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2� 17�2793 <br /> DEED �F TF�L��T <br /> Loan N4; 1�'13�4a35 {Co����u�d} Pa�e 3 <br /> su�h law, ordinance, ❑r regulation and uvithhold compliance during any proceeding, in�luding approp�iate appeals, <br /> so long as Trustar has no�i�ied Lender in writing prior to d�ing so and so long as, in L.ender's sole opinion, Lend�r's <br /> in�er�sts in the Proper�y ar� nat jeopard�zed. Lender may requ�re Trust�r t❑ past adequat� security ar a sur�ty <br /> bond, reasonably satisfactary to �end�r, t❑ pratect Lend�r's in�eres�, <br /> Duty fio Protect. Trus�or ag�ees n�i�her �ka abandvn ❑r I�ave una�tended the Property. Trust�r shall d❑ all ath�r <br /> acts, in addi�ion to�hose ac�s set forth a�a�� in�his sec�ion, which from the character and use❑f the Proper�y are <br /> reasanably necessary to prote�t and preser�e the Property. <br /> DU� �N SALE - C�IVSENT gY L�NDER. Lender may, a� Lender's op�ivn, declare immediately due and payabfe all sums <br /> secured by this ae�d of Trust upon the sale ❑r transfer, wi�hou� L�nder's prior written cvnsen�, of al� or any part of�he <br /> R�al Praperty, ar any interest in �he Real Property. A "s�le or transf�r" means the can�syance ❑f R�al Property ar any <br /> righ�, ��tle ar inter�s� in �he Rea� Property; whether iegal, bene�Ficial or equita�le; whether �oluntary or involuntary; <br /> whether �y ou�righ� Salt.-'� de�cf, installmen� sale cvntract, �and contract, contrac� for deed, �eas�hald infierest with a <br /> term grea�er than three �3� years, leass-optfan �flntrac�, ❑r by sale, assignment, or trans�er af any b�n�ficial in�eres� in <br /> ar to any land trust halding title to ths Real Praperty, vr by any ather me�hod o� con�eyance af an interest in the Rea[ <br /> Prap�rty. Hovvever, this option sha[� nat be exercised by Lender if su�h ex�r�ise is prohibited by federal !aw ar by <br /> Nef�ras ka lauv. <br /> TAXES ANC3 L�ENS. Th� �ollawing pro�isi�ns rela�ing �o fihe taxes and liens on th� Prop�rty are part of this C3eed of <br /> Trust; <br /> Payment. Tr�stvr shal! pay when due {and in a11 e�ents prior to de�inquencv7 all taxes, sp�cial taxes, ass�ssments, <br /> charges �in�luding wafi�r and sewer�, �ines and impasi�ians levi�d against or an acc�unt af th� Property, and shall <br /> pay when due all claim� for work done ❑n ar for ser�ic�s ��ndered ❑r ma�erial furnish�d t� �he Property, Trustor <br /> sha�! maintain the Proper�y free af ail fiens ha�ing priority ❑Wer❑r equa� to the interest af Lende�under�hi� Deed ❑f <br /> Trust, except far the li�n of taxes and assessments nat due and except as atherwis� pravided in this Deed vf <br /> Trust. <br /> Righ�t to Cvntest. Trustor may withhald payment of any tax, assessment, or claim in conn�ctian with a good �ai�h <br /> dispute aWer the vbligatian ta pay, s� �ong as Lender's in�erest in�he Property is nat jeopardized. I�a lien arises or <br /> is filed as a �esult of n�npayment, Trustor shalf within #ifteen t 15y days af�er the lien arises vr, if a lien is �iled, <br /> within fifteen t 15� days a�fier Trust�r has n��ice o� �hs filing, secure �he discharg� of �h� lien, ar if reques�ed by <br /> Lender, depasi�with Lender cash or a suffi�ient corporate sur�ty band or ather security satis�actary t❑ Lender�n an <br /> amaunt sufficient to discharge the iien plus any costs and attorneys' fees, �r other charges �hat cou�d accrue as a <br /> resul� of a forec�osure ar sale under the Iien. 