, re�vrding. and daEnc� all
<br /> o�her �hings �� may be necessary or desirabl�, in Lender's s�le opinivn. to aGcvmplish �he m�tters re�erred �� in
<br /> the preceding paragraph,
<br /> FULL PERFQRIIrlANCE. !�Trustar pays af!�he fndeb�edness, inciuding without limita#ian ali future ad�ances, when due,
<br /> and otherwise per�arms all th� ❑b�igations impvsed upon Trus�or under #his Deed of T�us#, Lende� shalf execu�e and
<br /> deli��r �v Trus�e� a reques� �or �ul� re�on�eyance and shali e��cu�e and deli�er �o Trustvr suitable statements af
<br /> t�rmination of any financing statemen� vn �ile e�iden�ing Len��r's ��cu�ity �nter�st in the Rents and �he P�rsonal
<br /> Prvper�y. Any recan�eyance fee req�ir�d by law shail h�paid by Trus�or, if permitted by applicabfe I�uv.
<br /> DE��IULT. A�Lend�r's optian,Tru��or will be in de�ault under this Deed af Trust i��ny❑f the tolfawing happen:
<br /> Fraud or Ma�er�al Misrepresentat�on. Trus�vr cammits �raud vr material misrepresen�ation in canne�tinn with the
<br /> �erms v�the Not�.
<br /> Payment Defaul�. Trustar�ails�o meet�he r�paymen��erms❑��he Nate�or any outstanding balance.
<br /> C3ther D�faujts. Trustvr's act ❑r�ailure �o act ad�ersely a�feGts Lender's securi�y �nteres� in the Prvperty. ❑r any
<br /> right ot Lender's in suGh se�uri�y.
<br /> Right ta�ure. !�any detault, o�her than a d���ul�in payment, i��urabte and i�Trustor has no�b�en gi�en a na�iGe
<br /> of a brea�h❑��Che same prv�is�vn at this Deed v�r Trust within�he preceding�weive {��f manths, it rr�ay he cur�d if
<br /> Trustorr af�er Lender sends written na�ice tv Trustor demanding cure v�su�h defaui�: �'i� cures the defauit within
<br /> t�n t'i 0� days; ar {�} �f the�ure requires more�han ten ���� days, imm�diately initia�es steps v►rhich Lender deems
<br /> in Lender's sole dis�retian t� be sufficient�❑Gure the de�au�t and�hereafter�vntinues and cvmple�es a11 reasonabi�
<br /> and necessary s�eps su�Ficien��o praduce compliance as soon as reasanab�y prac�ical.
<br /> RIGHTS AND REMEpl�S �N DEFAULT. If an E�ent a��e�auf�❑ccur� under this ❑eed v�Trust. at any�ime thereafter,
<br /> Trus�ee or Lender may e�ercise any ane or more v�the�Fn��owing rights and remedies:
<br /> Acce��rat�c�n Upon Detau�t; Additionai R�medies. �f any E�ent o� ❑efaui�accurs as per�he �erms o�th� Nate
<br /> secur�d hereby, Lender m�y decla�re all lndebtedness secur�d by�his Deed��Trust ta ae due and payable and
<br />