2� 17�2793
<br /> aEE� �F T�us�r
<br /> Lvan No; '��'I 3�45�5 ��orltil�ued} Page 8
<br /> either ❑� them may in �heir absolu�e discre�ion det�rmine, N❑ remedy con�err�d upon or reserved �a Trustee or
<br /> L�nder, is intsnded to b� exclusiWe of any other remedy in this Deed af Trus�t ❑r by lavu pro�ided or perm�tted, but
<br /> ea�h shalE be cumulatiWe and shall be in a�ditinn to e�rery other remedy given in this ae�d af Trus� or now ❑r
<br /> herea��er exis�ing a� law ar in equity or I�y statufie. Every pawer ar remedy gi�en by�he No�e ar any af the Relat�d
<br /> ❑ocumen�s to Trustee ar Lender ar t❑ which either of them may b� otherwise entitCed, may be exercised,
<br /> c�ncurrentiy or independenily, trom time To �irri� anc� a5 UklEfi d� ri�dy �e ���r��e� �xp��ie�� ;y T�ustee or L�nder,
<br /> and either of them may pursue in�onsis�en� remedies. Nathing in this D��d of Trust shall be canstrued as
<br /> prohibi�ring Lender from seeE�ing a defiiciency judgment agaEns��he Trus�or ta the ex�ent such a�tian is �ermitte� by
<br /> [aw. Eiection by Ler�der �a pursue any r�medy sha[i not exc�ude pursui� of any ath�r �-emedy, and an elect�a�t t�
<br /> make expendi�ures or ta talce ac�ion t❑ perf�rm an obligatian o� Trustor under this D�ed of Trust, after Trusfar's
<br /> failure to perform, shail no� affect Lender's righ�ta declare a defaul�and exercise its remedies.
<br /> Request for Nvtice. Trustar, an behal�❑f Trustor and Lender, hereby requests that a copy�f any No�ice of �e�FauE�
<br /> and a capy �f any Nvtic� of 5ale under this ❑eed vf Trus� be mailed �o them a�the addresses set forth in th� first
<br /> paragraph ot this Deed of Trust.
<br /> � A�torneys' Fees; Expenses. If L�nder ins�i�u�es any sui� or ac�ian to er��orce any af �he terms vf th�s Deed of
<br /> Trust, Lend�r shall be entit[ed to reco�er su�h sum as the court may adjudge reasonable as attorneys' fe�s a�trial
<br /> and upon any appeal. Whe�her or nat any court acti�n is in�o�ved, and to �he �x�ent no� prohEbited by law, all
<br /> reasonable expenses Lender incurs that in Lender's opinivn are neGessary at any time for th� prat�ctEan of i�s
<br /> interes� o�the enfnrcem�n�of its rights shall become a part af the Indebtedness payable on demand and shall bear
<br /> in�eresfi at th� Note rate �ram the dat�of fihe expenditure until repaid, Expenses co�ered by this paragraph irtclude,
<br /> vuithvut limE�atian, h�we�er subj��t t� any limits under app�ica��e law, L�nder's at�arneys' �ees and Lend�r`s legal
<br /> e�cpenses, vvhe�her or no� �her� is a lawsui�, including at�orn�ys' fees and expenses for bankrup�cy pro��edings
<br /> �Encluding efforts t❑ modi�y ar vacate any automatic s�ay or injunction}, appea�s, and any ant�cipa�ed pt�st-judgment
<br /> collection servic�s, the cost of searching recnrds, ❑btaining title repor�s �inciud�ng f�reclosure reports}, sur�eyar�'
<br /> repQrts, artd appraisal fees, title insurance, and fees far ths Trust�e, to the sxten� permit�ed hy appl�cable [aw.
<br /> Trus�or alsa vuiil pay any c�urt cas�s, in addi�ion ta all ather sums pro�ided by law.
<br /> Rights o�F Trustee. Trustee shal� have a�l �f the righfis and du�i�s ot L�nder as set f�r�h in�his sectian.
