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2� 17�2793 <br /> DEE� �F T�IJS�" <br /> Laan Na: 'I�'�3D4535 ��o�t[�ued} Page 9 <br /> b�und by�he alteration or amendment, <br /> AnnuaE Repor�s. I� the Proper�y is used for purpases ❑ther �han Trus�or's residence, Trustor shal� �urnish to <br /> Lend�r, upon request, a certified sta��ment af net op�rating incame received fram �he Pr�perty dur�ng Trustar's <br /> previaus fiscal y�ar in such form and detai! as Lender shall require. "Ne� apera�ing incame" shall mean afl cash <br /> receipts fram the Praperty less a11 cash exp�nditur�s made �n c�nne�tivn with the op�ration�f the Proper�y. <br /> Caption Headings. Caption headings in this I�eed of Trust are fvr conW�nience purposes only and are n�t ta be <br /> used to interpret or define the pra��sions of�his aeed ofi Trust. <br /> Merger, There shalE be no mer�er�f the int�rest ❑r esta�e created by this Deed af Trus�with any ather in�erest or <br /> estat� in �h� Proper�y at any tim� held by ❑r far the benefit of Lendsr in any capacifiy, withaut the written cansent <br /> ❑f Lender, <br /> �ouern�ng Law, This De�d ❑� Trus� wi�l be gaWerned by federal law applicat�le fio Lend�r and, fia the exten� nut <br /> preempted by federaf law, the laws of�he S�at�of Nebraska rrvi#hvut regard�o its canflicts v#I�w pro�isions. This <br /> Qeed of Trust has heen accep�ed by Lender in�he State Qf Nebraska. <br /> Chvice vf Venue. Ef there is � lawsui�, Trustor agrees upon Lender's re�ues� to submi� �o the jurisdi�tion o� the <br /> caurts Qf HALL�aunty, 5�a�e ��Nebraska, <br /> Joint and Se�eral Liabr[ity, Ali ❑bligatians of Trustor under th�s De�d �f Trust shall be joint and se�eral, and a�l <br /> references t❑ Trustar shall m�an each an�l every Trustor. This means that each Trus�ar si�ning belvw is <br /> responsible f�r ail ❑bligatiflns in�his Deed ❑f Trust. <br /> No Vllaiver by Lender. Lender shall not be deemed t❑ hav�waived any rights under this Deed ❑f Trus� unless such <br /> wai�er is giWen in writing and signed by Len�er. No delay❑r omissian an the pa�t o� Lender in exercising any right <br /> shafl operafie as a wai��r o� such right or any ofiher right. A wai�er by Lender of a pr�visivn of this �]eed af Trust <br /> shall no� prejudEce or constitute a wai�er of Lender's right o�herwise fio demand stric� compl'tance with that <br /> praWision ar any other praWis�on ❑f �his Deed of Trust. No prior waiver by Lender, n�r any c�urse af dealing <br /> betw�en Lender and Trus�ar, shail �ons�itu�ke a waiver of any af Lender's rights ar of any of Trustor's vb[igati�ns <br /> as to any fu�ure �ransactians. V1lhene�er the cflnsen�t o� Lender is required under this I�eed of Trus�k, the granting <br /> af such �onsen� by Lender in any ins�ance shaf! n�t constitute continuing �ansen� to subs�quent instances where <br /> such cansenfi is required and in all cases such consent may be granfied ��withheld in the sale dis�re�ion❑�Lender. <br /> Se�erability. �f a cou�t of ��mpe�ent jurisdiction fiinds any provisian of this �7�ed of Trus� t❑ be illegal, �nualid, or <br /> unenfarceable as �o any person �r circums�ance, that�inding shall not make the affending pravision illegal, invalid, <br /> ar unenfarc�abl� as �o any ath�r p�rson �r circums�ance. lf feasible, th� offending pra�is�on shall be con5ider�d <br /> madified so that it becomes iega[, �alid and enfar�eable. if the afi#ending pro�ision cannot be sv madi�ied, it shall <br /> be cansidered deleted fram �his Deed of Trust, Unl�ss �th�rwiss r�qui��d by law, the illegalifiy, invalidity, or <br /> unenfaresabili�y o� any praWision of this Deed of Trust shall no� affect the I�gality, �alidity ar enfvrceability ❑f any <br /> ath�r pr��ision of this Deed qf Trus�, <br /> 5uc�essors and Assigns. Subject �o any limita�ions sta�ed in �his Deed of Trus� nn �rransfer o�F Trustor's interest, <br /> this aeed afi Trust shall be bind�ng upon and inurs ta the benefit af the parties, their successors and assigns, f� <br /> ownership ❑f the Prvperty becames �es�ed in a person ❑�her�han Trust�r, Lender, wi�hou� natice to Trustor, may <br /> dea! with Trus�or's successors with re�eren�e to this Deed of Trust and the Indebtedness by way af farbearance ar <br /> ex�ension without releasing Trustor�rom�he abliga�inns o��his Deed ❑�Trust or iia�ili�y under the Indebt�dness. <br /> T�m�is vf the Essence. Tim� is of the essen�e in the performance ❑f fihis Deed af Trus�. <br /> VIIaiWer of Homestead Exemp�ivn. T�ust�r hereby reieases and waivss all r�ghts and benefits of �he hamesfead <br /> exemption laws af the State of Nebraska as tn all lndebtedness s�Gured by this Deed af Trust. <br /> DEFINITI�NS. The follawing ca�i�talized v�rords and terms sha�l have the �allow�ng m�anings when us�d in this Deed af <br /> Trust. Unless specifically s#at�d to the contrary, all references to dallar amvunts shall mean amvunts in law�ul money <br /> a� the Uni��d States of America, VIlords and �erms used �n the singular shall inGlude the plural, and �he plur�l shali <br /> include the singular, as fihe contexfi may requir�. VVords and terms not atherwise defined in this Deed af T�ust shalr <br /> have the meanings at�ribu�ed �a such terms in the Unifvrm �Qmmer�ial Gvd�: <br /> Beneficiary. The word "Beneficiary" means FiWe PoEn�s Bank, and i�s suc�essars and assigns. <br /> BQrrawer. The w�rd "Borr�w�r" means N!A?C A MADEF� and LIZBETH N MA�ER and includes alE ca-signers and <br /> ca�makers signing th� Note and all their sucCes��rs and assigns. <br /> Deed o�f Trust. The wards "Deed ❑f Trust" mean this �eed af Trust among Trustar, Lender, and Trus�ee, and <br /> includes without �imitatian all assignment and security int�resfi proWis�ans rela�ing �o �he Persanal Prop�rty and <br /> Ren�s. <br /> D��au�fi. The word "De�fault" means the Default se�for�h in this Qeed �f Trusfi in the sec�ion��filed "De�auEt". <br /> En�irvnmental Larrvs. The words "Enviranmen�al Laws" msan any and a!I stat�, f�deral and local statutes, <br /> regulafiions and ardinances r�lating to the protec�ion o� human heal�Ch ❑r �he environmen�, including withaut <br /> limitation the Camprehensi�e Environmental Respanse, �ompensation, and Liabif�ty Act ofi 198�, as amended, 42 <br /> L1.5.�, Sec�ion 96�1, e� seq. t"C�RCLA"}, the 5uper�und Amendments and Reauthari�a�ian Act of �985, Pub. L, <br />