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2� 17�2793 <br /> vEE� �� T�usT <br /> Loan NQ: 1(3'I 3�4535 ���rltinued� Page � <br /> FUTURE ADVANCES. In addi�tion tv th� Nate, this Deed af Trust secures al� fu�u�e advances made by Lender ta Trustor <br /> wh�ther �r n�t �khe ad�ances are made pursuant �o a commitment. 5pe�ifically, withou� limitati�n, this Deed vf Trus� <br /> sgcures, in addition to th� amounts specifi�d in the Na�e, a�l futur� amaun�s Lender in i�s discre�i�n may �aan ta <br /> Trustor,t�gether with a[I int�res��hereon, <br /> Tru�fc�r pres�ntiy assigns t❑ Lender �als❑ kn�wn as E3eneficiary in this ❑sed of Trus�} all o� Trust�r's right, title, and <br /> in�erest in and t❑ all present and fu-�ur� leases �f �he Property and all Rents from the Praperty. In additi�n, Trus�vr <br /> grants�a Lender a Uniform Commercial Code s��urity in�teres�in th� Persana! Pr�per�y and Ren#s. <br /> TH15 DEED �F TR[JST, INCLUD�NG THE AS�IGIVMENT �]F RENTS AND THE SECURITY INTEREST IN THE REIVTS AND <br /> PERSa[VAL PRaPERTY, [S GIVEN Ta SECURE (A� PAYMENT C�F THE INDEBTEDNESS AND �B} PERF�RMAN�� �F <br /> ANY AND ALL �BLIGATI�NS UNDER THE NaTE, THE RELATEI] DC]CUMEIVTS, AND THIS DEED C�F TRUST. THIS <br /> DEED�F TR�ST 15 GIVEN AND A�CEPTEQ �N THE F(]LL�INiNG TERMS; <br /> PAYiVIENT AND PERF�RMANCE. Excep� as o�herwise pravided in this D�ed ❑f Trust, Trustor sha[I pay to Lender a�l <br /> amounts secured by this ❑e�d ❑f Trust as �hey be�ome due, and shall s�rict�y �nd in a timeEy mann�r perform all c�f <br /> Trus�or's ob�igativns under the Nv�e, this Deed ❑�f Trust, and the R�la�ed Dacuments. <br /> PDSSESSi�N AND 11lIAINTENANCE C�F THE PR�PERTY. Trustar agrees �ha� TrustQr's pvssession and use of �he <br /> Property shall be gov�rned by the following pravisions: <br /> Pvssession and Use. Unt�l the oCcurrence of an Even� af Defaul�, Trustor may {�} rema�n in possession and <br /> cantrol af�he Property; �2� use, �perate ❑r manage the Praper�y; and �3} �nlle�t�he Rents �rom�he Prop�rty. <br /> Duty #o Maintain. Trus�or shalf maintain �he Property in tenantable �andi�ion and promptly per�arm all repairs, <br /> replacements, and maintenanCe necessary to pr���rWe its �a�ue, <br /> Gamplian�e Vlli�h En►►ir�nmenta� Laws. Trustor represents and warrants t� Lender that; �1� ❑uring the periad of <br /> Trust�r's ownership of the Property, there has been no use, generatiart, manufac�ur�, starage, treatm�n�, disposa�, <br /> release ar threat�ned rel�ase �f any Hazardaus 5ubstance by any person an, under, about �r fram th� Prop�rty; <br /> ��� Trustar has no Icnowledg� ❑f, or reason to believe that there has been, except as preWiously disclosed ta and <br /> acknowledg�d by L�nder in writing, �a} any breach ❑r Wialatian ❑f any EnWiranmental Laws, {b7 any use, <br /> genera�ian, manufacture, storage, tr�atment, disposai, rel�ase ❑r threatened release a� any Hazardous 5ubstan�e <br /> an, und�r, about or from the Praperty �y any pri�r own�rs or �ccupants of �h� Pr�perty, or �cS any actual ar <br /> threaten�d litigafiion ❑r claims af any kind by any person relating to such ma�ters; and t3y Except as pre�iously <br /> disclosed to and acknawledg�d by Lender in wri�ing, {a} nei�h�r Trustor nor any tenant, cantractflr, agen�or ath�r <br /> au�harized user❑��he Prop�rty shall use, generate, manufacture, store, treat, dispase of�r release any Hazardous <br /> Subs�tanc� an, under, abvut or fram the