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<br /> �]EEC� C]F �"RL�S�"
<br /> Laan N�: '��'i 3��5'i� t���tinued� Page 3
<br /> v+rhether by ou�right sa1e, deed, installment sale ccan�r�c�t, �and Gan�ra��, con�r�Gt fnr deed. lea�ehold �n�eres� with a
<br /> term great�r�han �hr�e �3� years, leasewoptifln ��ntract, n� by sale. assignmen�, or trans�er v� any ben��icial in�erest in
<br /> ❑r to �ny land �rust hv�ding �i��e to th� Rea! Prvpe�ty, ar by any v�her me�hod r�f �on�eyance o� an int�rest in �he Rea!
<br /> Property. Hnwe�er, this op�ion shal! nv� be exercised by L�nder if suGh ex�rcise is prahibi�ed by �ederai law or by
<br /> Nebraska #aw.
<br /> TA�ES AND LIENS. The fo�lawing �ro�isEons relating �a #he �a�ces and liens ❑n #he Property are p�rt �-��his ❑eed af
<br /> Trust:
<br /> F�aymen#. Trus�nr shai�pay when due tand in all ��en�s prinr to delinquen�y} all tax�s. s�ecia!�a�ces, assessments,
<br /> charges {incIuding water and sewer�. �in�s and impos�tion� te�ied agains� or on ac�aun�c��the Praperty, �nd sha�l
<br /> pay wh�n due all �iaims f�r wark done t�n or�or services rendered ❑r m��erfai furni$hed ta th� Praper�y. Trus�or
<br /> sha�l maintain the P�operty�ree o�all liens haWing priority a�er ar equal��the in���est v�Lender under�his Deed af
<br /> Tru�t� exG�pt fQr �he lien ofi ta�es and assessments no� due and excep� as vtherwise pro�ided in �his Deed o�
<br /> Tr�st.
<br /> Right#o Conte��. Trustar may►nri�hho�d payment o�any tax, as�e�sment, or Glaim �n conneGti�n wi�Ch a�avd fa�th
<br /> dispute vver the��iigatEon Ca pay, sn lanc� as Lend�r's in�erest in�he Praper��is no�jeopardize�. If a iien �rises or
<br /> is �iled �s a �esulr vf nanpayment, Trus�t�r shal� w�thin �i�teen t�5} days after �he iien arises ❑r, �f a lien is filed,
<br /> �vithin �i�tesn {15� days after Trusto�r has notice of�he filing� �e�ure �he discharge ❑��he lien, or i� requested by
<br /> Lender, d�pvsit with Lender cash or a su'�f;�i�nt corpora�e surety bond or other securi�y sati��ac�ory to Lende�in an
<br /> amoun�t su�ficien�to discharge the �ien p�us any cvsts and attorneys' �ees� vr vther charges �hat cauld a�crue as a
<br /> res�lt❑f a �orec��sure or sale under th� �ien. ln any contes�, Trustor shal�d��end itse��F and �.ender and shail sa�is�y
<br /> any ad�erse judgment h��Fare en�nrcem�nt��ainst�he Prvp�rty. Trus�vr sh�ll nam� Lend�r as an additianai vbiigee
<br /> under any surety hond tu�nish�d in the cvn�est proceedings.
<br /> Evidence o�Payment. Trustar shall upon demand�urnish�o Lender sa��sfac�tary e�idence ❑f paym�nt a�the taxes
<br /> or assessments and shaii auth�rize the apprapriate go�ernmen�al offiGias �o deliuer�v Lender a�any tFme a written
<br /> sta�ement o�the taxes and assessmen�s against�he Property.
<br /> Na�ice ot Gvns�ru��ion. Trus�or shall no�ify Lende� at Ieast�ifteen ��5} days betvre any wv�� is cammenc�dr any
<br /> s�r�ic�s are furnished, ar any ma�erials are suppl��d�o the Prvperty, i� any me�h�nic`s �ien, ma�eria�men's ��en, or
<br /> a�her �ien cauld be asser�ed on a�count a�the wark, ser�ices, ❑r materi�ls. Trus�or w�i� upon request a� Lend�r
<br /> �urnish �v Lender ad�ance assurances satisfactt�ry t❑ Lender �hat Tru��ar can and wil� pay the cast vf such
<br /> impro�ements.
<br /> PR�PERTY DA�ACE INSURANCE. The foffowing pra�isions rela�ing t� insuring the Pr�perty are a part af this Deed af
<br /> Trust.
