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2� 1 7�2 891 <br /> �EE� �F -rRusT <br /> Loan N�: ��]'i 3�]42��3 ��t3ntinued� P�ge 4 <br /> in�Erests may appear. <br /> LENDER'S E)CPENDITURES. If Trus�ar �Faiis {A} �a �eep the Prvperty '�re� ❑t all �axes� liens, security in�eres�s, <br /> encumbrances, and ather claims, �B} tQ proUide any required insuran��on the Property, or {C} to make repairs ta �he <br /> Prop�rty �hen Lender may d❑ sv. If any action or proceeding is commenced that would mat�rial[y aff�ct Lender's <br /> inter�sts �n �he Praperty, then Lende� on TruStar's beha!# may, but is na�t required ta� �ake any action that Lende� <br /> beiie��s ta be appr�priate to prote�� Lender's intErests. A!! expen�es incurr�d or paid by Lender��ar suGh purpflses wiEi <br /> �hen bear interest at�he rate charg�d under the Na�e�rvm the date incurred or p�aid by Lender�o�h�da�e of repayment <br /> by Trustor, All such expenses wif! became a par�a��he Indebfiedness and, at Lend�r's optifln, ►rvi�l �A} be payable ❑n <br /> d�mand; �B} be added �a the �alance ❑f th� No�e and be appar�ianed amang and be payable with any in��a[[men� <br /> paymen�� �o become du� during either {1} the �erm of any applic�ble insurance paiicy; or {�� the remaining �erm o� <br /> the Na��; ❑r �C� �e �r�ated as a ba���vn paymen�which wili he due and payabl� at�he Note's maturity. Th� Deed o� <br /> Trust alsv will secure paymen� of these amaun�s, The rights pra�ided for in this paragraph shall be in addition to any <br /> vther rights ar any remsdies to which L�nder ma� be en�i��ed on account of any de�ault. Any such a�tivn by Lender <br /> shall n�t be constru�d as curing the defauit sa as�o bar Ler�der�rom any remedy that it��he�wise wvuld ha�e had. <br /> �IVARRANTY; DEFENSE nF TiTLE. The fviEvwing prv�isinns re�a�ing tv ownersh�p❑�the Prvperty are a part o��his Deed <br /> of Trust: <br /> Title, Trustor warran�s �hat: �a� Tru�tar ho�d� gvod and mark��abl� title ❑f recnrd t❑ the Property in fee s�mpEe, <br /> �ree and Giear ot a�l Ii�ns and �ncumbrances �ther�han those s�� fvr�h in th� Real Propert� des�ripti�n ar in any <br /> title insurance �oii�y, title rep�r�� or final �i��e vpinivn �ssued in �a�or of, �nd a���p�ed by, Lender in �vnnectian <br /> wi�h�his Deed o�Trust, and {bf Trustor has the�uli rEght, pvwer, and authari�y to exe�u�e�nd deli�er�hi� Deed of <br /> Tru�t t❑ Lender. <br /> Defense o�T�tle, Su�jec� ta the exception in �Che paragraph abo�e, Trustar warran�s and will #a�e�er defend the <br /> title to the Prap�er� against the lawful claims v� aI� pe�sans. �n�h� event any a��ion ar praceeding is commenced <br /> �hat ques�ions T�us�or's title�r th� interest o�Trust�e ��- Lender under�his Deed o�Trust,Trustor shall defend the <br /> a��ian at Trus�vr's expense. Trust�r may be th� namina[ par�y in such �roGeeding, but L�nder shall be enti�led to <br /> participate in �#he proceeding and �v be represented in the proceeding hy counse� o� Lender's own chaice, and <br /> Trustar w�fE deli��r, or cause�o be deli�ered. ta Lende�such instrumen�s as Lend�r may reques�from time�v time <br /> to permi�such particip��ian. <br /> Compliance 1rVith L�ws. Trustar warrants �ha� �he Praperty and Trustar'� use ot th� Praperty cQmplies with all <br /> exis�ing