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2� 1 7�2 79� <br /> D�FC] �F TRU�T <br /> Loan Nca: 7�]"i 3�2a'1� ��orltirtued} P"��e 2 <br /> DEEQ DF TRUST 1S GIVEN AND ACGEPTED�N THE F�LL�WING TERMS: <br /> PAYMENT AN❑ PERF�RIIAANCE. Ex�ept as a�thsrwise pr��id�d in this D�sd o� Trust, Trus�or sha11 pay to Lender all <br /> amounts secured b� this Qeed of Trus� as they become due, and sha�l strictly and in a timely manner pe�form a[I v� <br /> Trustar's a�bligativnS under the Na�e,this C]eed vf Trust, and the F�elated Documents. <br /> PC3SSE551QIV AND MAINTENANCE ❑F THE PRC�PERTY. Trustor agr�es �hat Trus�or's pvssession and us� a� xhe <br /> Praperty shali be go�erned by'�he��Ilowing pro�isivns. <br /> P'assession �nd Use. Un�il the occurrenc� v� an E�en� o� De���alt, Trus�or may ��y remain in passession and <br /> c�n�rol ❑f the Property; �2� useF opera�te ar manage the Property; and �3} call�ct the f�ents from the Prap�r�y. <br /> Duty to Main�ain. Trustor shal� maintain the Property in good conditEan and promptEy per'�vrm all repairs, <br /> repEacements, and maintenance ne�essary�❑ pres�r�e its�alue. <br /> Camp�iance �i�h En�ironmen'tal Laws. Trust�r represents �nd warrants �o Lender that: �'�� buring �he perivd ot <br /> Trustvr'� ownership❑f�he Praperty, there has b��n na use. generation, manu�ae�ure, stor�ge, trea�ment, dis�vsal� <br /> releas� or threatened release v� any Hazardnus Substanc� by any persvn ❑nr under, a�au� ❑� fram the Prvp�rty; <br /> ��} Tr�s�or has na knpwf�dge o�F, �r reason t� beli��e �hat there h�� F�esn. ex�ept as pre�iously disclos�d '�o and <br /> ac�.n�wledged by Lend�r in writing� {a} �ny breach or ��al��ian of any En�iranmen�al Laws. fb� �r�y use. <br /> ��nera�i�n, manu�ac��r�, s�orager �reatm�n�, disposal, ���ease ar�hreatened r�lease v� any Hazardvus �u�s�ance <br /> an, under, about ❑r �r�m the Praperty by �ny prior a►nrners or accupants o� the Property, ar �c} any ac�ual or <br /> threatened iitigation or claims of any kind by any persvn relating to such matters; and {3y Except as preWiously <br /> discjosed�o and acknawledged by Lender in wri�ing, {a} neither Trustvr nar any tenant� �ontract�r. agen�or ather <br /> au�horized user af�he Pr�per�y shall use, gene�ate. manufac�ure. stvr�, treat, dispose of or release any Hazardous <br /> Su�stanc�vn, under, al�vut or�r-am the Property; and �by �ny such ac�i�ity sha!! he conducted in campliance with <br /> all applicable federal, stat�. and Ivcal I8W5r reguIati�ns and vrd�nances, inc�uding without limitatian aii <br /> En�ironmental Laws. Trus�or au'�horizes L�nd�r and its agen�s �o enter upon the Pro�erty t� mak� �u�h <br /> ins�ec�ions and �es�s, a� �'rustar's expense, a� Lender may deem apprapriate to d���rr�ine compliance a� �he <br /> Prv��rty with �his s�c�ion of the ❑eed o� T'ru5t. Any inspectivns ar tests made by Lender shali be for Lender's <br /> pur�ases ❑nly and shali n��be construed �o crea�e any r��ponsibili�y ar jiability on�h� part of Lender�o Trus�ar or <br /> to any ❑ther�erson. The repressn�a�ions and warran�ies �vntained herein ar� based ❑n Trus�or's due diiigence in <br /> inW�sti�ating the Property �ar Ha�ard�us Substances. Trustor hereby {'�� releases and waiWes any fu�ure c�aims <br /> against Lende� #ar �ndemni�y vr cvn�ribut�on in th� e�en� Trus�or becvmes iiable f�r cleanup ar othe� costs under <br /> any such lawsi and �2f agre�s to ind�mnify, d�fend, and hold harmless Lender against any