<br /> Maintenance v� �nsuran�e. Trus�vr shaS! prvcure and maintain p�iici�s o� ��re insuran�e with standard �x'��nded
<br /> �o�erag� endors�men�s an a �air �ajue basis �ror �he fuif insurable �alue covering aii Improvements vn �he Rea�
<br /> �'raper�ty in an amaun� �ufficien�C to a�oid applicarian ❑� any Gvinsuran�e clause, and wi�h a standard martgagee
<br /> clause in�a�ar af Lender,�vgether w�th sueh o�her hazard and liabilit�snsurance as Lender may reasvnab[y require,
<br /> Pvlicies shall be wri�ten in form, amounts, �o�erages and basis reasonabfy acceptable tv Lender and issued by a
<br /> company ❑r �vmpanies reasvnably �cceptable ta Lender. Trustor� upan request o� Lender. wiil deli�er 'to Lender
<br /> from time�Q time�he polici�s �r �erti�i�a�es ❑�insur�nce in �orm sa�is�ac�ory to Lender, including s�ipu�ations �ha�
<br /> GQ�erages wiIl na� b� GanGeIEed or d�mintshed wi�hvu� at le�st ten ��U} d�ys �rior written nvtice �v Lend�r, Each
<br /> insurance policy �Iso shall in�Eude an endt�rsemen� pr��idEng that cQ��rage in�a�or�� Lender will n�� be impair�d
<br /> in any way by any act. amission or defaul�a�Trustar ar�ny o�her person. 5hau�d the Rea! Property �e lo�ated in
<br /> an area d�signa�ed by the Adminis�ratar❑f the Federal Emergency �anagemen�Agency as a special fjvvd hazard
<br /> area. Trustar agrees ta abtain and maintain Federal Flood lnsurance� i� a�ailaafe, tor the �u�1 unpaid principal
<br /> baiance❑��he Iaan and any priflr liens an the praperty securing the loan, up tv�he maximum pvlicy�imit�set under
<br /> ��e Nationa! Flovd Insurance Pra�ram. or as vtherwise requir�d �y Lender, and tv ma�ntain su�h �nsuran�a �ar�he
<br /> �erm o�the Ivan.
<br /> Applica�iran of Pr�ce�eds. Trustar sha�� p�amp�ly natify Lender o�any ioss nr dama�e ta�h� Pr�per'�y. Lender may
<br /> make proof of loss i� Trus�or fails �o do so wi�hin �i�teen 4"�5} days at the casualty. V�Ihe�he� ❑r not Lender's
<br /> securi�y is impaired, Lender may, at Lender's etection. �ece�We and retain�he praGeeds vf any insurance and apply
<br /> the proceeds t❑ the reduc�ivn o�the Indeb�edness, payment o� any lien a�fecting �he Proper�y, ar the restoration
<br /> and repair o��he Praper�y. �� Lend�r elec�s to a�ply the praGeeds to res�ora�Civn and repair, Trustvr shal! repair or
<br /> repl�ce �he damag�d ar des�royed 4mproWemen�s �n a manner satis�ac�ary �v Lend�r. Lend�r shall, upon
<br /> satis�actary praa� vf su�h expenditure, p�y ar reimburse TrustQr from the proce�ds #or �he reas�nable cost of
<br /> repair ❑r resto�a�ivn i� Trus�or is not in de�auit under �his ❑eed ❑� Tru��. Any pr�ceeds which ha�e n�t be�n
<br /> disbursed within '!8� days after �heRr rec�ip� and which L�nder has not c�mmitted �o the repa�r or res#arativn vf
<br /> �he Property shall be used first�❑ pay any amount aw�ng �o Lender under this ❑eed ❑�Trus�, then �v pay a�crued
<br /> in�erest, and the remainder� i� any, shal! be applied �o the princi�a! balance vf�he Indeb�edness. If Lende� hoids
<br /> any proceeds after payment in #u�l af the Endeb#ed�ess, such proce�ds shart b� �aid to Trustar as Trustvr's
<br /> in�erests may ap��ar.
<br /> LEND�F�'S E�pENfliTURES. i� Trus�or fails {A} �v �eep �he Prop�rty �r�� of a!I �Caxes, liens. s�curi#y inxe�es�s,
<br /> encumbrances, and ti�her�faims, �gy �❑ pro�ide any requir�d insurance on the Proper�y, or {C) to make repairs to the
<br />