Property; and �b} any suCh activity shall be conduc�ed in compfiance with <br /> al! applicahi� federal, sta�e, and local �aws, regula�ian� and ❑rdinan�es, inciuding withaut limi�ation a�i <br /> En�ironmen�kal Laws. Trust�r authori��s Lender and its agents to en�er upon the Property to make such <br /> inspections and tests, at Trusto�'s expense, as Lender may deem appropriate t� determine camp�iance of the <br /> Pr�per�y with this sectivn of the Deed af Trus�. Any inspec�ivns ❑r �ests rYtade by Lender shall be for Lender's <br /> purpas�s anly and shall nofi be construed ta create any responsibili�y or liability an the part of Lertder to Trustor ❑r <br /> to any a�her p�rsan. Th� representa�ions and warranties �ontained hereirt are based tir� Trustor's due diligen�� in <br /> in�estigating �he Property for Hazardaus Substances. Trusfior h�r�by {�� rel�ases and waives any fu�u�e �laims <br /> agains� Lender �ar indemnity or contri�ution in the event Trus�or becames liabl� �ar cl�anup or a�her casts under <br /> any such lavus, and t�� agrees ta ind�mnify, defend, and hold harmless Lender against any and all claims, lasses, <br /> liabilities, dama�es, penalties, an�l �xpenses which Lend�r may dir�c#ly or indirect[y sustain ❑r suf��r resulting fram <br /> a breach o� this sect�on of th� Deed ❑� Trust or as a �onsequen�e D� ar1�I L!5@� genera�ion, manufac�ure, storage, <br /> dispasal, releas� �r threa�ened release occur�ing priar t❑Trus�or's avunership�r int�rest tn the Property, whether ar <br /> not the same was ar should ha�e been known to Trustar, The praWisi�ns o� this sec�ian af the Deed af Trust, <br /> including the abliga�ion to indemnify and defend, sha�i survi�e�he paymen�of the End�btedness and �rhe satisfactian <br /> and reconveyance vf�h� lien ❑f�his I]eed af Trust and shall nvt be affected by Lender's acquisition af any inter�s� <br /> in fihe Praperty, whether by�oreclvsure ar atherwise. <br /> Nuisance, Was#e. Trus�vr sha�l not cause, canduct ar p�rmit any nuisan�� nar cnmmi�, permi�r, ❑r suffer any <br /> stripping of or waste on or t❑ �he Pr�per�y or any partivn of th� Prope�ty. Vlli�haut limi�ing the generality of the <br /> fore�aing, Trustor will na� remaWe, ar grant to any o�her party �he right t❑ remo�e� any tim�er, minerals {including <br /> oil and gas�, coa1, clay, scvria, soil, gra�el ar racic pr�ducts wifihout Lender's prior written �ansen�. <br /> Remava�af ImproWements. Trustor shal� nat demolish or remave any Impravements from the Real Praperty with�u� <br /> Lender's prior vurEtten c�nsent. As a conditivn to the remaval ❑f any fmprovements, Lender may re�uire Trustor to <br /> make arrangements satisfactory fi� Lender t� replac� such Irnpravements with Improvements a�F at leas� equal <br /> Walue. <br /> Lender's Right fio En#er. Lender and Lendsr's agen�s and representa�ives may enter upon �h� Rsal Praperty at all <br /> reasanable times ta attend �a Lender's int�rests and to inspe�t the Real Property for purp�ses af Trustflr's <br /> complianc� wi�h the terms artd conditions �f this ❑eed of Trust. <br /> Campliance wi�h Governm�n�al R�quirements. Trustor shal! pramptly eomply with ali laws, �rdinan�es, and <br /> regulati�ns, now or herea�ter in eff�ct, af ail governmenfial authari�ries app�icabfe �a the use ❑r occupancy a�F the <br /> Praperty, including without limitation, �he Americans With Disabilities Act. Trustar may cvntest in good fai�h any <br />