and all Giaims. Iasses� <br /> I18I31II�IESr damages. penal�ies, and expenses which L�nder may direc�iy or indirectly sustain vr su��er resul�ing trom <br /> a br�ach a�this se�tion af �he De�d of Trust �r as a consequence a� any use, generatian, manufacture, storage� <br /> dispasal, release or thre��ert�d release occurrin� prior to Trustar's awnership❑r interes�in�he Proper�y, whe�h�r r�r <br /> no� �he same was or �h�uld ha�e been knawn �o Trustor. The pro�is�ons of this sec�ion ❑� the Deed o� Trust, <br /> inc�uding�he❑bliga�ian�o indemnify and d��F�nd, shal!sur�i�e th�payment a��he Indeb��dness and the sat�s�action <br /> �nd recvn�eyanee ��the lien of�h�s Deed a�Yrust and shall nv�be af�ected by Lender's acquisitivn of any interest <br /> in the Property, whe�her by foreclosure vr a�herwfse. <br /> Nuisance, Wast�. Trus�vt� shall no� cause, cvnduct or p�rmi� any nuisance nor commit, permit, o� su�ter any <br /> stripping v�or waste vn o� tv th� Pr�per�y �r any poftion vf�he Property. Wi�hout limiting the generali�y a��he <br /> toregoing, Trustor will no� �emo�e, ❑r gran�t❑ any o�her party the righ�to remo�e. any�imber, minera�s �includin� <br /> oi�and g�s�, caal, clayf SCD�'!ar 5���, gravel or rvck prvducts wi�hvut L�nde�'s prior writ�en con�en�. <br /> Remc�rrat vf lmpro�ements. Trustor sha�� no�der�o�ish ar remo�e any ImproWements�Frorr��he Real Property wi�hout <br /> Lend�r's prior written ctansent. As a conditiQn�c��he remo�al a�any Impro�ernen�s, L�nder may require Trus�ar to <br /> m�ke arrangements sa�is�aGtory to Lender �a rep�ace suGh ImproWemen�s wi�h 1mpr��em�n�s a�F at I�ast equal <br /> ��lue. <br /> Lender's Right�v Ent�r. Lender and Lender's agents and rep�-esentati�es may enter upon the Real Property at a!I <br /> reasvnable times to a��end to Lender's interes�s and �a inspect the Rea! Property �ar purposes �� TfLiS�OC�S <br /> compliance wi�h�he terms and conditians of this Deed o�Trust. <br /> Cvmplianca with Governmental Requ�remen#s. Trustvr shall promptly camply wi�h a[I laws, vrdin�n�es, and <br /> regula�ions, naw or hereaft�r in effect. o� a!! g���rnmen�a� authvri�i�s applicable x❑ the us� ❑r ocGupancy a��he <br /> Prop�r�y. �rustor may cQn�es�En good �aith any�u�h�avv, ordinance, ar regulation and wi�thhold compli�nce during <br /> any proceeding, including appropriate app�als, s� Eong as Trus�pr has not��ied L�nder tn writing priar �o doing so <br /> and so long as, in Lend�r's s�le apinivn, �.ender's in�erests in�he �'roperty are nat jevpardi�ed. Lender�riay requ�re <br /> �'rustvr to post adequate se�uri�y vr a sure�y bond� reasonably sa�tisfactvey�v Lend�r,to proteGt Lender's in�erest. <br /> Duty to Pro�ect. Trus�or agre�s nei�her to abandon or lea�� una��ended �he Praper�y. Trustar shai� do ai! other <br /> acts, in addition�o those acts se�forth abvWe in�h�is sec�ian. which�rom�he charaG�er and use�f�he Property are <br /> reasvnably necessary to pra�e��and preser�e th� Pr�perty. <br /> DUE�N SALE-G�NSENT BY LENQER. Lender may, ��Lend�r's op�ion, d��lar� immediat�iy du� and payabie a�� sums <br /> se�ured by�his ❑eed o�Trust upnn'th� sale❑�t�ans�F�r, withou�Lend�r's priar writ�en�ans�n'�, n'�all ar any �a�rt a��he <br /> Real Prvper�y, ❑r any interes'�in�he Reai Praper�y. A "sa�e or�ranster" means the can�eyan�� of Real P�aper�y t�r any <br /> right, �i�le ❑r in�erest in the Real Property; wh��her l�gal, benefiGiai vr equi�able; whe�her �oluntary or in�t�Iuntary; <br />