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2� 17�287� <br /> 19. Saie of Nate; Change of Loan Servicer; Na�ice af Grievance. The Note or a partial interest zn the <br /> Note�together with this 5ecurity Instrument} can be sold one or more times�vithout priar notice�o <br /> Borrovver. A sale might result in a change in the entity�knawn as the "Loan Ser�icer"�that c�Ile�ts <br /> Periodic Payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument and performs other rnortgage loan <br /> �erWicing abiigations under the Nate, this Security Instrum�nt, and Appiicab�e Law. There also might be <br /> one or m�re changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of�he Nate. If there is a change of the Loan <br /> Ser�icet, �orrawer wi11 be gi��n writt�n notiYce af�he ch�nge which wili state�he name�nd address of <br /> the new L�an Sei-rvicer, the address to which payments should be rnade and any other information RESPA <br /> requires in connection with a natice of transfer of ser�icing. If the Note is sold and thereafter the Loan is <br /> ser�iced by a Loan Servicer other than the purchaser of the Nate, the mortgage toan serWicing obligations <br /> to Borrower vvill remain with the Loan Ser�icer ar be transferred#o a successor Laan Ser�icer and are <br /> not assumed by the Note purchaser unless otherwise pro�ided by the Note purchaser. <br /> Neither Borrower t�or Lender may camm�nc�,�oin, or be jairied ta any judicial ac�ion�as either an <br /> �ndi�idual li�igant or the memb�r of a class)that arises from the other pa�rt�'s actians pursuant t�this <br /> Security Instrument or that alleges that the o�her party has breached any pravisian of, or any du�owed <br /> by reason of, this Security Instrument, until such Borrower vr Lender has no�ified the other par�y�with <br /> such notic�gi�en in compliance wi�h the requirements of Sectian 14�of such alleged breach and affarded <br /> the other party hereta a reasonable perind after the giWing af such notice to take correctiWe action. If <br /> Applicab�e Law pro�ides a time period which must elapse before c�rtain activn can be faken, that time <br /> period wi�l be de�med to be reasonable for purpases of this Sectian. The natice af acceieration arid <br /> apportunity to cure given to Borrower pursuant to Sectian 22 and the notice of acceleration gi�en to <br /> Borrower pursuan�to Section 17 shall be deerned to satisfy the notice and opportunity t�take�orrectiWe <br /> actian pro�isians of this Section 19. <br /> ��. E�arrower No� Third-Party Beneficiary fo Gonfrac# of Insuranc�. Mortgage Insurance reimburses <br /> Lender�or any entity that purchases�he Note}far certain lasses it may incur if Borrower does not repay <br /> the Loan as agre�d. Borrower acknowledges and agrees that the Borrower is not a third party b�neficiary <br /> to the contract of insurance be�ween the Secretary and Lender, nor is Borrower entitled to enforce an� <br /> � <br /> agreement between Lender and the Secretary, unless expii�itly autharized to do so by Applicable Law. <br /> �'�. Hazardous Suhs#anees. As used in this Section 21: �a} "Hazardaus Substances" are those substances <br /> defined as toxic or ha.zardaus substances, po�Iut�nts, or wastes b�Er��ironmen�al La�w and the fallowing <br /> substances: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or toxic petroleum products, taxic pesticides and <br /> herbicides, �olatile sol�ents, materials cantaining asbes�os or formaldehyde, and radiQacti�e materzals; <br /> (b} "En�iranmental Law" means federal laws and �aws of the jurisdictian where the Property is located � <br /> that relate�a health, safety ar en�iranmental protection; �c} "En�ironmen�al Cleanup" includ�s an}� <br /> response acti�n, rem�dial a�tion, ar remo�al action, as defined in Environmental Law; and�d}an <br /> "En�ironmental Condition" means a conditivn that can cause, contribute�o, or otherwise trigger an <br /> EnWironmental Cleanup. <br /> B�rrower shall not cause ar permit the pr�senc�, use, disposa�, s�orage, or release af ar�y Hazardaus <br /> Substances, or threaten to reiease an�Hazardaus Substances, on or in the Property. Barra�ver shall not <br /> do, nor a11ow anyone else to da, an�thing affecting the Property�a}that is in viaiati�n�f any <br /> Environmenta�Law, �b�which creates an En�ironmental Condition, or�c�which, due to the presence, <br /> use, or release of a Hazardaus 5ubstance, creates a condi�ion that ad�ersely affects the value of the <br /> Propert�. The preceding twa sentiences shal�not apply to the presence, use, or storage on the Froperty af <br /> �363351?4 OQ98834264 <br /> FHA❑eed of Trust With MERS-NE 913Q1Z0�4 <br /> Bankers SystemsTM VMP C� VMP4N[NE�[750fi�.00 <br /> Wozters Kf�wer Financial Servi�es Page 13 of 7 7 <br />