<br /> P�VtiIERS AND nBLIGATl�NS C3F TRUSTEE. The fallawin� pra�isions relating t❑ the pow�rs and obligations o�Trustee
<br /> are par�❑��his ❑eed of Trus�r:
<br /> Pawers of Trus�ee. In addi�ion to all pawers of Trustee arising as a ma�ter af law, Trustee shal� ha�e the power tc�
<br /> talce th� failtiw�ng actions wi�h respec��a th� Pr�perty upon th� written �equest ❑� Lender and Trus�or: �a} jain in
<br /> preparing and �filing a map vr plat of �he Real Praperty, inc�uding �he dedicatian �f streets ar other righ�s t❑ �the
<br /> publi�; �b� join in granting any easement or �r�ating any res�riction �n the Real Property; �nd �c} joir� in any
<br /> subardination t�r��h�r agreem�nt affec�ting this Deed af Trust or the inter�s�❑f Lend�r und�r this Qeed af Trust.
<br /> Trustee. Trustee shall me�t al� qualificativns re�uired for Trustee under applicable law. ln addi�ian to the rights
<br /> and remedies set forth above� wi�h respect �a all ❑r any part of the I�rbperty, the Trustee shali haWe the right ta
<br /> fQreclase by n�tice and sale, and Lender shall have the ri�h� to forecloss by judiciaE forec�asure, in either case in
<br /> ac�ordance with and to th� fu�l ext�nt provided by applicable lavv.
<br /> Successor Trustee. Lender, at Lend�r's op�ian, may from time to time appoint a successor Trustee ta any Trustee
<br /> appoin�red under this Deed of Trus� by an ins�rument execu�ed and acEcnowledged by Lender and rec�rded in the
<br /> office af the recorder �� HALL Caunty, 5tat� of Nebraska. The instrument shali �on�ain, in additian to al� other
<br /> matt�rs requ�red by state law, the names af the original Lender, Trustee, and Trustvr, �he bnvl� and page ��r
<br /> compu�er sys�em referen�e} where this Deed of Trus� is re�orded, �nd th� name and address ❑f �he successor
<br /> truste�, and the ins�trument shall be exe�uted and acknawledged by all the beneficiaries under�his i�eed o�Trust or
<br /> �heir successars in interest. The su�cess�r �rus�ee, without cvnv�yance af th� Pra�erty, shall suc�eecf �a alI the
<br /> title, pawer, and dut�es con�erred upon�he Trustee in this ❑e�d of Trust and by applicable law. This pracedure for
<br /> substi�ution of Truste� shall ga�ern�o the exclusion ot all�ther provisions for suf�stitution.
<br /> N�TICES. Any n�ti�e required �� be given und�r this Deed of Trust, inGludin� wi�haut limi�atian any no�ic� af default
<br /> and any n�tice of sale shall b� given in wr�ting, and sha11 b� effec�i�e whert a��tually deli�ered, when a�tually re�ei�ed
<br /> by t�lefacsimi�e �unless a�herwise re�uir�d by law�, when depasited with a na�ianal�y recagnized a�ernight caurier, or, if
<br /> mailed, when deposit�d in the Uni�ed States mai�, as first class, certified or regist�red maii pas�age prepaid, directed t❑
<br /> the addresses shown near the beginning v�this Deed o� Trust. A11 Copies a� no�ri�es of fare�Eosure fram the holder of
<br /> any li�n which has priority ❑Wer thEs aeed ofi Trust shall be sent to Lender's address, as shown near th� beginning of
<br /> this Deed of Trust. Any party may change i�s address far n��iGes under this ❑eed �f Trust by gi�ing �ormal vuri�ten
<br /> notice ta ths oth�r parties, specifying �ha� the purp�s� af the no�ice is to change the par�y's addr�ss. Far notice
<br /> purpases, Trustor agrees t❑ keep Lender informed at all times ��Trustor's �urren� address. Unless otherwise pravided
<br /> �r required by lavu, ��there is more than ane Trusta�, any notice �iven by L�nder ta any Trustar is deemed to be natice
<br /> �iW�n�to all Trustars,
<br /> M�SCELLANE�US PR�VISI�NS. The following miscellaneous pra�isions ar� a part❑f�his Deed ❑f Trust:
<br /> Am�ndments. This Deed �f Trust, toge�her with any Related ❑acumen�s, consti�ut�s the entire understanding and
<br /> agreemertt �f the par�ies as to the matters s�t for�h in this Deed of Trust. No alteratian ofi �r amendment t� this
<br /> aeed ❑f Trust shall he effecti�e unless given in writtng and signed by �he party or parties sought�o be �harged or
<br />