1n any�ontest, Trusfiar shall defend i�sel�and Lender and shaff satisfy <br /> any ad��rse judgment before enforcement against�he Property. Trustor shall name Lender as an addi�iana� obfigee <br /> under any sure�y bond furnished in the cantes�proceedings, <br /> E�idence �f Payment. Trustor shall �pan �smand furnish �o Lender sa�isfac�ary e��dence af paym�nt afi�he taxes <br /> ❑r assessments and shall aufihorize the appropria�te goWernmental af#iGial fio deli�er�o Lender at any time a wrE��en <br /> sta�em�nt❑��he taxes and assessments against the Prvp�r�y. <br /> Nvtice of Construction. Trus�or shall no�ify Lender at least fif�een ��5� days be��re any work is cammenc�d, any <br /> ser�ices are �urnished, or any materials ar� supplied ta the Property, if any mechani�'s lien, ma�eria�men's fi�n, ❑r <br /> ❑ther lien could be asserted an acc�unt o� the warlc, ser�ices, or materials, Trus��r will upan request o� Lender <br /> �urnish to Lender ad�ance assu�ances sat�sfac�ary to Lender that Trustor �an and will pay �he �os� of such <br /> improWemen�s. <br /> PROPERTY DAMAGE INSURAN�E. The follQwing �ravisions rela�ring �o insuring �he Praper�y a�e a part ❑�this ❑eed o� <br /> Trust. <br /> ItillaintenanGe o� insurance. Trus�or shall procure and main�ain palicies af �ire insurance wi�h s�andard extended <br /> cvverage endarsements on a fair value basis for the full insurable �alue ca�ering all ImpraWements on the Real <br /> Property in an amaunt suff�cien� t� avaid app�ication af any �ain�urance clause, and with a standard mortgagee <br /> �lause in �aWar o� L�nder. Trustor shall also procure and main�tain camprehensive gene�-al iiability insurance �n such <br /> coverag� amaunts as �,ender m�y reques� with Trustee and Lend�� �eing named as additiana� insur�ds in such <br /> lia��i�ty insurance polici�s. Additionally, Trustor shall maintain such other insuran�e, including �ut nat limi�ed t� <br /> hazard, business interruption, and b�ile� insurance, as Lender may reasnnably require. Policies shall be written in <br /> form, amounts, cov�rages and basis reasonably accep�able to Lender and issued by a company or companies <br /> reasonably acceptable t❑ Lender. Trustor, upon requ�st of �.ender, vui�l d�liver to Lender from time t❑ time �ha <br /> polici�s or certif�cate� ❑f insurance in farm satisfactory fi❑ Lender, including stipulatit�ns �hat caverages wii� not be <br /> cancelled 4r diminished uvithaut a� leas� �en �1�y days priar wri�r�en na�i�e �o Lender. Ea�h in�urance policy also <br /> shafl include an endorsemen� proWiding that coverage in �a�or❑f Lender wil� not be impaired in any way by any act, <br /> ❑mission or default of Trus��r or any other person, Shfluld the Real Praperty be lacat�d in an area designated by <br /> the Adminis�ra�or Qf�he Federal Emergency 1111anagemen� Agency as a special �Iood hazard ar�a, Trus�ar agrees to <br /> obfiain and maintain Federal Flaod Insurance, i� a�aifabi�, for the fu11 unpaid �rincipal balanc� o� the ivan and any <br /> prior fiens an the prnperty securing the loan, up t❑ the maximum palicy iimits set under th� Na�ianal Flood <br /> lnsurance Pragram, ❑r as o�herwise required by�end�r, and to mainfiain such fnsurance far the�erm a��he loan. <br /> Applica�ion o# Proceeds. Trus�ar shafl pramp�ly notify Lender of any lvss ar damage to the Property. Lender may <br /> make prao� af I�ss i� Trustor fails �❑ dv s❑ within fi�F�een {15� days of �he casualty, Whether ar nat Lender`s <br />