appl�cable �aws, ordinanc�s, and regu[��ivns❑f governmen��l authc�ri�ies. <br /> Survirral o� Promises. All prvm��es, �greem�n�s, and s�atements Trustar has made in this Deed ❑� "�rus� sha�l <br /> sur�ive the execu�ian and delivery❑f�his Deed of Trus�, sh��E be �ontinuing in na�ure and shall remain in fu[E torce <br /> and efFect un���such tim�as Trustar's Indebtedness is paid in full. <br /> C�NDEMNATIQN, The fallawing pravisions reEating to �ondemna�i�n proceedings are a par�o�this T]eed ofi Trus�: <br /> Proceedings. If any praceeding in condemna�ian is �f��ed, Trus�o� �hall pramp�iy nati�y Lender in writing, and <br /> Trus�or shall pramptly �ake such steps as may be necessary to de�Fend the action and ❑btain 'the award. Trustvr <br /> may b��Che nominal par�y in such prviceedin�� but Lender shalE �e entit[ed to par�i�ipate in the proceeding an��v be <br /> represen�ed in the praceeding by �c�unsel o� i�s vwn Ghoice, and Trusta� wiCC deli�er or �ause �o be deli�ered to <br /> Lend�r such instrurr��nts and documentatian as may be requ�s��ed by L�nder �ram time tv time �� permix such <br /> par�icipativn. <br /> A�p[x�ation af Net�roceeds. I��i! ❑r any par�o���e Prvper'�y is Gondemned hy eminent domair� proce�dings or by <br /> any proceeding ar pur�hase in �ieu o�candemnation, Lender may at its eiectian requ�re�ha�a1�or any p�r�ion ot�he <br /> net proceeds of the award be applied �v the �ndeb��dness ❑r �he r�pair ❑r restara�ian v� the Pr�perty. The net <br /> pra�eeds of�he �ward shall mean the ar�vard afte� payment❑f aEi reasvnabEe �os�s, expenses, and attarneys' �ees <br /> incurred by Trustee or L�nder;n conneGtian v►rith the condemnat�vn. <br /> I�P�SETE�N C�F TA�CES. FEES AND GHARGES BY G�VERNl�iIENTAL AUTH�7RITIES. The �ollawing pra��isi�ns re�ating <br /> �o gv�ernmen�al�axes,fees and �harg�s are a par't❑�this Deed af Trus'�: <br /> Curren��'ax�s, FeeS �nd Charges. Upon reques� by Lender. Trus�or sha�! ex�Gute such do�ument� in addifiion to <br /> this C�eed of Trus�and ta�e wha�e�er ❑�her activr� is reques�ed by Lender ta p�rT�ect and ��n�inue Lender's lien an <br /> the �eal Praper�y. Trustar shail rei�nburse Lender tor aII �a?CGSr as des�ribed he��w, �oge�ther with all expenses <br /> incurred in recording, perfe��ing ar continuin� �his Deed o� Trust, in�luding vui�hout i�mi��tion all �axes� ��es, <br /> dvcumentary stamps, and other charges for recording ❑r registering this De�d o�Trus�. <br /> Taxes. The �vilorrving shall consti�u�e taxes to which this sec�ion applies: ��� a specific tax upon �his type o� <br /> Deed o�F T�us� ar upan all or any par� o�F the indebtedness secured by this �eed of Trust; ��} a speGi�i� �ax vn <br /> Trus��r►nrhich Trus�or is authori�ed ar required ta� deduct�rvm paymen�s an the indeb�edness Secured by this �ype <br /> ❑� Qeed a�Trus�; (3} a tax�n�his type af Qeed of T�us��hargeable agains�the Lender❑r�he holder nf the Nate; <br /> and t4j a sp�ci#ic�ax on aff vr any partia�n of the indeb�edness or on payments ❑�prtn�ipal and interest made by <br /> Trust�r. <br /> 5uhse�uen� Taxes, I� any �ax �o which th�s sec�ian applies i� enacted subs�quen� to the date of �hi� C�eed flf <br /> Trus�, this e�en� shal! ha�e th� s�me effe�t as an E�ent o� Defaul�, and L�nder may exercise any vr all �� its <br />